PRC 1969 09 16 ~.,-- -- --..& ."'" "...... tII"" PARK AND RECREl TION COMMISSION !v1EE'l'INC Sept~mber 16, 1969 at 8:00 p.m. The following members were ~resent: Sally deLancey, Steve Wolf, Conrad Fiskness, bladys McCary. Arnie Weimerskirch was present part time and part time at the Planning Co~nission Meeting upstairs. Don Slather was absent. visitor: Mr. Chuck Hefty of Brauer and Associates. MINUXES: A motion was made by Arnie Weimerskirch to accept minutes of September 9, 196) meeting. Motion carried. Suggestion was made to verify the tax figure~ and define hov.J htey are arrived at. BILLS: No bills were prese1ted at this meeting. OLD BUSINESS: a. Brauer & Associates: Mr. Hefty presented a reworked bond issue brochure for review and comment. Mr. Hefty read the wording that will appear on the brochure and recommended that the cost per home be listed two ways; assessed value and actual value. Gladys McCary will ask the council on September 22, 1969 for a letter of endorsement to be part of the brochure, either printed on the brochure or inserted. Members of the commission made several suggestions for relocating spats on the map. SpIats indicate the general areas of aquisition and development. Mr. Hefty will do the same. In general, the members agreed that the new brochure is more economical to print and mail and yet contains all pertinent information. Mr. Hefty did not have a price for printing these brochures at this time, because of the change in size and style. He will present a price for one and two-color printing at the September 23, 1969, meeting. Mr. Hefty will give Steve Wolf information during the week on the brochure for local costing. All members agree~ that Brouer & Associates go ahead with a mock up for final approval at the September 23, 1969, meeting. Typesetting would have to be done by vendor; however, the art work would be completed. Mr. Hefty suggested we contact Mr. Larson on possible problems concerning taking options on land and then purchasing this land with federal funds. He thought perhaps Mr. Hodapp from Brauer & Associates could come out and discuss federal funds; however, he asked the eommission to request these services through Mr. Brauer on this topic. . b. . Report ::>D Chicago Tr ip: Steve Wolf gave a verbal report on h~~ ~rlp t? Chlca~o for a Park and Recreation Symposium (Sept. 13) and wll~ submlt a wrltten report in the near future. The theme for th~ day was "ci ~'izen Involvement". He said it was a very busy day gOlng.from mee~lng to meeting. After briefly discussing topics covere~, lt was eVldent the trip was well worth the time and expendlture. ~. . c. Report on Council Meeting by Conrad Fiskness: Mr. Larson recommended that the Park and Recreation organize a citizen committee to assist in preparing for the bond election. ......,., In this way, certain flyers could be' distributed with non-village money urging citizens to vote YES. All members agreed this would be a big help and will pursue the recommendation. The council will decide at the September 22, 1969,meeting whether or not to provide water service to the hockey rink and will choose one of the alternate presented if so decided. Mr. Fiskness read a letter prepared by Schoell and Madson on costs of alternates. Mr. Fiskness will seek advice from Mr. Parks on how to improve our hockey rink. Sally deLancey wrote to the Council requesting hockey rink and skating rink maintenance. d. Winter Recreation Program: Glac.ys McCary reported that surrounding areas will not have an active program until the end of October. APP,IIC'll L ly, ~;wimmi n(l pools are being cleaned at this time and p Jails <:lIe Jx'inq made. Gladys McCary wi 11 pn~sent ideas for our winter program at the next meeting or whenever she has time. Items such as volleyball, karate, self defense, basketball, swimming, etc., were mentioned. (" e. Bond Issue Election: The bond issue was discussed in great length. It appears as if failures in passing bond issues in other areas can be attributed to poor planning and poorly organized commissions. Sally deLancey suggested that we make sure new citizens are registered. Steve Wolf said a notice to this affect will be in the papers. ConradFis~ess tried contacting the Lion's Club, ... but failed to locate the chairman. After the next meeting we shoul&-' have more facts to present to the various community groups as far as taxation and federal funds are concerned. Members of the Park and Recreation will then contact community groups and try to inform them on the bond issue. Harvey Will will contact the Chamber of Commerce. ( ...",