PRC 1969 11 25
The following members were present: Harvey Will, Conrad
Fiskness, Gladys McCary, Arnold Weimerskirch, Sally deLancy,
and Don Slathar. Steve Wolf was absent. '
CORRECTED MINUTES: Letter to Mr. Hodapp, dated November 1,
1969, apparently incorrect. A motion was made by Don Slathar
and seconded by Conrad Fiskness to approve the minutes of
November 18, 1969. Approved. Motion carried.
BILLS: A motion was made by Don Slathar and seconded by
Arnold Weimerskirch to pay the following bills:
*Authorization to pay Jerry Schlenk and Frank Kurver
for icing skating rink.
*United Mailing $5.15 to be payed to Sally deLancy.
*National Park, Recreation Association to be held due
to insufficient funds at this time.
*Floor Tile Bill - not considered a recreation bill.
VISITORS: Mr. Dave Hodapp, Mr. Paul Fjare, and Ken Brunsvold
from Brauer and Associates.
FED&aAL FUNDS: Mr. Hodapp gave some brief findings to' the
Park~an4 Recreation Commission on Federal Funds.
The Metropolitan Council is the unit that gives approval -
refefral of all fundings applications by State to Federal
organizations. State Planning Agency will follow new
procedure starting. November 1, 1969.
~~WCON FUNDS: Lawcon Funds can be applied for property
all!'eady acquired by the Village. The chance is poor for
developing greater expenditure by this Fund for acquisition.
Next deadline for Lawcon application April 15, 1970.
LAWCONAPPLICATION: Leaves Brauer Office, stays 30 days
approximately at regional level. (State Planning Agency)
and Bureau of outdoor recreation. It approved, then it goes
to Washington, usually just for formal approval (usually
one to two weeks). From Washington at this time an approval
form is sent to the Village. If following procedure is
carried through, we should hear on our fund application in
December. '
Letter from Mayor of Village to Congressman bringing to his
attention that this application is in process and will be
a good political move at this time.
:'" ~
NATURAL RESOURCES:FUND: The Natural Resource Fund is
automatically filled by Mr. Tom Closson, Office of Urban
Affairs, Branch of State Planning Agency, if our Lawean
Fund is approved. If Lawcon application is refused, than
the Village can apply directly for Natural Resourse.
Funding up to 100%.
A Lawcon Application cannot have contract to deed. Must
have escrow agreement to be payed over five year period.
Money from ~awcon comes at one time - not over a period
of time. Lawcon not for already acquired Village property.
Actual implementation of applications of other funding
must wait approval of present Lawcon application.
If lawcon is not approved, then Neighborhood Park Develop-
ment under HUD can be applied for. Also, under, HUD, School
Park and open space funding is available.
State Planning-Agency does not have anything to do withHUD
Cannot have acquired land before application except in cases
of Village State Condemnation of property, where property
has been awarded to Village and price has been established
prior to application to HUD. Extreme caution used in the above.
Should be studying priority to next funding now!:
Brauer Representatives left at 9:45.
OLD BUSINESS: letter to Mr. Larson about Carver Beach property
-read and noted. This property at present is owned by Carver
Beach Association and considered private property. Can be
developed by Village only after legal action of transfer of
property to Village of Chanhassen, as such.
Notes from meeting with Harvey. Will and Mr. Gene Knapp, Mr.
Mike Ojay, and Hugh Faville, Coordinators of Metropolitan Council,
on file.
Letter to Mr. Nucklaus from Mr. Larson on file.
Don Slathar continues working with Bids on lighting hockey
Arnold Weimerskirch is to check with Jack North about Saturday
recreation program, report and expenditure to be in by December
10, 1969, headline.
Sally deLancy to find out the legal use and information on
Park and Recreation Acquisition Fund.
,... ,
Don Slathar is to attend next Council meeting.
Conrad Fiskness to attend next Planning Commission Meeting.
Presentation of Village Park Plan to County Park Board
to be done in near future as time permits.
A motion was made by Conrad Fiskness and seconded by
Don Slathar to adjourn. All ,approved.
TIME: 10:15
Gladys McCary
Park and Recreation Commission
~ ~ ,It..". '.," . ~ , ...,. . . . ." ~ . ~ .. ~ ,
The tollowing members were present: Harvey Will, Conrad Fiskness,
~ Gladys McCary, Arnold Weimerskirch, Sally deLancey, and Don Slathar.
Steve Wolf was absent.
CORRECTED MINUTES: Letter to Mr. Hodapp, dated November 1, 1969,
apparently incorrect. A motion was made by Don Slathar and seconded
by Conrad Fiskness to approve the minutes of November 18, 1969. ApprovE
Motion carried.
BILLS: A motion was made by Don Slathar and seconded by Arnold
Weimerskirch to pay the following bills:
*Authorization to pay Jerry Schlenk and Frank Kurver for icing
skating rink.
*United Mailing $5.15 to be payed to Sally Delancey.
*National Park, Recreation Association to be held due to
insufficient funds at this time.
*Floor tile Bill - not considered a recreation bill.
VISITORS: Mr. Dave Hodapp, Mr. Paul Fjare, and Ken Brunsvold from
Brauer and Associates.
FEDERAL FUNDS: Mr. Hodapp gave some brief findings to the Park
and Recreation Commission on Federal Funds.
Referral-approval by the Metropolitan Council to HUD and LAWCON is
(~ needed by applicants for these funds.
LAWCON FUNDS: We cannot, except in cases of condemnation , apply
for HUD AND LAWCON funds if we own or are in process of owning the
land for which we are applying for funds.
Options are all right for application; contracts-for-deed are not
(they constitute ownership).
LAWCON funding is decided by the State Planning Agency.
Next deadline for LAWCON application is April 15, 1970.
If the funds for our application are programmed by the State Planning
Agency, there is automatic approval from regional BOR(Bureau of
Outdoor Recreation) in Ann Arbor, and national BOR headquarter in
Washington. Funds can go up to 50% of acquisition.
Approximately 45 days from State funding approval, we should get
Washington approval and the money. All the money comes at one time.
Letter from theeMayor to our State legislators and Congressmen
bringing to their attention that this application is in process would
be advisable at this time. Just advise however - do not try to have
them apply "pressure".
LAWCON has development funds for application for lands already owner.
(Only 30% of all applications are funded however).
November 25,1969. .
NATURAL RESOURCES FUNDS: The application for the Natural Resource
Fund is automatically filed by the office of Urban Affairs, State ~
Planning Agency, if our LAWCON funding is approved. If LAWCON
applicationis.J.not funded the Village can apply directly for
Natural Resource Funding up to 100%. It is a veEY simple application
and does not require professional help. (90% of all applications are
funded only after LAWCON approval however). This is the program
that funds up to 25% of the acquisition. .
HUD: Under HUD, school park and open space funding is available.
State Planning Agency does not have anything to do with HUD program.
Village cannot apply for HUD funds for already-acquired land, except
in cases of condemnation wheEe property has been awarded to the Village
and price has already been established prior to application to HUD.
Extreme Caution should be used however when there is pr~bability
of HUD application.
Park and Recreation should be studying priority for next funding
now! HUD is m~re receptive to neighborhodd park sites now. HUD funds
for development are not available unless the land was purchased with
HUD fundings.
BRAUER & ASSOCIATES: Urged us to study sites of mutual interest
t~ the Village and school districts of our area for the HUD Cost-
sharing program of acquisition and development. Pre-planned school- ~
park sites for future development are top priority with HUD now.
Brauer representatives left at 9:45 p.m.
OLD BUSINESS; Letter to Mr. Larson about Carver Beach property read
and noted. This propee~~at present is owned by Carver Beach Associatic
and considered private property. Can be developed by Village only aftez:
legal action of transfer of property to Village of Chanhassen, as such.
Notes from meeting with Harvey Will and Mr. Gene Knapp, Mr. Mike
Augen, and Hugh Faville, Coordinat~rs of Metrop~litan Council on file..
Letter to Mr. Nicklaus from Mr. Larson on file.
Don Slathar continues working with Bids on lighting hockey rink.
Arnold Weimerskirch is to check with Jack North about Saturday recreatic
program. Report and expenditures on the program to be in by December
10~ 1969, deadline.
Sally deLancey to find out the legal use and information on Park
and Recreation Acquisition Fund..