PRC 1968 10 03 G.--"" ~. . , ".... ,tr- .~ PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 3, 1968, 8:00 P.M. The following members were present: Richard Lyman, Err Seim, Harvey Will, and Sally deLancey. Rev. Paul Flucke, Berk Rodgers, and Merv Eisel were absent. " HINUTES: On a motion made by Ed Seim and seconded by Harvey Will to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Motion carried. DUTCH'S RESORT: It was reported that Dutch's Resort submitted a bill for the use of its facilities this summer. This will be paid immediately. SEATTLE: Ed Seim reported his arrangements to attend the Congress for Recreation and Parks in Seattle have been completed and he will leave on October 12. SOUTHSHORE COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Mr. Jim Lewis was unable to attend this meeting because of illness. Another meeting with Mr. Lewis was set up for October 17th. It was also decided to contact Mr. Richard Wrase who has expressed an interest in giving guitar lessons. SENIOR CITIZENS: Marietta Littfin gave a presentation of the Senior Citizens Program. There are twenty paid up members, of which more than half usually attend the Thursday afternoon meetings. Many pieces of furniture and other articles have been donated to make the Center more home-like. The kitchen has been furnished with a sink, cupboards, refrigerator, and a donated stove. Many ideas have been tried to make the afternoons interesting apparently with much Success. The monthly Birthday Party luncheons at the Legion Club which gives the members an opportunity to prepare special receipes and entertain is especially enjoyable. The Park and Recreation Commission suggested pricing a grow light and possibly donating it to the Senior Citizens.' Richard Lyman suggested setting up a historical library by getting t~pe recordings of stories from some of the older members of our community. It was suggested 'that the Park and Recreation Commission look into the possibility of setting up a historical committee to pursue this. VILLAGE SIGNS: Merv Eisel will inquire about rustic signs to be used in the Village. Mr. Eisel will possibly have a sample sign with an estimate on cost and number of signs needed. PHOTO CONTEST AND ART SHOW: Rosemary Will offered to form a committee to organize a Photo Contest and Art Show in Chanhassen for this spring. The contest would be open to all residents of Chanhassen. Photos would be in black and white or color and must be taken within the boundaries of the Village. Entries would be broken down into different categories. All entries in the Photo Contest will become the property of Park and Recreation. The Art Show will be held separate from the Photo Contest. Winning photos wi J J IK' di:3playcd aL tlw Art ~;flow. ( ( ( Park and Recreation Minutes, October 3, 1968 -2- The committee will make final plans for the Photo Contast and Art Show and present their plans to Park and Recreation for approval. ...., HOCKEY RINK: It is questionable whether or not sufficient help will be available to construct the hockey rink. Rich Lyman will look into cost of material and possibly labor. It was reported that Vern Zetah offered the use of several lots across from the Village Hall for skating purposes. Berk Rodgers is to make arrangements for grading and necessary proper drainage. SCHOOL BOARD: Sally deLancey suggested that members of Park and Recreation make an effort to attend the next School Board meeting on October 10 to emphasize the importance of playground facilities at the Chanhassen Elementary School. Sally deLancey and Rosemary Will offered to contact some mothers to remind them of the meeting. PARK PLAN: The members of Park and Recreation discussed the five objectives laid down by Mr. Brauer for park planning. The percentages of the over-all park plan for each of the objectives was estimated as follows: Ornamentation 7% Conservation 35% Recreation 40% Culture 3% Reserve 15% """" The flood plain and private open spaces are not included in the above percentages. The ultimate Park and Recreation area was estimated at 1200 acres with a purchasing value of three million dollars. Our next meeting with Mr. Brauer will be October 24. Meeting adjourned 11:30 p.m. Rosemary Will Secretary -I