Future Planning Commission Agenda Items Schedule
Future Planning Commission Agenda Items Schedule
Possible Future . Dunn Bros. Coffee
Items (Date . Church Road Subdivision 4-plexes (Spartz)
Unknown) . John Klingelhutz Subdivision (north of Lyman)
. Quinn Road Subdivision
. Baja Sol Site Plan
. CarlsonlBrandt Subdivision (Dogwood)
. Bentz Property (Galpin north of West 78th Street)
. Ann Nye Subdivision (West 63rd Street)
. Area north of Big Woods Subdivision
. Lot 1, Block 2, Arboretum Business Park Site Plan Review
. D. R. Horton (Sever Peterson parcel)
. Public Hearing - Amendment of Interim Use Permit No. 96-2 (Green
Gardens) Tentative
. Bob Christianson Subdivision (Burlwood) Application not yet received
. Charles Klingelhutz subdivision
. 510 Pleasant View Road - hard-surface coverage variance
. Cunningham Subdivision-865 Pleasant View Road
. Ordinance Amendment for Individual Sewage Treatment Systems for large
. Gedney Pickle Site Plan (MVEC)
. Site Plan review for parking ramp and retail buildings located at the comer of
future 212 and Lyman, SMTC
. Arild Rossavik RezoninglLand Use Amendment/Subdivision
. Ron Saatzer - Variance for Garage Setback
. Rosemount Addition
. Public Hearing - BENDZICK VARIANCE: Request for 1.85% hard surface
coverage Variance from the maximum 20% hard surface coverage restriction
on property zoned Agricultural Estate (A2) and located at 731 West 96th Street.
Applicant: Gary Bendzick - Planning Case No. 05-35
January 3 Public Hearing - HALLA GREENS (aka Chanhassen Short Course): Request
(January 23 CC) for a Site Plan Amendment (2003-07), Conditional Use Permit Amendment
(2003-04), and Variances for the construction of a golf course on property located
on the southeast comer of the intersection of Great Plains Boulevard (Highway
101) and Pioneer Trail. Applicant: Don Halla - Planning Case No. 05-39
Public Hearing - CHANHASSEN ELECTRIC SUBSTATION: Request for a
Conditional Use Permit with Variances and a Site Plan Review application to
construct a local electric distribution substation on property zoned Industrial Office
Park, lOP located east of the Gedney Pickle plant and north of Stoughton A venue.
Applicant: Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative - Planning Case No. 05-30
Public Hearing - JACOB'S TAVERN - Planning Case No. 05-40
Open Discussion - Lakeview Hills; Sienna Corporation 10:00 pm
G:\agendas\pC\2005\Future planning commission items.doc
Future Planning Commission Agenda Items Schedule
January 17 PC Old Business - LIBERTY AT CREEKSIDE: Request for Rezoning of
(February 13 CC) . property from A-2 to PUD-R; Subdivision with Variances of approximately
36.01 acres into 30 lots, 1 outlot, and public right-of-way; Conditional Use
Permit for grading in the Bluff Creek Overlay DistrictlFlood Plain; and Site Plan
Approval for 138 townhouses. The property is located east of Audubon Road and
north of Pioneer Trail (1500 Pioneer Trail) Applicant: Town & Country Homes -
Planning Case No. 05-24
February 7 PC CHANHASSEN GA TEW A Y: Sand Companies
(February 27 CC)
February 21 PC
(March 13 CC)
March 7 PC
(March 27 CC)
March 21 PC
(April 1 0 CC)
April 4 PC
(Avril 24 CC)
April 18 PC
(May 8 CC)
May 2 PC
(May 22 CC)
May 16 PC
(June 12 CC)
June 6 PC
(June 26 CC)
June 20 PC
(July 10 CC)
July 18 PC
(AUflust 14 CC)
August 1 PC
(Au~ust 28 CC)
August 15 PC
(September 11 CC)
September 5 PC
(Sevtember 25 CC)
September 19 PC
(October 9 CC)
October 3 PC
(October 23 CC)
October 17 PC
(November 13 CC)
November 21 PC
(December 11 CC)
G:\agendas\pC\2005\Future planning commission items.doc