PRC 1968 12 05 P., - PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING December 5, 1968, 8:00 P.M. ;: \ ."... The fOllowing members were present: Paul Flucke, Richard Lyman, Ed Seim, Harvey Will, Merv Eisel, and Berk Rodgers. Sally deLancey was absent. CARVER BEACH: Rich Lyman reported that Carver Beach had not decided on this property as yet but would meet soon to'discuss it. REPLACEMENT: Rich Lyman recommended Steve Wolf from the Murray Hill area as his replacement on the Park and Recreation Commission. A motion was made by Ed Seim and seconded by Harvey Will that the Village Council approve Steve Wolf as a member of the Park and Recreation Commission. Motion carried. HOCKEY RINK: Harvey Will reported on the construction of the hockey rink. Berk Rodgers reported it should be completed in one week. It was suggested by the firemen that the Park and Recreation Commission buy their own fire hose for flooding the hockey rink. Ed Seim and Paul Flucke will inquire about the purchase of hockey nets. Rosemary Will reported that according to the Village Administrator the insurance coverage for the skating rink on the Klingelhutz property is in order. SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Merv Eisel and Paul Flucke attended the last South Shore Community Council meeting. Plans for a winter (~ recreation program were discussed. Some discussion was held on the probability of hiring a director for the Park and Recreation Summer Program. This will be investigated more thoroughly. Merv Eisel will continue the sea~ch for a grow light for Senior Citizens. HISTORICAL COMMITTEE: Paul Flucke will place a notice in the Maverick expressing the need for volunteers interested in organizing various Park and Recreation projects. Rosemary Will will speak to Ed Hjermstad about presenting Park and Recreation news on his KSMM radio program. LOOSE ENDS: After a disc~ssion on the Johnson property, a motion was made by Harvey Will and seconded by Merv Eisel that the Park and Recreation terminate its interest in this property. Motion carried. Ed Seim moved and Berk Rodgers seconded that Park and Recreation cease all action on the water use ordinance. Motion carried. The Park and Recreation decided that it is interested in inviting Mr. Borgelt of the Metropolitan Council to a meeting at some future date. (,-- . DiScussion was held on a previous motion Park and Recreation had made on the beautification of the main street of Chanhassen. More disucssion needed. "" Park and Recreation Commission -2- December 5, 1968 ( INVIRONMENTAL CONTROL ORDINANCE: Ed Seim will plan on having a first" draft prepared by the 9th of January. MEETINGS: December 19th January 9th - Mr. Brauer - Set up committees Elect new Chairman Ordinance January 23rd Meeting adjourned 10:30 p.m. Rosemary Will Secretary ( .." { -I