PRC 1969 09 09 tr .;;1. L---:---- / ... PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING September 9, 1969, at 8:00 p.m. ".... The following members were present: Sally deLancey, Steve Wolf, Conrad Fiskness, Don Slathar, Arnie Weimerskirch, and Gladys McCary. Harvey will was absent. Visitors: Don Nolte with Springsted, Inc., and Adolph Tessness MINUTES: A motion was made by Steve Wolf and seconded by Don Slathar to approve the Park and Recreation minutes of September 2, 1969. Motion carried. Mr. Tessness asked that in motions made for spending certain amounts of money it should be stated in the ~inutes that Park and Recreation ask the Council to approve the item and the amount of money. BONDING: Mr. Nolte sees no problem in a $250,000 Bond Issue with an eight mill tax levy. It would be wise to plan this Bond Issue so that another issue would be feasible in five or six years if the Village grows according to projection. Examples of taxation per homes on assessors market value not selling price are as follows: Market value per home $ 15,000 \$ 20,000 $ 30,000 This is based on 18 - 20 year bonds. (This is program rather than an end loaded program.) Taxes $ $ $ per year 11. 20 20.80 27.20 a fitted J_n bonding tIfIi'" A discussion was held on the pros and cons of the tax reform bill which is now before the Senate. The Park and Recreation would like to work with the Firemen on a program of cooperation and ask the Village Administrator to put us on the Firemen's agenda the first meeting of October. It will take approximately 90 days to sell the bonds and obtain the money. 4 . 5. 6. Things to do: 1. Talk to Mr. Larson as to procedures to follow on land options after bond election. Have forms ready. 2. Get appraisal from three appraisers on land purchases that should be made immediately. 3. Prepare to move ahead immediately after bond election - assuming it is passed. Make sure Council approves of appraisers used. Decide how to sell bonds. Obtain options on purchases to be made for at least one year. /f1""- COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE CORRECTIONS: 1. Section ~8.2, paragraph 1, line 7 - with approval by 4/5 vote of the Vlllage Council. 2. Section 18.2, paragraph 1, line 9 - period or semi-colon after Village. 3. Section 18.2, paragraph 2, line 28 - delete the and after dedicated. \"" ,", 4-t- ,- Park and Recreation, September 9, 1969 -2- 4. Section 18.2, parag~aph 2, second last line - comma after condition. 5. Section 19.4 - Is there a "B" section? ...."" . CHICAGO SYMPOSIUM: Steve Wolf will leave at 7:30 a.m. Saturday, September 13 for Chicago. Registration for members is $20.00. Steve was advanced $100.00 and will present receipts upon his return. ROTATION: Council Meeting, September 15 - Conrad Fiskness Planning Commission, September 16 - Arnie Weimerskirch I Conrad is to convey to the Council ideas and plans of the coming bond issue and about appraisers. Also to discuss water for Hockey Rink. Organizational procedures for October meeting, ccntact and get on agenda for October. Gladys McCary - Firemen Steve Wolf - Jaycees Conrad Fiskness - Lions Harvey Will - Chamber of Commerce Steve Wolf will speak to Mr. Brauer about the information from Mr. Nolte. ( Gl'adys McCary will check on Fall program and swimming program and will report on September 30th. .."" The Park and Recreation Commission will meet September 16 with Mr. Brauer. Me.eting adjourned 11:15 p.m. Rosemary Will Secretary i.1 \ L t -'