PRC 1969 10 07 I i t :. ,... PARK AND RECREATION MEETING MINUTES - October 7, 1969 The following members were present: Harvey Will, Conrad Fiskness, Don Slathar, Gladys McCary, Steve Wolf. Sally deLancy and Arnold Weimerskirch were absent. Visitors: Paul Fjare and Dare Shaffer from Brauer and Associates. MINUTES Gladys McCary motioned that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as read. Don Slathar se~onded the motion. All approved. Mr. Fjare presented preliminary plans of the prime park area to show how the property presently under consideration for LAWCON funding fits into the overall concept. Mr. Shaffer showed slides of this area and discussed various park uses. Steve Wolf will discuss the need for a legal description of the property with Dave Hodapp and will pick up such description from Mr. Larson, if needed. Conrad Fiskness reported on his meetings with the Fireman and Lions Club. ~ General ideas were discussed for the coming bond election. ~. lIiliETING October 14, 1969 7:30 p.m. Park and Recreation October 20, 1969 - Steve Wolf and Gladys McCary with Jaycees. Don Slathar motioned to adjourn. Gl~dys McCary seconded the motion. All approved. r - f I t l l \ ( ( PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION NAME ADDRESS PHONE ......" -- Sally deLancy Box 24, Chanhassen 474-7214 Steve Wolf Route 5, Box 226A, Excelsior 474-7828 Harvey Will Box 222, Chanhassen 474-8168 Gladys McCary Route 4, Box.493G, Excelsior 474-4471 Conrad Fiskness Box 401, Chanhassen 474-5581 Don Slathar Route 4, Box 813, Excelsior 474-7590 Arnold Weimerskirch Route 5, Box 240W, Excelsior 474-5733 .....", . l .. .....",