PRC 1969 09 23 !/1RX /iND T<ECREA'l'.fON COMMlS'Sl(JN ML'E"I'lNc/ ,':e,utomber .!3, 7iJ(,C) .-It 8:UO p.m. "'" Thc" L'oLlol'l.:i Dk'JTlLu..'J:-'" L\'c.?r", UJL'~-{ent: Harvc't; ~v'il1~ S'a.llil d.,}LdliC't,'Cl, ~-,:tJ"/;:' ~Volf, Conrad Pisk!'. 5, DI'11 Slathdr, and "ladys Me '.-It.'lj. Arnie' f'll(!im~"J:.fir,,'h "IdS alJ.SC'lit. vi~;jtOlS: Fjjn'-!l'lllUI:::.,., /-(d-ZlJh 'rj;rane, II lustr,ia/ ('oIlIn!i ,:;tC:{], j3r,li !l]atsc'n, Dd\/'..' !;")ddJJ!1~ .-11){; (:i;l!c~k fie'! L.~J frenll }3.cauel ZlJ / Assuc'j.aLe.'3. "Mai1I)/' Cuu.1.(:.(-,,\j later. 1 Ie frk'('C1 Jc" ",'.tS ulled I., old,>!. f)lj Chairmall lIa1"I/.'(! Wi]l. /., !jUT!.,,:::. /i [I.,'!! l"lS rUdde' hI} Sa.111} deLcllj{'.>lf and 3ec()/),j"il /", {'uIII,ul 1'1 knes t 3pnlOVI' r It' "'I'i, ml','r ItJ minutes. Motion carried, bl ;,1.:, ,Ii lll;! l i 1! i h/eJ' /IIddl' liLl UUII sl.llha! ,n," sec"I/,k'{j I)i/ (;/,II/Ii.i, ik'C',ill! <'..i)O rl-t)}l) Larrl,' ;':c~rlJL'I (c)r !-:;{-Cai1lht/'llinu the; pos.t:~.; 10 apprCl V ,.:1 a hi J j o{ the hoc 'k,'I; [i '. Jf', .. l+ . ilJ C'-.ill 11, 'd. HOiKJ:Y RINK: 11 ~;a --,--- re..nforce the, wa.lLs, riccJ dc-d t:o pd i [] t the' .i J1si tlu of the hockey l'i /J l-; r,,;h.i te and lls/: .Ja[!cees for support. BonD ELEC'l'10N: Mr. lleLtll and the Commissj.c lJ discussed at (Jreat length the verbiage on the llrochun. and the outlay 0/ the map. SeveraJ chanqes ,,}ere made:. Steve 1\'011 ",'ilJ contact Mr. lIefty durin'! tJ ::." weel<. and gjve the. final cI['[>Toval on the blochure. Mr.. DaVe' JiOij,_.tPi' di sCllssc'd three lias ic orgell, i zat.ions from which matching funds would be dvailallle .iF tIle' tTillage of Chanhassen qualifies. These were the State- ticltural h'source Fund r lIousinq and Urban Deve10pment (fIUD) , and Land JII""" and h'at(:r Conservation Fund (L/If'iCON). He also mentioned that several cOllnties provi.de tunds a} so; hm;reveL'r Carver is not one of them. J'hf' Na l:ur.'11 H,'sour,'" l"lIl1ds are norma l.1 Y Civa i .la1J1e for Ln'LliJl' OP"1i ar,"a5 such as our Lake Ann project and all' automatical.ly applied for upon receipt of a LAWCON qrant. In some ca.'~es Ult:.' Natural R('sourc(~ Fund grant up to 10()::' fund i ng but usualll} matches the munjc.ipal amount. ffUD lund;=; arc. usuall y granted for neighborhood play arf::,as, tot lots, and areas adjacl.cnt to or in conjunction with school grounds; not the big open space conc(~'pt:. These funds can be app1ied for at any time, are voted on every three months, and are granted on a priori t11 basis. 'Phese requests are compet.ing with Villages within an eight-state region Roy Boddet is the rep.resentative .in Chicago [or this area. .U= the request ..s turned down the first time it automatically goes up for another try at tile next meeting. After that the request is returned to the Vi11age or a grant is made. HUD funds ca.n be used for acquisi tion or development. However, on I y an amount equal to 12~~:. of the acquLsi tionfunds can be used for de1(e10pment and then only if the acquisition funds come from HUJl. HUD h'i f 1 !/150 pay rjO::, of l:he condentniltioll cost::;. For example, it' the Villaqe asks lor 7',K and finds through condelllnation the' propc'rty costs lOOK, fWD will pay 50% of .the lOOK. {I""" " Another feature 01 the HUD funding is that it only reimburses the Village for property purchased or developed after the VLllage has made payment. This means that the Vi11age must use its own money first and then request money from the gI ant. This means tha t after the grant is approv6'd it stands in wai ting until the Village proves it has made payment before llUD reimlll1L'ses the> Village. ~; '- l. I , \ r ~ ! f ;' ~, t 1 ;.. " Park a1ld l!ecreatioI?' Septembez: 23, 1969 -2- ! LAWCON fUJ'lds operate much like HUD. However are u~d fo'r lar~r open spaces qnd COl 'servation. Since tfe urban, and Local 'Affairs Office of the State . . P1annir.1f!gency 'is ..nthe process ,of taking pver LAWCON grants, 'tl1ings" are,lot operating at? smooth' as, ill the past. Becau!>f3of this, 'a deadline or October 15 . was set, 'for' grant applications for 1969. 'Approximately 60% of theseffinds, have b~en going fo,r acquisi tion and 40% for development. If we' do not mafe 8.12 app_ication for LAWCON funds at this time anotper year'~il1 pass' before; theqpp,ortunity comes again. .....", Decl$ions: Mr. Hodapp of Brauf'lr and Associates e$timateQ, it would cost $4,000 to apply for HUD f~nds'at this ,time fo+ five sites ~nd $2,000 for LAWCON app1icati ons for one sLte,~ The Park and Recreation w:ill recommend t~. thf'l COimoi1 on Monday, September 29 to give J8raue,riflnd Associates 'a' contratt tQ pre?are an application for LAryCON funds. at this time in order to meet; , . the October 15, 1969, dead.line. ' In the event the bond issue is not "Jssed,. the mo'ley is no;: lost sinc;e the ppp1ication can pe used at any time wi th very L~tt+e updc,ting. Mr. HOdapp estimateli a mip{mum of 30 days to prepare the ap,)1icati~n to facili tateth,is, Brauer and Associates will present a cont+1ct to the Council cs soon as p~sib1e. A motion was mac'e by Sally. deLancey an? seconded by Don Slflthar that Chuck " . lfefty j)e given the option of $electing the 'lowest printing biq for thebrOchu~e. #r. He[ty's first bid ~as p+esented as $3(10 for 3,090 brochures. Mot{on car{ied. It is also undefstood that Stf'lve Wolf Ifill approve' fi11a1 'copy. .Ra1ph Thrane from the Industr~a1 Commission was present to gather inf.ormatlon , I on thE proposed bond election. I. TAX FORFEITED LAND: A 9" x 12" identification, map ror Minnewashta area forfeited land was discussed. MEETINGS: With the Council Monday, September 29 at 10:10 p.m, ,/ Park and Recreation meeting Monday, September 29 at 8:00 p.m./for purpose planning neighborhood meetings for the coming bond e~ection. A motlon was made by Conrad Fiskness ~nd second~d by Gladys MqCar~ to Meetin1 adjourned at 11:30 p.m. ~ Rosemary Will Secret{1.iy , " ~:', \ ~ , i.} U'!l > " A,:,' /,~i ~iV r , \\