PRC 1969 09 29 ".... ?ARK AND RECREATION COMMISSIpN MEETING September 29, 1969 at 19:45 2~~~ The meeting was called to order by Chairman Harvey Will. The following members were present: Harvey Will, Sally deLancy, Don Slathar, and Gladys McCary. Arnie Weimer- skirch, Steve Wolf, and Conrad Fiskness were absent. The only topic discussed at this ~eeting was the budget for 1970. The Council reqested that the budget be broken down in detail and again presented to the Council for approval. The Administrator's report tried to reduce the ~200 budget to $10,000, which without a doubt would ~the entire Park and Recreation program for the year 1970, at least so said the Chairman, and all agreed. The detailed budget is attached to this report and will be resubmitted. BUDGET COMPARISON TO SURROUNDING VILLAGES: Shakopee: Parks Recreation Swimming Pool $27,250 27,500 18,000 $72,750 for 7 ,154 pOI,ulation or $10 per ccpita ~ Excelsior: $14,000 for 2,500 population or approximately $5.06 per capita. MISCELLANEOUS: The request presented to the Council to apI,rove Brauer and Associates to proceed with the application for LAWCON funds was approved. The request presented to the Council for the Attorney to start procedure for acquiring lots 1,21, and 22 was approvEd. Estimated cost would be around $2,700. Gladys McCary moved to adjourn. motion. Motion carried. Don Slathar seconded the Meeting adjourned: 11:45 ~