Legal Description )WNER / SUBDIVIDER . .. . ~OBERT' CHISTENSEN" i710 Powers Boulevard nhassen, Minnesot655317 (952) 474-1601.. SURvEYOR SCHOELL & MADSdN, INC.' 10580 Wayiata Boulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota 55305 , (952) 546-7601" DESCRIPTION The North 230 feet of the We'st 190 feet 'of the Sbuth 904 feet of that part of the Northwest Quarter of the 'Southeast Quarter of'Section 2," Township 116, Range 23, Carver' CoUnty, Minnesota, lying west of the Ch'anhassen and Excelsior ,Public Road. AND Outlot A and. that part of Lot 6, Block 1, Burlwbod~ Carver County" Minnesota Iyning soutwesterlyof the following described line: Cohlmencing cit the westerly. northwest, corner of said Lot 6; thence South q degrees 23 minutes 15 seconds West, an assu'frleq bearing alon.gthe most westerly Iine6f said Lot 6a distance of 122.17 feet to the northwest corner of Outlot A and the p'oint, of ,beginnjn:g; thence South 31 degrees 13 minutes 07 seconds" East 57.10 feet 'to the westerly line of Golden, Glow Court and there terminating. Outlot S, Surlwood, according to the recorded plat thereof. ZONING = RSF - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AREAS TOTAL PLAT 45;957.66 SQUARE' FEET / 1.05 ACRES LOT 1, BLOCK 1 - 24,401.95 SQUARE FEE,T / 0.59 ACRES LOT' 2, BLOCK'1 - 21,555.71, SQUARE FEET I 0.~.9 ACRES . NOTES' 1. For the purpose of this' survey, the' west line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast QLiarter,has an assumed bearing of N 01 "00'23"E. 2. The field survey of this site was completed on . September '30, 2004 & November 29, 2005. TREE LEf Number fol in inches, number (if location (1 , Number fol o Denotl *Denotl A DenotE A V DenotE BF DenotE BA DenotE BI DenotE BE DenotE BN DenotE . BU DenotE CA DenotE CR Denote CH Denote CN Denote DG Denote EL Denote FR Denote GN Denote H Denote HC Denote HI Denote IR Denote JU Denote KC Denote LI Denote LO Denote M Denote MP Denote o Denote PI Den ote PO Denote: RO Denote: SM Den ote: SP Denote: TO. Denote: IT Den ote: WA Denote: WI Denote: