PRC 1969 05 01
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May 1, 1969, at 8:00 p.m.
The following members were present: Ed Seim, Sally deLancey,
Harvey Will, Gladys McCary, and Steve Wolf. Berk Rodgers was
Visitors present were Mrs. Ralph Thrane and Ron Mielke. I
Mr. Ron Mielke was present to collect the survey reports that were
filled out at. the various schools for the Summer Recreation
The Minutes of the last meeting were approved as read.
BILLS: A motion was made by Harvey Will and seconded by Steve
Wolf to pay James Shermock the remainder of salary due him
in the amount of $30.00. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Gladys McCary and seconded by Harvey Will
to pay Ted deLancey $8.50 for survey reports reproduced by
the United Mailing Corporation. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Harvey Will and seconded by Gladys McCary
that the Park and Recreation authorize the purchase of a backstop
for the baseball field from Tr.opin Playground Equipment, St. Cloud,
Minnesota, number 20-10, at a price of $183.00 plus shipping
cost. Motion carried. Harvey Will will inform Mr. Mielke to
order backstop for baseball field.
A motion was made by Harvey Will and seconded by Sally deLancey
to temporarily install this backstop on the Chanhassen Elementary
School playground with the approval of Mr. McMillen. Motion
PUBLIC HEARING: The public hearing on the Park Study will be held
Monday, May 12 at 8:00 p.m. at the Chanhassen Elementary School
Gym. All Park and Recreation Commission members are asked to be
present by 7:30 p.~:
Procedures for advertising hearing as follows: Special invitations
will be sent to neighboring officials and Chanhassen officials.
Park and Recreation members to invite friends and ask them to
bring a car load of friends.
Each member is to make a list of names and phone numbers of friends
they wish to have called and reminded of the-public hearing.
This list should be taken to the Village Hall by Wednesday,
May 7th and given to Lynette who will make these calls,
Display posters will be worked on Saturday morning. Ed Seim offered
to put them up.
Flyers will be ordered and sent out with the Maverick A motion
was made by Harvey Will and seconded by Gladys order
6,000 flyers printed to stuff in the Maverick. Motion carried.
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Park and Recreation, May 1, 1969
A ~otion was made by Gladys McCary and seconded by Steve Wolf
to authorize Sally deLancey to withdraw.$60.00 from Park and
Recreation funds for advertising for the Park Study hearing.
Motion carried.
Harvey Will will invite the teenagers to the 'Park Study hearing.
HISTORICAL COMMITTEE: Mrs. Thrane was present to inquire about
procedures and information pertaining to the Historical Committee.
Mrs. Thrane reported having a donor for a tape recorder and tapes
to use for interviewing older residents.
Rich Lyman will be asked to work with Mrs. Thrane as advisor.
A motion was made by Ed Seim and seconded by Gladys McCary'to
authorize expenditure of up to $50.00 for Mrs. Thrane to purchase
materials needed for Historical Committee. Motion carried.
Procedures for Organizing the Historical Committee:
1. Look toward next year as far as budget is concerned.
2. Contact Senior Citizens for information.
3. Collect current history.
4. Establish a picture folio to help people remember.
A motion was made by Sally deLancey and seconded by Steve Wolf
to ask the Council to establish legal procedures for acceptance
of gifts (ie. park lands, historical items, etc.). Motion carried.
RESIGNATION:, Ed Seim announced that Merv Eisel had written a
letter of resignation.
Sally deLancey announced that Mrs. Littfin has asked to be replaced
as Director of Senior Citizens by the end of this school year.
~ally deLancey will write a letter of thanks to Mrs. Littfin
for her services.
OPEN HOUSE: Senior Citizens will have open house on Thursday,
May 22 from 1:00 to 4:3n and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. to display what
they have accomplished during the year.
Gladys McCary will furnish a bouquet of flowers. Park and Recreation
members will supply refreshments.
Steve Wolf - 4 dozen cookies and two loaves of banana bread
Harvey Will - 2 dozen rolls
Berk Rod~ers - 3 dozen bar cookies.
Food should be brought to Village Hall before" 12:00 noon.
Ed Seim's resignation was discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m.
Rosemary Will