PRC 1969 03 06 , ......,'. ' .' !'r"::'0' '. '. -<, , ( , ,~ ::Ii ' ,:11 .",,' ;'\, , f ~" ~l J: i~ .( l' , ~ ",.' '.1 ~, .~w ",: ). '~L: .". " '~"" ;1, ,~: fl. "f,{- '~':', . :f.' i".' /~" :{';~.' j~/' 'j~j~~ ~:,. 1;::'("": ' ;: ...,. '." ~'(~" :i', tit~'.,< ,.' ,:t' (, } /: ~' ''l '.\, PARK AND RECREATION CO~~ISSION MEETING March 6, 1969, 8:00 p.m. \ , tJ} ,~ The following members were present: Will, Berk Rodgers, Sally deLancey. Wolff were absent. Ed Seim, Merv Eisel, Harvey Gladys McCary and Steve .. Due to a misunderstanding of the Louis Woitalla bill on the hockey rink, a motion was made by Berk Rodgers and seconded by Harvey Will that the amount of the bill should be amended to be $290.50. Motion carried. PARK PLAN: Ed Seim reported that the Planning Commission approved of the park plan in general but because so few Planning Commission members were present at the meeting the Commission would delay a formal wording of approval until next week. Harvey Will w,ill represent tlw Park and Hecreation at ,the Industrial Crnnmission meeting. SOFT BALL FIELD: John Bender and Roy Roeser spoke in behalf of an adult soft ball field possibly in the area behind the Village Hall. They ,mentioned the Legion Field is too rough and sCheduiing practice time and games is almost impossible. There are four local teams that need a place to'play. A motion was made by Sally deLancey and seconded by Berk ROdgers that John Bender and Roy Roeser will investigate the possibility of constructing a ball field west of the hockey rink. Harvey , Will will oversee this project. Motion carried. RECREATION: Sally deLancey reported on committee meeting. Mr. Richard Wilson from the Minnetonka-Hopkins Recreation Program presented suggestions in, planning a recreational program. Sally also reported swimming lessons at West Junior High will be $4.00 per student for ten lessons. A motion was made by Sally deLancey an<;l seconded by Harvey Will that the Park and Recreation ask Ron Mielke to be our summer recreational director at a salary of $900.00 for an eight week program. This will include pre-planning meetings with the recreational committee. Motion carried. WESTERN HILLS PRELIMINARY PLAT: Torn Klingelhutz presented his preliminary plat and after much discussion a motion was made b~\ Sally deLancey and seconded by Harvey Will that the Park and Recreation Commission approve the preliminary plat for the Western Hills Addition with the following recommendations and considerations: 1. That the proposed parking area be eliminated in favor of a i . wider access corridor on the north side. 2. That approval of the plan with the pUblic-private boundarie~' without separation by roadways is given only because natural' boundaries are present. Motion carried. ~-:; 3.,: ~~~'>' l" ~J,( ;';1. il ~i ":i 'f. l :t'\ ,",':2. ; . !_:, , , ;').> , J J .ir ,:'f j<.\' 'f ',* ' IJ( t' :1 I I fi ~ '.j . 't :'~";'- ..i '~ . t' tJ , '\ 'i... i,> ~ ,~" .~:J~. ~, r.< ~lf, ~-(~ ~!\.?",',k -~.....~ ,~~~ ~ \:.:: f-.\.,. ~j/':' f.':^; t~~,::f: i4,r ; ~~:,: Park and Recreation Commission, March 6, 1969 -2- WESTERN HILLS: Everyone on the Park and Recreation Commission .j, was in favor of the Western Hills plan - typical comments are ~' as follows: Laudatory comment for the careful consideration of landscape and open space incorporated within the Hansen & Klingelhut~ . Western Hills plat design. We feel that considering dedicat.ed~' open space first before designing a plat is the only sensible . ','; approach toward urban and park planning. The Park and Recreation would like to commend Hansen & Klingelhutz for their approach in planning the Western Hills Addition and their generous contribution to the overall Park and Recreation. plan of the Village of Chanhassen. Through their ingenious method of plat arrangement they have been able to provide more open spaces for the inhabitants without incurring a cloistered atmosphere. The approach of using a landscape architect to do preliminary planning is certainly an enlightening change from the normal exploitation approach. Herv Eisel will acquire a copy of lOA Plan for Recreational Trails In the Minnesota River Valley" from Mr. Ryberg for the Park and Recreation Commission. SENIOR CITIZENS; A motion'was made by Sally deLancey and seconged by Harvey Will that Marietta Littfin order a timer for the Senior Citizens Grow Light. Motion carried. . PHOTO AND ART CONTEST:. Announcement of the contests have been ,~ entered in the Chaska, Minnetonka Sun and Maverick newspapers. Ribbons have been ordered and a judge has offered his services. Our Chairman has again urged each of us to write to Senator Metcalf on the Sewer Bill No. 159. Meeting adjourned. Rosemary \'Vill Secretary ~ ".. .