2n Utility Improvments Golden Glow Acres CITY OF CHAHHASSEH ;2 11, - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Anita Benson, City Engineer David Hempel, Assistant City Engineer ~ January 6, 1998 FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Accept Utility Improvements in Golden Glow Acres Project No. 96-19 Staff has received a letter from Kreg Schmidt, project engineer with William R. Engelhardt Associates, Inc., requesting the City consider acceptance of the utility improvements in the above-referenced project. According to Mr. Schmidt, the public utility improvements have been completed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications. City staff performed a walk:~through inspection of the project and found that the utilities are in satisfactory condition. All testing has been successfully completed as well. Staff has received the necessary two-year maintenance bond for the improvements. The street in this development is private and therefore will not be covered under the bond. It is therefore recommended that the City Council accept the public utility improvements in Golden Glow Acres, Project No. 96-19, for perpetual maintenance and ownership. Jrns Attachments: 1. 2. Letter from Kreg Schmidt dated December 24, 1997. Location Map. c: James Ravis Kreg Schmidt, William R. Engelhardt Associates, Inc. r.c:'.-''-''''';; r, -!l '''-,1Jt. '~r-n'" ..... \..-'!'"'{' ;:"..:i:..1f.l- t:-':~~:r~:':::i:ii!P,h":i COP'! \'dsl\vol2'eng\projects't;olden\accept utility imp.doc Pecs;c'sd E.:.v!s>:m f'!0. .~. ._;:"',,.,....,\:c ,,.' '''\,'''' ,-..i..... r ==... _f ,.. . "_'J'''''",.) '-') ,," . I,' ~ ~~w~ r;-"9 8~' ~ , Approved by City Council Date WILLIAMR. ENGELHAaOT ASSOCIATES, INC. . eongu.ltl"~ 2H~lHee'lg MD52 .1107 HAZEl.TINE.BOllLEVARD CHASKA. MINN ESOTA 55318-1 008 (612) 44$-8838 December 24, 1997 city of Cbanhassen Attn. Mr. Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer 690 Coulter Drive, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Golden Glow Acres City Project No. 96-19 Dear Mr. Hempel: The above referenced project has been completed in conformance with the approved construction plans and City of Chanhassen Standards. All punch list items have been completed and as-built plans and tie cards have been submitted to Mr. Bill Bement. At this time we ask that the City of Chanhassen accept the improvements and release the owners letter of credit. Please contact our office if you have any questions regarding this issue. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM R. ENGELHARDT ASSOCIATES, INC. f{Vf f ,\J,..:cLf. Kreg J. Schmidt P.E. Project Engineer CITY OF CHANHASSEN p"=) ,-,,",,- C"'- lIt ~It" 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Anita Benson, City Engineer L David Hempel, Assistant City Engineer" ~/W\ .J...! FROM: DATE: January 6, 1998 SUBJ: Accept Utility Improvements in Golden Glow Acres Project No. 96-19 Staff has received a letter from Kreg Schmidt, project engineer with William R. Engelhardt Associates, Inc., requesting the City consider acceptance of the utility improvements in the above-referenced project. According to Mr. Schmidt, the public utility improvements have been completed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications. City staff performed a walk-through inspection of the project and found that the utilities are in satisfactory condition. All testing has been successfully completed as well. Staff has received the necessary two-year maintenance bond for the improvements. The street in this development is private and therefore will not be covered under the bond. It is therefore recommended that the City Council accept the public utility improvements in Golden Glow Acres, Project No. 96-19, for perpetual maintenance and ownership. Jrns Attachments: 1. 2. Letter from Kreg Schmidt dated December 24, 1997. Location Map. c: James Ravis Kreg Schmidt, William R. Engelhardt Associates, Inc. (['()pt.! \'<:fsl\voI2\eng\projects\goIdcn\,cccpl utility imp.doc r:s,,:::::'cd _______...___ f~~o -------..---,----.---.--- .-'..~~..:.-.,~.:i- ::~~/ ;':8i\;AJjf:r;cy;r ,J;;(C: I (P 9 ----------.-.---.- ...- - /~~Jpr.G~.!~_~d j~y/ (~H-y CouncU ~Jato ~--_.........- WilLIAM R. ENGELHARDT ASSOCIATES, INC. eOI1SU.{ti'l~ Z;t:;i1U:C~l~ MD 52.1107 HAZELTINE BOULEVARD CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318-1 008 (612) 448-8838 December 24, 1997 City of Chanhassen Attn. Mr. Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer 690 Coulter Drive, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Golden Glow Acres City Project No. 96-19 Dear Mr. Hempel: The above referenced project has been completed in conformance with the approved construction plans and City of Chanhassen Standards. All punch list items have been completed and as-built plans and tie cards have been submitted to Mr. Bill Bement. At this time we ask that the City ofChanhassen accept the improvements and release the owners letter of credit. Please contact our office if you have any questions regarding this Issue. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM R. ENGELHARDT ASSOCIATES, INC. /:/ ~ .' /;/ ("., :>..( -I L I /1 :J /'../' f'''' ',<' .I.' J l '.1"'(. ..... l ; --/. - Kreg J. Schmidt P.E. Project Engineer ~r-- I r---- I -' -- --- . .... ..- C {,r.lce /'1 Lake \ Ann I .'" .... -- - - ~ ~ Lake Ann Park ..c.... ..:....;.."........ I t h rist'mas ~~. - Lake ~ o .- '<I;'" - ClJ :E ? Ii +- '/'