PRC 1969 11 19
The following members were present: Harvey Will, Conrad Fiskness,
Gladys McCary, Arnie Weimerskirch, Don Slathar, and Steve Wolf.
Sally deLancy was absent.
VISITORS: Joel Sigle - Scott Carver OEO Representative
Paul Fjare of Brauer and Associates.
Gene Coulter - Mayor
Mr. Sigel explained his job as Scott Carver Community Coordinator.
Mr. Sigel explained the necessary procedures for obtaining funds
through HUD and suggested we contact him when funds are desired.
Mr. Fjare was invited to explain the steps to be taken in
acquiring property and developing the Lake Ann area and the pro-
posed assistance Brauer and Associates could perform toward those
ends. The proposal submitted included a definition of the work
to be performed and the cost involved.
It was decided that since some of the basic plans have changed
the proposal be put aside until more concrete plans are prepared.
It was decided to have weekly meetings at 7:30 p.m. each Tuesday
until further notice.
~ Mr. Dave Hodapp will be present at 8:00 p.m. on November 25, 1969.
Harvey, Steve, and Don will meet with Mr. Ojay at 10:00 a.m.
on Friday, November 21, 1969.
A letter was received from Ed Seim congratulating the Park
and Recreation Commission on the passing of the bond issue.
HOCKEY RINK: The Council has approved a bid of $1,200 for
water service to the hockey rink. If some of the work is done
by city maintenance crews, the cost may be less.
Gladys moved to approve the hockey rink water bid as approved
by the Council. Conrad seconded. All approved.
Don reported receiving one bid for lighting the hockey rink.
Conrad motioned that Don be allowed to authorize an expenditure
of $2,000 for lighting of the hockey rink. This effort should
be completed by December 1, 1969. Steve seconded. All approved.
It was agreed to pass on information concerning teens from the
Suburban Recreation Association to the JayCees.
WINTER PROGRAM: Conrad mentioned that John Mitchell is interested
in teaching a Ceramic Class in his home. Mr. Mitchell teaches at
Chaska, lives in Chanhassen. He has tought Ceramics before and
has his own kiln and would supply all materials necessary. He
felt he could handle a class of ten at one time.
It was decided that ~his could be part of our adult winter program
anq will be studied and considered.
OPTION: Steve reported that the supplemental agreement
has not been written up at this time, but is being worked
MISCELLANEOUS: A copy of Conveyance of forfeited lands,
lots I, 21, 22, of block 2, of Minnewashta Heights, is on
A letter from our Village Administrator to Dave Hodapp
dated November I, 1969, certifying that the Park BOnd
Issue passed and is on file.
Steve motioned to adjourn the meeting. Conrad seconded.
TIME: 11:00 p.m.