PRC 1969 04 03 .__CI'.-'5,- - / /1 PARK AND ~CREATI9~ 96MMISSION MEETING Aprll 3, 1~69, at 8:00 p.m. ., ~. The fol~owing members were present: Ed Seim, Gladys McCary, Harvey Will, Berk Rodgers, Merv Eisel, and Steve Wolf. Sally deLancey was absent. MINUTES: The minutes of the March 20 meeting were amended as follows: Fee for Guitar Lessons per season eight weeks is $12.50 advanced students and $10.00 beginner students. OAKMONT: Mr. Seim, Chairman, turned the meeting over to Mr. Lybeck regarding changes in Oakmont plat. Mr. Lybeck explained; 1. Smallest lot 14,000 square feet. 2. Small 4.94 acre play area including two tennis courts and swimming pool private to area. 3. Nine hole golf course approximately 1,456,500 square feet, $100,000 layout, membership fee to those people that own a lot at a lower cost. Also available to public but more expensive. 4. Bridal paths - to be used as buffer zone between lots - maintained by association.of Oakmont. Trees to be preserved except where building. 5. Engineer has soil tested almost all lots. 6. Control of home by covenant (acceptable to Oakmont Association and Attorney) . Discussion: ~Mr. Seim asked if basements would produce Village problems? Mr. Scheff, Planning Commission, stated that as Park Commission representativ had no right or privilege to ask this question. .. ... Mr. Eisel stated the Park and Recreation's concern with lake pollution and park preservation more than sewage. Mr. Lybeck stated he cannot give up lakeshore financially unless the Village is prepared to buy all the plat and feels that public opinion woula not support a bond issue. Mr. Lybeck feels golf course better than open space. He is also convinced people want smaller lots. Mr. Scheff pro ceded to tell the Park and Recreation that we had no right to challenge Mr. Lybeck at the open public meeting. He stated that we are intruding on the Planning Commission's area of concern. He also stated that both commission's should have been working together before the public meeting. Mr. Will reviewed the Park and Recreation's aspirations for this lake. Stating again it was the only available facility left at this point of development. With approval of the Park Study and hopefully a bond issue some consideration will be given to future generation needs. Mr. Rodgers reiterated that our purpose is not "prices" but to try in some reasonable manner to acquire the only whole lake for Village of Chanhassen. Mr. ~eim c~lled on Mr. Brauer of Brauer and Associates to give the Park s basls for open ~pace planning for this lake. ~~~~s:~~~er presented hlS credentials and recommendations to gentlemen 1. Gav~ ap~r~isal of Minneapolis City lakes original acqUisition, avallablllty to all the prople and assessed value of all homes surrounding. . w- ~_.. >\ Park and Recreation Commission, April 3, 1969 -2- 2. Stated that our sights are on future needs of other peoples coming to this Village and. recreational facilities needed now and then with economy in mind for all. ~ Mr. Lybeck agreed but also, stated he owned this lake area and has alloted 20% open space and this is not his desire for this area. He also stated that he disagrees with cluster area living referred to. Mr. Lybeck stated he would not give up the lake without giving up the whole area also felt public golfing would attract to this area. Mr. Brauer pointed out that open space is why people are moving here. It becomes the responsibility of all to maintain it. Mr. Brauer suggested that the Planning Commiss~on check the Conservation Commission mean high water level of Lake Ann. Mr. Scheff stated that the Chamber of Commerce approved the plat and asked a letter written by Mr. Scholer to the Chamber be added to our minutes for a rebuke of Park's behavior. Mr. Will commented that the letter by Mr. Scholer to the Chamber of Commerce was in very bad taste and even derogatory. He questioned even including it in the minutes because it was not properly signed by anybody. Mr. Lybeck stated his purchase price would be $l million, but cannot see how his plat can be held up when it has been planned to benefit Chanhassen. At this point Mr. Lybeck left. ( Mr. Will stated the Chamber represents only the business people and we are trying to represent the needs of all the people. The Chamber is concerned about the here and now and we are concerned about the future as well. """'" ~. Mr. Scheff stated again that Park and Recreation was out of order to come with our views to the public 'hearing. .v Mr. ~rauer again stated the points that the Park would like to stress: 1. Mr. Lybeck has spent money but so has the Village. The Comprehensive Park Study and Generalized Guide Plan have both been in proce~s for some time, therefore an interim hold is appropriate on development proposals. This type of hold is not unrealistic. 2. Mr. Lybeck's plan is not in the public interest today. It is not progressive. It is the same type planning presented historically in 1946. 3. It is obvious that a golf course architect did not design the golf course layout. This layout violated the first elementary principal of golf course layout - clo~kwise movement. The greatest number of golfers are.sl~cers hence a clockwise motion of play keeps the sl~cers o~ golf course property. Mr. Lybeck's propos~ls expoun a rincipal of counter-clockwise movement wh~ch would greatly ~ompound control and conflict of adjac~nt pr~p~rty owners. As a result of both the location of th~s fa~111ty a~d the proposed layout, this would neve~.be a qual1ty publ1c golf 4. ~~~r~~~ey developers that are knowledgable of develop=~nt trends are proposing lakeshore areas as open space. . . Lybeck's proposal, as submitted, is a short term (5-1? year maximum) proposal. Mr. Lybeck's proposal would curta11 ..."" Park and Recreation Commission, April 3, 1969 -3- ,.... public use of lake to a few. 5. Would a thinking attorney support Mr. Lybeck's proposal because long term benefits of public interest are not represented in the proposed plan? The lakeshore belongs only to a few. Brauer and his associate left the meeting. Mr. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES: A motion was made by Berk Rodgers and seconded by Steve Wolf that $30.00 per month be transferred from Park and Recreation Funds to General Fund to cover administrative expenses and paper work. Motion carried. BILLS: The following bills were approved for payment: C. W. Siewert - $25.00: $10.00 piano repair and $15.00 tuning Marietta Littfin - $8.31: Senior Citizen Glo-light Harvey Will - $5.19: Plastic waste basket, ping pong net and brackets for teen center HISTORICAL COMMITTEE: A motion was made by Ed Seim and seconded by Steve Wolf that Mrs. Ralph Thrane be appointed as Chairman of Historical Committee under direction of Mr. Merv Eisel. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, r,-... '" Gladys McCary for Rosemary Will';' ,'V ,~