Preliminary Plat 11x17 1-6-06 PINEHURST CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JAN 0 6 2006 CHANHASSEN PLANN1NG DEPT KNOW AU. liEN BY 7HESE PRESENTS: That Plowshores Development, Inc., 0 Minnesoto corporotlon, fee owner of the following described property situated in the County of Carver. State of Minnesota, to wit: Lot 1 through Lot 27, inclusive, Block I, Lot 1 through. Lot 8, inclusive, Block 2 and Lot 1 through Lot 8, inclusive, Block 3, PINEHURST, according to the recorded plot thereof. Carver Coun ty. Minnesota. Has caused the same to be surveyed and plotted os PINEHURST 2ND ADD1770N and does hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public uSe forever the easements os shown on this plot for drainage and utility purposes only. In witness whereof said Plowshares Development, Inc., 0 Minnesota corporation, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this _ day of 200_. PLOWSHARfS DEMl.OPIIENT. INC. By Todd M. Simning, President STA Tf: OF' IIINNE:SOTA COUNTY OF' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 200~ by Todd M. Simning, President of Plowshares Development, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation. By Notary Public, My Commission Expires Caun ty. Minnesota I hereby certify that I hove surveyed and plotted the property described on this plat os PINEHURST 2ND ADDI77ON; that this plot is 0 correct representation of the survey; that 011 distances ore correctly shown on the plot in feet and hundredths of o foot; that 011 monuments will be correctly placed in the ground os shown, in accordance to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.02, Subd. 1; that the outside boundary lines ore correctly designated on the plat; and that there ore no wetlands os defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.02, Subd. 1 or public highways to be designated other than as shown. By Craig W. Morse, Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 23021 STA TE: OF' UlNNESOTA COUNTY OF' The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this _ day of Craig. W. Morse, Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 23021. 200~ by By Notary Public, My Commission Expires County. Minnesota 2ND PRELIMINARY ADDITION PLA T FILE NO. C.R. DOC. NO. CHANHASSEN. IIINNESOTA This plat of PINEHURST 2ND ADD1770N was approved and accepted by the City Councl7 of Chanhassen, Minnesota, at 0 regular meeting thereof held this _ day of . 200~ and is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. All monuments wl1/ be set as specified by the City Council and as stated on this plot, according to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.02, Subd. 1. OTY COUNat. OF CHANHASSEN. UlNNESOTA By Mayor By Clerk COUNTY SUR~ Carver County. Minnesota Pursuant to Chapter 395, Minnesota Lows of 1971, this plot has been approved this _ day of 200_. By John E. Freemyer, Carver County Surveyor COUNTY AUDITOR, Carver County. Minnesota I hereby certify that taxes payable in _ and prior years hove been paid for land described on this plot. Doted this _ day of 200_. By Mark Lundgren, Carver County Auditor COUNTY ReCORDER. Carver County. Minnesota I hereby certify that this plat of PINEHURST 2ND ADD1770N was filed this _ day of _ o'clock _.M. os Document No. . 200~ at By Carl W. Hanson Jr., Carver County Recorder REGISTRAR OF' tTTl.E!%. Carver County. Minnesota I hereby certify that this plot of PINEHURST 2ND ADD1770N was filed this _ day of 200~ at _ o'clock _.M. os Document No. By Carl w.. Hanson Jr., Carver County Registrar of Titles WESTWOOD . Professional Services, Inc. PINEHURST 2ND ADDITION PLA T FILE NO. C.R. DOC. NO. --- I I I I I PRELIMINARY ---- .s~,:..:'! V!~-L :r' ,,-": ::~L~/ Th~;.'\/' '\ 598.73 N8r~12':20.W ..... -30.00, N02028'14"E: ~-J01:?-5.86 110.11 (:' c;~~ '..2. '"f~' ,. " 77 \ \ \ I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " , ..~'.. so 0 ~-- Scale so 100 ISO . feet in Scale: inch= SO feet o Denotes 1/2 inch x 14 inch iron monument set and marked by R.LS. Registration No. 23021 . Denotes 1/2 inch x 14 inch iron monument found marked by R.L.S. Registration No. 23021, unless otherwise Indicated The orientation of this bearing system is based on the north line of Block I, PINEHURST, which is is assumed to bear N 87012'20. W. ."':. Drainage and Utility Easements are shown thus: ..-;:, '" o -'" '" . .,..~ ~~ '\ I I -l I c> I - I _____1____...1 S I-S I I c> I - L____1_____ \"':' ." () \..~.... '" (~(~ . . ., ,'. 2 ., <. , . ..,:~ (Not To Scale) ---- 178.67 ~ t{ Being S feet in width, unless otherwise indicated, and adjoining lot lines, and 10 feet in width, unless otherwise indicated, and adjoining street right-or-way lines and rear lot lines, as shown on the plat. --- 238.32 .~ -;:, ....... .~" ;; o...q, ...r:r' ~O'" ~. 26.26 129.2~ "3.~2 f3':~F~-.'\/L;E:-,'V r"():"\,"'L~ 736.61 403.89 111.78 --- --- ......,.. ......., , .......... ,'-: [) [):' T/ () /\.' i+' ::~ C; L1':r'/[)C~ f:.- /i[-/(..~;.:, TS~ ............ ....,. , 4....... ..~.:L~[)/T/O/\/ :'VOOD'Ff:'D(it.- ;iEi{..~fiT.S' ,--- I Il'VUU!H?/DUE I h'E/::~fi TS I WESTWOOD ".. H.. ,4[)[)!TIO:\! Professional Services, Inc. PINEHURST ADDITION PLA T FILE NO. C.R. DOC. NO. 2ND PRELIMINARY N02028'14..E ,~~__5.69 ~ ~o ~~ .~ .:t. '\.~f' -, ~ /,........-, I \ I I I I I I \ \ I .. \ \ .. \ \ \ \ \ , \ / \ I \ , 378.60 142.78 I . r-------i-----, ~ ,~ I ~, ~,~~.. 5 ~, 1:1 ,:!: I ~Jl '" , .;<' , I~' , "', , I I L_______ _ J 150.00 ---- N 87012'20. w ~ '" ~ ~ ~t--- 111.35 r-------- _7-, ---___ _, r-41.\~~'E -~l f, 1 ~7Zo:J5 I ~, I I , I~ 6, ...., ~ 1 , i~ ~i tl I 78 I 1 ",/ I I , , / I I I , J L__ J .b I + W02034'srE - -T5MO----- L---______J :>-32.28 132.85 /' N 8702S'30. w ~ ~ 62.54 (;:) ~ 4 _J~ ., I;' _------ \ I ..~~\- k\ \:. ::3 t;1 \"'0 r.' \~- \ I \~ I \'" \ I \ I \ \4047'36' _ J \1 b';..--- 10 {. - - l..9a.11 8000 I Rc:Q , 1"16.23 1.....~ '" ... N 860S1'2S. W 114.50 I I 35 ~ I 1 I 135 t>\ !;, ~\ .'\ ....\ \~ ;), r------__, I" I I", I ,~ , 'ci !~ 4 I h , I", I \ 1 I , I ~-7'tJ4.41' I IE_____ J L-45.94 -74.30 -"" I '- I S07.15 ':I'//./!:-.:',:,{./,:~'..r;. "'!- ~ ~ t~:...::,-:.- ........ ... ----- 188.37 139.85 ----- 258.94 _ 140.91 ----------- -- I, I' ",I ~, ~I~ ,03 31 ~ E~~B.:.- €- _ _ _ J \ -r 32.04- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ 0 \:l! ~ \~ <: i\ 1\ " 1\ < " " , It I N 87012'20. W 118.03 50 0 ~- Scale I I I 0, I .- .... ...," 18 /" I~ 17 I~ 16 --1 I , '& I ~' I N. / J~ / or / "J"~ / ,\t<.". "'0 II ~ \7. .: .~ 1!~~~~ ~.J ~'\fJ,'Of:). 50 1 I 1/ 1 ~I II ~I ~I 'j 1 .;<, ~, ,~ .- iI . "'I I 1/ I _.J 50 100 150 , feet in Scale: 1 inch= 50 feet o Oenotes 1/2 inch x 14 inch iron monument set and marked by R.L.S. Registration No. 23021 3:: . Oenates 1/2 inch x 14 inch iron monument found marked by R.LS. Registration No. 23021, unless otherwise indicated 142.57 The on'entation of this bearing system is based an the north line of Black I, PINEHURST, which is is assumed to bear N 87012'20' W. ; ;' . \ ( , '", 41; Orainage and Utility Easements are shown thus: I I -I I <:> I - I _____l____J 5 f-5 , I <:> , - L____l_____ r I I I I I --- -~-- '- 121.78 N 86054'00. W 229.75 498.22 50 I I I I I ':":'[-'/C:,;i TS' (Not To Scale) H/() ()!') !r~/L~ ~::'r:.- Being 5 feet in width. unless otherwise indicated. and adjoining lot lines. and 10 feet in width, unless otherwise indicated, and adjoining street right-of-way lines and rear lot lines, as shown an the plat. ':'1'f:.~i(;f':' T..~;' :+~c; ::; L~!:/!.) ::~f:.- 231.04 116:.54 27 ,. -- --- I- I I I I I ~---- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I , I WESTWOOD I Professional Services, Inc. I I I .4J I .~ !?€ o ~ 1&/ N87012'20.W ~// ;;~_;;~-13.65 ~ 83 . !t>OrJ ,,~ . c-.JCl:lN o.p~ "iiCjj'~ -.l.;Jll:: '" '" ~:~ ". (:~ ";:.' [i~ :~~ :g i ~l! ". ",;:,- "-~ ....~ ~~: ;~: .,. '. '.. "';:'- ::: I,J l.... !t'> ~:) ~...) I I I I I 8J \:~ ~~~ ";:;- . ' ~i; ~::) t;'l :.(: ";:;-