PRC 1968 DUTCH ELM DISEASE ORDINANCE To: Mayor CoUlter and the Village Council Fro."I1: Park and Recreation Commission :/ : "..... In re: Proposed Ordinance on Dutch Elm Disease Gentlemen: As per your request we have examined the proposed ordinance on Dutch Elm Disease. It is our reconunendation that the proposal be tabled. Reasons: 1. Ed Se1m and Mervin Eisel, both well trained in this field, assure us that there is no immediate cause for alarm over the disease in Chanhassen Village. No cases have been reported in the vicinity, and there is no reason to suspect that there soon will be. 2. The Village is canposed chiefly of mixed forests with many speoies of trees, and is therefore muoh less vulnerable to dutoh em epidemios than oonnnunities with elm-lined, grid-pattern streets. l ",.... 3. lrJ'e feel that it is inadvisable for the Village to attempt to legis- Jate, by separate ordinanoes,against every possible hazard 'Whioh attraots public attention. The governing body passing such ordinanoes oasually may too easily fail to provide for their enfo:.i."oement, and thereby foster publio confusion and contempt for the law. 4. If, at some future time, it appears that dutch elm disease does c onsti tute a threat to the Village, an appropriate ordinance may be passed in time to deal with it. The disease does not spread as fast as forest fires and influenza. However, we would add that protection of our Village environment is of great ooncern to us, as we know it is to you, and we feel that the Vil1age might well oonsider the development of a broader ordinance designed to protect our natural assets from a varieti of hazard~. The proposed dutch elm ordinance might be modified to include such dangers as: - oak wilt (a po~ntiklly serious tree disease in our locale) -- maple wilt I, I~ bronze birch borer -- pollution of Jakes and streams by deforestation, road grading, Jand fill -- unnecessary po~luti.ng of the environment with pesticide and herbicide residues. We would be happy to consult with or advise the Council on the provisions of such an ordinance and, the means far its implementation. Please call on us if you share our belief that some means should be established to protect the Village from such threats to its natural beauty and health. f~.."..... Ed SeiDl am Paul Flucke For the Park and Recreation Commission Approved August 6, 1968