PRC 1969 06 05
June 5, 1969, at 8:00 p.m.
~The following members were present: Steve Wolf, Gladys McCary,
Harvey -Will, and Sally deLancey. Berk Rodgers was absent.
Visitors: Conrad Fiskness and Don Slather.
MINUTES: The minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission
meeting for May 15 were approved.
BILLS: Kay Klingelhutz will speak to Ron Mielke to clarify
salary payment for Brenda Baker and Janet KerQer.
A motion was made by Sally deLancey and seconded by Gladys McCary
to pay the following bills:
$29.40 for Art Fair to Maverick
$25.25 for coke machine
$ 3.00 for poster hoard to Maverick
$ 3.05 for additional food for Senior Citizens Open House
Motion unanimously approved.
Gladys McCary will speak to Ron Mielke about hiring Debbie Huskins
as a part time assistant for the Recreation Program.
BUDGET: A discussion was held on the budget report prepared by
Harvey Will and submitted to Mayor Coulter as requested by Mayor
Coulter. An estimated overrun of $884.00 was shown.
~ GUITAR LESSONS: Sally deLancey reported Mrs. Evelyn Winters has
not submitted her time card therefore cannot be paid. She will
again be reminded of this necessity by the Secretary.
YOUTH CENTER: Harvey Will will inform the members of the youth
center that it is closed for the school term until further arrangements
are made.
Harvey Will will also write a letter to Mr. Basil thanking him
for his cooperation in the use of the pool table and pinball
machine and that they can now be removed because of the closing
of the center.
REGISTRATION: It was estimated that 150 children signed up for
the Recreation Program at a total income of $464.00 to date.
SENIOR CITIZENS: Sally deLancey reported over 100 people visited
the Senior Citizen Open House and thanked Park and Recreation
Commission members for their cooperation.
Sally also reported that Rev. Lorenz may be interested in workin~
with Senior Citizens.
CARVER BEACH: Harvey Will will contact the residents of the Carver
Beach area as to their interest in developing a tot lot in that area.
~ di~cussion was held on the possibility of developing tot lots
ln dlfferent areas. It was decided that the Chanhassen Elementary
School playground would be given priority and the Carver Beach
area as second priority. An estimated $500.00 would be alloted
for each area.
Park and Recreation Minutes, June 5, 1969
Steve Wolf will contact Mr. McMillen about the temporary
installation of Park and Recreation playground equipment to -,.
supplement the equipment presently being installed by the District.
PLANNER: A discussion was held on the date of the bond ~lection,
what our next commitment to Brauer and Associates will be. It
was decided to choose a date for the bond election at our next
meeting and the recommended date be passed on to the Council.
Sally deLancey,suggested some pros and cons as to when the bond
election should be held. If held this summel people are not too
involved with other issues. If held in the fall we could save
money by having it at the same time the Village has its election.
Support from HUD apparently
of 20 acres or more. These
money would be reimbursed.
three to six months.
is going to communities planning parks
areas must be purchased first before
Reimbursement could be expected within
Harvey Will will contact Owner of sheep pasture on south shore
of Lake Minne~ashta to inform the owner of our desire to purchase
this land for park purposes. Park and Recreation will request
time on the County Commission~r's agenda to ask for County aid
in developing this area after plans have been firmed up for a
Commission unanimously approved Harvey Will as Chairman and Sally
deLancey as Vice Chairman.
HOCKEY RINK LIGHT: Harvey Will will contact Mr. Schneider on
the possibility of leaving the light where it is until it can
be installed at the hockey rink. Stemmer Electric installed the
INSURANCE: Roger Hennessy is handling the insurance for the
Recreation program. Kay Klingelhutz will present the Park and
Recreation with a written memo explaining the insurance coverage
for the Recreation Program both in the Village and if children
are transported outside the Village.
ORDINANCE: A discussion on the apparent conflice in Ordinance #14
section 1 concerning options. A decision was made to ask the
Village Administrator to seek clarification from the Village
Attorney. Park and Recreation would like this information by
June 17th.
NEW MEMBERS: Mr. Don Slather and Mr. Conrad Fiskness were present
and expressed an interest in becomingmembe~s.
MEETING NIGHT CHANGED: It was decided to change the Park and
Recreation meeting night to the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each
month to.accommodate potential new members.
It was decided in order to establish better communications with
the Council the Park and Recreation will rotate members at the
Park and Recreation Minutes, June 5, 1969
regular Council meetings which are held on the 3rd Monday of the
Harvey Will reported that the Planning Commission suggested a
summary of important details (that do not appear in the ~inutes)
be attached to the minutes.
Meeting adjourned 10:10 p.m.
Rosemary Will