PRC 1968 07 10
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The following members were present: Rich Lyman, Ed Seim, Sally
deLancey, and Harvey Will. Berk Rodgers and Paul Flucke were absent.
Visitors were: Mrs. Les Blackpawk, Mayor David Osterholt, and
Robert Lieb of Eden Prairie.
Our visitors discussed with us the method used in planning their
bond issue for park funding. Some of the methods used to
inform the people of their park plans were as follows:
1. Community interest through personal contact.
2. Community seminars with guest speakers.
3. Publicity through individual organizations and etc.
The following list of acquisition priorities were used by the
Eden Prairie Planner:
1. Lakeshore and lakeshore access.
2. Park sites - adjacent to existing schools and school sites.
3. Land resources adjacent to lakeshore.
4. Purgatory Creek.
5. Minnesota River View Park.
6. Strategic neighborhood and school parks.
7. Cedar Hills Golf and Ski {privately owned).
8. Eden Prairie Golf Course {privately owned).
The following list of development priorities were used by the
Eden Prairie Planner:
1. Neighborhood Recreation and area playfields.
2. Swimming Beach.
3. Temporary access:. - parking - sanitary facilities _
4. natural picnic area.
4. Riding, hiking, trail - Purgatory Creek.
BUDGET: Harvey Will and Ed Seim presented a rough draft of the
Fiscal Year 1968 progress and budget reports and Fiscal Year 1969
proposed budget.
Ed Seim was given a report on Dutch Elm Disease to study and report
July 17th - 7:00 P.M. meeting with Mayor Coulter ..and Councilman
Hill to discuss progress report and budget.
July 22nd - 8:00 P.M. meeting with Council to present progress,
report and budget. .
July 23rd - 8:00 P.M. Meeting 'with Planning Commission to discuss
proposal with Mr. Knight.
July 24th - July meeting cancelled.
August 7th - 8:00 P.M. regular Park and Recreation Meeting.
A request was made by several citizens to provide a hockey ,area for
this winter and they would provide the labor.
Harvey Will motioned and Sally deLancey seconded that the Chairman
of the Park and Recreation Commission be given the opportunity to
authorize all Park and Recreation expenditures.
Ed Seim recommended that the Village of Chanhassen improve their
communication with and support of the Arboretum to improve the
public image in this area. The following efforts were recommended
to accomplish this:
Names of
Guides - associated with Chanhassen throught:garden clubs.
Membership drives oriented around the Village.
Possible support in road maintenance. , ,"
possible organizers were Mrs. Montgomery and Mrs. Dick' Smith~
It was recommended to organize a hike for interested public
through prospective parkway areas.
Meeting adjourned 12:15 A.M.
Rosemary Will
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The following members were present: Rich Lyman, Ed Seim, Sally
deLancey, and Harvey Will. Berk Rodgers and Paul. Flucke were absent.
Visitors were: Mrs. Les Blackpawk, Mayor David Osterholt, and
Robert Lieb of Eden Prairie.
( ,.....
Our visitors discussed with us the method used in planning their
bond issue for park funding. Some of the methods used to
inform the .people of their park plans were as follows:
1. Community interest through personal contact.
2. Community seminars with guest speakers.
3. Publicity through individual organizations and etc.
The fOllowing list of acquisition priorities were used by the
Eden Prairie Planner:
1. Lakeshore and lakeshore access.
2. Park sites - adjacent to existing schools and school sites.
3.. Land resources adjacent to lakeshore.
4. Purgatory Creek.
5. Minnesota River View Park.
6. Strategic neighborhood and school parks.
7. Cedar Hills Golf and Ski (privately owned).
8. Eden Prairie Golf Course (privately owned).
The following list of development priorities were used by the
Eden Prairie Planner:
1. Neigh~orhood Recreation and area playfields.
2. Swimming Beach.
3. Temporary access - parking - sanitary facilities _
natural picnic area.
4. Riding, hiking, trail - Purgatory Creek.
BUDGET: Harvey Will and Ed Seim presented a rough draft of the
Fiscal Year 1968 progress and budget reports and Fiscal Year 1969
proposed budget.
Ed Seim was given a report on Dutch Elm Disease to study and report
July 17th - 7:00 P.M. meeting with Mayor Coulter and Councilman
Hill to discuss progress report and budget.
July 22nd - 8:00 P.M. meeting with Council to present progress
report and budget.
July 23rd - 8:00 P.M. Meeting 'with Planning Commission to discuss
proposal with Mr. Knight.
July 24th - July meeting cancelled.
August 7th - 8:00 P.M. regular Park and Recreation Meeting.
A request was made by several citizens to provide a hockey.area for
this winter and they would provide the labor.
Harvey Will motioned and Sally deLancey seconded that the Chairman
of the Park and Recreation Commission be given the opportunity to
authorize all Park and Recreation expenditures.
Ed Seim recommended that the Village of Chanhassen improve their
communication with and support of the Arboretum to improve the
public image in this area. The fol'lowing efforts were recommended
to accomplis~ this:
Names of
IGuides - associated with Chanhassen through~:garden clubs.
Membership drives oriented around the Village.
possible support in road maintenance. -'
possible organizers were Mrs. Montgomery and Mrs. Dick Smith.
It was recommended to organize a hike for interested public
through prospective parkway areas.
Meeting adjourned 12:15 A.M.
Rosemary Will
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