6a 2006 February Festival
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone 952.227.1100
Fax 952.2271110
Building Inspections
Phone 952.227.1180
Fax 952.2271190
Phone 952.227.1160
Fax 952.2271170
Phone 952.2271140
Fax 952.2271110
Park & Recreation
Phone 952.2271120
Fax 952.2271110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone 952.227.1400
Fax 952.2271404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone 952.2271130
Fax 952.2271110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone 952.2271300
Fax 952.2271310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax 952.227.1110
Web Site
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent
Nate Rosa, Recreation Supervisor ~o/'
January 13,2005
2006 February Festi val
The City of Chanhassen's thirteenth annual February Festival is rapidly
approaching. The logistics of the event will be similar to last year.
The schedule of events brochure was processed by Gina and Karen in-house again
this year. Thank you to them for helping in this process.
Information and event brochures will be sent to past participants. Our advertising
schedule will consist of: two display ads (Villager (1/12/06)) and Herald
(1/26/06)); two schedule of events inserts in the Villager (1/19/06 and 2/2/06);
and a Thank You ad in the Villager (2/9/06).
The fishing contest has many great prizes again this year! The fishing contest
prize layout will be similar to last year's with prizes given out for the 20 largest
fish. The fish prizes will total $2,500 in value and the door prizes, featuring a trip
to Las Vegas, will be valued at $4,000. Youth and adult fishing tickets are being
sold for $5.00 each. Tickets are being sold at City Hall, Cub Foods, Byerly's,
Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce, Chanhassen Recreation Center, Cabin Fever
Sporting Goods, and Ivan's Sinclair & Bait & Tackle.
The City of Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautltul parks. A great place to live, work, and play
Sponsored by the City of Chanhassen in cooperation with the
Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce
$4,000 TOTAL DOOR PRIZES: Just buy an Ice Fishing TIcket for a chance to win
over $4,000 in door prizes - you don't even have to fish - and you need not be present to win.
lAK~ ~N, ~HANHA~~[N
Grand Prize - Trip to Las l&gas: Win a trip to Las Vegas courtesy of Travel Advisors
International/American Express and Worry Free Vacations. Trip includes roundtrip airfare and
h~td (~~OO voIue~CHEDULE OF EVENTS *'
Celebrate winter at Chanhassen's 13th Annual February Festival, Saturday, February 4, on the ice of
Lake Ann. We've put together a day of events sure to warm a winter's day...
The Chanhassen Lions will sell delicious food on
the ice of Lake Ann. Note: You may not bring your
own food, beverages, or coolers onto the ice.
Bring your skates and join us for a fun-filled day of skating right
on Lake Ann.
BONFIRE (FREE) 12:00-3:00 PM A city-wide Medallion Hunt will be held beginning Sunday,
Cook a S'more, take a break from skating or Jan. 29. The medallion will be hidden on public land in
fishing ~d warm-up by a huge bonfire built right "5tti#.... Chanhassen and a ~ue ~ to i~ location will be rel~ed daily a~
on the Ice. ..,.t~"* Byerly's, on the FrIends web site, and Chanhassen Library unul
.?l*...; Sunday, Feb. 5. For contest rules and more info, visit the
S'MORES COOKOUT 12:00-3:00 PM Chanhassen Library or i1f. . a. iends.org.
The Chanhassen Boy Scout Troop #330 will be ~ '-
selling S'more kits. BINGO . . l' 1:00-2:30 PM
If the fish aren't biting, try your luck at a gaDle of BINGO,
literary-style, sponsored by the Friends' of the Chanhassen
SliDING HILL (FREE) 12:00-3:00 PM
Bring your sled and join us for a fun filled day of
sledding in the Park-view picnic area (located near
the picnic pavilion/concession stand). LIVE BAIT AVAILABLE 12:00-3:00 PM
~ ' . Boy Scout Troop 330 will sell live bait throughout the contest.
':\.}~J;: ICE FISHING CONTEST 1:00-3:00 PM
Test your skills in the 13th Annual February Festival Ice Fishing Contest sponsored by the City of Chanhassen in
cooperation with the Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce. Over $6,500 in prizes will be given away. Contest rules will
b, ..,u"b1, on "" o. nqnu' , =py by ..n;ng (952) 227-1100. _'
~~'E- $5 Adults d- Youth ' ,
Tickets are available at Byerly's, Cabin Fever Sports, Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce, Chanhassen City Hall,
Chanhassen Recreation Center, Cub Foods, and Ivan's Sinclair & Bait and Tackle. Tickets are available by mail
(use registration form on back) or at the contest. Tickets must be present during the entire event (one ticket per
hole, limit of two tickets for persons fishing.) Purchase as many tickets as you wish for the prize drawings. Make
checks payable to the CHANHASSEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and then mail this form and check to: City of
Chanhassen, 7700 Market Blvd.,
Refunds will only be granted due to cancellation of the festival
on both the primary (Feb. 4~ 2006) and alternative (Feb. 5~ 2006) dates.
Gold Corporaie: General Mills; Lyman'Lumber Company/Automated Building Components, Inc. Gold Businas:' .- .
AmericInn Chanhassen; Beacon Bank; Bokoo Bikes; Chanhassen American Legion Post 580; Chanhasscn Dinner Theatres;
Chanhasscn Villager; Culvers; Eden Trace Corporation; IBR Realty; Merlin's Ace Hardware; TCF National Bank; Travel Advisors
Internationall American Express Gold Individual: Ameriprise Financial; Hoang "Nathan" Dao, State Farm Agent; Hair For
Guys &: Dolls; Nancy S. Lipinski, CPA; NRG Chiropractiq Promotional Sales, Inc.; QuillinglRevsbcch Realtors. Silver
Corporate: Byerly's, Chanhasscn. Silver Business: Creative Publishing International; Houlihan's Restaurant &: Bar; Roberts
Automatic Products; Sign Source. Bronze Business: Dr. Keith E. Abrahamson; Community Bank-Chanhassen; Custom Fab
Solutions; DayCo Concrete Company, Inc.; Esse Driving School-Chanhassen; Kidz Klipz; Lotus Lawn &: Garden; PMT
Corporation; Power Process Equipment, Inc. Bronze Individual: Party Bags ToGo, LLC. Contributing Corporate: The
Bergquist Company; Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce; Chanhassen Lions Club; Chanhasscn Rotary Club; Gander Moun-
tain-Minnetonka; Parker Hannifin; Ridgeview Clinics; SuperValu, Inc. Contributing Business: Berne Scale; Bloomberg
Companies; Brown's Tire &: Auto; Cabin Fever Sporting Goods; Chanhassen Furniture Galleries; Coridian Technologies, Inc.;
Country Suites by Carlson; Dunsmore Asphalt Co., Inc.; Howard's, Inq Hour Glass Cleaners; Ivan's Sinclair and Bait &: -
Tackle; Scott &: Associates, Inc.
Call the Febmary Festival Information Line at
(952) 227-1128) or the City of Chanhassen at
(952) 227-1100.
Fill out the information below:
List All Participant's Names Phone Number
Total Enclosed
Tickets @ $5.00 each $
CanJk Light Sin (or Walk), Hay RUlu d-
Campfire Storel
February 4, 2006, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Lake Minntnl1luhta Regional Park on
Highway 41 belUleen HighwaYI 5 d- 7
For more information, call
Carver County Parks at 952-466-5250.
Largest Fish--Bass Are Not Eligible***
1. Portable Fish House &: Fish Locator donated by abin
Fever Sports
2. Strikemaster 8" Power Auger (Drilled Contest Fishing Holes)
3. Vexilar Handhdd Digital Sonar
4. Two-Way Radios
5. One Night's Stay in a Suite at the Ameridnn donated by
6. Dinner and Show for 2 donated by Chanhassen Dinner
7. One Night's Stay in Parlor Suite donated by Chanhassen
Country Inn &: Suites *
8. $50 Gift Certificate donated by Cub Foods ,
9. $50 Gift Certificate donated by Lotus Lawn &: Garden .
10. $50 Gift Certificate donated by Houlihan's
11. Ddta Bench Grinder donated by Merlin's Hardware
12. Dinner and Show for 2 donated by Chanhassen Dinner
13. $50 Shopping Spree donated by Byerlys
14.- Black &: Decker Laser Levd &: Stud Finder donated by
Merlin's Hardware
15. Black &: Decker CycIfu.e Power Sander donated by Merlin's
16. $50 Gift Certificate donated by Cub Foods
17. Black &: Decker Workmate Tool Box donated by Merlin's
Hardware 'li~
18. Propane Heater +~; t
19. Black &: Decker Wet &: Dry Vac donated by Merlin'*
Hardware .
20. Strikemaster 8)) Power Auger (Drilled Contest Fishin \";;
*** Due to DNR regulations) all bass or northerns 24" to 36"
long caught must be immediatdy released.
All prize drawings are sponsored by the Chanhassen Chamber of
Commerce, License Number X-04536-06-001.
February Festival events will be hdd on the ice of Lake Ann.
Access to the lake is through Lake Ann Park with the entrance off
of West 78th Street. A drop-off site for gear is available. Parking
is available throughout the park.