PRC 1969 12 02 MINUTES PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION - December 2, 1969 ,..., The following members were present: Sally deLancy, Steve Wolf, Harvey Will, Conrad Fiskness, and Arnold Weimerskirch. Don Slathar and Gladys McCary ~.. were absent. 'The meeting started at 8:00 p.m. in the Chanhassen Village Hall. BILLS: A motion was made by Conrad Fiskness and seconded by Arnold Weimerskirch to approve the following bills; Steve Wolf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - for 15 slides of the Welter Property 4.64 John North - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 22.10 for 12 squad shirts and one horseshoe set Nyen Excavating, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -137.00 for leveling hockey rink TOTAL $163.74 The following voted in favor thereof: Sally deLancy, Steve Wolf, Harvey Will, Conrad Fiskness, and Arnold Weimerskirch. Approved. ~ HOCKEY RINK: A motion was made by Sally deLancy and seconded by Arnold Weimerskirch to approve the proposal of Magnuson and Morse Electrical Company to install lights as per proposal dated l2/l/69r in the amount of $1,444.00. This is to be submitted from the Park and Recreation 1970 budget. All approved. SKATING RINK BROOM: A motion was made by Sally DeLancy and seconded by Arnold Weimerskirch that the Park and Recreation Commission apporve the purchase of a rotary broom to clean the skaring rinks, half of which would be paid by the Park and Recreation and the other half to be paid by the Maintenance Department. Approximately $460.00 would be'ideducted from the Park and Recreation 1970 budget. ,... ';c> MINNEWASHTA HEIGHTS: The following residents were present: James Marr, Robert Fayfield, and Paul Becker. These residents of Minnewashta Heights were present to ask what is being planned for lots that were purchased in Minnewashta Heights, stating that their main concern was that the Minnewashta Heights property owners had the right to a beach lot and that they were concerned that this lot would become a public beach lot. This beach lot is not large enough to handle anymore than the residents living in Minnewashta Heights. The Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission explained what had been done to date and that no specific study had been made of these lots for development at this time. Before any developm~nt would be made on these lots, the Park and Recreation Commission would contact the residents of this area so that the local residents would be able to participate and give ideas for the development of this park area. The three PARK AND RECREATION MINUXES - Continued residents of Minnewashta Heights stated that they would return to the Park and Recreation Commission in the next few months with some plan in mind_ for development of these lots. ..." JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: A motion was made by Conrad Fiskness and seconded by Arnold Weimerskirch to approve the request of the Junior Chamber of Commerce that the Park and Recreation Commission donate $40.00 to participate in the cost in sponsoring a teenage New Years Dance on December 30, 1969. All approved~ PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING DATES: The Park and Recreation meetings. will be on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 8:00 p.m. SECRETARIAL SERVICES: A motion was made by Sally deLancy and seconded by Conrad Fiskness that $100.00 be paid to Rosemary Wills for secretarial services from April 1968 to December 1, 1969. All approved. A motion was made by Conrad Fiskness and seconded by Arnold Weimerskirch to adjourn. TIME: 10:35 ( ~ i~ ~ ,~-~