PRC 1969 07 22 ,- ~~ I ! k Jill" fI1'" ... PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING July 22, 1969, at 8:00 p.m. The following members were present: Harvey Will, Steve Wolf, Sally deLancey, Don Slathar, and Gladys McCary. Conrad Fiskness and Berk Rodgers were absent. Visitors: Arnie Weimerskirch and Mayor Coulter. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Harvey Will. MINUTES: The fOllowing corrections were made in the minutes of the July 1st meeting. 1. Mrs. Thrane was to contact Anne Neils for historical information. 2. Mrs. Thrane and Harvey Will will inquire if membership in the State Historical Society is necessary to acquire federal and state funds for the Chanhassen Historical Committee. A motion was made by Gladys McCary and seconded by Steve Wolf to approve the July 1st minutes as amended. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: Harvey Will reported Jaycees. No teenagers were present Harvey the morning of the meeting. to study the need. on June 21 meeting with until called personally by The Jaycees will continue CARVER BEACH: The Carver Beach area was discussed. Plans are in process for transferring the Carver Beach Association property to the Village of Chanhassen. COUNTY COMMISSION: The Park and Recreation members will attend a meeting of the County Commission to recommend a County Park Board and discuss the possibility of the Chanhassen Village and County uniting in the purchase of property for park use. Meeting date will be July 29th at 10:00 a.m. Steve Wolf to inquire from the Administrator about Slze of property being considered. TOT LOT: Steve Wolf and Sally deLancey will work together on plans for a tot lot at Carver Beach and possibly more equipment at the Elementary School. Harvey Will to find out about poles. HOCKEY RINK: The Council will study the possibility of installing a hydrant near the hockey rink for the purpose of flooding the rink. The hockey rink will be painted Saturday morning at 9:00 July 26th. Much help is needed. All members are asked to be present and bring a friend. Harvey Will will inquire about property to be donated for park use. Gladys ~cCary will write a letter of commendation to Ron Mielke and his staff on the fine summer program and submit an article on the same subject to Maverick and Sun. NEW MEMBERS: The Council approved Don Slathar and Conrad Fiskness as new members to the Park and Recreation Commission. #" Park and Recreation, July 22, 1969 -2- The Council give the Park and Recreation final approval of the park study. ( ~\ The Chairman :irculated a letter from the Metropolitan Council to the Villag ~ Administrator concerning the compatibility of the Park Study wi ,h the Metropolitan Council open space plan. ...) The Council r :commended the Bond Issue be held the first Tuesday in November. Harvey Will to notify Mr. Brauer also ask for a map of the Park Study (Plate 9) for public display. Steve Wolf reoorted on meeting with Planning Commission. A motion was male by Sally deLancey and seconded by Don Slathar to purchase a four drawer, steel, lock type, full suspension filing cabine: and pendaflex frame, dividers, pendaflex folders and manilla f)lders for a purchase price not to exceed $125.00 by our next m3eting, August 5th. Motion carried. Gladys McCary will handle t1e transaction. BUDGET: A bulget meeting will be held after public hearing on July 29th. REVOLVING FUKJ: Harvey Will to talk to Brauer about revolving fund and if j~is legal. Steve Wolf ard Don Slathar to discuss purchase of property under consideratior for park use. ( Sally deLanc~y to inquire about information on the benefits and methods of dcnating land. ...", MEETING ROTATION: Don Slathar - Council meeting, August 18. Conrad FisknEss - Planning Commission meeting, August 12. GRANTS: Dis(ussion was held on acquiring grants. It was decided to invite BaJry Peterson to meeting on August 19th at 8:30. RESIGNATION: A motion was made by Steve Wolf and seconded by Don Slathar that the Pa~k and Recreation officially accept the resignation (f Berk Rodgers. Motion carried. JOHNSON'S RE~JRT: Harvey Will was contacted by Dick Harvey of Streeter-Andl ~nd informed that Johnson property on Lotus Lake was for sale for $15,000 for one and one-half acres. All members unanimously ( jreed not to pursue this property. (, MEETINGS: July 29th - 1 ~dget meeting after public hearing. August 5th - Park and Recreation meeting at 7:30 for purpose of setting up filing system. August 19th - Park and Recreation meeting. July 29th - i~ounty Commission 10 :00 a.m. """'" Rosemary Will Secretary