CC Staff Report 1-23-06PC DATE: Jan. 3, 2006 CC DATE: Jan. 23, 2006 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: Waived CASE #: Planning Case 05-30 BY: Al-Jaff STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL:Environmental Assessment Public Hearing to review an addressing potential environmental impacts of the proposed development and making the appropriate findings and decisions on the need for an Environmental Impact APPLICANT Conditional Use PermitVariances Statement, Request for a with and a Site Plan Review application to construct a local electric distribution substation on property zoned Industrial Office Park, Minnesota Valley Electric. LOCATION: East of the Gedney Pickle plant, north of Stoughton Avenue and south of Flying Cloud Drive APPLICANT: Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative M.A.Gedney 125 MVEC Drive 2100 Stoughton Avenue Jordan, MN 55352 Chaska, MN 55318 Attn: Ron Jabs Attn: Kevin Talbot (952) 492-8244 (952) 448-6460 rjabs@mvec.net ktalbot@gedneypickle.com PRESENT ZONING: IOP, Industrial Office Park District 2020 LAND USE PLAN:ACREAGE: Office/Industrial 2.35 acres SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to conduct a public hearing to review an SITE DATA Environmental Assessment addressing potential environmental impacts of the proposed development and making the appropriate findings and decisions on the need for an Conditional Use PermitVariances Environmental Impact Statement, Request for a with and Site Plan Review a application to construct a local electric distribution substation with a 10-foot high wall/fence on a 2.35-acre lot zoned IOP. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. Staff is recommending approval of the request. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City’s discretion in approving or denying a site plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets these standards, the City must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The City’s discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for variance. The City has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the burden of proof is on the applicant to show that they meet the standards in the ordinance. Minnesota Valley Electric Substation Planning Case No.05-30 January 3, 2006 Page 2 The City has limited discretion in approving or denying conditional use permits, based on whether or not the proposal meets the conditional use permit standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. If the City finds that all the applicable conditional use permit standards are met, the permit must be approved. This is a quasi-judicial decision. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative (MVEC) is proposing to construct a local 115-kilovolt electric distribution substation on property located east of the Gedney Pickle plant, north of Stoughton Avenue and Xcel Electric Substation, south of Flying Cloud Drive, and east of a cemetery located in the City of Chaska. The site is zoned Industrial Office Park-IOP. Xcel Energy Electrical Towers are located in the City of Chaska, south of the proposed MVEC site. This entire substation was purchased by MVEC and will be completely dismantled and removed. The existing driveway serving the Xcel Electrical Towers will be extended to the north to serve the proposed MVEC substation. Any transmission line over 100 kilovolts requires an Environmental Assessment Minnesota Valley Electric Substation Planning Case No.05-30 January 3, 2006 Page 3 (EA). The EA contains information on the human and environmental impacts of the proposed project and addresses methods to mitigate such impacts. The applicant has prepared an environmental assessment (EA) that reviews the proposal for the site as well as the surrounding area. Staff has reviewed the EA that is complete and is recommending approval of a resolution Negative Declaration of of the Need for an Environmental Impact Statement for the Minnesota Valley Electric Substation site. The applicant is requesting site plan approval for the construction of an electric substation. The substation will consist of a low profile modular facility that will be screened by a concrete tip-up wall on three sides and a chain link fence along the east side of the site. The wall is proposed to have a height of 10 feet. Commercial or industrial fences over eight feet require a conditional use permit. This fence/wall is for security as well as aesthetic purposes. Staff is recommending approval of the conditional use permit to allow a 10-foot wall. The zoning ordinance allows electric substations in the IOP district as a Conditional Use Permit. There are special requirements for an electric substation, one of which is the size of the property. The ordinance requires a minimum of 5 acres. The applicant is proposing to build the facility on a 2.35 acre parcel. The second requirement stipulates that substations maintain a 500-foot setback from single-family residences. The subject site is located approximately 200 feet from a mobile home park located south of Stoughton Avenue. The applicant is removing an existing substation (Xcel substation) and replacing it with the proposed substation which will maintain a larger distance from these homes. The ordinance requires the site to be served via a collector or major arterial street as designated in the comprehensive plan. Stoughton Avenue is not classified as either, but functions as a collector. For this use, the current location is most ideal and causes the least disturbance and impact to the area. Staff is recommending approval of the variance and the conditional use permit to allow the electric substation. Staff is recommending approval of the site plan, conditional use permit with variances, and resolution of Negative Declaration of the need for an Environmental Impact Statement for the Minnesota Valley Electric Substation site with conditions outlined in the staff report. BACKGROUND On March 14, 2005, the City Council approved an ordinance amendment regulating and defining Electric Substations. On November 15, 2005, the Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing to determine the scope of an Environmental Assessment, request for a Conditional Use Permit with variances and Site Plan Review application to construct a local electric distribution substation on property zoned Industrial Office Park, Minnesota Valley Electric – Planning Case No. 05-30. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Environmental Assessment Scoping, directed staff to prepare the EA consistent with the scoping, and tabled further proceedings on the Conditional Use Permit, Site Plan, and Variance until such time as the EA is completed and submitted to the Planning Commission. Minnesota Valley Electric Substation Planning Case No.05-30 January 3, 2006 Page 4 GENERAL SITE PLAN/ARCHITECTURE The proposed electric substation will be located on approximately 2.35 acres. Staff has been working with the applicant for over a year to bring forth the best development alternative. Staff and the applicant both agreed that the substation needed to be screened from views. Enclosing the utility structures inside a building was not an option. The applicant proposed to build a tip-up decorative concrete fence on three sides of the substation and a chain link fence on the easterly side. Staff agreed that this alternative was acceptable. The wall shown in the photo to the right is an example of the type of wall that is proposed to be used along the parameter of the substation. There is a row of existing mature evergreens that will screen the site from the east. Additional landscaping will be added along the entire fence to break up the wall visually and add some interest. This operation will generate minimal traffic. Consequently there will be an area for a maintenance truck to park and turn around. There is no trash enclosure proposed with this development. ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE Typically, staff prepares an architectural compliance analysis of any proposed development. The analyses addresses issues such as size, portion and placement, entries, articulation, material and detail, color, height and roof design, facade transparency, loading areas, refuse areas, etc. This proposal does not contain a typical building; therefore there is no analysis required. The applicant has made a considerable effort to screen the electric substation. The applicant is also proposing to take down the existing Xcel Energy electric substation which will improve the appearance of the area considerably. Minnesota Valley Electric Substation Planning Case No.05-30 January 3, 2006 Page 5 SITE PLAN FINDINGS In evaluating a site plan and building plan, the City shall consider the development's compliance with the following: (1) Consistency with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; (2) Consistency with this division; (3) Preservation of the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing areas; (4) Creation of a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; (5) Creation of functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: a. An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; b. The amount and location of open space and landscaping; c. Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and d. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. (6) Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Finding: The proposed development is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan and the zoning ordinance if the variances to the conditional use permit were approved. The site design is compatible with the surrounding development. It is functional and will Minnesota Valley Electric Substation Planning Case No.05-30 January 3, 2006 Page 6 improve the surrounding area. Minor revisions are required and are outlined in the conditions of approval. COMPLIANCE TABLE Ordinance Proposed Minimum Setback from a Residential Area 500 Feet 200 Feet Lot Area 5 Acres 2.35 Acres Hard Surface Coverage 70% 31.5% WETLANDS Upon review of the plans, it is concluded that there are no wetlands on this site. STORM WATER, GRADING, AND EROSION CONTROL The northern portion of the property currently drains to the north. The central portion drains towards the depression located in the middle of the site. The southern portion of the site drains to the south. The 155’ x 200’ substation pad will sheet drain to the west. The plans must identify the proposed outlet for the building pad since the west aesthetic wall will impede The developer must submit a construction detail for the proposed rock pad that drainage. shows how the pad facilitates drainage under the decorative wall. The proposed grading plan identifies shallow depressions on the north and south ends of the property and an infiltration basin on the west side of the property. The southern depression will overflow to the west and the northern depression will overflow to the north. The infiltration basin storage capacity exceeds the 100-year runoff volume. Based on the Carver County soils data, the infiltration basin will infiltrate within 60 hours; the PCA recommends infiltration within 72 hours. The 100-year post-development discharge rate and volume to the north will not increase. The 100-year post-development discharge rate to the southwest will decrease and the post- development discharge volume will increase slightly. The runoff to the infiltration basin may carry particulate matter from the gravel substation pad. Staff recommends that annual maintenance be performed on the infiltration basin so that it will function as modeled. LANDSCAPING Minimum requirements for landscaping include bufferyard plantings along property lines. The submitted revised plansThe applicant . proposed landscaping as compared to the requirements is shown in the following table. Minnesota Valley Electric Substation Planning Case No.05-30 January 3, 2006 Page 7 Required Proposed North property line – 2 overstory trees 0 overstory 6 bufferyard B, 320’ 4 understory trees 3 understory 9 9 shrubs 2 shrubs South property line – 1 overstory trees 0 overstory 6 Bufferyard B, 140’ 2 understory trees 2 understory 8 4 shrubs 2 shrubs East property line – bufferyard 3 overstory trees 0 overstory 11 C, 220’ 8 understory trees 6 understory 12 11 shrubs 0 shrubs West property line – 1 overstory trees 0 overstory 8 bufferyard B, 280’ 4 understory trees 4 Understory 10 8 shrubs 3 shrubs Due to the presence of overhead power lines on the site, only understory trees are recommended for planting. The totals for overstory species should be transferred to the understory totals. The applicant does not meet minimum ordinance requirements for the buffer yard plantings. Staff recommends that the applicant increase planting totals in order to meet ordinance requirements. LIGHTING The applicant is not showing any light fixtures on the plans. Detailed lighting plans shall be submitted including photometrics and type of light fixture. The ordinance requires no more than 0.5 foot candle at the property line. Only downcast shielded fixtures are allowed as required by ordinance. Any security (motion detection) lighting should also be shown. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit for the construction of an electric substation and a 10-foot high fence/wall, in the Industrial Office Park District. The substation will better serve the residents of Chanhassen and the surrounding area. Chanhassen has experienced rapid growth and the completion of Highway 212 is anticipated to significantly drive new growth into the area. FINDINGS The Planning Commission shall recommend a conditional use permit and the council shall issue such conditional use permits only if it finds that such use at the proposed location: 1. Will not be detrimental to or damage the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood of the city. Finding: The substation will provide a basic utility to the residents of Chanhassen and the surrounding area. The wall will provide screening and act as a security fence. Minnesota Valley Electric Substation Planning Case No.05-30 January 3, 2006 Page 8 2. Will be consistent with the objectives of the city’s comprehensive plan and this chapter. Finding: This use is consistent with the objectives of the city’s comprehensive plan and this chapter provided the variances are approved. 3. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. Finding: The proposed concrete fence design will screen the substation. The applicant will remove the existing Xcel substation which will improve the aesthetics of the area drastically. 4. Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. Finding: The new substation will improve the area on many levels. The substation will tap into existing electric lines and will not increase the electromagnetic fields along the property lines. The existing Xcel Energy substation will be removed. This substation is closer than the proposed MVEC substation to a residential area located south of Stoughton Avenue. The proposal will be an improvement to the planned neighboring uses. 5. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. Finding: Will be served adequately by facilities and services provided by the persons responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. 6. Will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. Finding: Will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. It will provide a necessary utility. 7. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and condition of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. Finding: Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and condition of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. Minnesota Valley Electric Substation Planning Case No.05-30 January 3, 2006 Page 9 8. Will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. Finding: Will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. 9. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. Finding: Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. 10. Will be aesthetically compatible with the area. Finding: Will be aesthetically compatible with the area. 11. Will not depreciate surrounding property values. Finding: Will not depreciate surrounding property values. 12. Will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in this article. Finding: Electrical Distribution and Underground Electric Distribution Substations are subject to the following conditions: a. The Distribution and Underground Electric Distribution Substations must be served by a collector or major arterial street as designated in the comprehensive plan. Finding: Stoughton Avenue is not designated as a collector or an arterial street. The proposed use will generate minimal traffic. Staff did not want to encourage any access points onto Highway 212. b. The Distribution and Underground Electric Distribution Substations will not have sanitary facilities and will not be used for habitation. Finding: The substation will not have sanitary facilities nor will it be used for habitation. c. The Distribution and Underground Electric Distribution Substations will be located on at least five (5) acres of property. Finding: The facility is proposed to be located on 2.35 acres. This is a fairly small substation and the proposed acreage is adequate to accommodate the proposed facility. Minnesota Valley Electric Substation Planning Case No.05-30 January 3, 2006 Page 10 d. A security fence as specified in the National Electric Safety Code shall surround the Distribution and Underground Electric Distribution Substations. Finding: The applicant is proposing a fence around the substation. e. A landscaping plan shall be submitted for city approval. Finding: The applicant has submitted a landscaping plan for city review and approval. f. Distribution and Underground Electric Distribution Substations shall be a minimum of five hundred (500) feet from single-family residences. Finding: The proposed substation will be located approximately 200 feet north of an existing mobile home park located south of Stoughton Avenue. There is an existing substation across the street from the mobile home which MVEC has purchased and is proposing to dismantle and remove. The new substation will maintain a larger setback from the mobile homes than the existing substation. g. A summary of current research regarding the health effects of EMF levels, conducted by health and scientific professionals, including those who do and do not receive utility sponsorship; Finding: The applicant provided the following information: Electric and Magnetic Fields Questions often arise about electric and magnetic fields (EMF), which are invisible lines of force that surround any electrical device. The term EMF refers to electric and magnetic fields that are coupled together such as in high frequency radiating fields. For lower frequencies, such as for power lines, EMF should be separated into electric fields and magnetic fields. Transmission lines operate at a frequency of 60 hertz (cycles per second), which is in the non-ionizing portion of the electromagnetic frequency spectrum. Fields are considered ionizing when they cause electrons to eject from their orbits around a normal atom. This will typically occur 16 22 with frequencies in the range of 10to 10 hertz. Magnetic fields result from the flow of electricity (current) in the transmission line. The intensity of the magnetic field is related to the current flow through the conductors. The magnetic field associated with the transmission line surrounds the conductor and rapidly decreases with the distance from the conductor. The value of the magnetic field density is expressed in the unit of gauss or milligauss. The most recent and exhaustive studies of the health effects from power frequency fields conclude that the evidence of health risk is weak. Some of these studies are listed below: Minnesota Valley Electric Substation Planning Case No.05-30 January 3, 2006 Page 11 ? National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. 2002. EMF. Electric and Magnetic Fields Associated with the Use of Electric Power. National Institutes of Health. ? National Research Council. 1997. Possible Health Effects of Exposure to Residential Electric and Magnetic Fields. ? Minnesota Department of Health. 2002. EMF White Paper on Electric and Magnetic Field (EMF) Policy and Mitigation Options. ? Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF): Environmental Health in Minnesota. http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/radiation/emf For this project, the overall EMF impact will not change at the property lines. With the retirement of the Xcel Energy East Chaska Switching Station, the overall EMF readings on the property are anticipated to decrease closer to the road. In the area of the new substation, the EMF will increase slightly, with new transformer and distribution facilities. h. Provide EMF levels under maximum and average anticipated loading at the base of the utility poles, underneath the wires between the poles, at ground level above underground wires, at the edge of the property line, at the edge of the closest habitable building, and at the point above ground where there would be the greatest EMF level; Finding: See sheet labeled “Estimated EMF Levels-Chanhassen Substation”. i. Reasonable and prudent measures to minimize EMF levels along all alternative routes; Finding: The applicant is removing an existing substation that is located closer to a residential area and building a new one that will have less impact on the residential area and will be located further from the residential area. j. Depictions of the views of the proposed facility, if aboveground, from at least two directions selected by city staff. Finding: See sheets labeled “Profile View” and “Profile View with Exterior Fence.” k. The site is guided Office/Industrial on the City of Chanhassen Land Use Plan. Finding: The site is guided Office/Industrial on the City of Chanhassen Land Use Plan. Minnesota Valley Electric Substation Planning Case No.05-30 January 3, 2006 Page 12 VARIANCE ANALYSIS Under the conditional use requirements for a substation, there are three requirements that the proposed development does not meet. First, the ordinance requires a minimum of a 5-acre parcel. The proposal is showing 2.35 acres. The second deals with distance from residential areas. The ordinance requires a 500 foot setback. There is a residential neighborhood located 200 feet from the proposed site. Third, the ordinance requires the facility to be accessed off of a collector or arterial street. The site will be accessed off of Stoughton Avenue, which is not a collector or an arterial. FINDINGS The Planning Commission shall not grant a variance unless they find the following facts: a. That the literal enforcement of this chapter would cause undue hardship. Undue hardship means that the property cannot be put to reasonable use because of its size, physical surroundings, shape or topography. Reasonable use includes a use made by a majority of comparable property within 500 feet of it. The intent of this provision is not to allow a proliferation of variances but to recognize that and develop neighborhoods where pre- existing standards exist. Variances that blend with these pre-existing standards without departing downward from them, meet this criteria. * The applicant has been able to locate a site that will cause minimal disruption to neighboring properties, reduce electromagnetic fields impacting adjacent residential areas and improving the aesthetics of the area. The site does not meet the distance, lot area, and street designation requirements. It is increasing its setback from neighboring residential properties by removing the existing Xcel energy site. The 2.35 acres are adequate to accommodate the needs of the proposed facility and the access issue. Staff discouraged the applicant from accessing the site off of Highway 212. The existing access point off of Stoughton Avenue is adequate. In looking at the area within 500 feet, the Xcel energy site is located on a .5 acre parcel, is located less than 150 feet from the residential neighborhood to the south, and gains its access off of Stoughton Avenue. b. The conditions upon which a petition for a variance is based are not applicable, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification. * The conditions upon which this petition for a variance is based are not applicable generally to other properties within the same zoning classification. c. The purpose of the variation is not based upon a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. * The purpose of this variation is not based upon a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel, but actually is to provide a service for the residents of Chanhassen and the surrounding area. Minnesota Valley Electric Substation Planning Case No.05-30 January 3, 2006 Page 13 d. The alleged difficulty or hardship is not a self-created hardship. * The difficulty or hardship is not self-created. e. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in the neighborhood in which the parcel is located. * Granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in the neighborhood in which the parcel of land is located. f. The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion of the public streets or increases the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. * The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion of the public streets. Staff is recommending approval of this variance based upon the findings listed above. RECOMMENDATION City Council approves “The Planning Commission recommends approval of Site Plan 05-30 for an electric substation as shown in plans dated received September 2 and November 30, 2005, with variances to allow access off of Stoughton Avenue, maintain a 200-foot setback from an existing residential neighborhood, and construct the facility on a 2.35 acre parcel, based on the findings of the staff report, subject to the following conditions: 1. Building Official Conditions: a. Permits are required to construct the perimeter wall and fence. b. The plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 2. The plans must identify the proposed outlet for the building pad since the west aesthetic wall The developer must submit a construction detail for the proposed will impede drainage. rock pad that shows how the pad facilitates drainage under the decorative wall. 3. Annual maintenance shall be performed on the infiltration basin so that it will function as modeled. 4. The applicant must meet minimum ordinance requirements for bufferyards and submit a revised landscape plan to the city for approval. 5. Overstory plantings shall be added to the understory totals for bufferyard plantings. Minnesota Valley Electric Substation Planning Case No.05-30 January 3, 2006 Page 14 6. Detailed lighting plans shall be submitted including photometrics and type of light fixture. The ordinance requires no more than 0.5 foot candle at the property line. Only downcast shielded fixtures are allowed as required by ordinance. Any security (motion detection) lighting should also be shown.” CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT City Council approves “The Planning Commission recommends approval for Conditional Use Permit 05-30, for the construction of the Electric substation and a 10-foot wall with the following condition: 1. A security fence as specified in the National Electric Safety Code shall surround the Distribution and Underground Electric Distribution Substations.” NEGATIVE DECLARATION City Council approves “The Planning Commission recommends the a Resolution Declaring No Need for an Environmental Impact Statement for the Minnesota Valley Electric Substation.” ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact. 2. Application. 3. Affidavit of Mailing Notice of Public Hearing. 4. Environmental Assessment. 5. Plans dated “Received September 2 and November 30, 2005”. g:\plan\2005 planning cases\05-30 mvec sub station\staff report pc.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative for Site Plan Review with Variances and Conditional Use Permit for an Electric Substation- Planning Case No. 05- 30 On January 3, 2006, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative for a site plan review with Variances and Conditional Use Permit for an Electric Substation for the property located East of the Gedney Pickle plant, north of Stoughton A venue and south of Flying Cloud Drive. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed site plan with variances and conditional use permit which were preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Industrial Office Park District. 2. The property is guided for Office/Industrial by the Land Use Plan. 3. The legal description of the property is attached as exhibit A. 4. Section 20-110: (1) Is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; (2) Is consistent with this division; (3) Preserves the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing or developing areas; (4) Creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; . (5) Creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: a. An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; 1 b. The amount and location of open space and landscaping; c. Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and d. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. (6) Protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. 5. Section 20-232: (1) Sec. Will not be detrimental to or damage the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood of the city. (2) Will be consistent with the objectives of the city's comprehensive plan and this chapter. (3) Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. (4) Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. (5) Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. (6) Will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. (7) Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and condition of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. 2 (8) Will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. (9) Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. (10) Will be aesthetically compatible with the area. (11) Will not depreciate surrounding property values. (12) Will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in this article. 6. Section 20-58: (1) That the literal enforcement of this chapter would cause undue hardship. Undue hardship means that the property cannot be put to reasonable use because of its size, physical surroundings, shape or topography. Reasonable use includes a use made by a majority of comparable property within 500 feet of it. The intent of this provision is not to allow a proliferation of variances but to recognize that and develop neighborhoods where pre-existing standards exist. Variances that blend with these pre-existing standards without departing downward from them, meet this criteria. (2) The conditions upon which a petition for a variance is based are not applicable, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification. (3) The purpose of the variation is not based upon a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. (4) The alleged difficulty or hardship is not a self-created hardship. (5) The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in the neighborhood in which the parcel is located. (6) The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion of the public streets or increases the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. 7. The staff report dated January 3,2006 for Planning Case #2005-30, prepared by Sharmin Al-Jaff, et aI, is incorporated herein. 3 RECOMMENDA TION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the site plan review with variances and conditional use permit. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 3rd day of January, 2006. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: VIi Sacchet, Its Chairman g:\plan\2005 planning cases\05-30 mvec sub station\finding of fact.doc 4 MINNESOTA VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPRA TIVE Findings of Fact Regarding Decision on Need for Environmental Impact Statement I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Great River Energy (GRE), located in Elk River, MN, provides generation and transmission to 28 member cooperatives in Minnesota. GRE and one of its cooperatives, Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative (MVEC), are planning to construct a new substation and high voltage transmission line tap in Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota. The new substation and tap will be located on a 2.9 - acre site east of Audubon Road and north of Stoughton A venue in an industrial area adjacent to the MA Gedney Plant in Chanhassen, Section 3, T115N, R23W, Chaska Township, Carver County. The site includes property previously owned by Xcel Energy. The new single circuit 115 kV transmission line will tap an existing 115 kV transmission line (owned by and operated by Xcel Energy) just northeast of the proposed substation site The proposed project includes three primary components: + MVEC plans to construct a new 115/12.5 kilovolt (kV) substation to be named the Chanhassen Substation. The substation site will be owned by MVEC and all distribution facilities will be constructed, operated and maintained by MVEC. + GRE proposes to construct, own, and operate approximately 80 feet of 115 kV transmission line to energize the new substation (Figure 1-2). The line will be a single circuit design and will tap an existing 115 kV transmission line that is owned and operated by Xcel Energy. GRE will also own transmission switching facilities located in the substation. + The Xcel Energy East Chaska Switching Station will be removed. II. REASONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project falls under the State of Minnesota's Power Plant Siting Act, (Minnesota Statutes ~ 116C.51-.69 and Minnesota Rules Chapter 4400) for transmission projects over 100 kV and requires a permit from the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (Commission). However, for eligible projects, a utility may apply to the local unit of government that has jurisdiction over the project for approval instead of applying to the Commission (Minn. Rules pt. 4400.5000). This proposed 115 kV substation project is eligible for local review. III. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROCESS The Minnesota Valley Elecrric EA was submitted to the Environmental Quality Board on December 22,2005. The EA W Notice of Availability was published in the January 2,2006 issue of the Minnesota EOB Monitor. Copies of the EA W were mailed to all of the agencies and organizations on the EQB official EA distribution list. The lO-day comment period ended on January 12, 2005. IV. COMMENTS ON THE EA W During the comment period, letters of comment were received from the following agencies, organizations and individuals: Status Government Unit Type . 11 - . " Activitv .. L ...... u '" USDA Rural Environmental Construction of 115 kV Environmental Utilities Service Review transmission line and 115/12.5 Review for (RUS) kV substation substation sent to RUS on 9/8/05; approval in process US Dept. of Interior Threatened and Review of records for federally No federally listed Fish and Wildlife Endangered Species threatened or endangered species species will be Service Review that may exist at or near the affected by the substation site or transmission project - e-mail facilities dated 4/13/05 US Dept. of the Wetland and Review navigable water and the Proposed work does Army Waterways Review dredging or filling of US waters not require permit Corps of Engineers including wetlands or other Corps of Engineers approval- e-mail of 8/25/05 MN Dept. of Environmental Comprehensi ve review of The project will not Natural Resources Review - Wetlands, substation site impacts affect rare features (DNR) Water, Threatened - letter of 4/25105 and Endangered Species USDA Natural Environmental Prime farmlands and land of The construction Resources Review - Soil statewide importance will not affect Conservation Resources prime farmlands or Service land of statewide importance - letter of 5/4/05 MN Historical SHPO Review of Historic preservation No historic Society Nationally properties will be State Historic Registered Historic affected by the Preservation Office Places project -letter of (SHPO) 5/13/05 City of Chanhassen Conditional Use Construction of new facilities Application in Permit process City of Chaska Driveway/Access Application will be Permit made once project is approved Minnesota Pollution National Pollutant Stormwater Pollution Prevention Application will be Control Agency Discharge Plan (SWPPP) and stormwater made once project (MPCA) Elimination System permit required for disturbance is approved (NPDES) Permit of one acre or more v. FINDINGS OF FACT/DECISION ON NEED FOR EIS Minnesota Rule 4410.1700, Subp. 7, specifies the following criteria to be used in deciding whether a project has the potential for significant environmental effects. Type, extent and reversibility of environmental effects. Cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects. The extent to which environmental effects can be anticipated and controlled as a result of other environmental studies undertaken by public agencies or the project proposers of an EIS previously prepared on similar projects. Based on the information contained in the EA, comments received on the EA, and the criteria listed above, the City of Chanhassen, as the RGU makes the following determinations: A. The project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects. B. The preparation of a State Environmental Impact Statement on the project is not needed or recommended. C. The City of Chanhassen may issue permits to allow construction in compliance with the rules of the EA and in conformance with the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act. g:\plan\200S planning cases\OS-30 mvec sub station\ea\eaw findings.doc t, " Chanhassen Substation CUP Application Index 1. Index 2. Payment - Conditional Use Permit, Variance, Admin. Subdivision and Escrow CITY OF CHANHASS Total = $2,335.00 RECEIVED EN 3. Application - Signed SEP 0 2 2005 4. Project Summary sheet CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPr 5. Orientation Map 6. Proposed site (Aerial Site Map) 7. CUP Narrative 8. Chanhassen Substation Standards (Section 20-31) and Support 9. 500 foot notification List 10. Pictures: . Stoughton Ave. Entrance also Showing Xcel Switching Station . Sub site from North Looking Southwest . Sub site from South looking North · Sub site Looking East (toward cemetery) . On site Close-up . Comparable (Gifford Sub) facility for reference · Close-up up modular switch gear unit 11. EMF strength Diagram 12. Sample Wall Material Picture 13. Site Survey of overall Gedney Property 14. MVEC Site Survey with topography, existing transmission, hard surface and grading (sheet 2 of 4) 15. Detail Plan (sheet 30f 4) 16. Grading, Landscape and Original Tree Canopy Plan Sheet 4 of 4) 17. Plan View 18. Profile 19. Estimated EMF levels and Reference 20. Wall Picture, Profile/Cross Sections 21. 500 foot notification Map with contours extended 150 foot from site perimeter () Planning Case No. CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 -(952) 227-1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT Applica.nt Name and Address: 1{'~=:-v~~~J~~b~ 1'~_4.~ ~D".Lt """ tlcl .s:..c;~;J Contact: . Kb"'-. :\'<<..b~ Phone: 'is:;.- ~qi~ ~!l.4<J Fax: Email: ...ja.....~Ci2............ec... ",eo\- Owner Name and Address: ~i~~~~~ Contact: l(e(7/N "lAI ~of- Phone: 44g ~ 1,4l.,0 Fax:. Email: k.Tt1lbo~eJl r'~ Ide... <!.I>M Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit X Conditional Use Permit . Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements Interim Use Permit )( Variance Non-conforming Use Permit Wetland Alteration Permit Planned Unit Development* Zoning Appeal Rezoning Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits Sign Plan Review ~ Notification Sign** - $75 + $100 Damage Deposit x Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost*** - $50 CUP/SPRNACNARIWAP/Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB Site Plan Review* . X Subdivision* ~)-\\.\.vl$\I'I)..\;.u-. TOTAL FEE $ .:taBS" ~ , ..I / f!..lC... J1.. 6G I :J3t. f'l An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. * Twenty-six (26) full-size ~ copies of the plans must be submitted, including an aw' x 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a dlaltal COpy in TIFF-Group 4 (*.tit) format. ** Applicant to obtain notification sign from City of Chanhassen Public Works at 1591 Park Road and install upon submittal of completed application. $100 damage deposit to be refunded to applicant when sign is returned following City Council approval. *** Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. @) PROJECT NAME: Chanhassen Substation LOCATION: Part of the M A Gedney property East of the plant North of Stoughton Ave. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (P.LD. It 25030700) Part of the NW 1/4 of section 3, Twp 115 R. 23 TOTAL ACREAGE: 116,600 sq. ft or approx. 2.5 acres WETLANDS PRESENT: YEs x NO PRESENT ZONING: lOP Industrial Office Park District REQUESTED ZONING: Same PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: REASON FOR REQUEST: Electric Substations require a Conditional Use Pennit. MVEC needs to construct a local distribution substation to serve= the demands of Chanhassen & surrounding area. A variance is requested for the property size & distance from residential properties. MVEC requests approval of the CUP as well as the property subdivision. As requested in the accompaning narranve & drawings. This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that -additional fees may be -chargedfof-consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of m 3 It 7 J"5~ I Date' ' j' / t (7 /G',~- , Date G:lplanlformslDevelopment Review Application.DOC Rev. 4/05 Chanhassen 115 kV Substation/Transmission Tap ~ ~'t-~ Touchstone Encrgy<!l .,,--- The pow.." of human {'OIlr.i.'Ctil'm..' 1fYI~' 'lB' r "~ e.' ~:-:- -_~1}. ':1<' ./\1J1,np","o,n '1nU.~.J t.I,..,-trn- r~'ppr"tl,,'__. 't. '.. 'HI.,~,... I,..,.~.', '.~'l".....'.'r ~..!. GREAT RIVfR ENf:RGY' GREAT RIVER ENERGY 17845 East Hwy 10 P.O. Box 800 Elk River, MN 55330-0800 763-441-3121 www.greatriverenergy.com Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative 125 Minnesota Valley Electric Drive Jordan, MN 55352 952-492-2313 www.mvec.net Project Goal and Need Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative (MVEC) provides electric energy to a large portion of Chanhassen and the surrounding areas, as designated by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. The area has experienced rapid growth in recent years, and completion of the State Highway 312 project is anticipated to significantly drive more new growth until land use is saturated. The Substation A technical analysis of the transmission system identified the need for a new electrical distribution substation site within the focused area. This analysis considered the presence of existing distribution feeders and transmission lines as well as existing and future load projections. A location within an underutilized industrial area adjacent to the MA Gedney Plant on Stoughton Avenue (Section 3, T115N, R23W) , situated directly under existing transmission lines, was found to be most conducive to the current and future electrical needs of the area. The substation proposed is a low profile, modular facility that would be proposed with concrete tip-up type walls on three of the four sides. The new proposed installation will provide considerably more system growth potential, improve MVEC system reliability, and provide some backup capabilities to both the Bluff Creek and Chaska substations under emergency conditions. Transmission Existing transmission lines cross the area near the proposed substation location and include voltages of 69 kV, 115 kV and 230 kV. MVEC would utilize the 115 kV transmission line (owned by Xcel Energy) in partnership with Great River Energy (GRE), who would tap the transmission line (one span) and bring it into the substation. Minimal alterations to the existing transmission system would be required. Permitting and Scheduling MVEC and GRE are applying for necessary permits from the City of Chanhassen and will assist in the preparation of the required environmental assessment. The project will operate at the nominal voltage of 115 kV and is regulated under the Power Plant Siting Act. A provision of this law allows the utility to seek local approval. Because this is a local load serving project, GRE and MVEC have elected to seek local approval. Contacts Questions or concerns should be directed to one of the following: Ron Jabs Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative 125 Minnesota Valley electric Drive Jordan, MN 55352 952-492-8244 Craig Poorker Great River Energy 17845 East Highway 10 Elk River, MN 55330-0800 763-241-2367 cpoorker@orenerov.com DATE LAST REVISED: 8/22/2005 Map Print Output f) Page 1 of 1 Carver County GIS Ma)Jping Application Legend Rood r.xt' US HigMays ;I IIN HigMays II CSAH County Reads L3lli Palnls RII.I PIlCm 2~D2 c _=;;; 1:11 Carver County Map Created on: 8-15-2005 This map was created using Carver County's Geographic Information Systems (GIS), it is a compilation of information and data from various City, County, State, and Federal offices. This map is not a surveyed or legolly recorded map and is intended to be used as a reference. Carver County is not responsible for any inaccuracies contained herein. http://156.99 .124.167 /website/parcel_ intemetJecap/map.asp 8/15/2005 ~ VICINITY MAP ~~ ~~y" . ,r " fir APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Chanhassen MN For the Chanhassen Substation By The Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative The Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative (MVEC) provides electric energy to a large portion of Chanhassen and the surrounding areas, as designated by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. The area has experienced rapid growth in recent years. Completion ofthe St. Highway 312 project is anticipated to significantly drive more new growth until land use saturates. Technical analysis of the system targeted the need for a new electrical substation site within the target area while accounting for the presence of existing distribution feeders and transmission lines as well as existing and future load projections. . The proposed site selected is a portion of unused property owned by M. A. Gedney and zoned Industrial Office Park District (lOP). The site is located north of an existing Xcel Energy switching station, east of the M. A. Gedney plant, west ofa St. John's Lutheran Cemetery and south of additional industrial office park property owned by MA Gedney. The specific legal description of the location under consideration is: Beginning in the Northwestern Quarter of Section 3, Township 115N, Range 23W which lies South 88 degrees 23 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of2313.94 feet from NW 3 monument located NW 3 in the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 115N, Range 23W; Thence South 2 degrees 43 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 193.29 feet. Thence South 0 degrees 18 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 418.76 feet Thence South 57 degrees 57 minutes 21 seconds West a distance of 149.63 feet. Thence South 0 degrees 38 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of171.50 feet. Thence South 62 degrees 53 minutes 44 seconds West a distance of35.77 feet. Thence North 1 degrees 5 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 171.62 feet. Thence North 35 degrees 27 minutes 12 seconds West a distance of306.61 feet. Thence North 53 degrees 13 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 427.59 feet to point of termination. The property consist of approximately 116,600 sq ft or about 2'~ acres. Currently, a large portion ofMVEC's service area within Chanhassen and Eden Prairie is serviced by the Bluff Creek Substation or the Chaska Substation. Bluff Creek is a joint facility with Xcel Energy and the City of Chaska Public Utilities with MVEC having a secondary ownership position. Further expansion capabilities are extremely limited for MVEC within the facility and technical limitations also come into play. The Chaska Sub is a facility owned by Chaska Public Utilities, also offers limited space rented for MVEC's use. The new proposed installation will provide considerably more system growth potential, improve MVEC system reliability and also provide some backup capabilities to both the Bluff Creek and Chaska Substations under emergency conditions. 11> A major benefit of this site is that existing Xce1 Energy 115KV transmission line crosses the property and eliminates the need to extend new transmission lines to the site. MVEC is working jointly with Great River Energy (GRE) and Xce1 Energy to tap into this location. The presence of existing MVEC distribution feeder lines also contributes to economical construction, maintenance, and lower costs to electric customers. Additional underground distribution feeder lines will need to be installed to tie into other parts ofthe system. The proposed location provides adequate system capacity for the foreseeable future, and enhances system reliability for the area. MVEC is pursuing a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a Public Utility Structure as an essential service permitted by Article IV, Conditional Uses within standards set forth within Division 4, Section 20.313 with some special consideration.. The facility proposed would be a modem design, low profile Distribution substation with a modular switching unit surrounded by a 10 foot pillar and walled concrete fence enclosure on three sides replacing the standard 8 foot high chain link fence and barbed wire enclosure that is typical for this type offacility. The enclosure measures 160 X 185. The remaining code required fencing will be 8 feet high for safety and security, and access gates will be locked at all times or under the direct supervision of authorized personnel. . MVEC proposes additional conifers and shrubs strategically placed on the perimeter of the property to break up and screen the site per the plan. All new vegetation will be warranted for at least two years. Naturally existing trees and dense vegetation exist along the east side of the property will remain to screen to the east side. Exit corridors for both overhead and underground electrical feeders will be required to remain clear of tall screening to assure system reliability. MVEC will install and maintain screening in the form of shrubbery to the extent that they will not interfere with the reliability of the substation operation. The substation will be maintained in a neat and orderly fashion. Storm water drainage will be controlled on site to meet or exceed the City and watershed requirements. The fenced in area will be maintained as a gravel surface. The driveway and parking area will be blacktopped. Field inspection and available records indicate significant wetlands will not be disturbed. MVEC is providing the new substation site plan as part of the application. A purchase option with M. A. Gedney, Inc. provides property interest to MVEC. MVEC is making application to the Watershed District to review the specific conditions of the Conditional Use Permit. Signage will be limited to an identification sign on the fence of the substation, and warning signs to the public as required by the current National Electrical Safety Code. Within the fenced in area, a minimal quantity of transformers may be stored to accommodate the prompt response to local outage situations. I 7c. Additional information: The proposed substation will reduce the electric transmission line voltage from 115 KV down to 12.47 KV for distribution to the local service area. A Local Distribution Substation of this variety will contain transformation, regulation, metering and switching capabilities. A modular, self contained control unit will be incorporated within the fenced in area to monitor and regulate the functions of the facility. Many functions are monitored remotely and access is most prevalent to respond to outage conditions or to maintain the grounds. Most access is during daylight hours however 24/7 access is required. Site visits typically are only for duration of a few minutes. Once constructed, trips generated per day will vary but typically would average only a few trips per week. . Vehicles accessing the facility typically are pickup type trucks or utility bucket truck type vehicles and not normally more than two at a time. Short term parking will be provided which will accommodate parking for up to 4 utility vehicles in front of the fence. Some units may occasionally pull trailers. No water or sewer will be utilized as part of the operations ofthe electrical substation. The substation design will comply with the State Building and Fire Code. In addition, the design will comply with the current National Electrical Safety Code. MVEC's application includes provisions for variances and subdivision as noted. This project enhances the electrical distribution system capabilities and reliability for the customers in the immediate area. MVEC would intend to start construction as soon as possible with the facility placed in service in late spring of2006. Any questions can be directed to Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative C/O Ronald Jabs at 952-492-8244 or email rjabs@mvec.net . cz./\ Chanhassen Substation Standards Sec. 20-313. Electrical distribution and undemround electric distribution substations. Electrical distribution and underground electric distribution substations are subject to the following conditions: (1) The distribution and underground electric distribution substations must be served by a collector or major arterial street as designated in the comprehensive plan. · The site is served by Stoughton Avenue. The current street provides access to the Gedney plant as well as other industrial facilities within the general area. (2) The distribution and underground electric distribution substations will not have sanitary facilities and will not be used for habitation. · MVEC' s on site operations short term require no habitation or extended presence and has no need for sewer. (3) The distribution and underground electric distribution substations will be located on at least five acres of property. · Actual area within the fenced premises is less than 3/4 acre. An over all area of 2.5 acres generously provides setbacks, parking and any landscaping. Highest and best use of the property would not support the need for additional property for this facility which would remain underutilized. (4) A security fence as specified in the National Electric Safety Code shall surround the distribution and underground electric distribution substations. · Normally an 8 foot chain link fence with two strands of barbed wire would be utilized for the entire enclosure. MVEC proposes alO foot modular concrete wall type enclosure for the most visible areas as noted on the plans with the standard chain link fencing for the remainder as noted on the plan. (5) A landscaping plan shall be submitted for city approval. · Due to the addition of walled screening, landscaping is confmed to the parking areas, the remainder of the chain link portions and strategically located along walled sections.. (6) Distribution and underground electric distribution substations shall be a minimum of500 feet from single-family residences. · The facility is positioned approximately 400 feet away from the closest mobile homes however the existing Xcel switch station is located closer and across the street from the same homes and existing transmission lines cross above those homes. These homes would experience no increased impact from the proposed substation facility. (7) A summary of current research regarding the health effects of EMF levels, conducted by health and scientific professionals, including those who do and do not receive utility sponsorship. · A study by The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, The Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) and the US Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration has been provided along with references to various other web sites. In summary, EMF levels generated within -Z6 the substation facility are projected to be reduced to near normal background levels at the fence perimeter (8) Provide EMF levels under maximum and average anticipated loading at the base of the utility poles, underneath the wires between the poles, at ground level above underground wires, at the edge ofthe property line, at the edge ofthe closest habitable building, and at the point above ground where there would be the greatest EMF level. . See diagram provided. (9) Reasonable and prudent measures to minimize EMF levels along all alternative electric line routes. . Per EMF-Rapid study, the EMF levels within a substation drop off dramatically as distance from equipment is increased. At the substation fence, EMF levels are indistinguishable from background levels. MVEC has verified this to be true by taking our own measurements. Distribution voltage lines, both overhead and underground, have very low EMF levels and also are indistinguishable from background levels at a short distance. (10) Depictions of the views of the proposed facility, ifabove ground, from at least two directions selected by city staff. . Please reference plan views provided. (11) The site is guided office/industrial on the City ofChanhassen Land Use Plan. . The "Gedney" site is so designated per staff and the current zoning map. Ownership List of Parcels within 500 feet Proposed MVEC Sub-Station Site, Chanhassen, MN pm # 301370090 and #250035300 and remaining part of #250030700 M.A GEDNEY COMPANY P.O. Box 8 Chaska, MN 55318 PID # 300031800 NORTHERN STATES POWER CO. (Xcel Energy) Attn: Real Estate Dept. 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55401 pm # 300030200 and #300030700 ALLEN L. BRAKEMEIR 450 Lake Virginia Trail Excelsior, MN 55331 pm # 300032700 ST. JOHNS LUTHERN CHURCH (Church Cemetery) 300 - 4th Street E. Chaska, MN 55318 pm # 250340110 GARY W. DUNGLEY & GARY L. BROWN, LLP 1910 Stoughton Avenue Chaska, MN 55318 pm # 301370100 CHASKA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1 City Hall Plaza Chaska, MN 55318 PID # 300032100 and # 300340500 FERRELLGAS LP Attn: Real Estate/Tax Dept. #22 One Liberty Plaza Liberty, MO 64068 pm # 300341000 HARRI J. RINTA&MADELEINE J. WEGNER 18025 Kelly Lake Road Carver, MN 55315 pm # 300341100 ALL STEEL PRODUCTS CO.' 1165 Highway 212 E. P.O. Box 73 Chaska, MN 55318 r-;-"\~\-., '\ I . I I ~ ... -< ~ = ~ o = ... c::s ..:: &. ~... = = o~ ... 00 ..-.... - ~ ~ ~ .c - J.. = ~ 0 c'JJ. J.. ell o C U:; ~ g z~ . C~.\L ~/~~- -----=------t'"-~ n . .I . - -.' ["- --.~ ...... .... ,\ ' \ '\ /--- // / // ./ ./ ....l1li ~ 4.it~..... \ ~ I -':"'~ Ij .Ii. 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A Comparison of Electric and Magnetic Fields Electric Fie Ids · Produced by voltage. + ~ '" t Lamp plugged in but turnedoH. Voltage produces <:'lq electric field., ~ · Measured in volts per meter (VIm) or in kilovolts per' meter (kV/m). }, · Easily shielded (weakened) by "' conducting objects such as trees and ,,,,,,pui Igi ngs. ". - ~ .Strength'decr:eases'rapidly with increasing distance from the source. Magnetic Fields · Produced by current. Lamp plugged in and turned un. Current nO\/lj rJwduces a rl'1agn~tic field aho. · Measured in gauss (G) or testa (T). . Not easily shielded (weakened) by most material. · Strength decreases rapidly I,Nith increasing distance from the source. An appliance that is plugged in and therefore connected to a source of electricity has an electric field even when the appliance is turned off. To produce a magnetic field, the appliance must be plugged in and turned on so that the current is flowing. l 1 r:.., F.~. , .;~~ \I'. ~:~~","~r..:--~ ~ .- ~ ~ ' , ,-- ," , ~Ulll\ll"""""-oO"'. _.:~;;;:~~~~ ~. ." , . " , , 'l ~ ~ ~ ..:lUIUIUUI ' · ~~ ~,~ '6.0 'lI "";.::; >> ~ ~ ..... +-> b1) U +-> .- jlltll ::; <IS 8 gJ ,. f( I ~ --;r' ."" " - ".. ~.g :'! 0 r , ftmffif 1 ,t \. I ). I ' ----; "", '" ." , "! { \ d 1 l}t j i; I'. I III 1 \ '~;' II l , · : j ~ \ "f:t t 1 '1'\ ;' I)' I J j : \1 : ,: !, ~ ;, :, ~' d I I ~" 'I 1 , 1 3 ,', I' 1 ~ ;" . 1 r. .. L....- - ~ ' ,~D. " l 1 , ",. , \ l ( , , It \ \. ... \ 1 I \ I , . :i I '- ;;" .~ , ,mr'~~ . ~ .w\~\.il \ijU) ( ;1 if 't \ ~ , .I I 'I , t l \. t . \ , .~~ ... ~~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDA VIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Todd Gerhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that he is and was on December 22, 2005, the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date he caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for MN Valley Electric Substation - Planning Case No. 05-30 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. 9~~-LDt-- Todd Gerhardt, City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this~dayof:])e....cervvbi'Y- ,2005. +' ~ ~'" ,,-u\e~ '-'" . Notary Pu IIc ) " KIM T. MEUWISSEN I Notary Public-Minnesota My Commission Expires Jan 31, 2010 CC,'\U:::D Ol I: :;::; (I) (I) := OlS 1:-- .- Ul ... Ul 10._ (I) E J:E .!:! 0 :CO ::SOl 0.1: -'- o I: I: (I) 10 (J- :;::;0. o I: Z(I) Ul Ul 10 .s:: I: 10 .s:: o Ol I: :;::; (I) (I) := I: OlO 1:'- ._ Ul ... Ul 10.- (I) E J:E .!:! 0 :cO ::SOl 0.1: -I: o I: (I) 10 (J- .- a. - o I: Z(I) Ul Ul 10 .s:: I: 10 .s:: o g.~ C .- - 0 enE_ ~:s ; Ul.~ E (I) -0 Ul (J U Ul a';:: (I) ..- t5 Ul -o"'Q)Ul >10-<( ffi>Q)- _-EeaS Q) .- u I: n... ~::.Q(I)O Eeo=:coE- 00:: I:: 1:- ":::;Et5o~ 00 (1).5'" eo <:=! R a. en'S; n... ~"515.Ii~ co en:J u 1:::;:: CDQ;ca.2coO o.oI:C-- o E 0 0 0 .~ C\Jco:;::;:::3:_ M B :c ~.~ 3 1:0 '6. 5; -g 0......- OCO-o-o CO~CQ) ..... ... CO C .E'~ C ~ _>0 en(l):;:::t: Q)a:-sQ)0 :Jl:en C'? 0"10.0 0 I :J .- Q) - :J ..... 10 I-Oa::o.en 0 Qj E i=1: -" .2 ....- g B 10 0 C..J 10 Ul o a. o ... a. 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This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ~466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the use~s access or use of data provided. ~ I Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ~466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expreSSly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the use~s access or use of data provided. Public Hearing Notification Area (500 feet) Chanhassen Electric Substation Planning Case No. 05-30 2100 Stoughton Avenue CityofChanhassen D Engler Blvd. ,0\ "",0. ~" IS'" ?-~0 ~o<:- o~(f <<>'1 o ;:;: o '< ;:;: 0 '< - o 0 - ::T o III ::T :J III ::T en III ^ en III en CD :J ALL STEEL PRODUCTS CO 1165HWY212E PO BOX 73 CHASKA MN 55318 ALLEN L BRAKEMEIER 450 LAKE VIRGINIA TRL EXCELSIOR MN 55331 CHASKA GATEWAY LLC ATTN: ALEX A YOUNG 350 ST PETER ST SUITE 200 ST PAUL MN 55102 FERRELLGAS LP ATTN: TAX DEPT #22 ONE LIBERTY PLAZA LIBERTY MO 64068 HARRI J RINTA & MADELEINE J WEGNER 18025 KELLY LAKE RD CARVER MN 55315 ST JOHNS EVANG LUTH CHURCH 300 4TH ST E CHASKA MN 55318 GARYW DUNGEY & GARY L BROWN LLP 1900 STOUGHTON AVE CHASKA MN 55318 CHASKA ECONOMIC DEV AUTH ATTN: DAVE POKORNY 1 CITY HALL PLAZA CHASKA MN 55318 NORTHERN STATES POWER CO C/O PROPERTY TAX DEPT 414 NICOLLET MALL MINNEAPOLIS MN 55401 M A GEDNEY COMPANY PO BOX 8 CHASKA MN 55318 Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Chanhassen 115 kV Substation and 115 kV Transmission Line Tap Carver County, Minnesota City of Chanhassen December 2005 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................1-1 1.1 Project Location ......................................................................1-1 1.2 Project Description.................................................................. 1-1 1.3 Project Need ...........................................................................1-5 1.4 Project Cost Estimate.............................................................. 1-5 1.5 Sources of Information ............................................................1-6 2.0 Reg ulatory Framework.................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Permit Requirement............................................................. ...2-1 2.2 Environmental Assessment Requirement ...............................2-1 2.3 Scoping of Environmentallmpacts..........................................2-1 2.4 Conditional Use Permit..... ................. ...................... ........... ....2-2 3.0 Assessment of Impacts and Mitigation .........................................3-1 3.1 Description of Environmental Setting ......................................3-1 3.2 Impacts on Human Settlement................................................3-1 3.2.1 Socioeconomics..................................... ................... .3-1 3.2.2 Displacement. ................. .... ................... ................... .3-1 3.2.3 Noise......................................................................... .3-1 3.2.4 Aesthetics ................... ............................................ ...3-2 3.2.5 Human Health and Safety..........................................3-2 3.3 Impacts on Land-based Economies........................................3-3 3.3.1 Recreation.... ............... ............. ................................... .3-3 3.3.2 Prime Farmland....... ................. ................................... .3-3 . 3.3.3 Transportation......... ................. ...................... ............. .3-3 3.3.4 Mining and Forestry...................................................... 3-4 3.3.5 Archaeological and Historic Resources........................3-4 3.4 Natural Environment .................. .......................................... ...3-4 3.4.1 Air Quality......................... .............. .... ....................... ...3-4 3.4.2 Water Resources, Wetlands, Stormwater and Soils.....3-4 3.4.3 Vegetation and Wildlife/Rare and Unique Natural Resources.................................................................... 3-6 4.0 Regulatory Permits and Approvals Required................................4-1 5.0 Potential Future Areawide Infrastructure ......................................5-1 5.1 Street Layout and Traffic Analysis ..........................................5-1 5.2 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Service..................................5-4 5.3 Stormwater Management............ ......................... ................ ...5-6 6.0 Anticipated Staging of Various Developments .............................6-1 Figures Figure 1-1 Figure 1-2 Figure 1-3 Figure 3-1 Figure 3-2 Figure 5-1 Figure 5-2 Figure 5-3 Figure 5-4 Figure 5-5 Tables Table 4-1 Table 5-1 Table 5-2 Table 5-3 Appendices General Vicinity Map ...............................................................1-2 Project Map........................................ .................. .................. .1-3 Substation Plot Plan............................................................... .1-4 DNR Public Waters Map .........................................................3-5 DNR Sensitive Areas Map ......................................................3-7 Study Area ....................... ............................ ....................... ...5-1 Street Layout A ................. .............................. ...................... ..5-3 Street Layout B ................. ............................. ...................... ...5-4 Study Area Potential Utilities......................................... ..5-5 Study Area Potential Drainage Plan................................. 5-7 Regulatory Permits and Approvals Required...................... 4-1 Development Assumptions......................................... .....5-2 Trip Generation........................................................... .5-2 Potential Pond Characteristics...................................... ...5-8 Appendix A Legal Notices/Correspondence/Meeting Minutes Appendix B Agency Correspondence ii List of Acronyms Used in this Document ACRONYMS ADT Average Daily Traffic BMPs Best Management Practices Commission Minnesota Public Utilities Commission DNR Minnesota Department of Natural Resources EA Environmental Assessment EMF Electromagnetic fields EQB Minnesota Environmental Quality Board GRE Great River Energy kV Kilovolt LMRWD Lower Minnesota River Watershed District MPCA Minnesota Pollution Control Agency MVEC Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service NURP Nationwide Urban Runoff Program RUS Rural Utilities Service SHPO State Historic Preservation Office SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service USGS United States Geological Survey Hi 1.0 Introduction Great River Energy (GRE), located in Elk River, MN, provides generation and transmission to 28 member cooperatives in Minnesota. GRE and one of its cooperatives, Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative (MVEC), are planning to construct a new substation and high voltage transmission line tap in Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota (Figure 1-1). 1 .1 Project Location The new substation and tap will be located on a 2.9 - acre site east of Audubon Road and north of Stoughton Avenue in an industrial area adjacent to the MA Gedney Plant in Chanhassen, Section 3, T115N, R23W, Chaska Township, Carver County. The site includes property previously owned by Xcel Energy. The new single circuit 115 kV transmission line will tap an existing 115 kV transmission line (owned by and operated by Xcel Energy) just northeast of the proposed substation site (Figure 1-2). 1.2 Project Description The proposed project includes three primary components: . MVEC plans to construct a new 115/12.5 kilovolt (kV) substation to be named the Chanhassen Substation. The substation site will be owned by MVEC and all distribution facilities will be constructed, operated and maintained by MVEC. . GRE proposes to construct, own, and operate approximately 80 feet of 115 kV transmission line to energize the new substation (Figure 1-2). The line will be a single circuit design and will tap an existing 115 kV transmission line that is owned and operated by Xcel Energy. GRE will also own transmission switching facilities located in the substation. . The Xcel Energy East Chaska Switching Station will be removed. Each of these components is discussed in more detail below. Substation Electric facilities in the substation will include a 115/12.5 kV distribution transformer (Figure 1-3). Some equipment within the substation is filled with mineral oil for cooling. This equipment will be sitting on concrete pads with three inches of crushed rock covering the entire fenced-in area in the event of an equipment leak. Substation sites are inspected on a monthly basis to check for leaks. 1-1 Figure 1-1 General Vicinity Map / PROJECT VICINITY MAP 25 \ ~I , "- La.e Rebocca P",k ~eSfllve' "\., ~, I I \ -.I IFigure 1-'11 ~>\ ~ -+ An<xa Co' n1y-B f \~ '.i "- I ~al:rI<l"f1 ]1 ) J 't\'aconia Nor.....-ooo VOSJ"lg A-nuric;J ) Mmesolif ~"'kJUe RetJge J' / ) ~ '- - - ~- '- / F I ~J 1 r ~- , .J /' , I ( I I Air1ake I ~(2r- 93 "\ , , ., ..,!j') f ..'7- \ , :J' ~ ill' ' ~:.. I . (>.; ~\ ~/ I I .. \.. - N A '" No1P~5" 1-2 Figure 1-2 Project Map PROJECT MAP IFigUre 1-21 ~ :' 1 .-.~ \\\#1:2/\ County ....__ I &,c. . GRE CoollU"atiw Distribution Sub Non GRE O.vnud Transmisssion Lino - 6!J kV and Bolow - - 115-161 kV ~ 230 kV - :J45 kV <lnd Allovo Sec. 14 I mf b '" -- ~< A !005 " 2~<h a't/ I. 1-3 Figure 1-3 Substation Plot Plan r-, aRE I I COImD. .._-1 HIliIlg: .J. llISTRlllUllOl\l SWIrcHc~ BUILClIG ."","' ,,'CO "." ~ 200' x 155' --. .a.. PRELIMINARY 1-4 \ : I t=+=:+ \ : f MUll" at III ~"Lr Ii' )fIT) 1 ... LLLLLl I ,I I t--------r-_J ~ _ J-I EARTL1.VD ):._ ENGI,""[J[;'RI,\'(j L SF.ln'!o,~~ ....lto4!.....f~lilw._IJj. .. FIGURE 1-3 SUBSTATlOI1 PLOT PLArt CHAHHASSErt 5U65TA11orl MIWlE50TA VALLEY ELECmlC COOPEfiATI\lE JOfiOAtt Mrt 10'1: RM __ ~oc , 2/05/05 lolll Plot PI"n.d~ The substation equipment will be enclosed in a 155' by 200' area situated inside the 2.9 - acre parcel. A decorative wall (stone patterned concrete wall made up of panels and pillars) will be placed on three sides (north, west and south) and a chain link fence will be placed on the east side. Additionally, the site will be surrounded with 58 trees and shrubs, as well as various small plantings. The wall and fence will be designed to deter animals and to provide safety and security. Transmission Facilities The transmission line serving the Chanhassen Substation will be a single circuit design. A single span of wires will run down the transmission corridor and terminate on two deadend, A-Frame structures. The line will then drop down through switches on to steel buswork. The two A-Frame structures will be 65-75 feet tall, to match the height of the existing transmission circuit in the vicinity. Each structure will carry three wires and a separate shield wire for lightning protection. There will be self-supporting, tapered, tubular steel poles and guyed wood structures to route the transmission conductors in and around the substation. Switchinq Station Removal The older existing lattice Xcel Energy East Chaska switching station located immediately adjacent to Stoughton Avenue will be removed as part of the project. The old site will be converted to green space and provide driveway access to the new facility located further north. All transmission wiring will be reconfigured to route in and around the new Chanhassen Substation. 1 .3 Project Need This project is needed due to rapid growth in the MVEC service territory and associated increases in electrical load growth. The project will improve MVEC system reliability and provide some backup capabilities to the Bluff Creek and Chaska Tap substations under emergency conditions. The new substation will also help eliminate the present capacity limitations of these substations. 1.4 Project Cost Estimate The estimated cost for the MVEC's distribution substation facilities is $1.6 million, including site acquisition, site preparation, equipment, construction, and demolition of the Xcel Energy switching station. The estimated costs for GRE's transmission and substation facilities are $250,000 and $500,000, respectively. Total project cost is estimated to be $2,350,000. 1-5 1.5 Sources of Information Much of the information contained in this document was provided by the applicants or the applicant's representatives (Heartland Engineering Services and Bolton & Menk, Inc.) in the form of the Application for Conditional Land Use Permit for the Chanhassen Substation and subsequent correspondence. Additional sources of information are listed below: . 2020 Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan . City of Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance . City of Chaska 2020 Comprehensive Plan . City of Chaska Zoning Ordinance Minnesota Department of Transportation 2003 Traffic Volumes 1-6 2.0 Regulatory Framework 2.1 Permit Requirement This project falls under the State of Minnesota's Power Plant Siting Act, (Minnesota Statutes 9 116C.51-.69 and Minnesota Rules Chapter 4400) for transmission projects over 100 kV and requires a permit from the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (Commission). However, for eligible projects, a utility may apply to the local unit of government that has jurisdiction over the project for approval instead of applying to the Commission (Minn. Rules pt. 4400.5000). This proposed 115 kV substation project is eligible for local review. The City of Chanhassen has agreed to act as the lead local unit of government with jurisdiction to approve the project. The City of Chanhassen was afforded the opportunity to relinquish its jurisdiction by requesting that the Commission assume jurisdiction, but has elected to maintain jurisdiction of the project. As required by Minn. Rules pt. 4400.5000 Subp.3, a project notice was sent to those persons on the Power Plant Siting General Notification list (see Appendix A). 2.2 Environmental Assessment Requirement In accordance with Minn. Rules pt. 4400.5000 Subp.5, an environmental assessment (EA) prepared by the local unit of government with jurisdiction over the project must be completed. The EA contains information on the human and environmental impacts of the proposed project and addresses methods to mitigate such impacts. When the EA is complete, the City of Chanhassen must publish a notice in the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) Monitor that the EA is available for review, how a copy of the document may be reviewed, that the public may comment on the document, and the procedure for submitting comments to the City. A final decision on the project cannot be made until at least ten days after the notice appears in the EQB Monitor. 2.3 Scoping of Environmental Impacts The rules require that the public be afforded the opportunity to participate in developing the scope of the EA before it is prepared. The City of Chanhassen held a meeting on November 15, 2005 to obtain input from the public on the scope of the EA. A notice of the meeting was published in the Chanhassen Villager and a copy of the notice was direct-mailed to interested parties and residents near the proposed project (see Appendix A). One member of the public attended the meeting (a member of the Cemetery Board) but did not offer comment on the project. 2-1 2.4 Conditional Use Permit The City of Chanhassen requires a Conditional Use Permit for this project. MVEC submitted a Conditional Use Permit Application to the City of Chanhassen on September 2, 2005. The City of Chanhassen will hold a public hearing on January 3, 2006 regarding MVEC and GRE's request for a Conditional Use Permit. The City of Chanhassen will make a decision on the application after notice of the EA has been published in the EQB Monitor and the comment period requirements have been met. 2-2 3.0 Assessment of Impacts and Mitigation This is a small project located in an industrial area and impacts to the environment are expected to be minimal and short-term, therefore little mitigation will be required. MVEC and GRE will minimize negative environmental impacts during construction of the project. Correspondence relative to environmental conditions at the proposed site and responses received from state and federal agencies that reviewed the project are provided in Appendix B. 3.1 Description of Environmental Setting The proposed substation project is located in an area zoned Office Industrial. The parcel purchased for the substation is currently undeveloped and land use in adjacent parcels is as follows: West side of the property - MA Gedney Plant North side of the property - undeveloped East side of the property - cemetery South side of the property - Stoughton Avenue 3.2 Impacts on Human Settlement 3.2.1 Socioeconomics The local economy is based primarily on office/industrial businesses, which employ over 8,000 people. Approximately 5-10 workers will be required for construction of the new substation and tap line. During construction, there would be a small impact on the local community due to revenue created from expenditures of the construction crew (local community services, hotels, restaurants, construction materials). No permanent jobs will be created by this project. 3.2.2 Displacement The new substation and transmission line tap will not cause the displacement of any residence and will not affect any public services. The substation will be set back approximately 200 feet north of Stoughton Avenue. The only residences in the area are south of Stoughton Avenue and are at a much lower elevation, and therefore will not be affected by the project. 3.2.3 Noise The proposed substation will be designed and constructed to comply with State of Minnesota noise standards. It has been determined that there will be negligible noise at 3-1 the property boundaries. The substation transformer will be designed in accordance with ANSI standards. 3.2.4 Aesthetics The substation and transmission line as designed will have little impact on aesthetics of the area. This is an industrial area with many transmission lines, therefore the new substation will not significantly alter the existing character of the area. The site currently consists of grasses and minimal tree cover, many of which are dead or dying. The aesthetics will actually be improved along Stoughton Avenue when the existing Xcel Energy East Chaska switching station is removed as part of this project. The new substation facility will be set back from the road and will not be within the viewshed of residences along Stoughton Avenue, as those residences are at a much lower elevation south of the road. The substation equipment area will be enclosed with a decorative wall on three sides (north, west and south) and a chain link fence on the east side. Additionally, the site will be surrounded with 58 trees and shrubs, as well as various small plantings. 3.2.5 Human Health and Safety No threats to public health and safety are anticipated for this project. All facilities will be constructed in accordance with all applicable standards, including standards of the Rural Utilities Service (RUS), the National Electric Safety Code, and other industry standards. Construction personnel will be required to follow Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations. Other safety measures such as warning signs, fencing, and gates will be utilized as needed. Electric and Maqnetic Fields Questions often arise about electric and magnetic fields (EMF), which are invisible lines of force that surround any electrical device. The term EMF refers to electric and magnetic fields that are coupled together such as in high frequency radiating fields. For lower frequencies such as for power lines, EMF should be separated into electric fields and magnetic fields. Transmission lines operate at a frequency of 60 hertz (cycles per second), which is in the non-ionizing portion of the electromagnetic frequency spectrum. Fields are considered ionizing when they cause electrons to eject from their orbits around a normal atom. This will typically occur with frequencies in the range of 1016 to 1022 hertz. Magnetic fields result from the flow of electricity (current) in the transmission line. The intensity of the magnetic field is related to the current flow through the conductors. The magnetic field associated with the transmission line surrounds the conductor and rapidly decreases with the distance from the conductor. The value of the magnetic field density is expressed in the unit of gauss or milligauss. 3-2 The most recent and exhaustive studies of the health effects from power frequency fields conclude that the evidence of health risk is weak. Some of these studies are listed below: . National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. 2002. EMF. Electric and Magnetic Fields Associated with the Use of Electric Power. National Institutes of Health. . National Research Council. 1997. Possible Health Effects of Exposure to Residential Electric and Magnetic Fields. . Minnesota Department of Health. 2002. EMF White Paper on Electric and Magnetic Field (EMF) Policy and Mitigation Options. . Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF): Environmental Health in Minnesota. http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/radiation/emf For this project, the overall EMF impact will not change at the property lines. With the retirement of the Xcel Energy East Chaska Switching Station, the overall EMF readings on the property are anticipated to decrease closer to the road. In the area of the new substation, the EMF will increase slightly, with new transformer and distribution facilities. 3.3 Impacts on Land-based Economies 3.3.1 Recreation The proposed project is not near any recreational areas and will not affect recreational opportunities. 3.3.2 Prime Farmland The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) was contacted regarding soil resources in the vicinity of the project. In a letter dated May 4, 2005, the NRCS indicated that the proposed construction will not affect any prime farmland soils or land of statewide importance. 3.3.3 Transportation The site will have a paved entrance located in the area of the gravel entrance currently serving the existing Xcel Energy switching station. This entrance will provide access from Stoughton Avenue, an existing city street. No offsite roadway improvements will be needed for equipment delivery. The proposed project is approximately six miles from the nearest airport (Flying Cloud Airport). The United States Geological Survey (USGS) elevation at the project site is 760 feet while the airport elevation is 900 feet, or nearly 140 feet higher. The project will therefore not be a hazard to aviation. 3-3 .3.3.4 Mining and Forestry There are no mining or forestry areas in the vicinity of the project. 3.3.5 Archaeological and Historic Resources The Minnesota Historical Society State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) was contacted about the presence of archaeological, historical or architectural resources located on or near the site. In a letter dated May 13, 2005, SHPO indicated that no historic properties eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places will be affected by this project. 3.4 Natural Environment 3.4.1 Air Quality Because electric substations and transmission lines do not affect air quality, there will be no long-term environmental impacts on the air. Temporary air quality impacts would be expected to occur during the construction phase of the project. However, adverse impacts to the surrounding environment will be minimal because of the short and intermittent nature of the emission and dust-producing construction phase. 3.4.2 Water Resources, Wetlands, Stormwater, and Soils No impacts to water resources are anticipated. The substation site does not contain any existing wetlands or have any impact on groundwater or other surface waters. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) was contacted regarding this project and in an e-mail response dated August 25, 2005, the USACE indicated no permit or other approvals were required. There are no Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Public Waters in the vicinity of the project (Figure 3-1). The stormwater runoff drainage patterns from the proposed site will mimic the existing conditions of the land. The majority of the site will drain to an infiltration area, which will retain the volume of runoff produced from a 6" rainfall event. The site overflows to the southwest and ultimately to the Minnesota River. The proposed site will require some grading. Minimal erosion may occur at the site during construction, but erosion and sediment will be controlled on-site with all 3-4 TI ,,, '9 ~ 11 WI ..,. W ~ . ~ ;J'I -;:' a- .... ..... 0 -' a;- rt Il) ..., '" :c '" -0 Figure 3-1 DNR PWI Map l:'::,' I--~- '\~ ~':). \~ ~'-': I , . ~'" - ,~- ~'. /'" 35 ~. ., ., "...' . v;'---- .23 w 3-5 appropriate best management practices (BMPs) in place for the duration of the construction activity. The site meets the design standards of local, state, and federal agencies and an NPDES permit application will be submitted to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to construction initiation. A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment conducted by Braun Intertec reported no conditions at the site that would require special environmental regulatory actions. 3.4.3 Vegetation and Wildlife/Rare and Unique Natural Resources The DNR and the United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) were contacted regarding vegetation and wildlife resources in the vicinity of the project. In a letter of April 25, 2005, the DNR indicated that there are a number of rare species or natural communities in the general project area. However, based on the nature and location of the proposed project, it will not affect any known occurrences of rare features (Figure 3-2). The USFWS (e-mail of April 13, 2005) indicated that the bald eagle is documented to nest in Carver County. However, given the location (not within areas with known nesting bald eagles) and type of activity proposed, it is not likely to adversely affect any federally listed species. Effects on area wildlife will be minimal. The substation is designed to deter animal entry. 3-6 Figure 3-2 DNR Sensitive Areas Map 3-7 Figure 3-2 Sensitive Areas Shakopee 1 :24,000 U.S.G.S. Quadrangle (DNR Code = S 15d) Includes portions of Carver, Scott and Hennepin Counties . t r fT " "-- , .. ., . . . C.,ter of ~ Stn.lrw ,..,..a. Cwrler of SetlMl't P*1I ""'... .. C~.r 04 s.nM..... NwMI Nu' Center ot &9n1katlt ,..1.... PIa1I C<lfr'll'lliUOl) NMS , _u..--a.P.....rw ~ IL-,t'."-'........,.." /'../ Major Ro.d1 o Count)'~. ^V (;llMrRllltda c-J Townst'lp ltnes /'.../ RM/'OldS s.ction 'Ni. o Ou-.dr~bOI'(I. ~. ...............-. .~0I9.~1'lI n'4$h..........,14 ~UR_....N$53~' _ ....._ Il'IJllcl.J'" l,fIfTllQ_If'oUS~1<H(JQIl.tAl"~JIII~ __~~...ronc~at ........l>'l.lUut'....rt!O..nc.~' _...__llow;__t ... _ :".::::: =- -::'':.-===-. t::;:-...:=:. c__.-..._~___IU_.."'_.. - ---_...._"...---.~..- "'___"'eo'I-'-___".___ ~.:::-: :.::"~~ ~.:=~~ ......-... ._'"'-"-_............... ==::.::-'...-.....~..-.- M.ipGR_d.~rI2.1l.llr.' ., ~ HlU... Plant CornmunUeI ............. --- ~........$o.rwy o ~"0e1l9"-1r'9 !."..,.,.. An.. $ignlka". Ft_If1>>d PI1IIr.. RIiM-ot W., At.as 3-8 4.0 Regulatory Permits and Approvals Required Permit requirements or approvals anticipated for this project and the status of each are shown below in Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Regulatory Permits and Approvals Required Government Unit Type of Approval Regulated Activity Status USDA Rural Utilities Environmental Review Construction of 115 kV transmission Environmental Service (RUS) line and 115/12.5 kV substation Review for substation sent to RUS on 9/8/05; approval in process US Dept. of Interior Threatened and Review of records for federally No federally listed Fish and Wildlife Endangered Species threatened or endangered species species will be Service Review that may exist at or near the affected by the substation site or transmission project - e-mail dated facilities 4/13/05 US Dept. of the Army Wetland and Review navigable water and the Proposed work does Corps of Engineers Waterways Review dredging or filling of US waters not require permit or including wetlands other Corps of Engineers approval- e-mail of 8/25/05 MN Dept. of Natural Environmental Review Comprehensive review of substation The project will not Resources (DNR) - Wetlands, Water, site impacts affect rare features - Threatened and letter of 4/25/05 Endanqered Species USDA Natural Environmental Review Prime farmlands and land of The construction will Resources - Soil Resources statewide importance not affect prime Conservation Service farmlands or land of statewide importance - letter of 5/4/05 MN Historical Society SHPO Review of Historic preservation No historic properties State Historic Nationally Registered will be affected by the Preservation Office Historic Places project - letter of (SHPO) 5/13/05 City of Chanhassen Conditional Use Construction of new facilities Application in Perm it process City of Chaska Driveway/Access Application will be Perm it made once project is approved Minnesota Pollution National Pollutant Stormwater Pollution Prevention Application will be Control Agency Discharge Elimination Plan (SWPPP) and stormwater made once project is (MPCA) System (NPDES) permit required for disturbance of approved Perm it one acre or more 4-1 5.0 Potential Future Areawide Infrastructure The study area, described below, lies within both the City of Chaska and the City of Chanhassen. As shown in Figure 5-1, Areas 1 and 2 are in Chanhassen and Areas 3 and 4 are in Chaska. The proposed substation site lies within the easternmost part of Area 2 with the proposed access drive through the southwesterly corner of Area 4. Based on both cities' Land Use Guide Plans and Zoning Maps, the entire area was analyzed to determine the feasibility of future development in this area and how public services could be provided to enable future development to take place. An analysis of the traffic impacts and public utilities that would be needed for a feasible future development scenario using all of the potentially developable land in this area is included below. 5.1 Street Layout and Traffic Analysis The area is bordered by US Highway 212 on the north and east, by Stoughton Avenue on the south, and by Audubon Road on the west. A strip of land that is abandoned railroad right-of-way bisects the area. The Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority owns the eastern end of this strip of land and it is currently not developed with a trail. A regional recreational trail east of US Highway 212 is constructed and operated by Three Rivers Park District. The Chaska Economic Development Authority and MA Gedney Company own the balance of the abandoned right-of-way. Table 5-1 identifies the current zoning classifications and general land use development assumptions for developing trip generation and general distribution assumptions. Figure 5-1 illustrates Areas 1-4 described in the table. 5-1 Table 5-1 - Development Assumptions Impervious Surface Zoning Acres Maximum- Estimated Estimated Land Use Type(s) Area City Symbol Chanhassen Building Floor Space Sq. Ft. Per Use District Total Floor Area Ratio- Height (sq. ft.) Chaska 60% Auto Vehicle Sales & 1 Chanhassen Fringe BF 18.3 40% 1 story 80,000 40% Cold Business Storage & Warehousinq Industrial 25% Office & 2 Chanhassen Office lOP 23.1 70% 2 story 175,000 75% Industrial Park /Warehousing 50% Office & 3 Chaska Industrial I 18.2 0.5* 2 story 200,000 50% Industrial /Warehousing 7.8 0.4 NA 0 Cemetery Medium None - proposed 4 Chaska Density R2 to provide access Residence 0.5 0.4 NA 0 to substation property In a Planned Industrial Development District, there is the opportunity for a maximum floor area ratio of up to 2.0 for a single lot, provided he entire District does not exceed. 75. Lot coveraqe bv buildinqs shall be no more than 40% of the lot. Table 5-2 shows 6,754 trips will be generated by the assumed land uses. Based on existing travel patterns it has been assumed that 19.2% of the trips will go to or from Audubon Road, 16.5% to/from Engler Boulevard, 31.4% to/from the west on Highway 212, 29.6% to/from the east on Highway 212, and 3.3% to/from the west on Stoughton Avenue. Table 5-2 -Trip Generation ITE Trip Generation Estimated Rate Per 1,000 Total Trips Area Floor Space Sq. Ft. of Floor Code (sq. ft.) Space Generated 1 841 - Auto Vehicle Sales 48,000 33.34 1,601 1 150 - Warehouse 32,000 4.96 469 2 710 - General Office 43,750 11.01 706 2 130 - Industrial Park 131,250 6.96 1,399 3 710 - General Office 100,000 11.01 1,335 3 130 - Industrial Park 100,000 6.96 1,244 5-2 Based on the 2003 annual average daily traffic (ADT) volumes and land use assumptions outlined above, traffic volumes were developed for two different internal street layout alternatives. The internal street layout options and corresponding ADT are illustrated in Figures 5-2 and 5-3. 5-3 With either of these street layouts, along with the existing road network, the additional traffic demand could be accommodated and it is anticipated that vehicle-related air emissions would remain at acceptable MPCA levels. 5.2 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Service The majority of the area studied does not currently have utility services nearby. The exception is the Gedney factory in the southwestern-most portion of Chanhassen, which has sanitary sewer and water service provided by the City of Chaska. The City of Chanhassen's comprehensive plan indicates that a gravity sewer extending from a future lift station located between Bluff Creek Drive and Highway 101 (approximately 5,500 feet to the northeast) would service the sanitary needs of the Chanhassen portion of the study area. This sewer and the extended sewer needed to serve the remainder of the study area are shown in Figure 5-4. The 59.6 acres of future office/industrial land use, not including the cemetery area, yield a projected daily peak flow rate of 125 gallons per minute. This indicates that an 8" gravity sanitary line at minimum grade can adequately service the Chanhassen portion of the study area, as well as the land in Chaska, if desired. 5-4 Figure 5-4 Study Area Potential Drainage Plan ENCLER ROAD \ ~ ~I ~~ I_I-I-I~ .;. ...~... ~ 4! 1lf I~ '-;;0-1 4~ :/ ,~)~ ~ .r ~''''--;''l ~ ___'~IC"i ~... ".,--' Sl"~ ~ /' ,/ STUDY 9OONOAAY \ f ,-__F~ r' / ~^ ............ . .~ ~ .- t ..... . ~- ""'" ow WlOiD OIW.<N SN<<rNl:r (1l.'MlI:) -- (f\l'Ml!) -)- ~ S>HTNrI' (COUP. PlM) -1- r~ (COWO> IUH) ~St;) -1- "'lDlIlN" (alW. P\.AH) MINNESOTA VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CHANHASSEN SUBSTATION STUDY AREA POTENTIAL UnUTIES OECE~8ER. 2005 FIGURE NO. 5-4 I!\BOL TON & MENK. INC. . Consulting [ngln_" at Su....yors MA.NKATO'... r~NT. uat Slf.E?'Y E'tE.... 'MlUlAR. WN _...ufo "" 0t0.SI<A..... Md3... H \"'-'rc' . t 2',P31 1\C&O\f/o\("& "'lUES 4.., '2-.01-2005 Y56 P"'" 5-5 The Chanhassen portion of the study area is within the "Lower Bluff Pressure Zone" as identified in the water distribution figure of the City of Chanhassen's comprehensive plan. This figure shows a future 12" watermain extending west from Bluff Creek Drive, which has been reproduced in Figure 5-4. This main, or perhaps a smaller size pipe (depending on the fireflow requirements of the City), could be extended further west to serve the remainder of the study area, including the Gedney property. This scenario would provide an undesirable "dead end" in the water system unless the piping was looped back to the main, which may prove too costly to be feasible. Another, and perhaps more economical, option is for the City of Chanhassen to enter into an agreement with the City of Chaska to provide water service to the area in question. The portion of the study area within the City of Chaska was considered for water service during the recent development process of adjacent land to the west. That development, Chaska Gateway, installed a 12" watermain, which would provide adequate flows to the current study area. 5.3 Stormwater Management The study area is within the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District (LMRWD), which requires that runoff discharge rates after development are equal to or less than the existing flow rates leaving the site. The LMRWD does not have its own permitting process, but instead relies on the local governmental units to monitor the development activity for compliance. It is assumed that the future development of the study area will manage and treat stormwater runoff through the construction of retention or wet sedimentation basins to the design standards of the nationwide urban runoff program (NURP). For the purposes of this study, a regional approach to stormwater management has been assumed. That is, an attempt has been made to minimize the amount of ponding through consolidation and strategic placement of the basins. These basins would provide permanent treatment of the runoff and would be maintained as per the City's comprehensive stormwater management plan. As shown in Figure 5-5, three potential ponding locations have been identified from the ten-foot contours of the USGS quadrangle maps. Pond 1 is proposed to treat runoff from the western portion of the Chanhassen area prior to discharging to the west. Ponds 2 and 3 would discharge to the east after treating water from the eastern Chanhassen property and Chaska property, respectively. These basins have been roughly sized for potential future land uses to provide the NURP-recommended dead-pool storage volumes as shown in Table 5-3. 5-6 Figure 5-5 Study Area Potential Drainage Plan ENGLER ROAD '1.,'1. ....o(>~,4.~ <;"I....~ I ~ IIlO 0 100 r:w:l. ~ ' 1CN.t lUT \ .l..E.IlfljQ DIW..ot ~ _ RrnNTlON _ (FU1URQ 0Il-...x BQXW'f (nrn.ooQ STUDY BOUNDAA'Y ') ~BOL TON & MENK. INC. Conlultlng Engln..ra 4: SU"".Y<><2 ""'-NKAfO...... F.-JRMONT. WIN su:tP'Y M..... """~. ~ ~lE, WN ~~ WN ~ lA. MINNESOTA VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CHANHASSEN SUBSTATION STUDY AREA POTENTIAl DRAINAGE PLAN DECEMBER. 2005 FIGURE NO. 5 5 H-\....U. c'97:'73fJ\OO\EA'.,O I,I'Jjj.J[S.~ ., D' lOCO ~ ~ &ft 5-7 Table 5-3 Potential Pond Characteristics NURP Pond Volume1 Surface2 1.0. Area Cac) Future eN Cac-ft) Area Cac) Pond 1 21.9 80.6 1.68 0.37 Pond 2 27.8 73.4 1.34 0.29 Pond 3 18.2 85.7 1.85 0.39 , Assumes 70% max. impervious area in Chanhassen; cemetery remains 2 Normal Water Level Area The study area contains approximately 67.9 acres of Hydrologic Soil Group Type A soils, primarily consisting of Hubbard and Alluvial soils. These soils are very well drained and provide for some of the highest infiltration rates in Carver County. Because of this, it is recommended that future development planning consider infiltration techniques in addition to, or in lieu of, the wet sedimentation basins described above. These measures could include: infiltration swales and basins, rock trenches, as well as vegetated swales and rain gardens. The design of these techniques is dependent upon an in-depth site analysis and would occur as part of a detailed development process. The 2.5-acre site being considered for the MVEC substation will control runoff rates and minimize runoff volume through the construction of an infiltration basin. This basin will infiltrate 15,700 cubic feet of runoff prior to overflowing to the southwest. All construction activity will utilize the appropriate BMPs to minimize erosion and sediment transport during construction. If more than one acre of land is disturbed, a SWPPP will be developed and the associated NPDES permit obtained. 5-8 6.0 Anticipated Staging of Various Developments . MVEC is anticipating the construction of the new Chanhassen Substation along with GRE's high voltage transmission line tap in time to meet the peak power demand of early summer 2006. The other possible development scenarios analyzed in Section 5.0 will not likely occur until well into the future. The Business Fringe zoning district designation for Area 1 is intended to accommodate limited commercial uses temporary in nature without urban services, while maintaining the integrity, minimizing impact, and protecting the natural environment. Because there is no schedule for providing urban services to this area from those existing in Chanhassen, any potential development would need to provide their own private on-site systems. This would likely be cost prohibitive, at least into the foreseeable future. Area 2, which includes the existing Gedney factory, would be very expensive to redevelop and this also is not likely in the foreseeable future. There may be a possibility for new development of the northerly 6.2 acres of the separate parcel of Gedney-owned property; however the City of Chaska may not have sewer capacity for any additional development that is not within their city. Area 3 is in the City of Chaska and water service would be available from the Chaska Gateway development on the north side of US Highway 212; however sewer service availability is questionable. This area could be sewered through the City of Chanhassen as indicated in Section 5.2, but this would not likely occur for many years. If sewer capacity is available through Chaska's existing system, there would be considerable expense involved with the necessary extension under US Highway 212 and possibly the need for a lift station. Therefore, future development of Area 3 does not appear to be a very near term possibility. Area 4 is an existing cemetery in the City of Chaska, except for the small parcel in the southwest corner that is owned by Xcel Energy. No change in use is expected, although access to the proposed substation site would be through the Xcel Energy parcel. Any future development that would occur would involve modification of the ground topography to accommodate new roads, drives, buildings, utilities and stormwater management facilities. Due to the relatively flat terrain, no significant amount of earth moving is anticipated. 6-1 APPENDIX A LEGAL NOTICES CORRESPONDENCE CITY QIo'CIIANIIASSEN CARVER & HENNEPIN COUNTIES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 1'''AN1'.lNG CASE NO. 05-30 NffilCE IS IIEREny GIVEN that the Chanhassen Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday. November IS. 2005. at 7:00 p.rn. in the Council Chambers in Chanhasscn City Hall. 7700 Market Blvd. The purpose of litis hearing is 10 determine Ihe scope of an En\'lronmmtal AS5e!l.mlent, requesl for a Conditional Use Permit with Variunc:es and a Site Plan Re\'lew application to construct a local electric dlstnhution substation on property zoned Industrial Office Park. located east of the Gedney Pickle plant. north of Stoughton A venue and south of Flying Cloud Drive. Applic3ll1: Minnesota Valley Electric. A plan showing the location of Ihe proposal is available for public review at City Hall during regular business hours. All interested per\'.ons are invitt>A1to attend this public hearing and eltptcss their opinions with respect to Ihis proposal. Shalmccn AI-Jill. Senior Planner Email: ~iafr@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Phone: 952.227-1134 (Publish in Ihe Chanhassen Villager on November 3. 2(05) rt~ L--_lJ CRFAT ~:I\ER [ 1'4 ERe Y' 11 . :-.0_1:.-,,,- . l-. F;'.t,". ~,1;-",_"" }~-:-_-::-I_~ 1.1 . ;- > --<...... :1_ . r~;... 7C\-:2-:"-::::">"':1 September 14, 2005 WO 1',..18241 Dr. BL:rl W_ Haar Execu~ive Secret3ry 1.1nna50t3 Public Utilities Ccmmission 121 i" PI3ce ELlst, Suite 350 Sl. P3ul, r.'N 55101 SUBJECT: Chanhassen Substation and115 kV Transmission Line Project De<lr Dr. H3ar: In 3ccord3i1Ce with the Power Plont Siting Act, this letter serves 3S the required notice to the r.iinnasota PubLe Utilitios Commission (Commission) Ihal Minnesota V31!ey Electric Cooperative (r,WEC) has elected to seek local approvLlI for the construction of <:l new 115 kV subs~ation in Ch3nh3ssen, r.tnnesota. Tha rroposed substatio:1 would be locoted within the city limits of Chanhassen in Carver County. r,'VEC will own the substation and GRE will own the one-sp,m tap into tt18 substJtion. The new focility will meet the growing e1ectric2.1 demand clOd improve the service cJnd rcli;)bi!ity of electric facilities in the mea. A foel sheet thot provides more det;)!l on the project is enclosed. Gre3t River Energy (wholes3le power supplier to MVEC) wiil ossist r.1VEC and the City of Ctl2.nhCJssen with the permitting process. MVEC submitted <:l Conditional Use Permit application to the City of Chanh;)ssen on September 2, 2005. The City of Cl1anhassen has been informed that th:;y twve 60 days to refer tho permitting process to tho Comm:ssion. Ouestions mgarding this project should hp. riircr.lr:d to Dennis I;Volf, r,1VEC VP Special Projects ot 952-492-8260, Sharmccn AI-Jaff, Senior Pldnncr at the City of Chanhassen at 952-227-1100, or me ot 763-2.~ 1-2367. Thank you for your attention to this mZltter. Sincerely, GREAT RIV~)~~ C-::-'" / Enclosure CC: Gener31 List of Interested Persons - w/enc1. Denny Wo:r, MVEC - w/enel. DeboriJh Pi~e. DepClrlment of Commerce - wlencl. cp'~ '1 \:':\~ II C s'_Ch::l:-.~':!:;::::C n \Ch3 f'l;JU ~ u~l.commltr. d:::::: D:rcCI Di::d (763) 241-2367 E-~.!Jil cpoorkcr:;;grcncrgy.com fAX (763) 241-6167 '.\ 'Of ','" C ~(' ,: ~>'.~-f f [I: I :_~.':. [( <~l /\ "T;:'.:Jl"~;':L_.' ELl':~::~C';IlTt'i,-t:\-e ~~ - 85 7th Place East, Suite 500 .______------- St. Paul, Minnesota 55101.2198 651.296.4026 FAX 651.297.1959 TTY 651.297.3067 September 20, 2005 Craig Poorker GrC'.lt River Energy 17845 &1St Hwy 10, PO Box 800 Elk River, MN 55330-0800 Ron Jabs Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative 125 Minnesota Valley Electric Drive Jordan, MN 55352 Sharrneen AI-Jaff, Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Chanhasscn Substation and liS kV Transmission line Project Dear Sirs: This letter confinns that the Public Utilities Commission (PUC)I has received notification that Grcat River Energy (GRE) and Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative (MVEC) propose to seek local review to build a new 115 kV Substation and a one-span section of 115 kV HVTL tapping into an existing GRE 115 kV line. The project would be constructed in the City ofOlanhasscn in Carver County. This project falls under the Power Plant Siting Act, Minnesota Statutes * 116C.51-69 and Minnesota Rules Chapter 4400, which requires a penn it from the PUC for most transmission line projects over 100 kV. However, for eligible projects. a utility may apply to those local units of government that have jurisdiction over the route for approval to build the project instead of applying to the PUC. The proposed 115 kV substation and transmission project is eligible for local review. [Minnesota Statutes 9 116C.576 and Minnesota Rules 4400.5000 subps. 2. C., D.] GRE and MVEC have indicated that the City ofChanhassen is the only local unit of government with jurisdiction in permitting the proje~t and that a Omditional Use Pennit application wa<; submitted to the City on September 2. 2005. A local unit of government may relinquish its jurisdiction by requesting the pue to assume jurisdiction within 60 days of the filing of an application with the local unit of government. [Minnesota Rules 4400.5000 subp. 4.) I On July 1,2005, Minnesota Senate File t368 transferred generation plant siting and lransmissiollline routing authority from the Minnesota Em'ironmental Quality Board to the Public Utilities Commission. EQB routing and siting staff was transferred to the Department of Commerce and continue to m31U1gc the application process. Market Assurance: 1.800.657.3602 Energy Information: 1.800.657.3710 www.commerce.5tate.mn.us licensing: 1.800.657.3978 UnclaImed Property: 1.800.925.5668 An Equal OpportunIty Employer Craig PoorkerlShannecn AI-Jaff/Ron Jabs September 20, 2005 Page 2 An environmental assessment must be prepared by the local unit of government with jurisdiction over the project. [acknowledge that the City ofChanhassen is the Responsible Government Unit for the Chanhassen Substation and 115 kV Transmission line Project. Specific requirements with regard to the environmental review process include providing an opportunity for the public to participate in the development of the scope oftlle environmental assessment before it is prepared; publishing notice in the EQB Monitor of when the assessment is available for review and ufthe procedure for commenting on the assessment; and withholding a final decision on the project until at least ten days after the notice appears in the EQll Monitor. The City of Chanhassen also must provide a copy of the environmental assessment to the PUC when it is completed. [Minnesota Rules 4400.5000 subp. 5.] GRE and MVEC have sent the required notice to those persons on the PUC facilities permitting general notification list that a permit has been applied for from the local unit of government. [Milmesota Rules 4400.5000 subp. 3.] If there are any other questions, please feel free to contact me by phone or email. s;~~ DAVID BIRKHOLZ ~ Energy Facilities Permitting Department of Commerce 85 ih Place Ea.<;l. Suite 500 Saint Paul, MN 55101-2198 (P) 651.296.2878 (F) 651.297.7891 david.birkholz@Statc.mn.us APPENDIX B AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE UAitllld Sbtn DlIIparttrWtnt of A!Jricultu.... ~NRCS Na:t;ra[ Reso.;rces CorsorvaL'cn Sih...':S 6120 Eu,Q Orl:rtm Orivo, Rm G50 Hro~~I~n Center, MN 554~ 104 70 '}'Cars Phone: {7CJ} ~:G-2;;-41 FAX: {763} ~.e.341Xl ~ 1'lltlr;tri:r CJNm~:ic"Si.~.:t 19J1' ro.fay 4, 2005 Heather Nelson Heartland Engineering Services PO Box 330 Rockford, r..rn 55373 Rc: En\'ironment.~l Rcview of the proposed Ch:mh:!ssen Substation Minnesota Valley Electric Coopemtivc Jordan, Minnesota HES Project No. 240118 Dear Ml: Nelson. This letter is in regards to your request for N ReS to rcview the project referenced above. It is the responsibility oftlle USDA. Natural Resources Conservation Service to monitor the effects of Federal programs or money on thc conversion of fannland. to nonagricultural uscs through the Farmland Protection Policy Act (Public Law 97-98, Dec. 22,1981). NRCS has completed an analysis of the !:ite. Enclosed is a mOlp with the soil information. The proposed site did not !tan: any prime farmland soils or land ofstltewide importimcc that will be ~lffcctcd by the construction. If the proposed site includeS soil t)opes other th:m PA Sparta A slope or PB Sparta D slope please contact our office to dctcrmi:te if}'Ou need to complete a F:mnland Conversion Impact Rating form. If the NRCS can he of any funher assistance please contact our office at 763-566-2941. Sincerely. ~.dk Peter Weikle Ar~ Resource Soil Scientist The N.tlI1'91 ~.(lurees Cal"""':l~,," s.m.. r'fO\o"i.dtl ktdmh-:p in" pll11r..n."i~ .ffort to k', ~'e ((1"lS<<'tt". n-.ai:"1tl::.. :u:.J ir.-pro"l: O"Jr r...J.tJflll rcrotJrtcS a..,;I cr..vironrn~l1t. An l'"..l On><~l""jty J'rC"O;I!cr.,...j Errpl~'~ Carver County section 34, T. 116 N, R. 23 W section 3, T. 115 N, R. 23 W 400 0 400 800 Feet ! I Scale 1 :7920 a"'mile N + Carver County section 34, T. 116 N, R. 23 W section 3, T. 115 N, R. 23 W 400 l o 400 800 Feet ~ '-1 Scale 1:4000 N + 11 MIN[\"ESOTA HISTOmCAL ~or.mfY STATE HISTORiC Pm:.5ERVATlON OFFICE May 13. 2005 Ms. Heather Nelson Heartland Engir.eering Services PO Box 330 Rockford. MN 55373 RE: Minnesota VaUey Efectric Coopera~ve - proposed Char.hassen Substation T116 R23 534, Char.hns5Cn Twp.. Carver County SHPQ Number: 2005-1743 Dear Ms. Nelson: Thnnk you for the cpportL:nity to re\~ew and comrr.cnt on the above project It has been reviEw:ed pursuant to the respons'bn~ies given the Stn~ His!oric Preservation Officcr by the National Hislcric Pm!;crval'on Act of 1966 nnd the Procedures of tho Advisory Counc:1 en H;storic PreselVn~on (3GCfR6CO). Based on alJa~ab~e Irlfc:m3tlon, wo cxmclude that no properties eligible for or listed on tho Na[onal Reg:ster of Historic Places are w:thin tho prc:cct's area of effect P1C;ISO contact Dennis Gimmcstad at (651) 296-5462 if you have any questions regarding our review of this project S;ncQfcly. ))A.LU-.l10j.J~'iJ Britta L Dloomberg Deputy Stale Historic Prescrv<l~Dn O~ficer 3-1-5lVlIc,~~ &....b.,nI ~:."~fs.:i,,ll':ml. Mir.""'hU :';Sl(l'.:!.l')(;'o/ryttp1Il;<1~ 6;-,\.2%-612{; I , Heather Nelson, Heartland Engnr I I I Page I of I From: Curtis Cordt, Engineer Sent: Thursday, AU!Just 25,20052;17 PM To: Hcather Nelson, Heartland Engnr Subject: F\V. MVEC Chanhassen Subsl:Jt;on ER Approval Rt'qUest (-A~ CnYp~ If e~iYl~) rom: Vanta, Joseph J MV? [m;li:to:joseph-J.yantl~mvp02.uS<lCe.army.miIJ nt: Thursday, Al19ust 25, 20052:09 PM 0: Curtis Cordt, Engir.eer Subject: RE: !-WEe Chantmsen Submltion rn Approval Request a proposed ChanhLlssen Substation (SE 1/4 Sec. 34. T. 116 N.. R. 23 W., Carver County) does not rcqu;re a permit orol~er ' aJ:p~o...a:s from :he Corps of Eng:neers. ~m: Curtis Co:dt, Engineer [m3Hto:ccorcl@WHE.ORG] nt: Thursday, August 25, 2005 1:47 PM I 0: Vanta, Joseph J I-,VP Ir.:: H€athcr Nelson, HMrtlarnl fognr rUbject: MVEC ChantJ.:lSset1 Su!Y..itatfon ER Ap;nuval Request Joe. ~im:lar to last the- last subs:a~ioo r~ucst; we are seeking to ~uild a substation in the Ch:1nhassen Arca which is in Carver Ccunty. We- have received pos:t1ve responses from alllhe ot~cr <,gencies cor-laeted clCcepl no resJ:cnse from Lie Ccrp. Courd yc,u pleas~ heck oyer these IT'-lleria:s: nnd get back to us. Thar:ks, fUrl Curtis Cordt P.E. i!ilnager l"~artl3nd Engineering Servicos , hone No. (763)477-3076 Emllfl Addreu: ~~"ndcs~ tOXFIDENTIAL NOTICE: This message contains information that may be confidential and pri\'ileged. Unless you Ire lhe addressee, J'Oll may not lise, copy or disclose to anyone the message or infonnation contained in this messaj';c. [f ou received this rncss:1ge in error, please ad\'ise the sender by reply e-mail and delete the mc!>sage. I I I I 19/08/2005 I I I I I I I I I I Minncsot~a:~~R~~::~;~~i:?! ~:~~~~~~cio?}~rccs seo Lab}.". Road Sf. raul ~Ijr.re<nc:l5~155-40 ner.:; (65 \) 296-7863 bx (65t) 296- Ulll """E.tl'~it, ~:,:aJ:;.hofr"'~":J@d:)r.sLlI:.eU1 (U April 25.2005 Ms. Ile:lIhrr Nelson He:mla:lll Engineellng Services 1'0 Box :>:10 6800 Electric Drive Rockford, Mi~ 55373 Re: Requ~5t for Natural HC'rita};e infen::.Jtion fer vicinity of proposed Ch:mhassen Subm,tion. TI J5K IU3 W Scction 3, Can.er County :>lHNRP Contact it: ERDIl 20050745 De.1r Ms. Nel5on. PIC'a~c note tlut wc. c!ctcctw ",b~t we beliew to be ~n error in tlle Township and SC'ction infonnation as it was de.scrihcd in the Environmental Review report. nccau~ the location d::script:on in the report did not exactly f:".:Jlch the pmject ~a olltEr:ell en the map. tJ:e e::c1oscd se~ch results are for the: all'.1 indicated Cl:1the map (as listed in the subjc:clline of this letter). If (he location description of YO:Jr proj::ct area, as Ii~led aco\'c, is in error. please COfllact me. The f>Hnnc:sota Natuf:ll JIerilagc dat3.ba~e has ccen re'l'ie.....ed to deteJmine if :my rare pbat or l!.nimal species or other significilr:t nJtur.U fe;jtun~~ arc known to ocCllr within an appro:dmate on~-milc rJ.diu~ Qf the ureOi ir.di.::rcd cn Ihe m~p enclosed with your infoIlltllion reqaest na~('d (in thi~ t'"vJew, there are 24 known occurrl.':lCCcS of rare ~pecil.'s or naUll".:ll cllt::=',mities in Ihe area seardlcd (for detai!~, se:: encloscd database printout and e~(I!;mation of selected ficlds). lJO','il.'vc:r. based~he nature Jlld tocation llf the. I1ro,oscetl prnjm I do not hdie'iC it will affect 3ny kno...n '-'ce.ulT"nces oC r.!rc: fea~nres, lbe Natural Ikrit'lgC databa~c is m.1:r:tained h)' the NJturalllC'ril3gc :md f\on[lame ResCJrCh I'rogram, a unit within the: Uh'isioll ofr:colo,;;icJ.l Ser,,:ce!->. OCpaItJlletlt of Na:ural Resources. It is wlllinuaJly updated as new infonnation occomt"s :lvail:lhle, and is the lllOU complete wurce of dlltl on Minnesota's rare or otl:crwise sij;llifiCill1t spedes, natur;!.1 ccrnrnunir1es. and uthcr natural Ce:llurcs. lis J11:rpose is to fo~lcr better u:1def"..tandjng a:lJ prulCction of the~e Ce;Jturcs. Becau~e our information is net based Oil a comJ1reh<:lI~h'e m"en:cry, L'lerc lIlay be rare or othen....i~:e signifiean[ natllml features in the st:itc th::t are not rcl"~sented in the database. A county-by- c:ounty sUty!:)' of mrc natural fel:tures is now underway. and bs been completed for Carv~r County. Our information <lOOut nalt;ral communities is, therefore. quite thorough for that co:!nty. However, occ:mse survey work for rare pl3."1l$ ar.d animals is less exhaustive, and because tllert': has not been an on-site survey of alll)reas of the county. ecnloEicnlly significant fca:ures for whicb we have no records may exist on the project are.a. The enclosed resul!!; of the datJ!JJ.~e ~.earch ;lrc pro.....ided in two formals: index and full record. To control the release of locational infcm131ion which might result in the dama~ or destrUction of a rare element, hoth printout flll1Dats arc cop)Tightcd. The intlc\; pw\'ides rare feature lrxations only to the nCJrcst secticm, and r:'I:l.j' be reprinted. unaltered. in all Ellviro:tmcntal ^sse:<;!m~nt Worksbeet. municipal natural reso~:rc.c plJ.Jl. or report compiled by your company for the project listed abovc. If yo:! wish to reproduce tl:c index for an)' other purpose. pr~asc c.onlaCt me to request y,rittcn permis&ion, Th~ full.rerord printout Indudes more defalled loc:!tionallnfurmation, and L~ for your personal u~e only. If you ,~ish to reprint !he full. D~R Infllnonlkn: 651-1%.6157 . I-RSS-M6.6367 . TrY; 651-2<!6-54M . J-8.00-C,57.J929 I I I I I I I'n J:Lt..I..1 Or'I"ilIlJII:I)' r:n-'plll)CI o niRl~J llU f~tx)'cl.:d P;f<r C{""'I~I1IHllc il Minin:ul1I (If Inri J\llJ.-('~')~"'H...\V;l-.J," I I I I I I I I I I record printouls for any purpose, please contact me to request IHillen l>ermi-<sion. "11Jank you for consulti"g us on Ihis maller, and for )"01:r interest in preser....ing Minnesota's rare natural resources. Sincerely, ~ pi!--/~Na4~_ Sardn D, Hcffmmn ,,-/ j77"J EIIIL1ngercd Species Environmental Re~'icw Coordinator cnel: D~tahasc seMeh re.sulls Rare Ftl3turoil Dal.:1base Prillt-GIlt.s: An Explan:ltillll of Fields I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I , I I I I I I ~ I I~ Ci ~ v \r, C o .~ "^ .u ~ <,) o .1 u ~ ~ '" V d ~~ ~;=; ~: ti) m .' :0. P. " " U ~ ~ C .. ~t ~ . e ~ ~::-~ u~ ...". f-t(": i::. .." " 1-4(.. I:'" :.) L.: -.. ~" ~M~ ~"l'f ;"0':: ~t: ~ t: E tl ~.~ uoi, %... ~~ ~t ;J ...~ "" .' ~ . U . n :r'P. 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'" X'" ,';8 H >2 u ~ ~ U ~ ~ .... j - ., - ~~ ~ .t ;"1 ... '^ .i fj ~ " ~ S:: .. :. Q ~ . ~ .., ., ~ ~ ,: ~ ;- ~ ;: ~ !;i I t ~ ~ Heather Nelson, Hcartland Engnr From: Sent: To: Subject: Nick_Ro....'SE@fws.gov Wednesday. April 13. 2005 1:44 PM Heatf1er Nelson, I !cartland Engnr ER's for Victori.:l, Credit River. and Chanhassen subslatons Dear Il<:>ath"r: Tid:;. re~pcr)(!~ to three pro!,";;>:;al:'! hy ~lin"":;"ta Valle:,' ElectrIc Cocp?rative to ccr.$:ruet s~"st.1lions in Victeria (liE;) Project Nol 730171,), in Crodit lUve:" lEES projec: No. 23008]), ar.d ill Chanhassen {HES ?roject ~;o. 24ClHq. "'o~ re'luc.stod Co"'~<:nts fren :h,' ,ish and }llldl~ fe ServIce. "ft." b.~ld cagle (Halia.."tus leU~O~El'J:alllS), <<hlch is !cderilll~1 :hrcdteaed, in docm".e:t:"d to n<:>st in C<lrver, Jtonncpin. ar.d ~~cott Cou:lti~s l\nd the: Big::tin~ eye pearlYT.'l'.J~sel, {L~~~f:~ili:; :'l.iqgin~i}, ~hich is f"r1er:a:ly end.,r.<)crcd, is docu;m:nt"d in the t-Iir.n<'sota Ri';er 11P tro.... Pike Islc\I:d. G:.vell tJ:e lecation il:td type of ;]ctivity "reposed, w,> will concur with J'ct.:r detcr:nin'it1on of not lik~:y to dd~cr5ely affec~ ~ny !~d~ra~ly listed ~p~cies fnr the abov~ ~ites bec~u~c the sit"" llro not within areas with I:no"n ne~tin') b-;l1d e"qles or :tEar 1f1';qin:; "'ye p'~Jrli':c.uss"ls. Thl~ prEclu.~k:; th~ need fur further ,)ctio~ en thb project .1.5 ,-,eqt:ired ~nde~ s~~tion 1 of th~ F.nda~gered SF~ci~~ Act of :913, as a~enccd. Ha~~v~r, if th~ p=oject b nodi!ie::! or nc'" :.nforrl.j~ion t:-ecor:t'n <lvailabl.. which ind:.c.~te" that list"d srec11?s may O~c:ur in the a!ft~=tc::d areas, c;;.;)~ultilticn with this atf jce shcu~l1 t;l~ reini-:iated.. II , I II :;e dpprEciilte It:~ oppcrt_I:~ity to co=ent and loc~ fCrlHrd to workin,; with ~"ClJ in the !uturf!. [C you have '1ll<J:;tions ,-,eq.uding our CO~':1"'nt~. plf'a~e C<11: me nt (()12) 725-35~S. exter13icr. 21C. I Since:cly, Uic;C ~ow~e Field Blolor;l$t Twin C:.tics Field orfico 0.5. Fish and ~11dlife Service 4:01 J\i:',ericMl Bm.:levard E. Bloc~tnglon. N~ 55425-1G6~ II I I I I I I w EXISTING C.U.P; PLANS" FOR COU>m' UNE CI1Y uwm; SECTION UNE PRESElIT RIGHT OF WAY UNE PROPERlY/lOTUNE PERPETUAL EASDlOO ZONING SE'TBACK UNE ACCESS COIlTROl UNE RAIlJllW) R1CflT OF WAY UN( 111I111111 RAllJlOAD .... .... ... MINNESOTA VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CHANHASSEN SUBSTATION SITE GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL WAIDl EDGE WAIDl COOERUNE HICHWATER UNE SWAlL CElITERUNE WI:lI.AND BOUNDARY WI:lI.AND/loIARSH CURB '" GUTml CONCRETE: EDGE BnuulNOUS EOCr GRAVEL EDGE CHANHASSEN,M~ESOTA DECEMBER, 2005 ~J \!.\ ~..\..I;Y (.~./~upa:'" ~~}W~: I i'. ~ I- ~ I~ ,~'-../ ~ ~ ~i ~~ ~F; tf A ~ ill) r ~Hi /,~ LIaQj ./ 61 n f:I.~ I ~ . '1~ I J~~~ /, ~ ~ ~.... II-~ - j/ I) -',I"~' '""- \J1",? I !,! I L ~ ~ ~I , ;u:;L I i f- 'filrW '~~ i! I 11 I D~~ r- ~-1-' I I il/i I ~LKll ~ E:~ 1""- J{ ~~ .1 Kfll/rl~ I' 10/ ~i'h 11.1 ,L::; ~ I 4'"// ~ I I fl, ~ ~ )II . v ~ ~'~. \J\ ~L. Ii !'lllJ. // "I:~ t""'1'lr'T?\ ~ 1\{'1, J ~ r='~ )' I 1""'1 1\ ,~~P-W :;;:j~ 'I' ."'. ~ t ~ / l...;~ I 1'\ f ~ ~/~ ~ ~ -.;; llf'~"","-! :'7\: ( ..1)/ ft'~~[i ~~~ IL !~ .~ 'r:7 , ~ ~ J\ '" ~'U>; ~ ' c-<., ~ I I I , Vo-I. . IY~ . ~ OJ r:::: v. rr I 'I\: 1 ....,1 I ....... SHEET INDEX - o '* o '--I..Y'-t..Y'-t..Y --l(-X-X- FENCE CUlVERT DECIDUOUS lRfi: CONIFER lREE HEDGE TITLE J>. o II 8- SAN INFl > -J 4- F\fN INP 15- S1\t INP )., -I 4- WN INP <> - G . * EEl EU EO lB. TV 1W . -so PROPOSED 22tlJO lRfi: UN( TlWFIC SIGN lIANHOLE CATCH BASIN SANITARY SEWER n - SANITARY FORCEIlAlII STORIl SEWER I ~. ., :~ ':j7!r" ill 1. TITLE SHEET 2. SITE LAYOUT 3. DETAILS 3. LANDSCAPING PLAN SHEET NO. 1lI.E UNE 1- WATtRWJN HYDRANT VALVE CURB SlOP GAS POWER POLE UGflT POLE ELECTRIC lRANSFORWER UNDERGROUND ELEClIl1C OVERHEAD ELEC1RIC ELEl:1RIC PEDESTAL UNDERGROUND TD.EPHONE UNDERGROUND 1V CABLE BENCHIMRK SOIL BORING ~ KAP 01' THE CITIES OF CHANHASSEN & CHASKA CARVER COtlNTr, KN ~ , . CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED f NOV 3 0 2005 ~ CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT I I ~ '......... I ). M !r JI '{-r../ 1 .- ! I ~ PROJECT LOCATION AUGNWEllT/CENIDlUNE ------ RIGHT OF WAY UNE ; --+ -1 t_ . . 8- SAN ) _I 6" FUN @ 12- S1'N I) 4- PERF' .~ ~~ o o -I - 6" WIIN / m.tPORARY EASEWElIT CONSTRUCTION Ut.IITS CURB '" GlITTER BITUWINOUS EDGE CONCRETE: EDGE GRAVEL EDGE SIlT FENCE-PREASSaIIllEO SilT rENCE-HEAVY DlJIY EROSION PROTECT1OH AT INLET _HOlE CATCH BASIN SANITARY SEWER 1- SANITARY FORCDIAJN SANITARY UFT STATION STORIl SEWER PERFORAlrD PIPE DRAN CULVERT W/APRON HYDRANT 3000 0 3000 r""--_- I SCAlE FEET NOTE: EXISTING UTlUIY INFORI.4ATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY THE UTlUIY OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION ~ REQUIRED BY STATE lAW. NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL 1-800-25'-1166 OR 612-454-0002. THE SUBSURFACE UTlUIY INFORI.4ATION IN THIS PLAN IS UTILITY QUAUIY LEVEL D. THIS UTILITY QUAUIY LEVEL W~ DETERMINED ACCORDING TO THE GUIDEUNES OF CI/ASCE 36-02, ENTITLED "STANDARD GUIDEUNES FOR THE COLLECTION AND DEPICTION OF EXISTING SUBSURFACE UTILITY DATA.. I HERDlY CERllFY '!HAT lHIS PlAN, SPEClFlCAl1ON, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY liE OR UNDER IIY DIRECT SUPER\1SION AND '!HAT I />JA A OUL Y UCENSEO P~ONAL ENGINEER UNDER lIlE LAWS OF lHE STAlE OF IIINNESOT.... ?<~,JklJm NO. 24307 DAlE: 11/29/05 KREG J. 1110 't\BOL TON & MENK. INC. Consulting Engineers ar: Surveyors I.IANI<ATO, IIN fAlRlolONr, IotN Sl!EP'Y EYE. IotN W1lU1AR, IotN BURNSVILl.E, IotN CHASKA" I.tN />JAES. IA SHEET VALVE CURBSTOP 1- WAlDlw.JN "'=..."='" MINNESOTA VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CHANHASSEN SUBSTATION TITLE SHEET OF 10:25 om 4 '" f I ( ) i /, . /? I .....'\, ,.f .../ ; .........,. .- / / r < /"'\, .// '-.\ / / / , / , '\ /'"1' ~/ ~/ '/ // // /, /'\.' r;:-;r // // // // '/ // ~/ // // // // '/ // ~/ ~/ /, // /~ " </ , , , , , / 1-.....,. 1__/ , , / / I ( ! , /// , / / / " LEGEND -'\; <>{ i , ",\ \ ' , I / , i ! , '; ~':.; BITUMINOUS DRIVE -....---, j { 30 0 30 ~--- . SCALE FEET Emmll GRAVEL PAD (WASHED RIVER ROCK) AESTHETIC WALL PROPOSED FENCE PROPOSED POWER LINES SILT FENCE PROPOSED PERPETUAL EASEMENT GRADING LIMITS - / / / -' r'" (.,,, ~. I ( .........--1 ,/ 1 I , , I -fr2L~ I { -x- '\ " I ~ \ \\ ~ " \\ :\\ , I 0' ;. / \ \ , \ \ , .......-....., " ! ! , J , \ " \ \ '" \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , , { \ \ J i , ....--~ " \ ./ , , '\ '\ " \ \ '\ \. \, \ ""- \ " ..., - " \ ", "...." " \ , , , ----...... I I \ \ 400 . FEET SITE AREA - 2.87 AC NEW BITUMINOUS - 0.17 AC NEW GRAVEL AREA - 0.73 AC TOTAL NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA ::;: 0.90 AC EXISTING GEDNEY PROPERlY AREA ::;: 26.47 AC APPROX. TOTAL HARD SURFACE AREA ::;: 11.14 AC (42.1 %) MVEC GEDNEY AREA ::;: 2.35 AC FUTURE GEDNEY PROPERlY AREA ::;: 24.12 AC FUTURE GEDNEY HARD SURFACE AREA ::;: 11 .14 AC (46.2%) MVEC XCEL AREA ::;: 0.52 AC TOTAL MVEC AREA ::;: 2.87 AC MVEC HARD SURFACE AREA ::;: 0.90 AC (31.5%) f 400 0 r-o-__- SCALE EARTHWORK SUMMARY RAW CUT +4141 CY RAW FILL = -4647CY SECTION CUT = +1673 CY SHRINK (25%) -1162 CY TOTAL CUT = +5814 CY TOTAL FILL = -5809 CY BALANCE = +05 CY (EXCESS) !12m. "FUTURE" REFERS 10 AFTER lI\IEC PURCHASE ANO DOES NOT CONS1OER N{'( OIliER ALTERAllON 10 1HE GEDNEY PROPERlY. I HERElJ't comFY 1KQ" THIS PlAN. ~TlON. OR REPORT WAS PREPAAED ~~'l:~#'~~~ KREG ~OT ue. NO. 24307 DAtt 1'/29/05 ........ DWP - DWI' ~E30L TON & MENK. INC. Consulting EngIneers a: Surveyors UANKATO, UN fAlRlotONT, lotN SI.LEPY EYE. lotN W1LUtAR. lotN BURNSVILlE. lotN ctW;KA, UN AMES,.... _. n ..,. MINNESOTA VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CHANHASSEN SUBSTATION 2005 SITE LAYOUT SHEET CKDCED I<JS 2 OF 4 2" lYPE 41 wtAR COURSE (2331) BITUMINOUS TACK COAT (2357) 3" lYPE 31 BASE cOURSE (2331) 10" AGGREG.t.TE BASE PlACED CL 5 (100% CRUSHED) (2211) SUllGRADE PREPARATION (2112) BITUMINOUS DRIVE NOT TO SCAlE SECTION B-B A L I' 8" - 0.75" ct..E'AR, WASHED RJVER ROCK 8" ,... 1.5" CLrAR, WASHED RJVER ROCK SUBGRADE PREPARATION (2112) (INCIDENTAL) GRAVEL PAD NOT TO SCAlE RlPRAP ClASS . ClASS. ClASS Ii _II" _' _12" 1M. Of ROUND PIPE No 12 8 15 8 18 10 21 10 24 12 ?:I 12 30 14 38 11 42 11 48 20 GEOTEXTIl..E FABRIC, PER SPEC. 3601. TIlE FABRIC SHOULD COVER THE AREA OF THE RIPRAP AND EXTEND UNDER THE CULVERT APRON THREE FEET. SECTION A-A RCP CULVERT END RIPRAP NOT TO SCAlE l:iQlI: DETAILS ARE NOT TO SCALE 10:47 am ::Ii :> ::Ii Z :i . o I ~ PUBUC ROAD RADIUS AS REQUIRED 6" MINIMUM DEPTH OF I" TO 2" CRUSHED ROCK I ENTRANCE WIDTH I AS REQUIRED llQIE: ROCKS A.T ENTRANCE CLEAN WORKSITE MUD OFF OF TRUCK TIRES BEFORE DRMNG ONTO MAIN ROAD. ROCK ENTRANCE CONSTRUCTION NOT TO SCALE PLASTIC 'ZIP' TIES (50# TENSILE) l.OCA.TED IN Top 8" .t5 ~~ ~i3 ~~ STED. S1lJODED 'T' POST 5ft MINIMUM LENGTH POS'IS A.T 6ft lIA.XlMUlI sPACING GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, 36" WIDTH DIRECTION OF RUNOFF FLOW lIA.CHINE SUCE 8"-12" DEPTH (PWS 6" FlAP) SILT FENCE - MACHINE SLICED NOT TO SCAlE I HEREB'l' CERTIfY lHA.T tHIS ~. SPECIFlCATlON, DR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY WE OR lJND[:R WY DIRECT SUPEJMSION >>If) ~T I NoI A Dl.I..Y lICENSED ~ DQfiR t~/jr:.:::;;;Tt Of _ESOTk KREG ~11!r 24307 DAlE 11/29/05 OMP ~BOL TON & MENK. INC. ConsultIng EngIneers /Ie Surveyors IoWIKA.TO, MN FA/RIAONT, IAN Sl..EEP'l' EYE. IAN WlLl.W.R. MN BURNSVILl.E. MN CH'SKA." MN AMES, I.t. - OMP CHECICDl I<JS 7:l5 1ItY. Of A // A' i I I 7?D! I J I i .,.,,1 I i A ,."f I ! I "",. J ~ AES HETlC WAlL ... SECTION VIEW A - A' s' ..... "1t SECTION VIEW B -B' MINNESOTA VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE SHEET CHANHASSEN SUBSTATION - 2005 3 OF DETAILS 4 '... 1 1 ., I I , ,,\ " , /1 i I 1 I ! I / /' '" ~ ( ;> , 4___- / / / ./ r---- c~ ~ I ! / / , J , J -P9",~ \ .......-...., r , , J C~ I ~ / I \ , , \ \ \ , --, , , , , l ":'.~-- \ , , \, " , -, , , \ , , , , \ , "' , , ", , , \ '6. ....y..." ....,- , \ I //--1 ( I \ \ I \ I \ / \ --- / / ",/",,/. / / < .........\\ ...~ ....\ / / / / / // '< // /'\,/ / , I ^ // -' ,/ , / '// , I', I " / , .-' ............... /' , \ , \ \ , t,-_// , , , , , , , \ \ \ ""-... " ~---' '"" // // '/ /r // // // '/ // // // /:/ /, /, // // // // '/ // /, // // // '/ // // // ,/ // , , / / / / // / / / / I I , , , , , _--- I / I ) / II / i I , II / / , , 1 I , I I I 1 ! I / I I ) I I I \ " \ \ ~ \ \ \ \ I h I , I ' \ \ \ \.......,..... I \ \ , 1 , , .r--< /' , / ISl../ /" // (~ -- , \ \ \ \ I , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,] \ \ \ \ 30 0 ~-...- SCALE I HEREB'l" CEJmFY lH4T THtS PLAN, SPECF'lCA.l1ON. OR REPORT WAS PREPARED 7;~or::fER1:~7j;i:t; ~~ KREG ~Itr uc. NO. 24307 DAlt 11/29/05 ClCK[I) KJS D~P 30 I FEET D~P 11 28 2005 4:35 m " , .... \ ; \ I '....j / \... ~ \ ~ t \ / / I I 1 ........ ./ '/ 'II / -----=--~--l-____2::~/~/ 1-;. / / I \ _)/{~/) _______ .-__/ _ ,I \ r ~i \_...rr/ ~/~-----i----~--r~~~-~\ ----_______~ l....., \ \ I , \ \ I \ , ; I" \. ******. ../ \ "'~-) --~-.. -' *** ' ......---- -~--..................../,. / \ \, , \ , , , ,/ '... .lliITES.; 1) EXISTING TREES ON-SITE 90% SYBERIAN ELM OF VARYING CONDITION. REQUIRED BUFFERYARD PLANTING TOTALS: (OVERSTORY REPLACED W/ UNDER. DUE TO POWER LINES) UNDERSTORY = 25 SHRUBS = 32 PLANTING SIZE: SPRUCE = 6'-8' TALL MAPLE = 1.5"-2.5" TRUNK DIAMETER CRAB = 1.5"-2.5" TRUNK DIAMETER PROTECT EXISTING TREES TO EXTENT POSSIBLE. SEED ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITH Mn/DOT MIX 250. (EXCEPT AS NOTED ABOVE) CONTRACTOR TO MINIMIZE SITE DISTURBANCE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREES TO EXTENT POSSIBLE. 2) ~ ~ 3) - 4) 5) -x- *- o o .. o .. . 6) ", \ \ \ \ 00 00 \ \ \ I \ '\ "- " " .....--- -, , " .....---, -- ~BOL TON & MENK. INC. ConsultIng EngIneers 4: Surveyors loIANKATO. t.lN FAlRt.lONT. t.lN SlEEP'( EYE, t.lN W11..L1.lAR. t.lN BlJRNSVILLE. t.lN CHASKA, t.lN At.IES, IA LEGEND BITUMINOUS DRIVE GRAVEL PAD (WASHED RIVER ROCK) \ I INFILTRATION BASIN; SEED MnDOT MIX 310 I ! AESTHETIC WALL PROPOSED FENCE EXISTING. TREE (CONIFER) EXISTING TREE (< 6" DIA.) EXISTING TREE (6"-10" DIA.) SPRUCE (7) AMUR MAPLE (7) RED TWIG DOGWOOD (32) RED SPLENDOR CRAB (11) SMALL PLANTINGS (12) ~~ -', ,...=;-, ,If '\ "- , / / J 1 , , / I \- .......-""..... .....,-If ,_ I I \ , , , , I MINNESOTA VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CHANHASSEN SUBSTATION 2005 LANDSCAPING PLAN II<V. '" "',. SHEET 4 OF 4 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: Januarv 23. 2006 RESOLUTION NO: 2006- MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION DECLARING NO NEED FOR AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR MINNESOTA VALLEY ELECTRIC SUBSTATION WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared for the Minnesota Valley Electric according to the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) regulations; and WHEREAS, notice of the EA was published in the EQB Monitor on January 2, 2006; and WHEREAS, copies of the EA were mailed to all of the agencies and organizations on the EQB official EA distribution list; and WHEREAS, the ten-day comment period for the Electric Substation EA ended on January 12, 2006; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota that findings in the document titled "Findings of Fact Regarding a Need for Environmental Impact Statement", Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative, be incorporated herein by reference. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a determination is herby made that the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project, which is the subject of the EA is not needed by on application of the following criteria to the factual information contained in the EAW: 1. Type, extent and reversibility of environmental effects; 2. Cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects; 3. The extent to which environmental effects are subject to mitigation by ongoing public regulatory authority; and 4. The extent to which environmental effects can be anticipated and controlled as a result of other environmental studies undertaken by public agencies or the proposer, or an EIS previously prepared on similar projects. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 23rd day of January, 2006. ATTEST: YES NO ABSENT