PRC 1969 09 02 "'- -\;" ",-. PARK ANb RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING September 2, 1969, at 8:00 p.m. The following members were present: Sally deLancey, Conrad riskness, Arnie Weimerskirch, Don Slathar, Gladys McCary, steve Wolf, and Harvey Will. Visitor: Don Brauer. BOND ISSUE: Mr. Brauer presented an outline for necessary decisions before the approaching bond election as follows: 1. Bonding - Springsted, Inc: 2. Date of bond election. 3. Park acquisition sites for brochure. 4. Brochures - type - number - distribution. 5. Amount to spend and where. It was decided that Park and Recreation would set up a special meeting with Springsted, Inc., and the Council to formulate a clear understanding on bonding. The date of bond election will be November 3. It was decided not to specify sites but to sell a concept of a general area - acquisition only. 1. General vicinity of Lake Ann. 2. General vicinity of Lake St. Joe. 3. General vicinity of Lake Riley Pot Hole. Develop. ~ 1. Area behind Village Hall with possibilities of - Tennis Courts Hockey Rinks Ball Fields 2. Tot Lots Northern Minnewashta Area Develop behind Village Hall of which there are three acres 3. Develop a portion of major park area It was decided to acquire two prices on brochures and to order 3,000 copies. Method of distribution was not determined. It was decided to ask for $250,000 in the bond election of which $200,000 will be used for acquisition and $50,000 for development and other fees. ~ Mr. Brauer's obligation in connection with the bond election will be to see that the brochures are done properly as to art work and figures on the pamphlets. The cost of printing will be over contract cost. Mr. Brauer will also be available for consultation at Village meetings or hearing such as Park and Recreation or Council but not for small community type meetings, It wa~ su~gested that the Council, Commissions and various organlzatlons endorse the bond issue. Harvey will will contact Mr. Bra~er to deli~er marked up map - order 3,000 copies of brochures and acqulre two prices on brochures. MINUTES: A motion was made by Steve Wolf d d an secon ed by Gladys McCary to approve the Park and Recreation minutes of August 19 and 21. Motion carried. Park and Recreation, September 2, 1969 -2- t t BILLS: A motion was made by Gladys McCary and seconded by Arnie Weimerskirch to pay $10.50 to Dan Kerber for mowing land west of laundromat. Motion carried. --' BUDGET AND PROGRESS REPORT: Sally deLancey presented a budget and progress report to be presented to the Village Council. A motion was made by Harvey will and seconded by Don Slathar to approve the budget and report and to be submitted to the Village Administrator. Motion carried. The Park and Recreation Commission submits the following progress report to the Chanhassen Village Council to outline the park planning initiated, ordinances recommended by the Commission, recreational and educational programs initiated, studies made, suggestions made during the reporting period and visitors and consultants to the Commission. ( PARK PLANNING: Retained Brauer & Associates, Inc., as our park planning consultants Sent Ed Seim to annual Congress for Recreation and Parks, held at Seattle Designed landscape plan for Village Hall Toured Arboretum Worked with Carver Beach citizens regarding playlot and beach properties Selected plan for future Village park planning Asked Council for public hearing on selected park plan Held public hearing on Park Plan Asked Council to authorize bond election for park acquisition ~ and development Visited tot lot sites in Minneapolis and St. Paul ORDINANCE PROPOSALS: Drafted an environmental pollution control ordinance (sent to Village Administrator) Proposed Planning Commission adopt a Village Sanitary Bill similar to Bill #159 presented to 1969 Minnesota State Legislative session by Senator Metcalf. Proposed Planning Commission draft a Lakeshore and Waterways Ordinance (more restrictive than #159) STUDIES: Environmental pollution control Land and waterways acquisition and/or preservation - continuing study Soil conditions with regard to lake pollution Budgetary problems and estimates Village Hall landscaping c RECREA'rIONAL AND EDUCA'rIONAL PROGRAMS: Set up display table and maps at Open House, Village Hall Historical committee formed '. Constructed hockey rink west of village Hall. . Supported Bill S.F. 159 of 1969 Minnesota Leglslatlve session RECREATION: . Provided skating rink on Klingelhutz property north of shopplng center Purchased and installed a backstop at Chanhassen Elementary School -' f .. Park and Rec:eation, September 2, 1969 -3- Ield elementary school-age gymnasium activities from December 1968 - April 1969 Adult volleyball program held February. April 1969 in Chanhassen ~ Elementary gym. Beginning guitar instruction for all ages held February - May 1969 in Village Hall Provided an 8-week summer recreation program with 1 director and 3 assistants Arranged swimming and tennis instruction at West Junior High School ~ ~ '. Senior Center: "Gro-Lite" and timer purchased and presented to Senior Center. Free plants and instructions for use of the light were given by Merv Eisel. Provided piano and tuning for Senior Center Helped Center with an Open House in May, attended by more than 100 people Youth Center: Opened youth center in Village Hall Purchased table tennis equipment for Center Installed soft drink machine, pool table and pin ball machine Hired a manager for the Center SUGGESTIONS: Rustic signs advising that the Village is the "home" of the Arboretum for entrance signs Establish a historical library through the use of tapes, pictures, etc. .Establish committees to help with various Commission activities; i.e., recreation, public relations, planning and acquisition, historical, Arboretum, Sr. Center, Youth Center. Fill commission vacancies from these committees if possible. Chanhassen membership drive to develop greater local interest in the Arboretum and to help sponsor the Maple tree collection there. Work on beautification of Main street Establish a playlot in Carver Beach ,,\ Planning committee, consisting of Park and Recreation and Planning '\ . . \ Commission members to establish liaison between the two commlSSlons Sponsor Art and Photo Fairs County Commissioners establish a county park board I.ichard O. Lyman be appointed to Metropolitan Open Spaces Commission Sally deLancey be appointed to county park board Conrad Fiskness be appointed to sign design committee ~ Village Attorney and Administrator set up legal pattern for Park and Recreation Commission to accept gifts; i.e., land, waterways, historical items, etc. VISITORS: Donald Brauer, Planning Engineer, Brauer and Associates, Inc. ..Paul Fjare, Associate, Brauer and Associates, Inc. Marietta Littfin, Director Senior Center Elaine Jacques, Director Senior Center Planning Commission members Ronald Lybeck Mrs. Edith Herman, Arboretum Auxiliary member Joe Glaccum, Business Manager, Maverick newspaper Robert Broderson, artist, for suggestions regarding proposed Art Fair f , ( { " Park and Recreation, September 2, 1969 -4- ~ichard O. Lyman, Commissioner, re proposed State Park Mrs. Ralph Thrane, Chairman Historical Committee Tom Gabbert .' County Commissioners re County Park Board .-, Village Officials: Mayor Coulter, Cquncilmen Hill, Klingelhutz, BennyhOff, and Pearson, Adolph Tessness and Kay Klingelhutz Recreation: Chanhassen Teens Steve, Terry and Barb Yanisch, Russ, Dave, and Earl Pauly, Jim Heimerl, Mark and Brenda Windschitl, Sue Beckstrom Gayle Wolff, Chanhassep American Legion Post Commander John Bender and Rpy Roeser Richard Wilson, Di~ector Minnetonka-Hopkins Recreation Program Ronald Mielke, Director summer recreation program, Chanhassen Lawrence Meuwissen, Director Teen Center Chanhassen Jaycees reo youth activities District 112 School Board Lowell McMillen, Principal, Chanhassen Elementary School Rosemary Oaks and Mrs. Eleanor Winters, Guitar instructors Margaret Drugge, recreation major, University of Minnesota Acquisition: Minnesota League of Municipalities reo its' Recreation and Open Spaces Division Barry Peterson, Metropolitan Council staff member Carver Beach officials and interested residents .,~., The Park and Recreation Commission has been busy and has had a productive year, but not enough has been done regarding land acquisition. In this respect, a sense of frustration has been felt by Park and Recreation members. As we see it, only through a concerted effort and dedication by all Village officials, commission members, paid and volunteer forces can any progress be made. The urgency of acquiring lands cannot be stated often enough. Land values are rising fast, and the great, green, rolling, tree-covered, lake-dotted countryside we know as Chanhassen will soon be another suburb to which people and industry will either be attracted or repulsed. They will be guided by pUbliGity, ordinances, services, and concern for the total environmental quality .this Village presents. Our present populace should be aware'that open spaces do not create taxes and service problems, but that developed lands without open spaces do. A balanced community, based on well- designed open space can afford its tax structure. Open spaces need almost no services, and services are the greatest contributqr to the tax burden. With these thoughts in mond, the Park a~d Recreation Commission urges the impending bond issue be strongly endorsed and publicly supported by all those who are presently conperned with Village affairs. These statements are a phase of philosophy that will become face once the bonds are approved and sold. And fact will become joyous participation and pride by the community once acquisition and development have begun, and the plan has ta~en the first solid step toward reality. We feel that the image of the Village is at stake this Fall. Won't you please help by supporting the bond issue election? / ...-I '. ., .j '\ " '1: ~ 'I ; ::1 , t ~ (< ...-I f t i~ I I ~' Park anq Recreation, September 2, 1969 -5- BUDGET JANUARY 1, 1970 - DECEMBER 31, 1970: Land Acquisition $ Land Development Park Maintenance Recreation Program Summer Recreation Program Winter Recreation Program Speqial Programs Youth Activities Senior Center Historical Committee Services Legal Assistance Administrative Costs Planner Miscellaneous Interest on Warrants Insurance General (deliveries, garbage, etc.) 3,000 3,000 2,000 3,000 1,000 2,000 100 200 1,000 400 1,000 50 150 300 $ 17,200 The budget was approved with this notation: That the Park and Recreation requests that any unused funds be placed in an interest bearing account. SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM: Gladys McCary presented a report on summer program. ~ Instructors 1,765.51 Gagers (supplies) 160.30 Backstop 173.50 Gopher Athletic Supplies 62.57 Kokesh Hardware (supplies) 325.78 Ron Mielke (petty cash) 51.97 Frontier Lumber (supplies) 8.50 2,548.13 "",... All equipment from the summer recreation program is stored in Henry Wrase' barn. CHICAGO SYMPOSIUM: Sally deLancey was unable to make reservations in time for Chicago Symposium. Steve Wolf may make arrangements; for weekend of Sept. 13 and 14. Steve Wolf reported Planning Commission'approved concept of Oakmont. MEETINGS: September 9 - Springsted, Inc., on bonding September 16 - Mr. Brauer September.9 - Planning Commission meeting - Arnie Weirnerskirch NEW BUSINESS: Senior Citizens Director Elaine Jacques has resigned. HOCKEY RINK:. It wa~ decided not to install the light system on t~e hock7y rlnk untll Park and Recreation can be certain a hydrant W1II be lnstalled for flOOding. Meeting adjourned 11:30 p.m. Rosemary Will Secretary