PRC 1968 06 26
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The following member~ were present: Rich Lyman~ Berk Rodgers~
Ed Seim~ Rev. Paul Flucke~ Sally deLancey~ and Harvey Will.
Visitors were: Mr. Milton Crona~ Metropolitan Park Planner~ and
Mr. Otto Christinsen~ Park Development Analyst.
The Park and Recreation Commission invited Mr. Crona and Mr.
Christinsen to a meeting on June 26~ 1968~ to solicit advice on
the proposed park plans and methods of acquiring funding to
acquire property for park use.
Mr. Ed Seim made a presentation of the park and recreation plans
and reviewed the commissions philosophy and goals. Mr. Crona and
Mr. Christinsen were well pleased with the plan and the thinking
behind it and felt that the commission was doing an exceptional
job. They felt the plan is in line with overall county and
state planning and that in the future the park systems in
surrounding communities will tie'in very nicely with the
present plan. .
Mr. Christinsen suggested that the commission acquire or set
aside as much lakeshore property as possible for park areas and
as soon as possible. He felt this wouZd be most advantageous
to the citizens both from an economical and aesthetic standpoint.
Apparently park areas on lakeshore property not only provide
entertainment for many people but aZsoprevent pollution of
lakes by adjacent dwellings. As a side affect the value of
property adjacent to park areas increases considerably. The
name of Mr. Robert Moses of New York was given as a contact
for further information concerning the increased value of
residential property adjacent to park areas.
Mr. Crona and Mr. 'Christinsen suggested several ways of acquiring
or preserving property for present or future park use. Large
pieces of property can be broken up into parcels with agreements
to purchase a parcel at a time with various options attached
such as tax relief~ option to buy~ option to accelerate the
purchase~ end of life residency~ use of land until desired
for park use~ lease back if not needed by park~ watershed
relief~ etc. Builders could be encouraged to leave open areas
near park areas to broaden ~ecreation areas~ and school systems
could be located in areas where playgrounds and recreation
fields tie in with park' areas to make more residential area
Three methods of funding are available to finance the acquisition
and development of park properties.
l. Increase tax increment through bond issues.
2. Federal funding.
3. State funding.
To acquire Federal or State funds a plan and special request form
must be submitted to the County Board~ Metropolitan Council~ and
Conservation Department~ Bureau of Planning. The name of Mr.
Elmer Binford was given as a federal expediter who can provide ~
information on the rules of the game. It was also recommended
that a professional be hired to assist in preparing final plans
and forms necessary to get Federal or State funding.
Page 2
long range State Park plans were mentioned:
Horseback riding trails from Fort Snelling to Le Sueur.
National Program of Scenic Highways and Parkways.
Lower Minnesota Watershed District.
Minnesota River Camp Sites.
Wet Land Marshes.
Bike Trail Study.
Mr. Crona and Mr. Christinsen also recommended that the park
system should provide a variety of activities to satisfy the
desires of all citizens. The State Planning Bureau~ Conservation
Department~ is making a survey of sports and activities most
enjoyed. Such sports as driving for pleasure~ swimming~
boating~ birdwatching~ warm water fishing~ etc. are on the top
of the list~ surprisingly not the sports many people would
place there. This indicates that the citizens must respond
with s~gges~ions for activities and not let the commission
make all the decisions.
. ~..,....
The Commission was interested to know how much space is desirable
for various park sites. Mr. Christinsen recommended 50 to lOO
acre parcels for lakeshore sites~ l40 to l60 acres for an l8
hold golf course~ l5 acre playground for an elementary school~
20 to 40 acre play field for a junior high school~ 60 acre field
for a senior high school~ perimeter streets around schools~ and
300 feet zoning from water to buildings on lakeshore property
or use a ground level figure as a guide instead .of a distance.
It was also mentioned that pipe line and power line right of
ways can usually be used for many recreation sites such as
tennis~ hand ball~ etc.
After discussing the Park and Recreation Commission's present
status and goals~ it was decided to present a progress report
and budget to the Village Council at a special meeting on
July 24~ 1968. At this time the Commission will discuss future
plans and request authorization to continue working in the
acquisition phase of the park development system. Harvey Will
and Ed Seim will prepare a report and budget and will present
same for final review at a meeting on July lO~ 1968. A copy
of the report and budget will be sent to each Council member
before the July 24th meeting.
The Park and Recreation Commission discussed inviting Mr. Knight
to the July lOth meeting to present a proposal.
A letter was sent to Gilbert Jensen accepting his resignation from
the Park and Recreation Commission. On a motion made by Ed
Seim and seconded by Berk Rodgers to invite Mr. Mervin Eisele
to filZ this vacancy. Motion carried.
Rev. Paul Flucke submitted a bill of $ll.50 for card index.
SUMMER PROGRAM: Rosemary Will is to hire a lifeguard to replace
Mary Keller when she leaves in July.
It was decided to request the Village Council not to publish the
minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission without the final
authorization of the Chairman.
Meeting adjourned l2:00
Rosemaru Will, Secretaru
The following members were present: Rich Lyman~ Berk Rodgers~
Ed Seim~ Rev. Paul Flucke~ Sally deLancey~ and Harvey Will.
~ Visitors were: Mr. Milton Crona~ Metropolitan Park Planner~ and
Mr. Otto Christinsen~ Park Development Analyst.
The Park and Recreation Commission invited Mr. Crona and Mr.
Christinsen to a meeting on June 26~ 1968~ to solicit advice on
the proposed park plans and methods of acquiring funding to
acquire property for park use.
Mr. Ed Seim made a presentation of the park and recreation plans
and reviewed the commissions philosophy and goals. Mr. Crona and
Mr. Christinsen were well pleased with the plan and the thinking
behind it and felt that the commission was doing an exceptional
job. They felt the plan is in line with overall county and
state planning and that in the future the park systems in
surrounding communities will tie in very nicely with the
present plan.
Mr. Christinsen suggested that the commission acquire or set
aside as much lakeshore property as possibZe for park areas and
as soon as possible. He felt this would be most advantageous
to the citizens both from an economical and aesthetic standpoint.
Apparently park areas on lakeshore property not only provide
entertainment for many people Dut also prevent pollution of
lakes by adjacent dwellings. As a side affect the value of
property adjacent to park areas increases considerably. The
name of Mr. Robert Moses of New York was given as a contact
for further information concerning the increased value of
residential property adjacent to park areas.
Mr. Crona and Mr. Christinsen suggested several ways of acquiring
or preserving property for present or future park use. Large
pieces of property can be broken up into parcels with agreements
to purchase a parcel at a time with various options attached
such as tax relief~ option to buy~ option to accelerate the
purchase~ end of life residency~ use of land until desired
for park use~ lease back if not needed by park~ watershed
relief~ etc. Builders could be encouraged to leave open areas
near park areas to broaden recreation areaS'~ and school systems
could be located in areas where playgrounds and recreation
fields tie in with park" areas to make more residential area
Three methods of funding are available to finance the acquisition
and development of park properties.
l. Increase tax increment through bond issues.
2. Federal funding.
3. State funding.
. ,...
To acquire Federal or State funds a plan and special request form
must be submitted to the County Board~ Metropolitan Council~ and
Conservation Department~ Bureau of Planning. The name of Mr.
Elmer Binford was given as a federal expediter who can provide
information on the rules of the game. It was also recommended
that a professional be hired to assist in preparing finaZ plans
and forms necessary to get FederaZ ~r State funding.
Page 2
long range State Park plans were mentioned:
Horseback riding trails from Fort Snelling to Le Sueur.
National Program of Scenic Highways and Parkways.
Lower Minnesota Watershed District.
Minnesota River Camp Sites.
Wet Land Marshes.
Bike Trail Study.
Mr. Crona and Mr. Christinsen also recommended that the park
system should provide a variety of activities to satisfy the
desires of all citizens. The State Planning Bureau3 Conservat~on
Department3 is making a survey of sports and activities most
enjoyed. Such sports as driving for pleasure3 swimming3
boating3 birdwatching3 warm water fishing3 etc. are on the top
of the list3 surprisingly not the sports many people would
place there. This indicates that the citizens must respond
vith suggestions for activities and not let the commission
make all the decisions.
The Commission was interested to know how much space is desirable
for various park sites. Mr. Christinsen recommended 50 to lOO
acre parcels for lakeshore sites3 l40 to l60 acres for an l8
hold golf course3 l5 acre playground for an elementary school3
20 to 40 acre play field for a junior high school3 60 acre field
for a senior high school3 perimeter streets around schools3 and
300 feet zoning from water to buildings on lakeshore property
or use a ground level figure as a guide instead of a distance.
, It was also mentioned that pipe line and power line right of
ways can usually be used for many recreation sites such as
tennis3 hand ball3 etc.
After discussing the Park and Recreation Commission's present
status and goals3 it was decided to present a progress report
and budget to the Village Council at a special meeting on
July 243 1968. At this time the Commission will discuss future
plans and request authorization to continue working in the
acquisition phase of the park development syspem. Harvey Will
and Ed Seim will prepare a report and budget and will present
same for final review at a meeting on July l03 1968. A copy
of the report and budget will be sent to each Council member
before the July 24th meeting.
The Park and Recreation Commission discussed inviting Mr. Knight
to the July lOth meeting to present a proposal.
A letter was sent to Gilbert Jensen accepting his resignation from
the Park and Recreaiion Commission. On a motion made by Ed
Seim and seconded by Berk Rodgers to invite Mr. Mervin Eisele
to fiZl this vacancy. Motion carried.
Rev. Paul Flucke submitted a bill of $ll.EO for card index.
SUMMER PROGRAM: Rosemary Will is to hire a lifeguard to replace
Mary Keller when she leaves in July. ~
It was decided to request the Village Council not to publish the
minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission without the final
authorization of the Chairman.
Meeting adjourned l2:00
Rosemary Will. Secretaru