Army Corps of Engineering Permit 10-5-05 OCT-07-2005 14;38 From;DERNCRRLSONPRRTNERS 9529748396 To;9522271110 P.l TO: FAX TRANSMITTAL L6(\~ ~Lt . FAX#: '22;)- -'I\\a DATE: PHONE: D~AN CARSGN PM(tmrm~~O~l 7820 Terrey Pine Court, Eden Prairie MN 55347 E-Mail: carISOllPartners@cbbumet.c.om lrol!ers@),cbbumet.com Return Fax: 952-974-8396 ,~Dean Carlson Linda R.ogers 952-949-4715 "',... -.. --9S2=9'1~J477-""'-'-"'" Debbie Shafer Jennifer Jolmson 952-949-4754 952-949-4824 ;JiJd~ ~t. ~ Number of Pages (including cover) : I If all pages are not received please caB the sender direct y. ~,r I 'F,,'/Ah. jli_. 4-rwt fo/; LcJp J:bc:~ 'e~_A ~H__/ A~ _/./ IIn /J #'7tl/J ~It u..u~ ?t~(~. ~ /S:./-k -liYS~ 6~~. e.;f -I-l1.~~ &iM~ ~).1/{ :\oc:... SC4rl1> 10 1"~.i3~ _-+L... ~.. ct:" e~'~AA ;..j... t.:;- fA,../-- cA ("c- <'/2-k.~ /<::.-.. :z. t=.G, '-1 C{ IJf~~ 0'-(" e.-+-c, ~. h~ .-( ~t:-. (;/ld~oI1..S ;()<<~ ~oO-r +~u,j- w.x../& 0-c:. cyJ~"'~ -- .-.-' - .. .....-----.... -,-.-..--...... '-- ~ --------- ~ ~ ~- - ~ RE: BURNET OCT-07-2005 14;38 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS 9529748396 _~~~~U05 12:46 F~ 290 5330 CANO~ CO Drv To;9522271110 P.2 ~OOl FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL HEADER SHEEr. FtI.f UM .. mill~. .... .,II"R ~~..,,; Ihe ewGtllon..... 1Ig1lnCy... C1t1ISiC&. \ o~ 2..-. COMMANDI OFFICE NAMEI OFFICE _ sy SOL OFFICE TI;I.EPHONE 1Il0. rA uTOVONICamm.J FAX NO. {AUTO VON/r::ornm.} FROM: US~- GS-J-'2-~o-S3~ 6Sl-~'70 ~>33b R,"MARKs NO. PAGES ('nelUding this H".,did2- I-:~ 10 R-\~D~ ~ . '---t)~J. ?~ qL~ +-C~J-.l.D ~.1~~ ') OATe-TIM~ MONTH YEAR ~'?~-~4- 8'3 9~ - TO: "'D~ Q-F c..~~c;e,.J I CLASSIFICATION PReCEOeNC~ . 't>E~~O,JJ . q52.-~49-Y7f I - Splilce Below ~r ComflluniClltion:s r;",ntill" Use Only OCT-07-2005 14;38 From;DEANCARL50NPARTNER5 9529748396 _ ~.,~.,~~ "'AX 651 290 5330 CANON CO DIV I To;9522271110 P.3 ~002 <8 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ST. PAUL DI$TFtle'r, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 180 FIFTH STREET EAST ST. PAUL. MN 55101-16311 October 5, 2005 REF'\.. Y TO ATTENTION OF; Operations Regulatory (2005-5643-JJY) Ml". Dean. C81"lson D & G of Chanhassen, LLC 7820 Terrey Pine Court ,Eden Pxairie. Minnesota 55347 Dear Mr. Carlson: We have reviewed your permit application to discharge fill or dredged material in 0.13 acre (5.756 square feet) of"jurisdictional wetland/waterway as part of the co~ction of the Hidden Creek residential development. The project also includes creation of 0, 17 acre of wetland, about 0.5 aere ofuplEuld buffer, and a stonn Water pond as compensatory mitigation. The project site is in the: NE 1/4 of Section 6 and the NW 1/4 SeC. S, T. 116 N., R.. 23 W., City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minne$ota. The decimal degree coordinates for this site are Latitude 44.8880, Longitude -93.6230_ ' The authorized work is shown on the enclosed drawings labeled 200S-S643-JJY, I of 6 thro\.lgh 6 of 6, hereby wCOlpOrated as pan of this letter of pcnnission. This authorization is issued under the provisions of GP/LOP-9s..MN (MN LOP-B). This action is based upon the rccolI1ll1cndati on of the Chief of Engine:ers and under the proviSiOns of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C..1344). The a.uthorization is subject to the enclosed special, general, and standard conditions. The special conditions require the creation and maintenance of the 0.17 acre of on-site wetland, 0.5 acre of upland buffer, and the storm. watcT pond_ letter. The time limit fur completing this authorl%ed work ends two years from the date of this If your project willl'equire off-site fill material that is nut obtained from a licensed commercial facility, you Inust notifY us at least five working days before start of work. A cultural resources survey may be required if a licensed commercial facility is not used. I "IbiS Federal authorization does not obviate the .Deed. to obtain other Federal. state ot' local authorizations required by law. If y6u disagree with the enclosed jurisdictional determination, you may provide new information.. Please follow the directions in Section D of the enclosed Notification of Administrative Appeal Options and Process and Requcst for Appeal. OCT-07-2005 14;38 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS 9529748396 10/05/2005 12:47 FAA 651 290 5330 CANON CO DIV -- 1----- To;9522271110 P.4 I4J 003 CEMVP-OP-R (2005-S643-J1Y) -2- If this: letter of permission is not acceptable and you would like to appeal the permit decision. please follow the directions in Section A of the enclosed Notification of Administrative Appeal Options and PJ:ocess and ReqU(lst for Appeal. The decision regarding this action is based on information found in the administrative record. which documents the District's decision-making process. the basis for the decision, and the final decision. If you have any quClstiOns. contact Mr. Joseph Yanta in our office at (651) 290~5362- In any correspondenc:e or inquiries, please refer to the Regulatory number shown above. Sincerely, ~~ Co I, C Engineers District Engineer Enclosures OCT-07-2005 14;38 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS ---- ~_.~, r~ uo~ .~u ~~3U CEMVP-QP-R-(200$.5643-,J.JY) ~ Inwm...tiQ",. As. a generlllrule, all aiscttllrges of fill or dredgea materlal into <Illy welland 0' wlltar Dma reqUire a S~on 404 permit from the Corps of Engine"..... Pcnsons proposing such work should e:;pecially ncrtethat, in ALL ca3e5 IncluOin9 thtl non-repcrtll'l9 general permits. GPI'LOP-S8-MN reqllires thAt adverae rnp"~ on water and WOtrand resourcas be avokJed and mlnlmizlld tn tl1l:l maximum oxtotnt p.-..ctiQsl. DisdIarges thBt W<Juld .dversety affect, Federal endangercc:l plant or lInimal .pedes or certain oultural or archaOOlogical ",50urces, or that would impillge or abrogate reServed Nllti\le Amerlc;o:ln treaty rights nctudlng. but not limlled 10, rOGGt'IIed water 1igl1t!S and treaty fishing and I'luntlng rights, are not aliglble for authoTi:lllStlon under GPILOP.SB-MN. TIle SI. Paul OI~tTict WN'N site (htIp:IMIww.mvp-~a=.arrny.mil) will COntain informatlo., Itl:.t is helpfUlib, applicants. G...."ral Conditions. 1. The time rrnit t'or complBt.ing Wmk authorized by lhe Q? provlclol'lS of GPIL.OP.9S-UN ends upon the explrarlon dale of GP/LOP-!;B~N. The time limit ror complQtjng wort< 'uthorizcd by the LOp provisions herein ends Upon the expinltlon dale of GP/LOP-98-M1II or lWo yea~ .fter the date of tho COrp3 aulhorb!:atlon of the work under GPn...OP-S8-MN. whldlever OC<:l.lrc later. If you find that you nee<! mo.. lime to comple~ 11'1.. authorized actfviIy, submit your n;quest for a time extansion to thlll ofIj"", for com.idel"1ltiDr1 at least thfOM montnG before u,. expiration date is readllKl. 2. You must main loin !nO' activity aulhoriZCKI by GPILOP-9B-MN in good col1dilion and in confcnn":m;e wtth (P'iG terms and conditio= of this permit. You are not rellcvOCl of [his r~qlli......ent if)'CO&. aba.ndon the permitted ..~ity. ellhollgh yoll n'l;:ly mal<;e II ~ood fail" tnInsfe, to III third party. Should you wish to =...... to maintain the aUthorized a!=tiVity or should you desire tn abandon it without .. goad lollh transfer. you mu$l obt.ln a mo<lffication of thiG pelmlf frOm this olTIc&, wnlCh may requl.. l'O&toratlon of the area. 9529748396 CANON CO DIV GPILOP-9B-MN CONDITIONS 3. Ir you dl$cover any prevlouary unknown ~Il:toric or an::haeoJo;ic:a1 remlllnll wIlile eccomplistlinll the eetlVlIy authortzed by GP/LOP-S8-MN. you mulOt immedr.tl:lly ~ wonc IInd notl1v thIs mnce of what YOLl I'Nave found. We w1l1lnitiGle ~ Pederal and state coordination required to determlnD If !he rOrrDIins wtlrrant a re<:overy elfart 01' If the sUe is ellslbkl for IIsUng in the National RegistClr Of HiStol'lc Places. 4. You must allow represe~thI_ from Ihis ~ to lnsped: thct lIIutholized activit)< at Bny time dec.med nOClk",ry to ell$ure that It is bclng Dr h~ tleen ilCCOMprl:lhcd In ec;c:ordanoe with the telf1l:j and conditIons. of GP/LOP-9&-MN. 5. Refc:r tD tile GP/LQP-$a.MN Slandan:l Conditio~ lilt Ule end cr ttlltl document.. Furthe, Jnfonnortlon: 1_ Congre&lllonalAuthorltlec: You h_ bean authorized to undertl!l~ the a~1ly desail:l.cl above pUROuanl to Section 404 cI' lint Clean Water Ad (33 U.S.C. 1344). 2. LimIt, of this autholi:llation. a. GF'/LOP-9l3-UN daBS 'IClt obviate lhe need to obbl~ Othe, Federal. ,,_. or IOCII .oll1hcrizalionlt required by 1lIw. b. GP/LOP-98-MN dDCS nat IiIT11l1t. Ilny property rights of exdus'-"" prtvIJev'"- Co GPIL.Of'-V6-IIlN does "at Duthorize any injury to the pro~rty Of rlghts of ottuml. d. GP/LOP-9a-MN dues not autholite IntD~renQll wvlth any existing or propoaci Federel project. ~. LImits of Fedel'lll Liability. In authorizing wort<. the Fedel'lll GlNemment does not B$$lIm. any IJabUlty, including for the fo4lowlng; a. Dlmlllge$ to the pefl'l'l~ "ro~ or uses thcntOf 8S B result c1 ~et permltlw or unpermitted aclJvities or frQm natllml c::;;alJses.. b. DllmDges to the permitled project Ot USe:I thereof as B r1::Jult of' OUlTell1 or tutu r1I activties unclenaMln by or ICf1 behalf of tn. United Sbiltrr.l tn tn. pc..bljg intere5l. Co Oamag,,:s to per1lQna, property. or to other permitted Qr vnPllrmitlGd GcVvit..s or otnlclures uus(ld by t"- 'Cllvlty OIUthorlzsd by 1tI.. p..rmit. Pase 1 of3 To;9522271110 P.5 @004 d. Design or construc;tJon defidencles associated WIlIl the permitted wmlc. G. Damage claims assoelaleCI with any fiJlUIe modification. suspemslon, or revce;ation of Ihis p~rmit. 4. Reliance on Applicants oota: The dec.rrnlnation ofttlis office l11at .'''.;inca of this permit ~ not contrary Ullhe public interest we. made In ....r,llnce on the information you pT1>vided. 5. Reev.tu;Jtion of Permlt Oecision. Tnis office may rct.vQI"ate Its dll'lcloion on Ihis permit at any Hrne the circumstanCQs warr<lnt Circumllll:l.JIces th!ltcould require a reeYelut\tlcm inCilude, btJt are not limIted to. the fallowing: a. YOU fail 10 comply with the term~ and conditione of this pBrmil b. The: Information provided by you ... support of your permit application Pro....u tv !'Illite been false, incomplclo, gr inaccurate (see 4 abovo~. c. SiynffilOCll'lt ~ information SUr1i!cell which thl:s olTlc:c did not ....nsid...r In reaching the oliglNlI public inlerest decision. Such 8 reevaluation may reaullln a dstermln:ation thaI it is "PPro~rllOt" to use tho suspension, modification, IInd ravoc:.ation proced\lre& contaIned I" 33 CFR 325.7 oren1ol'c:ement procedure~ 6uOl'o DO IholOO contalnecs In 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.6. The referenced enforcement p~unos provlda for the issuance 01 an ..d",lnICll'll1tive order requirIng you to compl:.' wlth the terms and conClitions of your permit and for ltIe lniliation m legal ectlon where appropmte. You will bs required to pay for any corrective meaSU<'88 Orclet"Qd by this office, and if you fail to comply with such dIrective, this offiea nmy in certe,n situations (6UCh as those specified In 33 CFR 205M70) accomplish the correctille m.,..,.u~ by contract or otheTWise and bill :iOU for th" coal, 6. ~nslo..... c;;anorel condition 1., abCV6, _bl~1'I&$ a tin'l.. limit fe, the compl..Uo n of the activity authorl2:ed by thla permit. Un~s Ihere lire circumstances requiring eltll.r Q prompt completion of the authorized lIc:tivity or a reevaluation of the publiC Inte...t decision, the Corps will nomtlDl1y "Ive f'avor:llbl... consider-dian 10 a requ_t for ran ,,>dam.ion of this tIn.. limrt. OCT-07-2005 14;38 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS 10/05/200~ 12:47 FAX 651 290 e330 -'-1 St>nda'"'t Conditin...... In eddltign to the pnocooding genenol condkions, GPII..OP-9e..ACN authoRz:1I tionll e.... subje~ to !he following Sbndard I;ondttions. as l:IppJlcable. These condilions must be :so.tlsf"1ed fer any GP/LQP-98 a...lhorlzalion. both GPS and LOPs. Including the non-repgr\lrl9 GPs, to be valid: 1. ComDJianca CCrtific-atlon. Under an LOP Dutharo:atJoru: of GPILOP-96-MN author1zatlons the permilte... rnuat sullrnil a ccmpliance certification to the SL Paul Dislrlct wllt1in 30 da)'s of complOlion of tho work. The Olatrlct win include B certffica'tlon form witl1lts autho~lcn letmns. Permittees may also oblain this form by COntacting the St. Paul DIstrict. This requirellMnt does not Apply to Gp authorizations under GP/LOP-9Il-MN. 2. ~-case eondlllqm. Tho activity must comply w1lh any spedel condlilions whIch may ha\ll!l been addlMf by the DIGt1ict or by a state. tribe, or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in il:s sedion "'01 water qu:allty cemflcatlDn or consistency delermlflation under the 00"1:011 Zone Management Ad:. Such condllions wm tie .pecilicall~ idOl'ltllied in Gny LOP issued for the prnjcot. 3. Mitl<tMlerllSeotlendnn. Discharg.... of dredged or fill material into waters of Un: United 5tat~ Must bemlnrolzsd Dr avoldad to tt1e maximum extent practicable. unles.s t"l!l DIs;tr;ct apDrovo. B ccmpen=atlon plan thllt tho District downnines is mora beneficial to the environment !t1l1n minimization or svoidance measures. 4. Staten"ribool Wlotel" ~ ~fio::ation !ll1SI. ~~ !IDIf1a~..nt.miMJ. eonsi.,tonvv d..tannlnIlt'i9". Some GP/LOP.98-MN suthorlzlltlQns rn~ nDt bo valk1 unless ami untU an 1r'lcf'lVidual Section 401 Waler quality CCrtlll=~ioJ1 or CZM eOllSlslency de1Orminatio~ is obtainecl from Or waived by the iIIlPPn:Jpri~te agency. If this ="dition applleG. !t wi. ~ SO noted in the OistJict letter 01 permission. 5. llh..;wble mamrlaJ. No i;Ji..a.arge gf dredged Dr fill malena' may consiort of UI'ISUltable materiSll Ca.A.. trash. debria, c:zr bodies. asphan, etc.,) and mll18r1al 9529748396 _~ON CO DIY I I I j dlac:harged mu~ \)lSI free from toxlo pollUlants In twdo lll'TIOunlS (sea SeGtlcm 307 of the Olean WllIUlr Act). ! I 6. ~ m;aiyit..~'i:$l' Any structure or fill aulhoTkOd lUlall be properly rnllinlail1ed. ...gIvcllng maiBlllnan~ tl:J ensure pUl)lic s:afety. 7. ~;and GII~tfon GOotrols. Appl'Opnale e~lon and siLtaticm contrcb mullt be useO andl maintained in el'recthM opel'Qting ~Ion during constnJctlan. and all upOt;;ed soil and other fills. CI$ weD as any ~l'k beloW tM ordinary ~11 water mOl..... must be parmsnently 1>tabir~ at the eanieSl "radicatlJe d:a!e. wC:II'!t should be done In accordance with state-approved. Dubllshed P"'~ such as defined in Mil'\n8.!'lota Poilutlon Conln:" Agency Document, PRO"TECTING ~ QUALITY IN~6BE&i~~ MANAQ8MENTPRACT~ESEQR MINNESOTA.: , 8. ftemoval oft&mpc>"II''Y!lI1a- Any tIImporary fi~ muGt be remoVed In their entirety and uio atr.ctGd areas returned to their proexl5t(ng elevation. 9. ~~1"Od ~I...._ a.. N~ .ctlvlt)' is aulhorized whil;h ill IIl<cIIy to jeopardize the continued existanCII of II th~rIed OF endangered ~ or " spedaa proP<:"'ed forl.uch d=isnatton. _ idcnttfled under the Federal Endm'lllered SpeClIM Ad., or which is likely to <loalroy or advemely modifY the crilicalll<lbllDt of auctt Species. Non:federal permltlceo ohalJ notify the OIGtrict ifany list4Id species Dr cr1tjeal habitat rI'ICIht be afl'ected or Is in lhe vicinity of the projeoi. !Ind sI'I.:111l not Degln wor1c on tfle activity until notlfied by the Disttl~ that the requirements of the Endzngen:d Species Ad have been &stlaned lInd tnat the aQtlvtty Is authorized, b. Aulhor1Z;ltlon of an aclilllly under GPILQP-Q8 does not aulhori~ Vle lake of.. lt1....wncad ';'t endangered _aclMO = de1tned undgrthe Fedoral EncJangeT1ld Species Act: In the al)SGnOl at aap.nll. outhorl%atlory (e.g.. en ESA Section '0 Permit. a alOloglCllI Opll'llOIl w1t!llncidental take prv\lisicins. eta.) from tile u.s. Fish anCl WldJlfe s....,iice or the National Mllrlna F'"l$herloa S~it>EJ, beth lethal ami non-leth:al !akaa of p~ "pedes are in violation of th4l Endangered Spaelaa Act. Infonnzll1on . Page 2 of3 To;9522271110 P.6 ~005 on tne location of U1rC2telled and endangered $pecieS and tnelr gi!ical habltat can be obtaine<J directly fTom lhe offices of !~Q U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service .and National Mar\ne Fisheries ServIce or their world wide web peges on the Inteme!.. Co I\' it beccrnGl :lPDllrel'lt thai II Federally listed endangered planl or animal spe~ will be affi!lcted by wort< II1l1h01'lzod by lhis p$lTT1il, WOn< ,"ual bu stopped immediately ..nd the 5t P.ul District of the Ccrps of Engineer. must be conlaGted ror further Instruction. 10. ~ DroD9rues.~ resoureas. No activity wtllch ma~ affect historic: propertie& li$ted. or eligible for llallng. in the National Register of Historic Places is authorized. until the Dlatrict has compl"'d wllh the provisions of 33 CFR Part 325, "P?endlx C. Tn_ F:>l'Qapective pennittee mus.t Indude nolltleatron to the D~ in the permit appncation if the sutnorized octivly may affe<::t any hl&toric prope~s listed, c2eterrnined to be eligible, orwhich the DrolSpeatlvCl J:lC,mnlltee has relll30n to belle"a may be eliglbla lor listing on Ihe NatIonal ~G9lster of Hi5lcl'iC PIP=. lInd Ghalll'lot begin the ac;l:lIIil)' until narmed by the District that the requirements of lhe National Hislcric PreservationAc:t hElve been Gatlslled and ltIat lha activity is aulho~. Information on the loc:atior\ "md RXistence of historIc resourr:es can be glrt"lned from the State Histone PreGElNaticn Office and thoe Nalional Regisle r of Historic Places. 11. S..awn;nq 3.--s. Discharge& in spawning area" during spawning seasons must be avoided 10 the 1T'a:J<lrnum extent practicable. 12.. Obstruction !2f hl!'1h flows. To the maximum extent pmcticab1e. discharges mUlIt not pllrmanently rvatrict or Impede the passag~ of normal or Cl(pcotcd hlgl\ f10Wl!1 or cause me relocation or the we-let Cunle!llll the prlmlllY P\lrp!;IGO of the 11111:1 to lmllound W_r.l). 13. Adv&rse effects from tmPDundme....u. IUhe discharge creates an Impoundment of waler. advers.. ..ffecls On the "quatic lS)-stem eaUlsed by tho aCC&ll;lr"hld p......ag" ot watl!lr and/or the reetrlc:tlel' 01 ~lS now 6111111 be mInimized to the maxImum extent prllclicable. OCT-07-2005 14;39 From;OEANCARLSONPARTNERS 10/05/2005 12:47 FAX 651 290 5330 14. ~~rkwlr1 bmfKllnq :o....as. Di$charges. Into breeding Z1~U for mlg....tOly waterfowl must be avoided to tha maximum extent practicable. , 6. Navi~. Nu aC'tlvity m8.)' caua. moro than a mInimal a<lverec effect on navigQUon. '8. Aquatic .!J!g moYelftCllnts., No activity may suDStarrtilllly disrupt the mQvument oftt!l;JCO specie:. of aquatic life in<l~enou~ 10 the waterbody. induding those spQCIBs. which normally migmte thmugh lhll ;a...."'. unlolla the activity'c pr1maIY pul'J)o.... is to im~ound water. 17. fiauiprn..nL Heavy eQuilln1ent werking in wetlandc must b9 placed on mats, or oUwr measu~ must be taken to mini..,~ 5011 disturbance. 18- Itl!!!!! IilI!l!!!. No IIctivity or Its operatlo", may impin~lI or abrtJgllts reservod t....aty rightG. Including, Dut nat rimllcd 10, reservlld wEIler rlghb 1IInc1 treaty rn.l"ling <!lnd hunting rlghlB. 19. Wild ~ ~ Aivef'$. Nt) Ilctl...1ty may occur In a component Of tha National Wild IInd Scenic River S)'Stem; or irt 01 river offici,,1Iy doslgnaled by Congress a3 II "ctudy rivel" for lSOl!;Sible inclllClon in the sy.stsm, wtllle the river is il'l an offtollll study BtmuS; unl~5 tne appmprlatl!l Federnl agency, Wilh direct MOnagement re.pon"'bilily fer wen river, has determined In wrilirlSl1l'l8t the grgPOGad adMty will not adver.!cl)l ctTect Ihe Wild and Scenic RIver designation, or etudy statu:J. Information on Wild and Scenio Riven; may be obtlfned from tile appropriate Flldernlland management Dgel'lC)l in the area (e. II.. National Pad( Service. U.S. Forest service, Bureau IOf l.8nd MansgemlWrt, U.s, rslt and Wildlife SQlVlca.) I 20. ~m!!!!!llst..ndardS. AllWOrk or dischorges to !" Waler=Ur'SG resulting from penm;bed con:JtruetJon adivillolt. plutieularl)l hydl1lUlio dredging, must meet applicable F..daral. StlIte, and!local wnter qvality 9529748396 C~ON CO DIY I i I a"d efflu=nt Il;Iandards on a continuing baois. ' 21. PnwenUYe msasures, MellSUtCls musl be .dop,ted to ~revent potGl'ltIal pOllutanls rrorn entenl'lg the ~~u~~co~~onmarerl~G and debris. inc1udlng fuela. IOU, and other liquid 6ubstan~. will nat De 5tDra<I in the1con_ruction erea in II manner tt);It IWouId allow them to enter the wateJ"QCurse as Zl result of IIpillago, natur;ll ronofl'. orftcoding. 22. [l1.._1II ..irmo. If dredged or excavatad malenalls Sllaced on 111'1 Upland dlspo.Blllight (<!lbove th... ammury high-waler marl<). the sk must be seCl,1rely .dlked or contained by some olher SCiCIlPlable method th;!lt pteYGlnl!Jl the rchJm of potentially polluting mattlriaJs tn.the watarcoun.e by surface runoff or byileild1lng. The carrlllinment area, whether bulktll::llCl or upland dlaposal5ight. mlllSt ba 1'ully"oompletOO pnor Ie the placemllnt of IIlIY <lredgecl material. 23.~~ UFoneompletkm at earthwol1C oPcratlonll, .. .ltPClllled elopes.. fills; end dlGtu:tllld ar_IIS mu$l bit give", sUfficient protedlon by .PJlropri~ means 1I1.1ch .; I:Irtdscaping, or planting and malnwinlnrj vegetatlv9 cover. to p"""ent 'Subllequent erosion. Coffer dlllT\llllhllll be constructed and maint.llined 80 811 to prevent ercislon inlo the waler. If , earth~ m~rialls used for caffer darn conetructicn, sheet pilinG. rip~p Igr II :svmhlltlc; COlfer must be U$ed I.a pn:vent dllm etCl'I~. 2A- Suitable fill ,"atert_\. All fill tinclu<fing ;;prap). l'lWlhollzed under tlllll pennit; must consist of subb!e matorlal tree from to>dc: p"llutanb In other Ihen.bace quantities. In add"lIion, rcck or fill1n8tDrial u..ed for activities depem:lent upon thlll pllrml1 ancl cbtained t1v paIV1ItlDn must e~hGr be obtained fiom existing quanies Dr, if a n_ Il<Irrow site is opened up 10 oblain fin m:derill~ the StOlhl Historic P.......rvati~n OlIicer (SHPO) must be nl)tifled pnor to the US8 of the new site. Evldwv::e ufthiG consultalion with the 3 OF 3 To;9522271110 P.7 19J 006 SHPO 'Pia be forwarded to 1t111 St Paul District otfJcs_ 25. ~ resourc:es. If cultuml. archaaalo51ical. or historical resoul'Ces are uneanhe<! during activltles aultlorized blf tIlla P~rrT\it. worK must be Ctapped immediately Ilncl mo State HIstoric Preservation OfTlcc:r must be c:ont.acted fOlI' furthe"ln"ruction. 26. ~ lnlllkeS/aclfvttles. An ilWflSligation must be made to identify water Int3ke:. gr othClr :actlvllles that may be affacted by S\.ICptlrx:led sollds and turl:lidll,y incrBD5CI ~ueed by wDr1l. In the walercounoe. Sufficient notIce ...,..,.~ be given to the GWf1Ql1I of prOPerty where the activities WClulcl take place to aUow them \0 prepare to.. eny etI:lnges in water quality. ~.:',!iRil! eooti"Q..ncv pllln. A cqnttngene:y plan m=t b.. formulated thai would be of'foctivo in tlle event of.. split Thfa 11Kl1olJ~~f1t II> parti<:IJlarty applicable In operations involving lI1e h..ndllng ofpetrol"um products. If a sp~1 of any poUInUal pOlIu1ll1nt Illlould occur, it is the responsibility 01' the PGnnlttoe t" remove such mlltcrllllf, to minrn;;:e any ccntamination rellultlng from this "pill, and to immcdtlltcly notify the StatB Duly otrlCer et 1-800-422- 0798 ancl tl\8 U.S. Coast C;uard at telephone number 1-800-424-B80:2. 28. Qbr ~ l'@t!ulromJent9. No Corp, GP/LOP.9S-MN authorlzQliOTl ellmlnmoc 11"1. need for other locs!. atat" or FQclQr.l1 QUlharlzBt.lanll. Including tlut nQt limited to National F'ollut:lnt Discharge Ellmlrl::&tion System (NPDES) or State Disposal System (50S) pennits the Minnesota Pollution Control AgQn~. 29. S"'~~401 CertlfJo..tl..." Cond"rtiQns. The Minne.sota PollutlDn Control Agency (MPCA) has certified GPfLOP-9B-MN on tho condition that activities ~re conducted in accordance with all applicable previsions of Minnesota Rule 7001.0150. subp. 3. As required by Federal regulation. this conditioro i~ Inc:orporaled os a condition of GP(LOP-98-MN OCT-07-2005 14;39 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS 10(,05/2003 12:47 F~ 651 290 5330 9529748396 CANON CO DIV To;9522271110 P.8 ~007 Spec~a~ Condit~ons: Le~~r of Pe~ss~on MVP-2005-S643-JJY (H~dden Creek Residen~i.1 Deve1~ent) ~. Tota~ direct and indirect jurisdictional wetland imp&oes (:including fil~, grad:1.ng. excavation, and potential dra:S.nage) author~zed by this letter o~ permission are 1imited to che O.~3 acre (5,756 square feet)of jurisd1ctional wetland shown on the enclosed draw1ngs (labeled 200S-S643-JJY, 1 of 6 through 6 o~ 6). You shall coordinate any proposed additional wet~and or water impact with the Corps of Engineers, including any temporary wetlanQ impacts. to determine whethe~ it involves any ad~tional regulated impact that requires further permit re~iew. You shall also sUbm~t annual monitoring reports. as outlined below. 2. You shall insure that none of the work performed to construct, operate, or ma~tain th~s project (1ncluding p~eparatory work, staging. site c1ean-up. and mitigat~on work) causes ~mpacts (including non-jurisdict~onal impacts such as drainage or non-point source sedimentation) to other waters or wetlands beyond those impacts expressly a~1owed by this (or a sUbsequent) Corps permit. Prio~ to in~t~ating any physical work on the project site. the wet~and areas that are to remain undisturbed sha11 be clearly marked in ehe field so that the boundaries are visible to equipment operators. For example, you may use appropr~aee signage and orange construction fencing, silt fencing, or cont1nuous strands of flagging to mark the boundaries. 3. You are respons1b1e for insuring that whoever performs. supervises. or oversees any port1on the physical work associated with the construction of the project has a copy of, is fami1iar with, and complies with a11 the terms and conditions of this permit. 4,. Within one week of commencement of: any work authorized by this permit, you sha11 advise the Corps of Engineers in wr~t~ng at the ~o1lowing address: St. Pau1 O~a~rict, Army Corps of Engineers, Regu~atory Branch (Atten~ion: 200S-S64~-JJY), 190 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55~O~-163B. This notificat~on shall include the date that the authorized activity wi1~ commence and the name and te1ephon~ number o~ a1l contractors or other persons performing the work. You shaJ.l provide a copy o:f this permit and drawings to the contractor. This copy shall. be made available to any Corps representative during inspections o~ the project site. You sha11 Bend a11 lother noti~ications and reports required by this permit to the address listed in this condLtion. s. The mi~imum required compensatory mitigation for the 0.13 acre of authoriz~d wet1and Eil1 shall be to provide at least 0.17 acre of new or fuJ.1y restored wetland, inclUding primarily (at 1east 0.1 acre) wet meadow (Type 2 wetland) and shalloW marsh (Type 3 wetland) with water depths that do not ordinar11y exceed G ~nches. and to prov~de at le~st 0.5 ac~e o~ upland buffer, as shown on the enclosed plan and:as outl.1.ned in the performance standards below. You shall construct this compensatory m1tigae~on by imp1ement~ng the mitigatijn plan out1ined in t~s permit and shown on the enclosed plans. OCT-07-2005 14;39 From;OEANCARLSONPARTNERS 10/05/2005 12:48 FAX 6~1 290 ~330 --_. .-- I I 9529748396 CANON CO DIV To;9522271110 P.9 ~OOB SpQoia~ Cond:i. ti.ons: Letter of Perm:l.ss.i.on MVP-2DOS-S643-JJX (a.i.dden C~..k Ras.i.deDt~a1 Peve1~nt) (Cont;lnuea) 6. You shall also protect the wetlands and other wa.ters on the si.te by establishing upland bu~~ers where feasible and by filtering collected runoff through the storm water pond, as shown on the enclosed plans, be~ore discharging i.t into any compensatory mitLgation area required by th~s permit or ~nto any natural ~etland. '7. Wherever nati.ve black topsoil is absent from the 6xcavation in any new wetland c:reation m.:Ltigat.:l..on area, you shall line the excavate~ area with clean soil that is free of reed canary grass. purple loosestri~e seeds. and other noxious plants. The major~ty of this material sha1l be clean black soi~. You may use clean upland soil :for this purpose. You .shall regrade areas that do not meet these cr.:l..eeria w~thin the S-year monitoring period following construotion, or provide comparable, additiona1 compensatory m~tigation, at the direction of the Corps o~ Engineers. 8 . To prevent the spread of pu:rpl.e l."oosestrife, reed canary grass, and other invasive ~pecies, you shal1 ensure that equipment used in the grading o~ any wetland or compensatory mitigat~on area shall be free of ~ooeestrife and reed canary grass before being used and that it shall be cleaned before be~ng moved to another work site. Wash water shal~ not be discharged into any wetland or water. To prevent the spread o~ purp1e loosestrife and reed canary grass on the disturbed' a~eaa in and adjace~t to the wetlands, you shall use equipment that is free of contam~natiou from loosestrife and reea canary ~ass seeds or plants. You shall seed ~isturbed wetland areas above the normal. water l.ine, plus any exposed bottom or mudflat a~eas vis1~le at tbe time of seeding, with an appropriate na.tive seed mixture (such as ~OT 25B, 26E, and MNDOT 310 plus the MNDOT Wee Forbs M~x), with seeds measured as Pure Live Seed, and a tast-grow~ng annua~ cover crop (such as Regreen, ann~a1 ryegraes, winter wheat, or oats). Bu~~ar areas and adjacent disturbed upland should be see~ea with an appropria~e up~and seea m~ (such as MNDOT Seed Mix 350 or equi~a1ent). Only clean str~W (not hay) shou1d be Used as mu1cn and as ba1e checks or ba1e eroeion control barr~ers. 9. The compensatory mit~gation s~teB, inc1uding the bu~fer, sha11 be completed prior to or concurrently with the conatruct~on of the authorized project. and all ea~thwork, construction, and planting on the rnit~gation sites shall be completsd no later than ~o days after the worklauthor~zed by ~h~s permit is completed. I 10. The wetlands and upland buffer areas used for compensatory mitigation sha11 be protected ~n perpetuity by covenants or coneervation easement or other land use restrictions acceptab1e to the Dist~ict Engineer that prohibit Lncompatib1e uses. The covenants shall ce'reviewed and approved by the O~strict Engineer, the approved ,covenants shal~:be recorded w.:ithiu 90 days of the comp~e~ion of the project, and a certified copy of the recorded covenants sha~l be returned to this:o~~ice. I I 2 OCT-07-2005 14;39 From;OEANCARLSONPARTNERS __~_5~S 12: 408 FAX 6S1 290 _5330 ! 9529748396 CANON ~O DIV To;9522271110 P.10 @009 spacia1 COn~tions: Letter of Perm1SS10n MVP-200S-S643-JJY CSidden Creek Re.~dant~a1 Deve~opment) (Cout:..inued.) ~1. A wetland pro~essiona~, hired at the permittee's expense, shall conduct at 1east two inspections of the compensatory m~tigation sites (dur1ng construction and at the comp1et1on of construction) to ensure that construction comp1iee with the plan design. Any deviations in the plan shall be coordinated with and approved by the Corps of Engineers prior to implementation. ~2. The wet meadow and marsh wetland compensatory mitigation sites sha11 meet the f0110wing Suceess Criteria: a. Hydrology (1) Fresh (Wet) Meadows. Hydro1ogy shal1 consist of saturation at or within 12 inches of the surfaee ~or a minimum of 30 consecutive days, Or two periods of 15 consecutive days, during the growing se~$on {1ate Apri1-early October) under ncrma1 to wetter than norma~ conditions (70 pereent of years baseo on most recent 30- year record o~ prec~pitation). Inundat1gn during the growing season shal~ not occur except ~o~~owins the 10-year frequency or greater storm/flood event. The depth of inundation shal~ be 6 inches or ~ess and the durat~on o~ any inundation event shall be less than 15 days. An except~on can be made for s~tes with hummocky microtopography -- ho1lows between hummocks can have standing water depths of up to 6 inches for extended duration. (2) Shallow Marshes_ Hydro1ogy shall consist of saturation to the surface, to inundation by up to 6 inches of water, for a minimum of 60 consecutive days or two period~ of 30 consecutive days or four periods of 15 consecutiVe days, during the growing season under normal to wetter than norma1 cond~tions (70 percent o~ years based on most recent 30-year record of prec.ipitation). During the growing season, inuneation by up to 18 incheS of water ~o11owing the 2-year or greater storm/flood evene ~s permissible provided that the duration Qoes not exceed 30 days (e.g., water depth drops from ~8 inches to 6 inches w~thin the 30 days) . (3) The remainder of the created wetland shall meet the m1nimum criter~a described above ~or wet meadows but sha~l genera1ly not be inundated with greater than 3 ~eet of water for more than 30 days during ttie growing aeason_ b. Vegetat:1.on: I (~) Up~and Buffe~1 The up1and buffer sha12 achieve at ~east 90 percent ,aerial coverage with vegetation, at the end of the 5-year monitor~ng period. Invasive p1ant species shall not exceed the percentages outlined be10w in (3). ! I' :3 OCT-07-2005 14;39 From;OEANCARLSONPARTNERS 9529748396 IU/O:l/2005 ~2:~rr 651 290 533~_ CANON CO DIV To;9522271110 P.ll fl1010 Spec1a1 Cond1tiona: Letter of Permiss~on MVP-2005-S643-JJY (B1dden Creek a..~deD~ia~ DQ~e1opmen~) ( Contj"nued) (2) Wet1and Communit~es: The createQ wet~and shall achieve at ~east 75 percent coverage with vegetat~on at the end o~ the 5-year monitoring period. More than SO percent of a11 p1ant species within the wet1and communities of the created sha11 be faeu~tative (FAC) or wetter (FACW or OBL), exc1uding FAC-. (3) Control Of Invasive and/or Non-Native species; Control of invasive anQ/or non-native p1ant ape~ies shall be carried out for five fu~1. growing seaaons in the created wetland and up~and buffer areas. Contro1 sha~~ consist of mowing, hurning, disking, mU1ching, biocontro1.. and/or herbicide treatments. By the tn~rd growing season, any areas one-quarter acre in s~ze or larger that have greater than 50 percent area2 cover of ~nvasive and/or non-native species sha~1 be tre~ted (e.g.. herb~o1de) and/or cleared (e.g., disked) ana then reseeded. Fo1~ow-up contro~ o~ invasive and/or non- native spee~es sha11 be implemented as stated above. At the end of the fifth 9row~ng season, the vegetative community sha11 not conta~n greater than 5 percent area~ cover of invasive and/or non-native species inc~uding: reed canary grass (Pha~aris arund~nacea), Canada thist1e (Cirsium 4rvense), bu11 thist1e (Cirsium vulgare), smooth brome grass (Bromus inermis). giant.ragweed (Amb~o$ia rrifida), common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisilfolia), quack grass (Elytrigia repens). b~aok 10cust (Robinia pseUdoac~cia). sweet c10vers (Me~i~otus a~ba and M. ofEicin~2i~), non-native honeysuck1es (e.g., Lonicera X be~~~). and non-native buckthorns (Rhamnus cathartica and R. frangu~a). The mitigation sites sha11 have no purp1e ~oosestr~fe (Lythrum sa~icdr~a) present at the end of the monitoring per~od. Fai1ure to meet any of the above cr~ter~a sh~~1 extend the permittee's responsibi1ity for mon~toring and oontro1 of invas~ve/non-nat~ve specLes within the compensation sites. c. You sha1l es~ab1ish and maintain a minimum o~ O.~7 acres of created on-site wet1and (inc1ud~ng a minimum of o.~ acre of wet meadow wet1and and shaJ.1ow marsh, as outline above) at the end of the 5-year post-construction monieoring period, as determined by a wet1and de~ineation and survey of the m1tigat~on sites that you shall eonduct and submit to the Corps ~ur1ng the fina~ year of monitoring. ~3. You sha~1 prepare and submit mitigation monitoring reports that a.ddress the precedi.ng pe:r:formance standard... an~ that meet the other .:fol~oWin~ requirements: I a. Annua1 m~t~gat1on mon~toring reports shal1 be subm1tted on the status of the mitigat~on. Un1asS another schedu1e ~s agreed upon by the Corps of Engineers. the reports sha11 he submitted by Deeember 31 foJ.lowi.ng each of the first five growing seasons after comp1et1on of the m~tigation work. The reports sha1l be ~orwarded to the St. Paul D~strict, COrps of Eng~neers. Regu2atory Branch (Attent1on: 200S-S64i-JJYl, 190 Bast Fifth Street, St. pau1, MN SS101-163S. 4. OCT-07-2005 14;40 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS _.1~/2005 1?:48 F'}X_~90 5330 9529748396 CANON co DIV To;9522271110 P.12 ~011 Spec~a1 Con~~onB: Le~~r of Pe~ssion NVP-200S-SG43-JJY (B~dden C~o.k Residen~i.1 Developmene) (CoD~.:I.nued) b. The reports sha1~, at a minimum, include the fo~~owing in;format:i.on: (~) A~~ p~ant spee:i.es a10ng with their percent cover, ~denti~ied using standard plots and/or transects, with at least one representative p~ot/transect ~n each p~ant community w~thin the mitigat~on site includ~ng upland buffers. In add~t~on, the pr~sence, 1ocation and percent cover of invasive and/or non-native spec~es, such as purple 100sestrife and common buckthorn, in any of plant communit~es shall be noted. (2) Vegetation cover maps at an appropriate scale sha1l be submitted for each reported growing season. (3) ~hotographs showing all representative areas of the mitigation G~te taken at l5ast once each reported growing season during the period of Ju1y 1 to Septembe~ 30. Photographs shall be taken from a height of approximate1y 5 to 6 feet ~rom at least one 1ocat~on pe~ acre. Photos sha11 ~e taken ~rom the same reference point and direction o~ view each reporting year. (4) Surface water and groundwater elevations in representative areas (e.g., at least one sample point in each plant oommunity) recorded at Least Once each week for the rirst 10 weeks of eaeh grow~g season, thereafter taken monthly for the remainder o~ each growing season. The location of each monitoring site sha11 be shown on a p1an view of the site. c. An as-built report sha~l Qe eUbm~tted with~n 30 days of the comp1etion of construction_ This report wi11 summarize the construction activities, describe any chan~es to the origina~ plan, describe any correct~ve actions needed, an~ provide an as-bui1t survey showing 1-root elevation contours or spot elevations. This survey shall be prepared by a licensed surveyor and cert~fied by the licensed Isurveyo~ or by a registered professiona1 engineer to conform to the design plans and specifications. d. ~ wet1and de1~neation o~ the compensatory mitigation sites using the 1987 Cor.ps of Engineers wet2ands De~ineation Manual and guidance!shal~ be submitte~ with the S-year monitoring report. This delineation shal1 be prepared by a wetland professional and surveyed ana certi~ied by a 1icenaed surveyor or by a registered professiona1 engineerlto conform to the design plans and specixications. ~4. No ~ther project-re1ated dredging, excavation, grading, fill, or vegetation removal (except for removal of nuisance epeci.es such as purp~e ~Qosestrife, reed canary grass, and buckthorn) in the remaining wetlanda and wet1and restorat~on areas sha~l be performed w~thout Bpeci~ic written approval ~rom the corps of Engineers. I I 5 OCT-07-2005 14;40 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS 10/03/~005 12:48 FAX.55! 290 5330 I i 9529748396 CANON CO DIV To;9522271110 P.13 ~012 . Spec1a1 Con~~ons: Letb.~ of Per.mis~1on ~-2005-S643-JJY (Biddon Creek Re.~dantiaL Deve1opment) ( Continued) Additiona~ plantings of native t~ees anQ shrubs or other nat~va plants may be made in the wetlands on the project site without any approva~s :from the Corps of Engineers. ~5. You shall place all excees materia~ rema~ning after project construction on upland, except for material moved on site in aceordance with author:l:!:ed grad:l.ug and topdress:lng. You shall notify the Corps of Engineers of the locat~on of any off-site p~acement areas for the excess material before these areas are used. 16. ~f you plan to obtain fil~ material from a site other than the project site shown on the enclose~ plans or from an existing, licensed commercial facility, you shall notify this of~ice at least 5 working days before using the borrow s~ce. This office may require a cultura~ reSourcea review, survey. and add~tional work ~f you ident~fy ~ s~te that may conta~n archaeolQg~ca~, histor2ca1, or other cu1tura1 resources. Uib7 The Corps may, at any time during the s-year monitoring period, re ~re removall treatment, or management o~ undesirable animal ec::ies,ine1ud.ing physical. :removal, live trapping. confining wires or nets, atc. ~a. If the performance criteria outlined above or other cond~tions of this permit are not met at any time during the mon~toring period, the perm~ttee sha11. p~ovide the Corps with a proposal detailing corrective act~ons and/or maintenance actions proposed (i~ any) and an imp1ementation scheduLe for those actions. The permittee shal.l implement the necessary corrective ~easures fOl~owing review and approval/modification of those measures by the Corps. opon comp1etion of correetive measures, the permittee sha11 provide a wri.tten sUIllmary of the work to the Corps. Additional remedia1 actions ~y be requLred i~ the corrective measures do not result in satisfaction o~ the performance criteria dur~ng the next grow~ng season. . 19. The permittee sha11 a~aume a~l 1iabi1ity far accomplishing corrective work should the D1strict Engineer determine that the compensatory mitigation has not been comp1eted satisfactori1y. Remedial work may include regrading and/or rep1anting the miti.gation s~te. This responsibi1ity sha11 extend for a period of 5 years beginning upon completion of mitigation site construction. 20. Refer to Standard cond~tions attachment. 6 OCT-07-2005 14;40 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS 9529748396 ---- ~_.~.. ,'n..>. u...... .<:uu :>3~U CANON CO DIV COMMANO; OFFice pROM: ~ US A-cJ;-. TO, ~.o~ . c..~ ~t;e: r-3 CLASSU". CA TIO/'ll PRECEDENce I I . REMARKS To;9522271110 P.14 ~OOl FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL HEADER SHEET. . "01' ~ EJt this rtrn. ... AR ~5..' 1~ ~ ~ JIIIiIG~ " QDI!jC4. 2.. ~p :::2- 'Ol'I'ICe TELEPHO NO. (AU TOVON/Ccmm.) PAX NO. (AUTOVON/Comm.J 'lO~J-'2..10 -53 LQ. 05"J -'?3'o ~S; 3 '30 MONTH ~.~s~ . q52.-'14~-4"7f NO. PAGES (Inf:fudin9 Ulbt Head.rJ 1 t . DAIS-TIM!; ~S-2.-c:n4- 8S 91::, OCT-07-2005 14;40 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS ~U/U~~2UU~ 12:50 FAX 651 290 5330 To;9S22271110 P.1S ~002 -0;:;.. - L , :ta2- ~ ,1 <. . -.'.. ~-,,- I(. -. . .0;:..... ..#1 .-lflii'" .~ ~ ~:.~~. ~~2~';~; -- -- .~_.. '. - .' ., DalUm; NAD-83 UTM Zonlio: 15 UTM NOnhing: 4970749 UTM E..,.t1ng: 450792 Stale: Minnesota COl.lnty: Carwr COUNTY Township: 116 Ra nge: Stlctlon: -99999999 Congressional District: 2702 Action ID:MVP-200S-5S43-..J.JY_1 Desa1l)tion: Comm"n~: Begin ~1e:91a1200f3 .....;:... . . LatltI.&de: 44.61184628643515 LongttuClQ: -93.62313&4726464 WatM:shCld; Waterway: BIIS~(jne: Mel'ldilln: Vs~.s fOf'c;J/I-OCk'r/6,lJ .M+P H-f P rJ t::'";.j ~ ~.) Clf-+tJ f\-..,-s.S 6"..J .I MN 2..00 b - bb'f ~ - -.(-1 f J I ot=: ~ OCT-07-2005 14;41 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS 10/05/2005 12: 50 F~_~90~_ 9529748396 CANON CO DIV To;9522271110 ",- C-" #:.' ,,' -1',;1"'" I ,.../ I ' r '>oo:~ r~' .-T'~=I== -Loon...1 J . ---- _......:...- -....---"_. " "~11~~?"'1;(.' 10,f'",: - . J I!JI....- . '.. '''' It ~i ~ .. ..s:: ~5 .1t, .~ .~..s... ...o('.! 0-, ::"'~ 'o/~ .~~ ~- ':P4. ~ .'~ .~~ 'b) <::-(;< .%- I .J. :0' _'n'.. :~~-~.~,. 'I .. l '] -....-- -....... P.16 ~004 ..>< Q) Q) u '" ru 't:I L:i :x: l~ .l!" ,~ ~~ . ~ji~ '!!~i ~ii - :;Jlj f-h i~ ~~l r! Ilh ~8:: '.0 c..!.. I;) (Y) ~--. ~ ) r^ ~ ~ I lJ'> ~ ('( OCT-07-2005 14;41 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS 9529748396 10/05/2005 .12~~~ 290 3330 CANON CO DIY tf~1 ~II ~4~ "iii I ~ all .. I ~ ~ ~li ~ I" ~ 5 ~.. !: ~ ! ~ ~ ~ Ill! ~ i!t ~ ~ ; ~ . 'i' !l "II ; I" r " I II : ~ i~ ~; i ; ~ ; Ii , ~ u ;; ~ I ~ I J 1~--~- , -....-.. I ~ ______ " I I --.... " '" - c: f Ii II .. . ...It f ~, fi~l ~t tl i!1'} ~I Ida J :: !iJf ( t". 3~d _ ! ..It un i i j!I l:u! ... ~s !il ulI' a l~ lilt !113 · i1 _111 l~f!1 rr ~ g ..f i It ~Ii ifl~f E t!1 ~l,l: U ol.J !,m I To;9522271110 P.17 lilI 005 Uti (Ii' i~lJ llilfi l~l l! I] - !;j; II f diL~~~1 I~llllllll - I "1 ~~M i!~f ! 0 _::ill HH HIt ! ~E I ~n I hlllh~n i ; ~ u;. ~ ~ -- ::t- -J f , rn y ~ I to ~ {'1 OCT-07-2005 14;41 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS 9529748396 LU/U~/~UU5 1Z:50 FAX 651 290 5330 CANON CO DIV To;9522271110 ~~ dlf I W I I I t----~---- I ......, 1--------- " I I I , I " I "', I '!-" lId R ~lil i~~~1 I JJ/IIIII ~i~d I -'4'f / \. ,/ v1' II CJ t!.l ~ ? --- -...-- -, ~ ~ 1 j -- .... m c:> J " ", -'- ........--- -------..----------- " "- '- , 'LJ "'- ... .... '" , , , " , .... .... "- , , " , , " ',"lo:" ... ".. ... 0.. I..!!! ~.....~ "I\~...~ .... '/ /' ,..... -." ,~~~ "''' , ,;..." "'.. 'l' r: ,....-- if ~ ~ C'~~.. i! s- 3 ~,,~ ... ~ ' t I ......-... a f~ Ii',." ~ fJ! I. ,'>"- jJ ~ t i '~~~..... ~ I ~3ia . g I.! .. '" II ~ 'II I I, f .......... '... ~"' it 1 it. I ~ ~ ' i it I ~ f ~J U I -.....-...~", -III! ~~fJ ~ ~~ i! !l --~ "", II :: ;n ~ ~;a jjH " J ; ~ m~ rtifi~ HlW. ~IJ .......,.. " ~u u ul :: U~ ii r It 9~~~~~,=m~= I: I ~ '5 _.......... ..._~.... ~ i c ; . :UU~ai~ i ; I t~--~-L- ~ 3 i i II II -~--~---------------..._------ ." .L P.18 ~006 f~ t r ....~ .. ~ ~ - .. ~ " \ .I ". r' I I I \ <.> \0. "-:. a-, ~.. ... i ..._~... ;J ~ Si; '.1 ;: -,'t ~g /1 I j _ ,<,,-1....... I I I I - I N I I I ~.._ L_1 """" -'-' - -i"':- - -r I -. I I -~ I I I I I I I _ ......l- _ -.I.. I!l .lO'Uf'lO .. - - -.... "', ....... '.... " ....." ..> '.... / .-Y: /' ~1 .........0 u. o lS) ~ -7 --, I r'" ';;J- ~ ~ C> ~ \ OCT-07-2005 14;41 From;OEANCARLSONPARTNERS 9529748396 10/05/2005 12:51 FAX 651 290 5330 CANON CO DIV To;9522271110 P.19 @007 t-=~ll!11 ~,~ HI l!!i III t~ ~~ ~ Ihi dil i~~HJ 1~1~1I11 ~tfM i"1 I ~ i ~~ n.. ~~~~ I ""~ LJ v> I I I ~ ------~..__ I I --. I .1_____. '" I I ~~"" .~. , , ",-"._~~:=~~~~~~~~~~::=~~=~~~ C> g ~ ~! ~ f ~~c ~ y ! j '" /,' ,..) ~ \ ~ '\5 '" e, '~ i \ Hfl II,u HH s 1 "! ~ In~1 -.._.- I I "" I r I 1. I Ii U J !!! I ~UI "" I III .".. ... I 4. ~.. Ii! II I 3 I I ~n I ft ~ 5 =!i~ i ~I ;t I ! I i ~ i i :i ~II I - - nl~ ... E h~ .. , . II " ~ I t II;! I ~ I '~, - i el ffit~' : ~~ I ~ I e It"', I :: !1I1!,1 I ~ I e III Ii""" ! II II i!;PJ! ii i i ill h = iq~: U ;=:.. i Ii I f a ::I it ,,; ull! ! ~ II .. 1 :l ~ Inl ~ IlIln iI II i! I lI!l ~! _I. I I" Ii &.. III ,I " " , , " "' " .. "- ... "- , , ~ -. I I I I I I r I I I _--1..-_....... tf.101.1"O ~_-::- - ~ , " " " .. " .), ......, /.,' y...'" ;,'" .... .........._~ /' ,,-rr' i\ \.() t.l o '-.0 ::r-.... --7 -? \ [Y"l ~ ....sJ in , LP ~ OCT-07-2005 14;42 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS 10/05/2005 12:51 F4X 651 290 5330 9529748396 CANON CO D IV To;9522271110 P.20 ~008 ..JURl$DICl'IONAL DltTERMINA TION U.S. Anny CorpS of'Enginccrs Rcvi:lCd 8/13,'04 DlS'l'IUCT OFFICE: S" Pa..1 District FILE l\lUMBItR: 2005-5643-JJY PROJECT LOCATION INFORMATIONI S~ Minnesota' County: Carver Cellt!:!" l:Oordil"lQl.cs of .ite (latimdcllonQ,ltutJe): 44..88801-93.6230 ApPTO'l'imate l/iz.c of'a:rea (pQtCel) revlcwod. including uplarJds: 10 u=. Ne:ne ofnClU1;:Sl wlUcrWll)l': Unamed tributary Name ofwm=h~: Lo-,rer Minnesota River ..JUlUSDICTIONAL D~TE.RMINAn:ON Completed: Dc:sktop c!ctumin:stlOD Site vi.s1t{s) ~ Dare: Septt:mber So 2005 !iii Date(s): :rurisdietionaJ Determtoatioq (JD): Em Preliminuy JD - BaSed on lilYlUlablc:.lnfunmrtion.D 1Ju.~ DpJnOT ro bt: (or) 0 there upjncr to be no ''WlIlers or Lhc United S~\es- and/or "navigable waters oftIJc Uni1x:d S~.. OF' the project: site. A prr:llminElry JD is nor "pp=lllblc (Rcfcn:nce 33 eFR pM 331). Jl!!3Approvcd JD - An llpproved ID i:l1IJl. appealable:; ectlon (Rd'en:m:c 33 CPR. plll1 :J31). Check all "d1.n apply: fjgT/sQre ar" "navill:~le W2lers ottha United States" (a.~ defined by 3S CPR. plll1329lltla llSSQcilltcd guldllncc) within lhe reviewed an::a. APJ1I""CKimatc size ofjwisd1el1onRl area: 1iIThe'n:: w, "waters or the Uni1ed StAtes" (a! defined by 33 CFR pllrt 328 and as~ocilU(!ld guldllncc) wilhin the reviewed area. Approll:in'llUC size ofJurisdictionld area: 3 fijSThQn' artJ "isau,li1d. non-navigt:lblff. lntra-srQrc .....al.er.l or wctl4lnlls'" within the reviewed lUCL mlInc:clJion supportc:d by SW ANCClMigratDlY Bird RulCllnfunniWon Sheet for Delamination of No 1Irisdi~lion. BASIS OF .JURlSOlcrIONAL DETERMINATION: A. WatCPll defined under 33 Cl7R part 329 as "qavigabl.. w;IItar' Or th. United Stnt.....: IllliJ The: pn;senoe OfWUIer$ thu are subject to the ebb lll'Id flow ottli<: tide and/or arc pt"Csently used, or hav" been used in the pa:.-T" or may be S1l$oeptiblc fur me t<:> trnnsoon: j,,== or 'foreign commerce. B. Wau.r. dllflned UDder 33 CFK part 32.1.3(a) as "wawn of the U...ited States": 11m (1) The pt"QKJlcc o'-wa.ters. which arc curn;ntl)' us.:d, or were tJSed in die past. or m~y be lIU5ccptib!t:ro usc in lntcTStBte or fOl'Clign commC1'eO, including lI.ll WIltcnl whi"b llle subjCC1. to tile ebb and flow of the tide. Fli!I, (2) The prcac:nc:c OfintetsUllO W~ includin& Intmstatc wetlands'. Ema (3) The presC1llO'e of otber WlUel'5 suci! as intrastate lakes. river.;, streams (inclUdi"g intermittent streams), mudflals, sandflab, wetlands, slous!1s,. praIrie potholes, Wet mc:mows, plllylllakcs, Or nlltunlI pon(!$. tho WlC, degradallon or destruction ofwbich could affect interstate eornrnert:Cllnclw:l.ing any such walez-s (check all lhll1.IlpJlly): CJ (i) whicb an: Qr COUld be med by lntc:r~ or foreign lra'Welets for =tionaJ or other purpos!:!!. 8 (ii) from which fiSh or shellfisb are O!I! could be taken DIld sold in intcn;l4\Ic or 'f'orclgn commerce. (iii) which IUO or could be UJScd for industrial purposcs by Industries 111 Inlerstale commcrcc. I (4) [m.pOtmdmenUi ofwatel'S otherwise dc1incd "" waters of the US. (S) The prc:sence o1'l!.trlbutary to a WlItcr identified in (1)- (4) above. (6) The prcscoce o1'terrhorl..... SCllS. (7) The pICSCQce o'fWetlands adjlsccnfto other walers of the Us. eocccpt for thosc wetlands adJBCCDt to other wclllmds. RatioDal.. for the Basis of' Juri;dI(';ftoD81 Determination C.pplias to an31 bo:x.u efledted AbOVe). TftheJurlsdlclional wafer or "".uland ulnar it:1elf a ffa11igable warer qf,hs U"(t~d Stan.r. desr:ribe connection(.s) ,.. the dowlJSlream na.vlgabll! ..arnr.... If B(I) or 8(3} is USI:Q aJI rhe Basis if Jw-r.,tilction. r:lOCli.~r nav~abt/fry andlO1' ItU.,..Ital. comme"ce r:o,,,,.r::ti,," (i.... di~t:UJlJt ~IU CQ"dlli,,,,~. ""eluding ....Ioy lhe ....aterbody u "RVlpb/rr and/or haw 1M des&fldlD" oft". 'Wt:ftlfrbDay could ojfiIct I"te,....tote D" fo..orlgo> commen:or). 1/ 8(2. 4. 5 or 6) i.r ....clit = rife Beuu c1" JurlJldJ",rio". dOC_nl,h" radonaLs -..sord fo make the dc'''Tmination. lfB(7) Is =ed as the Basis cJ Jurlzdlcrton. dOCU""'lIllM ralionQ/e NSed 10 ",am adja".."o/ ckt..rmltratlon: Tbe affected wetland b adjacent to an uDnamed tributary tb31 is pare or system (l\'[inocbaha Creek ~aterllho:d) tbat dralqs ta the Mississippi River, a D:lvigablc water of the United States, OCT-07-2005 14;42 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS ~U/05/2005 12:51 FAX 651 290 5330 9529748396 CANON co DIV To;9522271110 P.21 ~009 :z PlLE NU!>mER: lAteral Enent of JDl'bdictiOll: (R.cfcrencc: 33 CPR put.l328 and 329) BiJ Ordlnmy High WlUerMark indicated by= ~ J.Jlgll TIcfeLine indicAtCd by; D clear. I1llIUnI.llino lmpre&Sed on the bani; 0 oil or scum lillO Along shore ohjccn" o the presence of Utter and debris 0 fine:: shell or debris deposilS (lbTcshore) a changes in the chlm2dcT of soU 0 ph)'slcal mulcings/clllUllClteristics tJ dc.struction oftcrTcstrlat VCgctMloD 0 t1dll.l g.>ges o shelving 0 O"'or; D other: J!l. Mean High Walcr Mrulc indicated by: Dsurvcy to lfVailablc d.atum~ Dph)'sical martdng,: D vegetation IIncslchlll'lges in vegetation types. IEIWc:t1and baundllIics, as shown on the anacbc:cI wetland delineation mOp lUIdlor in a delineation report prep!ITcd by: Wetland and Wildlife Consulting Ballia For Nor Ass..rtin!i Jurisdiction: I6The roviewed area Consists entirely of uplands. IUnableto confirm the presence of waters in 33 CPR pIll1,J28(a)(J. 2. or 4-7). . I-leadquaners declIned to BpPfOvej\lt'isdiClion on the basis of 33 CFR part 328.3(a)(3). The Corps ha:l made a caso-speetfk determinlltion milt tho rolloWing waters pn::Jl:nt on tJle site are DOt Waters ofth~ Unil.cd Stales: [:) Waste Treatment S)'SlernS, inclllding tn:4\mm~ ponds or lagoons. purmam to 33 CFR. pllrt 328.3. o AtlficiaJly i",fSlUed lU'eaS. which WO\lld tClVetl 10 upland ifthc irriSBdon ceased.. Amfieial falces llnd ponds created by ClCc:avating and/or diking thy land 10 ~ollect and retain water anll which arc used c.x.elu~ively for such purpo~s Wi stacie _tering. irrigation, scl1linS basins, or rice gro....ing. o ArtirIeial reflecting or swhnming poola or other small onutrltCn1AI bC>dics of wa1cr c.-catcd by l:'X.cavaUng and/or diking dry ll111d In n:tain water fol' 9rfmllril:r DeStl\et.ie reasons. o W~fill~ dcprc:;.:llcns cn:zred in <by land incidental 10 c:onS1n.lCtion ~ctivity and pits excavated In dI)' land for lhe pUIpO:rc; of obtainin~ flll. sand. or gravel unJ=s and Qntil tho (;on:mu~jon or cte:lvation operation is IlbM<1onc:d IIl1d the .-.:sulLing body of.......cr mcct:l the dcf'LllitioD ofwarers of"thc UnitlX! Slal.cs found at 33 CFR 328.3(0.). o lsolllUd, intrElSUllC wclJsnd with no naIlS to interstale commc:l'ee. aD Prior convened cropland. as dctcnn1ncd by the Nanual.R.esources Con!lc:rvQ1ion Scorvice. Explain rationalt!. Non-tidal c1l'll.inage or inigation dilch<:lll excavated on dJy land. ecplo.in nu.ional..: D Otber (explain): DATA REVIEWED FOR .J1.mSIDICTlONA. L DETERMINATION (mark all1bat llpply): ~ Map:!. ~llIJlS, plots or plut submitted by OT on behalf' of thO DllPUCInt. ~ Dala $h~ts Prcparc:dlsubmitted by or on bchalfof'lhe applicant. ~ This office concur.! wi1.b tllc dclinc:!.tion report. dated 2004 . prepared by (complIIlY); Wetland and WUdllfe COIlBultiDg. IDe=.. o This offico does not C<m.Clur with the dcliIlcation report, da1ed p repSlCd by (company): Data sheets prepared by tha Corps. Corps. navigable wmers' stUdies: U.S. Geoloaielll SUrvc::y Hydrologic Atlas: U.s. G=lopcal Smvey 7.' MImIte Topograph.lc maDS: U.S. Geological Survt:y 7.S MUvte Historic qmsdnnglel: U.S. Geological Survey 15 Minute ffiSloric quadmnglg:j: USDA Natural Resources Con~on Service Soil Survey: NatlOllaJ wetlanc;ls inventory maps; l!l!i Statc/Local wetland Inventory m.llp$: ~EMAiFIRM mnps (Map Nasne & Dille); IOO-ycu Floodplzilil Eloov:mon is= (NOVO) ". Aerial PholcgI1lplu (N.....o &. Dmc): Otheipholograpw. (Date): Adv~~d IdcntifiC3Wm Wetland maps= Sile visitldotcmtination condut!ted O~ AppH,cablelmpporting cas" 11l.W: Iii OthcrHllt'onnatioQ (p1eQ.$1# s ecllY): an a"'~ ~nD I an. :: .ne WilD:: me n.. ca e lnellbon I.e-. O~WTCI1LC of hydrophytic vegel.u:ion bydric 80ill and weuIb1d hydrcJ1"ID"). 11Ie tcrm -adjacem" me..." borderlng, contiguolll, or neighboring. WeUand5 sepontlC(l from otIler ~ of the US. by man-made dikes 0< bnn-ier.;. m.tural liVer bcnns. beach dllnCJ. Imd the lil:c DC "80 .CUaccnL OCT-07-2005 14;42 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS 1U/U5/2005 12:51 F~ 651 290 5330 9529748396 CANON CO DIV To;9522271110 P.22 ~010 .,::'.:':..:: :",':'~'NQT:IF.lC~TION'QF':~TIVE:.APP;EA:I:..~~ONS::A:M>:PJi{e€ESs'A:ND .... .,' :-'.:..::': .:.:::, :....:...::.:".':......:....:.,',:',.....::..\. ~:::"'~:::..'\:,." :..:~~'Jr~;i:l:~~' :.'\.~ '.::\ .:::,,'::.:.' ,'".... ,.,.,'.. .. ' .. ',:.,........... Applicant: D & G of C:h;n"lh""'scn. LLC IFile Number: 200S-S643-JJY Date: Oct 5, 2005 Attached is: See Section below X INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Pencit or Letter of Permission,) A PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Pmmir or Letter of Permission) B PERMIT DENIAL c X APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETElUvDNATION D PRELIJIIfiNARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION E SECTION I - The following identifies your rights and options regarding an administrative appeal of the above decision. Additional infonnationmay be found at http://usace.army.milIineUfunctions/cw/cecwo/reg or Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. A. INITIAL PROFERRED PERMIT: You:may accept OT object to dIe permit. · ACCEPT: If you received a Standard PemUt., you may sign !he pennir documcm and rerum it to the district engineer for final a.mhorization. If you received a Lener of Pcnnission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your wOJ"Jc is aurhorized. Your sisnatuIc Oil rIte Stand.ar<l Permit QJ' acceplaDCe of the LOP means that: you I!CCCpt the pennit iD.lt:s entirety, and wllive all rights to appeal the vennil. inc:1ud1ng itS tClrIn5 and conditions, and approve jurisdictional deternJinllticns associated with the permit. . OBmer: If you oQiect to the permit (Standan;l or LOI") because of certain tenns and conditions therein, you may req\U!lat that the permit be modified accoTdingly. You must complete Section II of this form and rdun1 the form to the district engineer. Your objections must b", received by the district engineer within 60 days of"the date ofthLs notice, or you win forfeit your right to app~& the penult in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will cvllluatll your objecmons and may: (a) modify the pencil to address all of your concems, (b) modify the permit to address SOme Dfyour objections, OT (0) tlOl modifY the permit haYing determined that l:hc permit sbould be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objectiDllJ'!. the district engineer will SCI1d you a proffered permit for your reconsideration. as indicated in Section B ~low_ B. PROFFERED PERMIT: You may a~pt or appeal tbo: permit. · ACCEPT: If you received a Standard ~t. you nuy sign the pcrm!t dot:mnent iUld return it to the district engineer for final Iluthorizatlon. ]f you 1'Ccci....cd 11 Letter of PermiSsion (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your wod: is autborbcd. You.r signature 011 lhe Standard Permit or accctltance of the LOt:' meaDS that you. accept the pcnnit in its entirety. and waive all rIghts to appeal the permit. inclUding its terms and con~tion.s, and approved jurlsdlc:tional determlnaticns 1lIl5cciatcd wilh the permit. · APPEAL: If you choost: to decliue the proffered penuit (Standard or LOp) because of certain Wrm5 iUld conditions lhereiD. you may appeal the dccJjned permit 1U1der the Corp.!; of Engineers. Admlnistrative Appeal ProceM by completing Section II of this fo.-m and sending the form to the division engineer. This form mwL be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the dare of Ibis notice. C. PERMIT DENIAL: You. may appeal the de.l1lal of Ii permit uncler tbc Corp;s of Engineer.; AdnI.U1istrative Appeal Process by completing Secticm II ot this form and sending the: form to the division eng1nccr. 'This funn must be received by the diVision engineer wilhin 60 days of the date of this I1Otice. D. APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: Yoa may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide ne'W infonnation. · ACCEPT: You do not need to noti1'y the Corps to accept an approved ro. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved ro. . APPEAL: If you disagreewjtb the approved ro. you ma.y appea.l the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this fann and sendins the form to th~ division <:D&ineer. This form must be received by the division engineer witbin 60 days of the date of'this notice. E_ PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMlNATI0N: You do not need to respond to lhe Corps regarding the preli...,in"ry JD. The PrelinImazy m is DOt appealable. If you wi.sh. yeu may request an approved m (which m~y be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for furtber instruction. Also you may proVide new infcrma~n for further considc:ra.l:ion by Ihe Corps to reevaluate the JD. OCT-07-2005 14;42 From;DEANCARLSONPARTNERS 9529748396 LU;UOI2UU5 ~2:51 FAX 651 290 5330 CANON CO DIV i To;9522271110 P.23 ~OH CEMVP-OP-R (200S-5643-JJY) -2- SE:Q;ll:Yl:)~:~:~"~~~~!~~~~:~Jfi~'~~Q~s.~'J;~:~W!:U:f.,ri\':~t'p'm:i)~~:~:'~t T:;""~:.~..::"'i,:n~.~ ,;;:,:::;','" :'" REASONS FOR APPEAL OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons fOt" appealing the decision or your objections to an initial proffered per.mi~ in clear concise statements. You may attach additional JnfOnnatiOll to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the ,uhn;n'i~uative record) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The: appeal is limited to a review of the 3chnlnt"'trativc record, the Corps memorandum for the record of r:he appeal confetence or meeting, and any supplemental information that me review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information Or analyses [0 the record. However, you may provide additional information to clarify the loc:a.tion of information tbar is already in the administrative record. ~;lN:r'OP.:C()l!trACT:l~O~.QJT;E;~;:r~9.!'f':(i)R.~O~Ti~.N~:'. ..:~: ,:. . . , .. ,. " If you have questions regarding 1his decision and/or the If you oDly have questions regarding the appeal process you appeal process you may contact: ~y also contact: Joseph 1. Yanta Division Engineer U - S. Anc.y Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch c/o Martha. S. Chieply, Appeal Review Orl'icc 190 Fifth Street East, CEMVD Sainr Paul, MN 55101-1638 P. O. Box SO Vicksburg. MS 39181-0080 Telephone (651) 290-S362 Telephone (601) 634-SSZO RIGHI' OF ENTRY: Yaw- signanue below grantS the rlaht of entry ro Corps at Engineers personnel, and any government consullants, to conduct investigations of'the project si~ during the COU1'l>e of the appeal process. You will be provided a 15 chy notice of any sire investigation, and will have the oppommiry fa participate in all site investigations. Date: Telephone number: : Sigoatur1:: of appellant or agent,