PRC 1968 08 19 PARK AND RECREATION COI1MISSION MEET, AUGUST 19, 1968 (~ The following manbers were present: Paul Flucke, Harvey Will, Ed Seim, Merv Eisel, Richard Lyman. Playgrounds: Several possible sites for playground development were discussed. It was agreed to consider the possibility of leasing the Clubhouse Square in Carver Beach, ana. additional land adjacent to the Village Hall and Elementary School. These areas wOQld be developed for tot-lots, ball fields and skating. It 1~3also noted that a~proximately two acres in the Hansen- Klingelhutz development will be dedicated for park use, and this could provide a playground and ball field. Harvey Will agreed to investigated properties in the Village Hall __ Elementary' School vicinity. Paul Flucke will continue investigation of the Carver Beach lot. Recreation Program The report by Jim Lewis of the SSCC was received and discussed. There will be another meeting of the South Shore Community Council in September. Following that, we will review the . summer pre gram. (,........, Dutch Elm Disease !1erv Eisel reported that there have been new cases in the st. Cloud area. It was agreed that vle should pursue the matter of a comprehensive natural hazards oJ'clinance. NPRA Conference Ed Seim reported that he is free to attend. Paul Flucke will confer with Village Council to see if expenditure of approximately $300 has their approval. (Note: The Council will act on tris matter on August 26.) Next Meeting The next-7rieeting of the Park and Recreat,jon Commission was scheduled for Thursday evening, September 5, at 8 P .H. in ille Village Hall. Meetings will thereaf't.er be held on the 1st and Jrd Thursday night.s, contingent upon the Planner. Paul Flucke Secrftary pro tem Note: It was announced later in the evening that the Village Council TiiS"approved the h:i,ring of Brauer and Associc:t.es as Village park planners. The details of the contract will be worked out by the Chairzran and the Village Attorney this week and approved by the Council on August 26. ! (""