CC Staff Report 1-9-06 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us 6 '- MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner lY~..~ DATE: January 9,2006 SUBJ: Request for Reconsideration Concept PUD Approval - Galpin Crossing Planning Case #05-38 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The applicant, Epic Development, has requested that City Council reconsider the conditions of approval for the concept PUD for a ten-unit twin home development on the north side of West 78th Street and five, two-story office buildings development, including a bank with drive-thru facilitie~, with approximately 66,000 square feet of floor area, which was approved QnDecember 12, 2005. The applicant specifically objects to the condition th larger those required for neighborhood business dis building pad ed and that they wait until th Market Study n for further revie rimeter setbacks be the number of of the Retail Staff believes t maintained. The applicant a. identity are mor what is best for th greater opportunity to internal traffic and pedestrian The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Todd Gerhardt Galpin Crossing Concept PUD January 9, 2005 Page 2 Completing the Retail Market Study prior to proceeding with the development review of the property permits the City to collect additional information in order to determine the soundness of the potential Land Use Amendment from residentia.I to either commercial or office. ACTION REQUIRED City Council approval requires a majority vote of City Council to reconsider the item and a 4/5th vote of the entire City Council to approve the concept PUD. PLANNING COMMISSION SUMMARY The Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 15,2005, to review the proposed development. The Planning Commission voted 6 to 0 to approve the proposed PUD concept for the project with the list of issues specified in the staff report. RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends the City Council not reconsider the Concept PUD approval. ATTACHMENTS 1. Letter Requesting Reconsideration from Rich Ragatz to Todd Gerhardt dated 12/16/05. 2. Approval Letter from Robert Generous to Rich Ragatz dated 12/13/05. 3. Reduced Copy Galpin Crossing Concept Plan. g:\plan\2005 planning cases\05-38 galpin crossing\executive summary reconsideration.doc . :=II EPIC .. '~,DEVEI.OPMFNT, lie': , " 12/1~/05' . Todd Gerhardt , , City Managp.l' , City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd: " , ChanhaSsen.,'MN 553 ~ 7 Dear Todd; , . . ',' '. '.. . I am wr.iti~g to ask you tn :r~consider the concept approval of Galpin Crossing planning Case 05-38. I Was' at the City Counc~I meeting 011 December 12, 200$. I left after this was tabled, as the Mayor :was no't at the meeting. I .understand that the Mayor ani vc=U later and this w~s .approved. . ' , . , I am c~ncemed about the, foJIow:irig i~ms ih?m the c;I.<?cuments dated 11/1 S/05~ # 4: 'J f~el that the appropriate setb~cks should' pe tho~e set for business rieighbo~hoods of 15 feet and 3S'feet. . #5: ,OUf market .rese'a~~h indiqates smaller buildings with. Identity are more desirable, reducing the num.ber of buiJc!ings does .nuL lIl\.:re~t: the amou:p.t of green space. . '#1J~'We do not think.we s~ould be fequir.ed to waIt for the.R~tail Marl.<et Survey seei.ng, '" ,that approximately 200 acres has been taken out of the Officelfndustrial zoning for. a: " school & mult~ famlty hottles (Mattso~' ~ Bemardi). , , I'd Jove ~o get tog~t~er t?,.discuss this pmject further. . Sincerely, '~~~ ~, Ricih Ragatz . . c;hief Manager 'EpiC Development . 612-73.0-28.14 cell/office 'CiTy ~~~~I'v1:~SSiN: DEe 1 6 2005 '; ~A8sEN Pl.AN~ING OEPT . I : CITYOF CHANHASSEN 7700 Markel Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration . Phone: 952.227.1100 . Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections : Phone: 952,227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 '. Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 . Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance' Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 . , Park" Recreation . Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952,227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 . , Public Works . 1591 Park Road, " Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 December 13, 2005 Mr. Rich Ragatz Epic Development 9820Skylane EdenPrairie, MN 55347" Re: Galpin Crossirtg-'- Planning Case #05-38 Dear Mr. Ragatz: Thisletter is to confirm that on December 12,2005, the Chanhassen City Council approved the concept planned unit development for a twin home' and office development project located at the northwest corner of Highway 5' and Ga.Ipin '. Boulevard subject to addressing the fol1owing issues ,part of the next phase of development review: 1. Development will require a land use amendmen the southern eight acres, conditional use permit Bluff Cf . strict, preliminary Plan plan revie.w with 2. 3. 4. Web Site " www.ci.chanhasShrf.itin.lJs6~ 7 . Thegoa1sSet 'to (B0VNRMP) for the to . development 'of the plan. 'rees Management Plan rporated in the further 8. Drainage and utility easements sha.I} be provided over a.ll existing wetlands, wetland mitigation areas, buffer areas used as PVC and storm water ponds. ICANHEO The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a Charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beaulilul parks. A grealplace to live, work, and play; 9. A preliminary grading plan must be prepared. Mr. Rich Ragatz December 13, 2005 Page 2 10. ApreIiminary utility plan must be prepared. 11. The applicant must provide stQrm water ca.Iculations fQr anyproPQsed subdiyision. The ,develQpment will need to provide stQrm water ponding on site for trea,tmentpriQr to discharge into the wetlands Qr creek. The development must meet pre-development runoff rates for the 10 year and 100 year stQrm. On site storm water ponding must be sufficient to' meet all city water qua.Iity and quantity standards. '12. ErQsiQn and sediment cQntrol measures will be required in accordance with Chanhassen qty, CQde and the Minnesota pQllution Control Agency's (MPCA) NatiQna.I,PQllutantDischarge Elimin,ationSystem (NPDES)Phase IT Construction Pennit. Type n silt fence shall be prowded, adjacent to' a.II wetlan<l fill areas, areas to' be preserved as buffer Qr if nO' buffer is to' be preserved, at th~ delineated'wetland edge. 13. This project will be subject to' Surface Water Managemen~ Plan (SWMP) connection charges for waterqua.Iity and water quantity. ", . 14. AMnDOT and Carver County permit will be required fQr access to' the site. 15. The appli~ant Will ne~d to' submit a survey showing existing trees and woodlands a.IQng with canopy cQverage cal,<;ulations and proPQsed reforestation. 16. The ap"',,p,',"licant will bexegllireq,tQ,payparkD,e, ,espursuant to' city Qrdinance. " " . ,-,':.- '-', -.', ,,,., ,.. . 17. ~e applicant will need to prpvide pedestrian cQnne,ctiQns intema.Ily between the buildings and from the site to' adjacent trails and sidewa.Iks. 18. A wetland buffer 16.5 feet in width must be m~ntainedarQundthe wetland basin. Wetland' ?ufferareas,shall be,preserved,sl,lfyeyed and st;;lked in, accordance with the city's wetland ordinan,c~. Tlle,app~cant lpustins!all wetl~dbuffer edge signs~unde~(lhe directiQn Qf city s~~, b~t;9rep~nstru9tiQn,,~giIl~ aIld l11ustpa,xthecity $20 per sign. A~~structures shall 'ti{aiIlblin,~4QJpQt setbag~6;Qn)'tbeeqge9ftQe \Vetlan(lbuffer.Th,e grading and erQsiQn control pian shall show the actual wetland buffer widthsprQPosed to' Diret the minimum average buffer wi4th requirem~:Il,ts as \V.ell~the, 40 fOQt ,~e,tlan(lbuffet;s~tback. 19. The B,luff Cfre,k comdorprimary zOIle,boundary and required buffer ~d setback will needtQ be incorporated on iheplans. 20, . All qf"the BluffCree.lcOverlayDistrictprimary zQnesllQuld be included as an OutlQt. . . '..:. -' " . -' .:,' . -~',;:/ ,.f _ . " ", .,_. . .' "', . 21. The Bluff Creek corridor primary zone boundary andthe,requireds((tbacksha.II be indicated on the grading plan. U.1MAOa Mr. Rich Ragatz December 13, 2005 Page 3 22~ The devel~pment willrequire aJandscaping plan. Staff recommends that ,significant landscape screening and bemringbe incorporated along Highway Sas well as West 78th Street. 23. The developer will need to locatea.II significant trees on the site and provide aca.Iculation of existing canopy coverage ,as well as proposed tre.e removal. , , . . ..' ~ 24. The following landscape and tree preservation issues are applicable to the-Ga.Ipin Crossings site: Parcel A Show Bluff Greek PrimJlry. ?one and setbacks. Habitat restoration/enhancement around wetland and Bluff Creek. . Tree preservation ca.Iculations and landscape plan including ref()restation and, bufferyard plantings. · Show existing trees outside of Primary Zone on landscape plan. Parcel B Nooverstory trees a.Ilowed under overhead utility lines. Show overhead utility lines on landscape plan. Tree preservationca.Iculations and landscape plan including reforestation and bufferyard plantings. Meet parking lot landscape requirements. 'Meet bufferyard landscape requirements. Show existing boulevard trees a.Iong West 78th Street on landscape plan. 25. Galpin Crossing sha.II pay fun park dedication fees at the rate in force upon fina.I platting. 26. The commercia.I buildings are required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. 27. The plans must be prepared and signed by design professiona.Is licensed in the State of Minnesota. 28. A demolition permit must be obtained before beginning demolition of any existing structures. 29. The location of property lines will have an impact on the code requirements for the proposed , buildings, including but not limited to; a.Ilowable size and fire-resistive construction. The plans as submitted do not have the information necessary to determine compliance at this time. 30. The owner and or their representative sha.II meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss property line issues as wen as plan review and permit procedures. 31. The developer sha.Il have soil borings made to determine the suitability of the site for development. Mr. Rich Ragatz December 13, 2005 :Page 4 32. A traffic study shall be conipleted for the proposed development. 33. The applicant shaH not submit for preliminary review until the Retail Market Study has 'been completed by the City. I woulda.Iso like to remind you that tl1eCityhas not receivedpaymeI1tfortheproperty'owners listfor the public :hearing. A copy of the invoice is attached. Please pay thisjnvoice at your earliestconveni6nce. ): You will need to submit a new development review application at the time of your preliminary ,submitta.I. That submitta.I willneed to address the issues outlined above. We are anticipating that the Market Study will be completed within three to four months. If youhave arty questions or need :additional information, please contact me: at (952) 227-1131 or byemail at " 'bgenerous@ctchan.l1assen.mn.us. < , , Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner ,Attachment: Invoice dated November 3, 2005 t: John Przymus Perry Ryan, Ryan Engineering g:\plan\200S planning cases\OS-38 galpin crossing \approval letter cOnCeptdOl; R~€ng LAND DEV8.0PMENT SERVICES 434 Lake Street Excelsior, MN 55331 (952) 380-5000 .......,- Ihwbyarlifyllool.lh/lpkwI,~ ~!~1~m1 SIIItll.......kI. --- -'" .... GALPIN CROSSING Chanhassen, MN for ~!!!~ PrrJ)lctlW. OIgltqJOtYJ,d"gNtNM ~,.. . QLQ CMr:k4d By IVI /)Qf. fJJe/Oa NtI'M1M6 . IIlBUed Fer- ~ ....matioco.... _ _DeoI__ ~- ::::::== ....... - ~ - Concept Plan GENERAL INFORMATION, f'AAaLA.~'n'IltiIOMI5"'TI:rPIII~ ~15.~~.AHDeNklJSES 2&TOR"I' ~11OH(2.+'-26ltEl&H'11 / / PARCEL A GHANHASSEN ZONINiSo ORPINAM2 RSF -LaNDEN&lT1 RI$.~) 1li.04~"ARaL AI PROPr:lSePmtlHl:ll-e$oSIMl1./IIlt TO~TClne:JeT .LOt't~ITY 1.1t:U/~ PARCEL B ZOJrIM.SGOGe. ~ZONIN6 ORDIIoW4l2 aNell%o\~ eH~N!~~ LOTHiI!#u 'B5~.lP~S1 BJILD~~ I"ItONT9!SI'"r. SW!!1!fIT. ~"I"T'. P.MKIN$ ~ PRDN1' 9!5 PT. 9ID! 15 PT. FlEM" 1"1'. l"NlIiOIMi!loPI~ ~AIJ.o "''-0">>116'-0'' AI$L.I!. 3b'-O" &AT.62l.p'" ~tlc1Te$o !f'eOlJoI.~~ltl$l~ ~MI<lN5TRE!lr::atTlALL.Y ZON:l:)tI:I6Ie:lRIN6~ &I!l!ZDNIN& COI:lt!! RO~ ~~ LOTNl11!ASF.SG.'W =r.~~~{6~ P""'''' U!!E 51ZZ' Rfc:VIIIlmI"l!R~ ~ BAl<< ~.ooo&.F. :lQ6TJtU.6(It.:JIQ5.fJ ~5Tf.0f'f" ',QOO9J<. :2!l$T.oIoI...1..$(MOQQ&1'J ~.. IOpocI9i'. 5OST,AU,.9(5J1000U.) 211........... 0I'ft:.e*2 IOJ::lQOe.P. ='OM..u.sI!JlOCOSPJ ~te 12,QC08J'. eo$T~(SIlOOQ8rJ 0I"I"I0e.... 24ptX)U. 12O&T~t1I/IOQO&.I"J 126&T~ TOT.a.J.. I 66poo~. I e25 6TJrU.& I Kt eT~ 6PQS61'L.OQl1t NlI!A"^11O . 6t.ClClO I tw2.'T66 . IlfH """'"""""'" c:lJeell'%lr.nON. """""'" __ NOll>> C 2005 RYAN Pogo CP-1 ICANHED 180' 120' x ~ .0' If '\....QIIIQrw.~JQ~ ~ ..." IDl!!:!l1.. _ fIlllI!ll:iin SQnItary Strww -.:1--- SANITARY 2YlER __t___ WAlER -[- WATER -1- HVD. W/VALYC. -+--of HYD. W/VAJ..W --t--t STORM SEWER -*1- STtIRtI SEWER -44-