PRC 1969 04 17 l~ r f \:, t; , L ' !~ ~ ,k! " " ~ ;, ' ~~~:, r':!~; ," ~ I ...~_.~."....-.._.._,-~ ':'''1,... I' i ',:', ~ \:" """ PARK AND RECREATioN COMMISSION,MEETING April 17, 1~9, at 8:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Ca~irman Ed Seim. The following members were present: Steve Wolf, Sally deLancey, Harvey Will, Ed Seim, and Gladys McCary. Berk R~dgers and Merv Eisel were absent. The meeting was turned over to Mr. Robert Broderson fo~puggesti~ns, concerning the Art Fair. 1. Bring in outside t~lent. Work of other artists plus local talent. ' 2. Local taleot along with trade from downtown arear~mphasized. 3. People interested in and want to buy original wor~s. 4. Failures usually are the intercommunity small shows with no outside participation. ~ motion was made by Harvey Will and seconded by Steve Wolf that the Park and Recreation replan, reorganize for a fall Art Festival involving Chamber and cancel the plans for this spring. The following voted'in favor: Steve Wolf, Sally deLancey, Harvey Will, and Gladys McCary. Ed Seim voted no. Motion carried. TEEN CENTER: Basil Equipment made delivery of pool table April 5t~" for teen center. Check on collections to be made by Gladys McCary.}, BILLS: Approve paymenu of Sear's bill for $60.42 for Ping Pong table and supplies. Approve payment for coke machine $52.06. Approve payment for $9.45, ribbons for photography show.' ~pprove bill of $1.75 every two months for trash, garbag~ disposal1 .:..- MINUTES: _~he minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. , " Ed Seim will draft letter to Mrs. Thrane concerning her appointment", to Historical Committee and invite her to a commission meeting so both can share ideas. SU~R RECREATION: Outline preliminary recreational program forms to"bEf publicized via Maverick and distributed through schoolf;i^this, ne~t week. Purpose: survElf community needs, interest, and desire, i4. Ed Seim suggested that we hhve a spe~ific report of activities. to Rec:eattonal Committee f~om Mr. Mielke, first week after pr9~ram beg~ns, fqur weeks later and a final permanent report at end of se<;lson. Sally deLancey stated that Mr, Mielke to set up registration'prepaI;'atior for Village. '" C~mmission agreed that Council to be informed o~ permanent ar~ange~~nts f,or summer recreational activities when regtstration and plans,itl completed ',/), r' SENIOR CITIZENS: Planting started by senior citizens. citizens interested in helping with senior citizens. "'<'j. :1<1-' Need additfonal ~'~ BABE RUTH: This activity has been no sponsors. Harvey Will had been pr~gram is not Park and Recreation Will as a public service. Advisory - Ron Roeser Coach - Ji~ Swendsen Sponsor - Harry Kerber . ,;i , dr.opped by the Legi<f~ because of' " contacted by the Leg~on. This' activity but organized by Harvey .f .~i ".. ~ Park anq Recreation, April 17, 1969 -2- . . Richard Lyman reported on proposed state park. ~ Discussion was held on county park plans and our park plan interests. Sally deLancey recommended that Ed Seim write a letter,)o Mr. Orwirr Pierson, County Planning Con@ission, to appear on their agenda second Wednesday in May. The Park and Recreation Commission agreed to accept Pollution Ordinance in'~~s pr~liminary draft. No negative votes. A motion was made by Sally deLancey and seconded by Harvey Will to ask the Planning Commission to adopt lakeshore ordinance prohibiting any future building and septic systems within 300 feet of all remaining open lakeshore. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned 11:30 p.m. Gladys McCary Secretary ....",. " .".,. " ....",. ,.; )' ~.,. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING April 17, 1969, at 8:00 p.m. i'f~~ The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ed Seim. The following members were present: Steve Wolf, Sally deLancey, Harvey Will, Ed Seim, and Gladys McCary. Berk Ro~gers and Merv Eisel were absent. The meeting was turned over to Mr. Robert Broderson fou suggestions concerning the Art Fair. 1. Bring in outside talent. Work of other artists plus local talent. 2. Local talent along with trade from downtown ar~a.emphasized. ' 3. People interested in and want to buy original works. 4. Failures usually are the intercommunity small shows with no outside participation. A motion was made by Harvey Will and seconded by Steve Wolf that the Park and Recreation replan, reorganize for a fall Art Festival involving Chamber and cancel the plans for this spring. The following voted in favor: Steve Wolf, Sally deLancey, Harvey Will, and Gladys McCary. Ed Seim voted no. Motion carried. TEEN CENTER: Basil Equipment made delivery of pool table April 5th for teen center. Check on collections to be made by Gladys McCary. ",.... BILLS: Approve payment of Sear's bill for $60.42 for Ping Pong table and supplies. Approve payment for coke machine $52.06. Approve payment for $9.45, ribbons for photography show. Approve bill of $1.75 every two months for trash, garbage disposal. MINUTES:~' The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. ~:r Ed Seim will draft letter to Mrs. Thrane concerning her appointment to Historical Committee and invite her to a commission meeting so both can share ideas. of". SUMMER RECREATION: Outline preliminary recreational program forms to be publicized via Maverick and distributed through schools this next week. Purpose: survey community needs, interest, and desires. Ed Seim suggested that we have a specific report of activities to Recreational Committee from Mr. Mielke, first week after program begins, four weeks later and a final permanent report at end of season. Sally deLancey stated that Mr. Mielke to set up registration preparati< for Village. Commission agreed that Council to be informed of permanent arrangement~ for summer recreational activities when registration and plans completed. SENIOR CITIZENS: Planting started by senior citizens. Need additionaJ citizens interested in helping with senior citizens. ~ BABE RUTH: This activity has been dropped by the Legion because of no sponsors. Harvey Will had been contacted by the Legion. This program is not Park and Recreation activity but organized by Harvey Will as a public service. Advisory - Ron Roeser Coach - Jim Swendsen Sponsor - Harry Kerber ... <(. ( . ( ~. .," Ie ;;~ , _,,'1; Park anQ Recreation, April 17, 1969 -2- . Richard Lyman reported on proposed state park. "~ ...."I Discussion was held on county park prans and our park plan interests. Sally deLancey recommended that Ed Seim wri t~ a letter 1;0 Mr,. Orwin Pierson, County Planning Commission, to appear on their agenda second Wednesday in May. The Park and Recreatfon Commission agreed to accept Pollution Ordinance in'i~s preliminary draft. No negative votes. A motion was made by Sally deLancey and seconded by Harvey Will to ask the Planning Commission to adopt lakeshore ordinance prohibiting any future building and septic systems within 300 feet of all remaining open lakeshore. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned 11:30 p.m. Gladys McCary Secretary """'" , ." ....."