PRC 1968 12 19 ~ t f' 1. I ,,,- .(r- ."'-" ..".... ,---~ t, j\ P.l< lJ.!D PI: C 1<..E]~'r nm ~ '.) M.~U S :) ION r 1.f: !~ l' u\; r:.; :,;~cc'mh(;,r l'J. 1'))IJ,< H~OlJ P.iv']. Tr-Je foJjowinq mejl:~.'r:.c~:; VJere IJrJ'o'","il:: P>"tnl Fll.ich:::, i:d ~~e.iln, S:illy dGLi,<nr;[-.y, JI!!;'C\/ Ei,;:;e.L, 11,;.1',/,:,/ ~qill, dn(l ~;i.'.'V(" HolY. Bf~ r k. I<{)(j~'i t.~: rs \.,J.~i~) i~i.h~: c: n 'C. .. Vi~L;. 1:D:C', ,v::r:o Dc,; B.c:)JJ,:C.c, J'2i!..t1 ~;,..; c;r(::" ChaLnn,n, dnd ill;.'mb,:'r~; uf F' J. () ..:!rLL l1q C:Ofd;Ctj [J S _l (jn Mr. Welf \.;id,; iilelc:CtHcd as a new memlJer of U1C~ Pc;ck anu Hecrccltion COli'lmif:sJ Qn. Mr. Br ,,,ue1' and Mr.. Pj are presented tJwir Second. P.r..'OfJ n'Sf~ rf-cport. '}'h"" major iL::;rns discussed we:c(~ the Lake ''--nn <:11::'(;<1, dE;{):oval of Kni'~h t 's GenEJal iLJ':d Cjuide pIal) dnd CicLI vi L'l f()~'. fiC: 't. repurt i ng period. A motion "'os mdde by !<:d Seim and secondc([ by -f1crlT r;L<.;c,l th~lt the Pal.^k and Eec::,'eation Commission r(~que.s u- the; \li'I..'~.age COllncL1to adopt lil'lnl==diately il polj cy at' :...tx'i.ct ad:je:ccncc '"0 t.ile; llt(~nt of the Geuo'rdlized' Gttidr:- P];;,n and \"Ij tIlhold aC:;.).rOV,) 1 ot any sub(EVlSion vl~'+-'" (yr bU-il"l"'1rf ""'rn'l'ts wlJic-l' \,1)t1]".::l In ':' "I 'i~"""I" \,J''''';'' th~ L-I...:l "''''' ,""" '~.' ~.. J 1:"" : .. ,. ...;.1 .:'" .__,.'_l...___ C I.. v <..,....~.I'._. -'- L.l. .. c areas J n the .i? Jan (:h~s JgnCltcu (:.IS '. p~ir:, J <-111:'; ," dOT:]. L -' :.1. ell tlme as the PJa~i is official~~l adoI?t:l~d L;y t"~'e vi 11 'ql~ ;md UH~ j'1c:crop:')~itan Ccunc.ll.. and a bond tSSUr:2 .tor pctLk .Lancl~; 11 '., jY::!n r-d';"~::.() pUbJ'LC elt;;ctior:. Motion unal1:i.rnou~31y::-tpp.r.ove(L Ed Se.irn motion and Sally deI.cnccy seconded l:hat: Ulf~; I'a:ck und Rec:cE'::' ti on ,-:c}mn'i ss ion endorse ;nel apprevp the: Cf~nL~J:dJ i zc~d Guide PIan of elL] dl':1~3Sl-:n Village prcp:lced iUlclpx, ~;l:i.l!("(l L~( NiJ.3on, l'Jehnc.E\.n, Knigl1t, and Chapman. j\!(C'Lio1J ull-".ni"L)!j'-,ly ''''I-'i.)l'ouEd. HOCX~!:_,RT!:J;~:,.: Ii.: was c12cided not to purclt, "~ hockey 9(J,ds ur.r"il hock~y rink is complet~d. '1 . 1 1 . ] . d I j'e.rv ]S 'to C":"f::...>: on :.:aleoa tJC:'s skc:tLHj l"Jr.k. to be u';i!d a;::; hCYh.:h,,'s lor: the Ir. F,;,r,Swer t,o a letter from M':iyor hTilLialll Cuoley to clOll3.te to the ::';00 - E~ ..~ 111' di=Lancey mati oncd iLnd Ivi,::r Ij EiseJ ~;(~CO!l(!ed that the Park and H.ecree,tion will not donatr~ tc the :0:00 at this time. i\-loti-en appruJed. ~'lerv Eise.l 'epo.cted tha.t a grQ'.v light wi11 )j(i' .ieljv21>~d for tlte Seyd or Ci ti zr.::'ns. Southshore Council hD,"; a staf.!: IHeJld'.),:::t' at rhe Chdnha:i,-;r,:,n Elementary Gym on SatLF',-~ay morul.\]c:fS Cor l;th, Sth, :.1)1(1 6t!i qra:Jr, qjrl:3 and b0y::;. f.1<setil~9 adj)UCllc:::! Jl~OO fJ.liL . ,--, ., 1 ... .' , .Ld:..t.,'.t ..1.\ l../...', I<o[; em.'! t'/ W j 1 j ~:: (~ t::C i t. .',~1 '"" JaJ';!,A':.U y q i 11 ('('lilllli 1.1 i'I' ~;LlI.'Cliil C' ~.J (: 11:": ':-. ~:~ ',' 23 i'"d --. !":.. <' j ~ f'" t 't ll-~ L