PRC 1968 09 19
The following members were present: Rev. Paul Flucke, Hichard Lyman,
Harvey Will, Ed Seim, Merv Eisel, Berk Rodgers, and Sally deLancey.
(Ii"'" Vis! tors were Hr. Brauer and associate Mr. Paul Fj are. ~
The purpose of Mr. Brauer's visit was to introduce his associate
Mr. Paul Fjare and define certain terminology to be used in preparing
the park plan. Mr. Brauer outlined ~he follow{ng five objectives in
Park Planning and briefly defined each objective.
1. Ornamentation.
2. Conservation.
3. Recreation.
4. Culture.
5. Reserve.
Mr. Brauer asked the members of Park and Recreation to define several
basic terms used in park planning in order to establish a common
understanding for efficient communication. Examples of these terms
are - tot lot, conservation area, open area, etc. Mr. Brauer also
asked for concepts of recreation - in other words - what types of
recreation does the Park and Recreation Commission have in mind.
Examples of recreation given were - bird watching, ball fields,
swirruning, tennis, trail riding, bike trails, tot lots, skating, etc.
For the next planning meeting with Mr. Brauer on October 24th at
8:00 p.m., the Park and Recreation members will estimate the percentage
of the total park area that each of the five objectives will require
based on a population of 60,000 and 20 acres per thousand.
''i''''"' 'rhe third meeting with Mr. Brauer wi 11 be to discuss tIle prelimi.nary
{ plan which should be in rough form at that time.
VILLAGE BUDGET: Some members of Park and Recreation are asked to be
present at the next meeting of the Village Council on September 2Jrd
to discuss the Village Budget for the coming year.
PROPERTY: Rev. Paul Flucke discussed playground planning with the
Principal of the Chanhassen Elementary School. Mr. Flucke thought
perhaps that if either the Village or the Park and Recreation Conunission
purchased adjoining property, that the layout of the facilities could
be arranged to provide one large open play area to be used jointly
rather than small private-like areas.
Mr. Flucke also reported that he acquired the records of the Carver
Beach area from Mrs. Phillips and that apparently the club house
and part of the beach property have been authorized to be turned over
to the municipality.
ENVIRONHENTAL CON'l'ROL: Ed Seim and Merv Eisel will investigate and
prepare recommendations for an Environmental Control Ordinance as
requested by the Village Council.
SEATTLE: Ed Seim reported that he has made arrangements to attend
the Congress for Recreation and Park in Seattle.
(".- SOUrrHSHORE COMl1UNPfY COUNCIL: Paul Flucke wi 11 invite .Jim Lewis to
a meeting with Park and Recreation on October 3rd at 9:00 p.m. for
a report on a winter program.
DUTCH'S RESORT: Dutch's Resort reminded Park and Recreation that they
had not been paid for the use of their facilities this su~er. Paul
Flucke will ask the Village Clerk to make arrangements to pay for the.,
beach usage.
BUILDER'S PLAT: Rich Lyman discussed the Klingelhutz park area plan.
The plan presented by Mr. Lyman was acceptable by all members of the
Ed Seim suggested having a Scout Bike Hike and possibly sponsoring a
photo contest this fall.
It was also suggested Park and Recreation have a display and literature
at the Village Hall Open House on October 6th. Harvey Will and Rich
Lyman will be responsible for accumulating and setting up the display.
The area considered for a hockey rink behind the Village Hall is
200 x 80. Rich Lyman will get help to install the fence needed after
final approval.
Sally deLancey will try to find the lights used for the skating rink
last year.
Meeting adjourned 11:00 p.m.
Rosemary Will