PRC 1968 10 24 ,..;-!!", PARK AND RECREATION co~mISSION MEETING October 24, 1968, 8:00 P.M. ,..., The following members were present: Rev. Paul Flucke, Ed Seim, Harvey Will, Berk Rodgers, Merv Eisel, and Richard Lyman.and Sally deLancey. The minutes were approved as submitted. CONGRESS OF NATIONAL PARKS AND RECREATION ASSOCIATION: Ed Seim presented a detailed report on his trip to Seattle. Mr. Seim w~s filled with enthusiasm and collected many articles and ideas that will be helpful to the Park and Recreation Commission for future use. Mr. Seims report will be presented to each member of the Council as well as to each member of Park and Recreation. On a motion made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Berk Rodgers that the Park and Recreation extend its appreciation to Ed Seim for attending the Congress for National Parks and Recreation and presenting a fine report on the trip. Motion carried. CARVER BEACH: Paul Flucke reported our Attorney, Mr. Larson, felt that acquiring Carver Beach property would be no problem. However, Mr. Flucke felt it would be necessary to organize callers to encourage Mr. Cranston to sign the final request for releasing this property to the Village of Chanhassen so that it could be developed for park use. Members of Park and Recreation have agreed to call residents in Carver Beach to express their wishes to Mr. Cranston. {,..... NEW PROPERTY: Paul Flucke reported the Village will buy the three acres of land behind the Village Hall. HOCKEY RINK: Rich Lyman reported that the lumber to construct a hockey rink would cost approximately $660.00. Berk Rodgers reported Vern Zetah gave his approval to use his five acres east of the Village Hall for skating purposes. Mr. Rodgers will plan and direct the construction of two skating rinks on this property. . Paul Flucke will inquire about insurance for use of Mr. Zetah's property and a possible lease agreement. Mr. Coulter agreed to acquire a purchase agreement for the property behind Village Hall so that the grounds can be prepared for a hockey rink. Mr. Coulter will speak to the firemen and the Village Maintenance Men to construct and maintain the hockey rink and skating rinks. On a motion made by Harvey Will and seconded by Merv Eisel that we proceed immediately on the construction of a hockey rink. Motion carried. On a motion made by Herk Hodgers and seconded by Hich Lyman that two skating rinks be prepared on the Vern Zetah property. Motion carried. LANDSCAPE PLAN: The Park and Recreation wishes to inform the Village ~ Council that they are prepared to render further assistance on the Village Hall landscape plan. OPEN HOUSE: Harvey Will reported that he and Rich Lyman prepared a Park and Recreation display table and maps for the Firemen's Open House on October 6th and that several suggestions were made by the public for recreation facilities. Dick Pearson has offered an aerial tour of the Chanhassen Village to the Park and Recreation members. Berk Rodgers will call Mr. Pearson and make arrangements. ...,; ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE: Ed Seim reported that few communities have ordinances pertaining to the environment and none have combined environmental ordinances. It seems that ordinances are restricted to one item and not combinations which pose some problems. More research is required. MINNESOTA LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES: Park and Recreation reviewed a letter from Minnesota League of Municipalities requesting a representative from the Village of Chanhassen. On a motion made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Sally deLancey that Ed Seim represent Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission on the Recreation and Open Spaces Division. Motion carried. COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: Rich Lyman reported that several reports by the County Planning Commission will be circulated among the Park and Recreation members to give them an insight to county plans. ART SHOW: Mrs. Jan Sinnen and Mrs. Patti Gird are interested in working on a committee for the Art Show and Photo Contest. Sally deLancey and Rosemary will will draw up plans for the committee. SENIOR CITIZENS: Harvey Will reported the cost of a grow light would ~ be approximately $40.00. Ed Seim suggested a table of games or a grow light depending on the desire of the Senior citizens. Sally deLancey will contact the Senior Citizens for their opinion. The Park and Recreation agreed to spend approximately $50.00 as a gift to the Senior Citizens. SIGNS: Merv Eisel reported that village signs would cost approximately $20.00 each without lettering. Mr. Eisel will bring a sample and pictures at the next meeting. SCHOOL: Paul Flucke informed Mr. Amundson that since the village will purchase three acres behind the Village Hall the Park and Recreation does not intend to develop the school playground at this time. A letter will be sent to Jim Lewis inviting him to a meeting on November 7th. We will meet with Mr. Brauer on November 21st. Meeting adjourned 11:00 p.m. Rosemary Will Secretary -"