PRC 1968 11 07
November 7, 1968, 8:00 P.M.
The following members were present: Ed Seim, Harvey Will, Berk
Rodgers, Merv Eisel, Richard Lyman, and Sally deLancey. Paul
Flucke was absent.
MINUTES: The minutes of the October 24th meeting were approved
as recorded.
NEW MEMBERS: Rich Lyman suggested that we look for additional
help to assist the Park and Recreation in performing the ever
increasing tasks. These members would serve on committees and
eventually fill openings on the Commission. All agreed this
would be ideal for training and motivating new members. The
suggestion was made to place an article in the local paper
announcing openings on specific committees. This topic to be
discussed in more detail at the next meeting.
CARVER BEACH PROPERTY: The Park and Recreation decided to send
a letter to the Carver Beach Association to explain the Park
and Recreation plans for the property in question, give the
association an option to donate a portion or all of the property
at this time, inform the association that if the area is not
donated at this time other areas would be developed instead,
and invite the association members to meet with the Park and
Recreation Commission to discuss the matter. This matter to
be discussed with Brauer to determine definite plans for Carver
Beach property so that definite plans can be given to the
SENIOR CITIZENS: Ed Seim located a coffee table that he thought
might be purchased by the Park and Recreation ($9.00) and donated
to the senior citizens. Sally deLancey will look into the matter
and handle it as she desires.
PARK AND RECREATION ASSOCIATION: Sally deLancey made a motion to
renew the Park and Recrea~ion membership. Merv Eisel seconded
the motion. Motion carried. Harvey Will will turn the bill
into the Clerk for payment ($35.00).
SKATING RINK: Because of problems in grading the Zetah property
east of the Village Hall, it was decided to relocate the proposed
skating rinks. The new skating rinks will be constructed near
the apartment buildings on a Zetah lot and Klingelhutz lot, provided
the owners agree to a $1.00 lease arrangement. Sally deLancey
will ask Jerry Schlenk to manage the construction of the two
skating rinks and hockey rink.
FUNDS: Mayor Coulter informed the Park and Recreation the Council
has given the Park and Recreation authority to spend their funds
without requesting Council approval as long as it is done with
good planning.
Park and Recreation Commission, November 7, 1968
WINTER PROGRAM: Mr. Lewis did not show up this evening to discuss
the winter program. After discussing the consequences of not -'
having a program, the Park and Recreation decided to personally
ask Mr. Lewis for a specific program in line with the facilities
being developed or at hand. Rich Lyman and Mervin Eisel
volunteered to discuss the following program with Mr. Lewis:
Grades 1-4
Grades 5-8
Art Classes
Grades 9-12
Guitar Lessons
Boys and Girls
Skating Lessons
VILLAGE VIEW: Berk Rodgers said those interested in a trip over
the Village on November 30th should let him know. Mr. Pearson
will give free ride if plane is available.
ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL: Ed Seim and Mervin Eisel are ready to write
up a preliminary environmental control ordinance. Apparently the
University of t1innesota is interested in the outcome of this
ordinance since this ordinance would control the controllable
factors of the environment we' live in and not only one element such
as smog or dutch elm disease.
Mervin Eisel announced that a movie and discussion on dutch elm
disease would be presented at the Arboretum Classroom 7:00 to 9:00
p.m. November 13, everybody welcome.
LOOSE ENDS: Ed Seim volunteered to review the minutes of past
meetings and list the loose ends. No doubt some items have been
discussed and have received, no action.
PROPERTY PURCHASE: The possibility of purchasing various properties
was discussed. The suggestion was made to prepare and post a plan
that includes all property that might be considered for Park and
Recreation in the future in order to have backup for court battles,
if necessary. This could perhaps be done even before a final map
is prepared by Brauer.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Harvey Will