PRC 1969 08 19
August 5, 1969, at 7:30 p.m.
The following members were present: Sally deLancey, Gladys
McCary, Harvey Will, Don Slathar, and-Conrad Fiskness. Steve
Wolf was absent.
Visitor: Tom Gabbert.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Harvey Will.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Sally deLancey and seconded by
Don Slathar to approve the minutes of the July 22 meeting.
Motion carried.
COUNTY COMMISSION: Sally deLancey reported that the Chanhassen
Village Park and Recreation Commission recommended to the County
Commissioners that the County Board set up a County Park Board
with perhaps five members plus back-up men.
The County Board reported that County aerial maps are completed
and available for study.
HOCKEY RINK: The Jaycees contacted Harvey Will and stated that
they would take over painting the hockey rink. Jerry VanGundy
will supervise the job. Harvey will acquire the necessary paint
and equipment for the job.
FILING CABINET: The filing cabinet ordered from Sears will be
~ delivered next week.
LETTER: Gladys McCary submitted the letter of commendation
written to Ron Mielke and his staff. The letter was submitted
to the Maverick and the Sun Newspaper for publishing.
. BRAUER: Mr. Brauer was informed of the Park and Recreation Bond
Issue Election to be held on the first Tuesday of November.
Members are asked to thorougnly review the Park Study. A display
map (plate 9) is being prepared for display in the Village Hall.
BILLS: A motion was made by Gladys McCary and seconded by Conrad
Fiskness to pay Mr. Dan Kerber $5.00 for mowing weeds in and around
the hockey rink. Motion carriea.
BUDGET: All members present agreed that the budget, as prepared
on July 29th, be presented to the Council along with a progress
report of the past period. Sally deLancey to prepare the report.
A discussion was held on lake access problems. Tom Gabbert will
inquire about regulations used in Deephaven.
Gladys McCary will invite Ron Mielke to our August 19th meeting
for a final summer report.
Don Slathar - August 18th, Council meeting.
Conrad Fiskness - August 12th, Planning Commission meeting.
Park and Recreation, August 5, 1969
Sally deLancey will invite Barry PetersQn to Park and Recreation
meeting on September 2.
The County Board asked the Park and Recreation to suggest a
candidate from Carver County to serve on the ~etropolitan Open
Space Commission. Richard Lyman's name was recommended. 'Sally
deLancey will write a letter with this recommendation.
A motion was made by Conrad Fiskness and seconded by Gladys
McCary that the Council appoint Arnold Weimerskirch to the Park
and Recreation Commission. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Rosemary Will
..,. .,.-f'
August 19, 1969, at 7:30 p.m.
The following members were present: Harvey Will, Sally deLancey,
conrad Fiskness, Don Slathar, Steve Wolf, Gladys McCary, and
Arnie Weimerskirch.
visitor: Mayor Coulter.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Harvey Will.
The first order of business was to set up filing cabinets.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Conrad Fiskness and seconded by
Don Slathar to approve the minutes of the August 5th meeting.
Motion carried.
BILLS: A motion was made by Steve Wolf and seconded by Gladys
McCary to approve a bill of $79.98 for filing cabinet and supplies.
Motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS: A final report on the Summer Program was turned in
by Ron Mielke as follows: "The recreation program began June 10
and ran through July 31, 1969. Registration for the program was
held on June 4, 1969. The cost per child was $4.00 and $10.00 per
The following activities were offered as part of the program:
baseball, tennis, archery, softball, crafts, little theater,
dancing, and story hour.
There were three special event days. Field Day, Wheel Parade,
and Hobo Day. I felt that the turnout was good for the last two.
The poor response of the Field Day may have been the result of
poor communication. Also the S.R.A. Puppet Wagon came twice.
The turnout for this was also quite good.
We had three baseball and two girls softball games with Excelsior.
I feel the children had a lot of fun doing this.
Recommendations for next years program:
1. Tennis facilities be made available in Chanhassen. I feel
there would be a big response if the courts were closer.
2. Have the school commit themself on the use of the stage
for little theater.
3. Hire arts and crafts instructor early so she can order
supplies and attend the crafts school sponsored by Gagers.
4. Find some parents willing to work on a baseball prugram
for the older boys. Teams could be formed and games scheduled
between these teams.
5. Limit T-Ball to boys ages 7-9. The boys would be more
physically mature and get more out of it.
6. Have two groups for softball, both boys and girls. The
younger children could play kickball or similiaI qame3 ana
older softball.
7. ~~~e director mor~ tim~ to organize tournaments and contests.
l~ ~o~ld also glve hlm more time to oversee the other
8. Have cards to make it easier to identify children in the
Ih~o~ld like to thank the Commission for the fine cooperation
WtlCt ~hey extended to me in organizing and getting the program
;har e. I found you to be very helpful in planning the program.
e success of the program was due to your help and cooperation."
Park and Recreation Minutes, August 19, 1969
Inventory for Summer Program:
6 - Hard Balls (rubber coated)
2 Wiffle Balls
3 Batting Helmets
2 Wiffle Bats
2 Frisbee
1 Scoop Game
1 Chest Protector
1 Football
2 Playground Balls
1 Catchers Mit
2 Tetherball Sets
1 Soccer Ball
1 Volleyball and Net
2 Sets of Bases (rubber)
6 Shuttle Cocks
9 Bows
1 Shinguards
2 Hard Softballs
2 Soft Softballs
6 Bats
6 Hardballs
22 Tennis Balls
2 Horse Shoe Sets
1 Croquet Set
23 Arrows
4 Targets
1 Face Mask
2 Archery Targets
Hockey Rink painted by Jaycees is completed.
Gladys McCary will inquire if Summer Program employees have been paid.
She will also get a list of expenditures for summer program from
Ron Mielke.
REPORTS: Don Slathar reported on Council meeting. Rose Lane was
discussed. Arnold Weimerskirch was approved by the Council as
a member of the Park and Recreation Commission.
Conrad Fiskness reported on Planning Commission meeting. zoning
problems were discussed. Aerial base mcp will be available to
the Park and Recreation Commission.
Anne Neils was appointed on street sign design and naming committee.
The Park ana ~ecrea~ion Commission was asked to assign a member
to this committee. A motion was made by Sally deLancey and seconded
by Gladys McCary that Conrad Fiskness ~e assig~ed to the street
sign design and naming committee. Motlcn carrled.
. d Ian
Sally deLancey reported on Lybeck presentation. The reVlse ~
-has a dedication of 4,000 feet on Lake Ann. Exp~ct to have.hlgh
density building on 93 acres of the 186 acres WhlCh are avallable.
Park and Recreation Minutes, August 19, 1969
Ten acres would be for public use but ask that this acreage no~
~ be developed into an active recreation prea. Eleven acres on
Lake Lucy would be dedicated for private recreation use.
The Planning Commission requests comments from the Park and
Recreation Commission on thE revised Oakmont plan by August 26th.
A final decision will be macle after consulting with Mr. Brauer.
Comments made by members as follows:
Don Slathar: Feels the plar is good.
Arnie Weimerskirch: Need of more background but feels the plan
is good.
Conrad Fiskness: Feels the plan is a complete reversal of original
plan. Fe~~ls it is good.
Steve Wolf and Harvey will: Agree with the plan.
Sally deLancey: Would like to push for 100 feet for the benefit
of the people who will eventually live there.
Gladys McCary: The bouleva)"d sounds interesting is doubtful of
the parking facilities. Feels we should wait
for Mr. Brauer's answer.
A special meeting of Park arld Recreation members will be held on
Thursday, August 21 at 5:00 p.m. for a final decision on the
Oakmont plan.
NEW BUSINESS: A final deci~;ion on the Chicago symposium will
be made at the August 21 meeting. Reservations must be made by
August 29.
September 2nd - Park and Recreation meeting, Mr. Brauer present ~t
8:00 p.m.
August 26th - Planning Commission meeting. All Park and Recreation
members attend.
September 9th - Planning Commission meeting. Arnie Weimerskirch
to attend.
A motion was made by Gladys McCary and seconded by Arnie Weimerskirch
to adjourn. Meeting adjourned 11:00 p.m.
Rosemary will