PRC 1968 MEMO REGARDING RETAINING OF VILLAGE PARK PLANNER -;- To: Mayor Coulte:." and the Village Council August 7, 1968 of,.... From: Paul Flucke, Park and Recreation Chairman In Re: Retaining of Village Park Planner Gentlemen: At the Village Council meeting on July 22, the Park and Recreation C01l'll1lission was authorized to investi~te the possibilities for the hL"f"ing of a professional park planning consultant to aid the Village in the next critical phase of our park development program. Since that time we have interviewed and received proposals fram Mr. Knight and also from Mr. Donald Brauer of Brauer and Associates, Edina. We were most favorably impressed with Mr. Brauer and what we have learned of his work, and it is our unanimous rec<Jl1IOOnc!iation that the Council retain Brauer and Associates for the necessary work. (~ In order that you may meet Mr. Brauer and hear his proposal in detail, we have secured one hour, 8:30 to 9:30 P.M., on the Council's agenda for Monday, August 19, 1968. He 'Wi~l include est:i.mates of the time necessary to complete the work, and the costs entailed. Based on our conversation wi. th him, we have reason to believe that the cost 'Will be well wi thin the Village's financial capability and 'Will be an excellent investment in the light of the help we receive. It is our hope that you will be prepared to act favorably on our recommenda- tion of Mr. Brauer as soon as you have met him and given due consideration to his proposal. Brauer and Associates has handled the development of more than 400 parks and 50 golf courses in the upper midwest. While they do general planning, 1h ey have specialized in park planning and are lddely regarded as the experts in this field. Most recently, as you may know, they have been instrumental in helping Eden Prairie to develop its park plan and carry through a highly successful bond issue. Mr. Brauer is familiar wi. th Cban- baasen Village, and is prepared to carry through on the basis of thegenera.l park and open space concept embodied in the Village's preliminary guide plan. 1ie might add that the retaining of a park planner in no way affects whatever decision the Village may make in the matter of a general village planner. Mr. Brauer, as a park specialists, frequently does the park planning in municipalities where the overall planning is being handled by' another firm. In fact, he has frequently worked with Jim Knight in such situations. If you have any questions in advance of the meeting on Aub'Ust 19, please call me. '$,\ d'" Paul Flucke office: 474-8995 home: 474-5368