PRC 1968 09 05 PARK AND RECREATION MEETING SEPTEMBER 5, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. r" ~, The following members were present: Rev. Paul Flucke, ierk Rodgers, Harvey Will, Ed Seim, Sally deLancey, and Merv Eisel. Rich Lyman for a short time. WAY UNDER: The Park and Recreation meeting began at the Ranch Kitchen at the request of the Village Council to inspect the "Way Underll, a teen restaurant which is being operated by Tom Walston and Rich Ringhauser under the supervision of Robert and Barbara Cox. The following is the Park and Recreation Commission's approval given to the Village Council in the form of a motion made by Ed Seim and seconded by Harvey Will. The Park and Recreation Commission has investigated the proposed teen restaurant "Way Underll in the basement of the Ranch Kitchen. We inspected the facilities and talked with the owners Mr. and Mrs. Cox. The Park and Recreation Commission find no objection to the Cox's proposal and feel that the prOposed facility may well be an asset to the community provided that it is operated in accordance with the owner's posted rules, the Fire Marshal's recommendation regarding maximum occupancy, and due respect for law and order. Our recommendation is that the Council give its approval to the proposal subject to the above conditions. Motion passed. PLANNER: The Village Council approved contracting Brauer and Associates as our Park Planner. Our next meeting with Mr. Brauer "(~ to disucss plans will be on September 19th at 8:00 p.m. LANDSCAPING: The Village Council requested the Park and Recreation Commission to plan the landscaping around the Village Hall and submit their plan by September 16th for approval by the Counci~ so that shrubbery can be ordered and planted before the open house on October 6th. Ed Seim and Merv Eisel will prepare this plan. PLAYLOTS: Paul Flucke reported that the Carver Beach area was not settled and that he would contact Hr. Cranston and Mrs. Phillips to obtain records of ownership. In response to the discussion on playlots the fOllowing motion was made by Ed Seim and seconded by Berk Rodgers. 1. Work with Elementary school to develop plan north of school _ priority. 2a. Seek permission to develop hockey rink on presently owned Village property. b. Urge Village Council to acquire additional area behind Village Hall. 3. Acquire Western Hills plot as neighborhood park for tot lot and picnic facilities. ~r SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM: Harvey and Rosemary Will and Merv Eisel will attend the South Shore Community Council meeting on September 16th to see what the South Shore Community Council has planned for the winter program and plans for next ye~r. They will also inquire about the use of the West Junior High Sw.1.mming Pool. SEATT.LE: 'rhe Vi llage Counci 1 approved spending funds on a trilli to the Congress for Recreation and Parks in Seattle, October 13 _ ~7. r \ \ t Park and Recr~ation, September 5, 1968 -2- Ed Seim accepted the opportunity to represent Park and Recreation Commission. ....." BUDGET a Sally deLancey moved and Harvey Will seconded that the Park and Recreation would appreciate receiving from the Village a monthly report of our income and expense. Motion carried. Village Council - please take note! SENIOR CITIZENS: Sally deLancey reported a slight increase in attendance. It was decided to invite Marietta Littfin to the October 3rd meeting of the Park and Recreation. A tpur of the Arboretum was planned for the Park and Recreation Commission and their families at 5:00 p.m. on October 2nd. It was decided to bring a box lunch. Meeting adjourned 11:00 P.M. Rosemary Will Secretary ..", ....."