Surveys lXI1436 1-li116'23 PAXTON, DEAN ADVANCE SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. .--....- C4.,Il" "'a'~ r JJiI"i''''A Jlt'II' ,,' t"' J.. ._-" ,.."dl'~" ._ ,1"" _ _.J- .- \..-4Ir. \ 5300 S.lIwy. No. 101 Minnelonka. MN 55345 Phone (612) 4747964 Fax (612) 4748267 ~-.i f p. OJ'e <r~ -4J-'e 7J',f" e L(ll\~/ _/ --...- ..- SURVEY FOR: DEAN PAXTON , , /' SURVEYED: October, 2000 DRAFTED: October 18. 2000 1~ Ul"t\ 01.~~/ ~ //'~\ ri V LEGAL DESCRIPTION: l'hat part o{Lols 34 and.~5, Minncwashta Parle.. Carver County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. described as follows: Beginning at he southwest comer of Lot 2, Block L Huntington Park, according to the recorded plat thereof: thence on an a~=ed bearing of North J I degrees 21 minutes 34 seconds West, along the westerly line of said Lot 2, a distance of 336.90 feet. Lo the northcrly line of said LoL35; thence southwestcrly a distance of 137.27 feet. along said northerly linc, on a curve. not Ulngent with the last dcseribed linc. concave to the southeast having a radius of 1152.62 feet. a central angle of 6 dcgrees 49 minutc.s 24 seconds and a chord of 137.18 feet which bears South 70 degrees 50 minutes 0 I seconds W c.~t; thence Soutb 67 degrees 25 minutes 19 seconds West. al<lllg said northerly line. a distance of 53.60 feel; thence South 15 degrees 09 minutes 16 / seconds East a distance of319.67 feet, to the intersection with a line be<tring South 74 degrees 50 millutes 06 ;; ~ ,,'I' seconds West from the poinL of begil11ling; thence North 74 degtees 50 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of r 167.70 feet, to the point of beginning. \. / ./ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Together with an casement for ingress and cgress purposes to J'orest A vcnue over and across that part of said Lots 34 and 35 which lies northerly of the westerly extension of the southerly line oflhe ah(we described parcel and lying sOl1therly of a line 25.00 feet northerly of. mea<ured al a right angle to and parallel with the above described line. as established by Order Document No. T607R6 / i I r-: f/)l. J ... -4 I I L ' ,-) ( .., 1- I , I \ I ,J '- \ r \ r) \ \j" \ . l , '. r-- " :- .1 r 1'- I \...< I r', , , \ SCOPE 01' WORK: I~Showing Ule length and direction of boundary lines of the shovc Icl!al description. The scope of our services does not include determining what you own, which is a legal manet. Pleasl' check the legal description with your records or consult with competent legal counsel. if nl"cessary. 1(, make sure that it is correct, and Ulat any maners of record. such a. easements. Ihal you wish shown on the SUl\"cy. ha,'e becn ShO\\'I1. 2. Showing the location of existing imprO\'emenl~ we deemed important. :.. Sening new mOlluments or verifying old monumcnts to mark the comers of the property. ~ ( - ./1 ,. '- \ , \ , , '. \ \ \ \ , .. , --(" \ ..- \ ~~ .- \ \ '. ,.. t \- , , 1. .~ ~ STANDARD S),JliB()LS_~ CONVENJIONS: " . " Dellotes 1/2" lD pire with plastic plug bearing Stale License :-lumber 9235. set, unless otherwi<e noted. \~l CERTrF!CATION: lbcrehy certify that this survey was prepared by Ill': or under my direcl supervision and that I am a Professional Engineer and u Professional Sur.'evorunder the Laws of the St.~te ofMirmesota. . .~ ~':Z\N\'<- { \~\,~>--- (Ja,s H. Parker P.E. & I'.S. No. 9235 '---- -- 1'- /'~ ...."\ ~) -- '. 'v' l ~ ~~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED \ \ , \ \.. . NOV 0 4 2005 , \ \ \ \ \ L HtJI',r.g1(}17 p",J:. _---' (It lot ~ EIIod J. ~_.....__Jt ......n .7M~". --- --- CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT -- ,I _- -.-" It _ -- - - ~~ I'r ....' ...., ...... GRAPIlIC SCALE ...... y ....--- " - -- \:..--' ,)-I"gresl " olld E9'DS$ \ \';3. \ \ ....- \.-- 1- .-.- -~~~ ~ (-.. ......) ( IN fEET ) 1 Inch' 20 il \ \. . Job No. 001436 -:-~,"'~";Y"I(".J~.~ ,....~...~...:"'';"Il.:.....~...,~.........:'"':'''~~.~~-~-....t OOl436A \41116123 PAXTON, DEAN ADVANCE SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. S300 S. Hwy. No. 101 MinDetonka, MN SS345 Phone (612) 474 7964 Fax (612) 474 8267 SURVEY FOR: DEAN PAXTON SURVEYED: Odober,2000 DRAFTED: 0cUlber 18,2000 LEGAL DESCRIP1l0N: That pat of Lola 34111d 3S, MinDewubta Park, Carver CouIIty, MiIme8ola, according to the =ded plat thereof; described II follOM: Commencing It the IIOUlbwest comer of Lot 2, Bloe!: I, HlII1lington Pule. lK1COnling to the recorded plat thereof; !hence on an UIUIllOCl beuing ofNortb II degrca 21 minulel34 seconds West, along the westerly line of said Lot 2, a distance of 336.90 feet, 10 the northerly tiDe of said Lot 3S; thence IIOUlbwesrmy . dislaDce of 137.27 fcct, alona said northerly line, on a curve. DOt langCI1t with tbe last dC8Cribed line, COI1ClIve Co the southeast having a radius of ............ II S2.62 feel, a ccutraI angle of 6 degrca 49 minutes 24 seconds IIId a chord of 137:18 feet which bean South 70 degrees SO IIIiJwta 01 RCOads West; tbeDce South 67 ~ 2S miDutes 19 seconds West, aIoog said aortberly line, a distance of 141.61 feet 10 the point ofbeginDing of the land to be described; !hence North 67 degrees 2S minutes 19 scc:onds East, along said NOftberly line, a distaDce of88.01 feet; thence South IS degrees 09 miDulel16 seconds East a distance of 319.67 feel, to tbe intcncction with ,line bearing South 74 degrees SO .minutes 06 seconds West from the point of beginning; thct1ce North 74 degrees SO mites 06 seconds I!ut a di.stanceof 167.70 feet, to the point of beginning. SCOPE OF WORK: I. Showing !he length and direction of boWJdary lines of the above legal description. The scope of our services docs ~ include determining what you own, which is a legal matter. PICBIlCl check the legal descriptio1l with your records or consult with competent legal COWlSeI, ifnCCCSS3l)', to make sure that it is correct, and tbat any matters of n:cord, such as casements, that you wish shown on the survey, have been shown. 2. Showing the location of existing improvements we deemed important. 3. Setting new monumenll or verifying old moouments 10 mark the comers of the property. STANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: . . . Denotes 112"10 pipe with plastie plug bearing State License Number 923S, set, unless otherwise Doted. CERTIFICA nON: 1 hereby certify that this survey was prt:parM by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a Professional Engineer and a Professional Surveyor under the Laws of the Stale of Minnesota. CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED NOV 0 4 Z005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT ........... ,... ..,3!0 - ...... ,,;l""" L"'" -#'-<t -:::'- l. !l'1.f>'l . __ -;::::.::'--- ....\ l<"^~~"~~'1~ ;..-- \ \,. .j!::::- ~ ~\ ~ \~\"tiI-;~ 'Il \ ....-;-;::./;~ \ ~::.--- ~...... \ ,P . -;;><- \ /" .)/ \ ..f - . /" \ I:/~ _r \ \ \ \ \ \ \ h \ \ \ ~ \ ~ \\ ~ ~ \\$.>J. \ .~~. \ I." ~ \ ~ \ ~ " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ./ ./~ ././ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ ~ tt'9t""~ --,/ swdl I. ~ -- ~ Lol f. ___ .......~ ----- ftlo ~ --- -- ,e:1.'O-;~,. -- ;;4~OO ---- ---- ul'Lt Ofe\\ , ---- ~ ---- ~ J;ut\e...~ ~ ... .. . \~ .. \" "- "- "- "- 40' ',~ ~"~"lP"- .,~."', "" II- ~ ~ e",/", ~b. e~ ~e ...-- ---- ""'~ ....... ':... -- .....~ ':.~ .....~' ~~ ....'" ~'- '-J -..~ /' ~\ ~-../ ~) ).. '- /. ./ ../ ./ ./ ./ /' ./ ~, ./ ./ ./ ./ ).. ./ ./ .... (~ -..J \ \.-. 20 0 r---,J SCAL!: ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ '0 20 , , .. ..- 40 I FtET /'_~'( ~) '", , '-.'. ~ ~ .:- Job No. 0014J6A