6b 2006 Casablanca Orchestra Contract CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952.227.1100 Fax 952.2271110 Building Inspections Phone 952.2271180 Fax 952.2271190 Engineering Phone 952.2271160 Fax 952.227.1170 Finance Phone 952.2271140 Fax 952.2271110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.2271120 Fax 952.2271110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952.2271400 Fax 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952.2271130 Fax 952.2271110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.2271300 Fax 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone 952.2271125 Fax 952.2271110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us hh MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent ;1 ~ January 13,2006 l i"-- FROM: DA TE: SUBJ: 2006 Casablanca Orchestra Contract The City of Chanhassen was very pleased with the performance by CBO (Casablanca Orchestra) at last year's Fourth of July Celebration. I have briefly talked with Hoffman Talent about this year's show and CBO would love to perform at our July 3rd street dance. RECOMMENDATION It is staff's recommendation that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend approval to the City Council for the contract for CBO in the amount of $4,500. The performance will take place on Monday, July 3, 2006, from 7:00-11:00 p.m. at City Center Park. The cost for the entertainment has been included in Fund 1600 of the 2006 recreation program budget. The City of Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks A greal place to live, work, and play. HOFFMAN TALENT AGENCY PO Box 26037 Minneapolis, MN 55426 952-541-1600 ENGAGEMENT CONTRACT Fax:952-541-9543 1. This agreement made this day of: 1/3/2006, by and between: CBO services of the Entertainment, and the Purchaser: City of Chanhassen 2. PLACE OF ENGAGEMENT: 890 City Center, Chanhassen, Minnesota herein referred to as ARTIST providing the clo: Jerry Ruegemer 3. ENGAGEMENT DATE(S): July 03, 2006 TICKET PRICE: na CAPACITY: GROSS POTENTIAL: $0.00 4. ENGAGEMENTHOURS: Four sets between 7:00 PM and 11 :00 PM Outdoor? y Private? n 5. COMPENSATION AND TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT: It is agreed as full compensation for the services, set forth above, Purchaser $4,900.00 A Deposit (payable to Hoffman Talent Agency) in the amount of: $400.00 is required. It is due on: 3/1/06 .A second deposit of $0.00 is due: . The balance: $4,500.00 should be paid to the Artist: prior to performance 6. ACCOMODATJONS: Purchaser to provide Artist- NA 7. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS: o 8. PERSUANT TO KEY PERSONNEL PROVISIONS,Leader: Melanie Moos , shall at all times have complete supervision, direction and control over services of his personnel on his engagement and expressly reserves the right to control the manner, means and details of the performance of services to fulfill the entertainment requirements of the Purchaser.. Responsibility for appropriate payment of payroll taxes and charges under applicable federal and local law will be assumed by the Artist. Artist is an independant contractor. 9. na as PRODUCER has contracted with na separate from this contract. This contract is binding only to the extent that na honor their individual contract with na 10. DO NOT ADVERTISE THIS ENGAGEMENT UNTIL CONTRACT HAS BEEN SIGNED BY BOTH PARTIES. 11. This contract may be cancelled by either party with written notice of cancellation of at least na Notification of cancellation to be given at the address listed on this contract. days prior to engagement date. 12. ANY AND ALL RIDERS ATTACHED ARE MADE A PART HEREOF. Technical specifications are also deemed a part of this contract. 13. We acknowledge and confirm that we have read and approved the terms and conditions set forth in this contract, including terms on reverse side, as deemed by our signatures below. Purchaser Signature Purchaser: Jerry Ruegemer Representing: City of Chanhassen Address: PO Box 147 City/: Chanhassen St: MN Zip/: 55317 Phone # : 952-227-1121 Artist Signature Artist: Melanie Moos clo Hoffman Talent BKG AGENT: pjb PO Box 26037 Minneapolis, MN 55426 Artist' SS# or Fed. ID#: 476-80-1740 , . --, I Anisa ~ A In die ~eIIt ot siclcness or ahccidenCto ,,"-":!Sf.. Or ita perbomrarice is prewerad. rendered irnpossiJIe or infeai:le. byany ':ILt or ~ at:my public :aurbority arllareau. ciriI bIIIIIic. milre. ~ intl!rrupaon in orcielay oftra5pOralian ...me..., war condidons. or.....erpndes. or any cause beyond die <:onrrol of rflr Anm. ir IS undersmod :ond acreed _ u.reWAbe no d1iaI {or ~ by eirMr ~ to this con=ct. and Anm.', obIipUm :IS to sucII periomw>ce shaI be deemed waived. In die event of .uch ~ Car., of die ~ mr.d ill dIiI ~ me moaie:s (if anyl ~ to die Artin hereunder. siDlI be recamed ~ a pro rata basis. ' - B.lndelneiitwe:adlerrenderincpericrmance npassille or~" bOC.be deemed :memerpllCY :and pa'flftenc of the acreed upon price"be made IIOlWidlsancfin provided. bawever. a. Anist is ready. wiIIinI and _ to perlcrm In the _ ofinc/ement _dler...nidl mipIt ~ wid>>.dIe perlonn2nce of AniR IDInd hereunder. tile pran:iessWlII1IDIIiIy determine wRedlerahlot the perio~ shauidproceed; H_ei. in any event. if die pel'fOr-nce is IlCX held by ~ ohny sueD......,. coadkians. ~-acr-s tDJIIoY Anicu.W_ prowidedforin tlleCJ:llltnCL mose oh:linorindement WGdaermalcin& m aacdoar p.:.fomllllCe iniflDAillnnd an indoorfacility, is provided. die decisicmm haId dIe~ indoors_ be made prior to. Ardst seainr ~ sound. lips. _ sate equip'*It aualacn. /IIatKe of u. probabir.y of aD indoarflcility beinc pnmded nut be on die face ti dIis cDMnct. C AnistreHrves the ripttDaaceI tIIis ..J.Pi_priortopay dm=fatsd1eiluincof~~llIajormodonpiaure.r.elerisioaproduaioD.iMtllaaia!praduaioa.carpara endanemenr or.... concen prior to enpc--: by wriaeft naUce to addnlss' zi- on face of tDIIIrXt.' ' . D. Artisc sW have dIe.riPt to sd.DUlIeftir ~ p/IaroFphs. bralIet baolcs. and recardsIapesIco disa. CHI die premiIes of die place(sl of periora8ce widDlII::my panidpuian in proceeds by lWdlaer. H_. concessionaire's requirenIenD. if:my. wiG be honcnd widl prior naciliI::atioI> E. Anises ...t.1ftIIIIIllI" or tiIeir represenatiNs sW ila".. free :access to place of perionnance. indudinc bIclcsap area. 2 I'urdDRr Dudes A. PurcImer aarees to employ _ .<\rUst for professional :setYia:s as a musiciaJl/nMaial ~ or entert:ainer6). B.1t isrlle l'1Rilaser's responsilility rD inform AniKin wriIinc. priana lidcets zoinC on sUe arpriortD perfomance. ot-:any IaaI ormce 3dmiaion or income or ___CDeS wIlichmay be assessed 011 Ania: tarmonies earned from tilis enprement. Purdaser wi! be resp:>nsiIIe formy . We>' ax in conneaion wit!I rlIe conceJ1. except for Anisi. conczssion sales.,' A -- or capy of _ ax law is to 'be amched to the conma prior to die Artist sipinc. ' c. Arrr torqa or Canadian <bees eanmaed must be accampllftied by . appliarion for enuy for entertainer. fram tltat rmemnem:. D. Jlurc:I>uer WUT2no and re;nsents dat helshe is at the present me; Dr wHI be. the awner Dr operator ot, or. has or will haYe a va/id lease upon. the place(S1 of performance CDyemg the cbte or dace> of this agreement. proot of which wiII,be ~ to Artist or his desizr- ~ request. E. Purchaser agrees to furnish at its sole cost and ecpense ae said Plaa!isl of p&rlOnn.nce DR OlE: date(sl and at the une(s) :t:ove ",entio....!, a properly '-~, yentilated. lighted CDfllfomi:lle ciressinc room near the 'ace for the Artist and Artist's company unless pre-1pflf<>ved by Artist or its repre."enatiYe. 3. Purchaser Warnntie.s A Purchaser warnntS theno';"i11 be nO recordinc. reprcduaion or tr:II1SIIIission from the place of the enppmenc in any manner Dr by any means wlw:soeverwidlout the prior writreIl consent ot _ Anise and HT A. Artist's /WIle and likeness may noe be used 2S an endonement of any prodUCt or service or in connection wid! any commercial tie-up wiljlOut ArtiK's or HT A' s w1iaen consent. ' B. The Purdmer sInII nocsel\or distrilute any piaure.s. Bkeness. sene boob containinc lyric andior music by the employed Artist. SOUYeIlits or ~ orboob cont:lininc any of die :aOove:ntendoned and odIer tow" merdDndiseand dlac any monies nlCeiYed from the sale of tItose ia!ms becomes the sole ~ of the Anise. C. I( before the date of any scheduled concert. or any Ijye performance. Pun:Jmer ~ failed. ""Ileaed or refused to perform any conuxt widl :myperiomw for any artier enpctfl~ or if_ firiancial sandinr or credit of the Purchaser has been inpaired or is umatisfaaorio Artise shall have the ncm rD demand die payment of the pannreed C<llnpelladoll fonhwidL 1fPurc/r.aer fails orreiuses tomal<4! .ucbp:aymendortilwitll. Armuhall haYe the ncmtD ancelthis enpxemencby noticem PurchasertDtilat eRea.-! insuc~~ArtisI:"reainany__dwetalore paid to Artist by PurdJaser. In _ evencl'urclmer refuses or nez~ to provide any of the items herein sated. or_ or n:fuses tD make my of die paymem:s as provided herein orto proceed ..;;;m the enpzeonen<. Artist shall haYe the . to retain any and all monies paid in acMnce to Arnst from Purchaser. and Purchaserslaft I'1!IIl:lin liable rD ~ fartile enzft conma price herein see forth. <l.Anin DuI:ies A. Artist avees to provide professional services as a musitian/rnuSiaI zroup or entertainer(sl- to ~ the enpcement a<<onlinc tD die terms and co~ as _farrlI in dIis car.ma. B. Artist slWI have _ sole and exdusiYe cancro' over the produaiaa. praenatian. and perfonn2nce of the enclpftent henlunder.. inducfinc. bue not limited rD. dMl, detail. means. -'-mods of the perlannances of the perlonninC Artist hereunder. _ Artist .. have the sole ripe as Artist _y see fit. rD ~ - ~ at any One die performin& persolllllL ArtisU obIiptions hereunder :ate subject tD decenQan or fl""""I'Cion by sidrness. iIaIlicy to perlDnn. accident. means of tnnsport:aDon. acts of Gad. riots. saiIces. bbor diIIic1Ilties. epidemics. :my act or order of -any pubic authority or -any other QUSe. linIiIar or dissinillr, bepond Ania:'. contTOl 5. Anin Wwnncies /to.. Artistlleader wamna that _ indjyiclual bandlzro~ members worlcinc this encacement haye liven MnJher _ power w bind them to the termS and conditions of this contnl:t. &en mu- sician _y enforce this enppment COnInCL B. Both die Purchaser and ene' ArtiK acree that HT A may, at ia discredon. coiect any and all commissions and/or monies due HT A fran the Anise. directly from dle Pun:lmer. HT A will dedua: the monies due it from the Anist from the aQIOllIIt due die altist from the Purdaser and then pay the Anise -any iemaininc monies. The Purchaser apees that they will follow this provision widIout reservuion or restriction. if fequested by HT A upon beinC notified by an-auehDrized ~ of HT A. ' . 6.1..i>bility L Purchaser ~ to indem"iiy. clefend and hold HT A and Artist harmless tram ~nd apinst my and aU dains. casu or IilIbiIity for damaceor injury to any pemlII Dr JlRIIlIIRY durinc Artist: enpcemenc. indudint time of set up and aKe down HT A aas ilen!in only as apnt or JIIaIlaIIlI' tor ~ Anis;(s) aJ1d ass_ 110 liabilicy heAunder.lt is e:q:wessly qreeci the HT A actS hereiIlas azency tor musicians and is IIOC responsilIe for any act of commission on the pan: 'of eidler musician or purdaser.ln furthennce. tt.reof aDd for the benefic of HTA. it is acreed dIat neidIer purdaser lIDr musician will name or join HT A :l 18ft)' in any civil action or.uit arisinc out of. in c:onneaion with or. related tD any actS of commission or omission pumIIIlt to this ~ by, either purchaser ar mUsician 7. ~ PlVYisiaas /to.. The boolcinc ~_ is adcnowledged tD have fully performed upon the accepance of tbis conma by all paRies herem. The Artist aDd die purdIaser-"roe lD iIldemaiy aJ1d to hold harmless die Bocikinc Acencand ia represenatiYe apinst:dllosses. dams. demands. com. - expenses dDtrlle lloolcinc ApMancI itsrepresel__T~may.suscain orincurby reasaa of.., ~.i. i....._ o,",ioluion ofany COfIl'riIhc or pnlpieary ripe in thepcrn...Iance.thereunrier: by _of --by dleAnisi ortlle Pun:lmer inperiormincJIIY tid.eir oIIIiptioas under dIis (OntnU: Dr by lUSOft of any damaces to persons or property arisinE out of the ""_6 ~ undertbis cDncrxt. . a. &aok Il:acIt A. Anise and I'urchaser.,.dat fuan enppmencs by the Artist named herewlder in dIis ~...ent or 311)' ~ owned or cancroIIed by Pun:haer.... be baoIced throU&Ia ~afman Talft~tonperiodortwelve (11) mcmdIsfram thedaceoldlis atp&tIIIent. The baoIt.o.dc_ ofdloieian -~.-: canaxtSwilIbecweh(l2)mandIl , to l1ID,from die _ of tile ~ Arcisc and Ptrdiuer shall be joindy and ~ &.DIe to Ho/inIn T:aIent Ap,etq for paymeIII: of dIe,..- on!lr_Anist aDd ....... TaIec , Azerq and recorded on tbe.bookin: slip kept for adl e1~ by HaIMM T alencJttc-r.T. , AriIiaxiatl ." . ' ' '.",," , . " /to.. Any CDIlIrUVeny or daiIi ' aisinc out of lilis contr2Ct shall be sealed by, ~ in :accon:iance wid! the lateK nJIes of the Amerian Ariliimion ASsOciaIIiIIL Judpment upon die IMni r1IIldered ill ariIitratioll may be __ jft my COllI\: bmn& julioclir;cioa. ~ This.- may noc be chanced- modi&ed. or -.bred. acep: by... ___ sipd in wnanc by the parties. This apement shall be camcrued in ~ wid! the laws of dleSace oIMimesoa. Nadlinr in tIIis .....enuW require the CllIIIIllissian at-:any~ cantnry1D law ora>> -:any naleorrezuiuianofuy UlIiaa.pild.aninilrllody lrawincjur~.." orenhe perfarmantes ilefeunderor ay elemencdlereaf and wner-.rorwne.- tilereis., CDlIlIictbecween~nr prawisian ofdlis..--_ uysuchilw. rulear.......sudllaw. rule or replation slralI prevU.and tIIis ~ :sW be curailed..1IICldiIied ,ar,linir.ed affir 1D die -- necessary to eIiminIIe such mnIIia: ' ' C. This ~ ciwers P""'''\ll1hppeanncue.w;es Dr COIljl-aon widI chis CDI1Cnct oIIIy.AnyI2dio. TV.pnss in1erIiews or appearances far......... ~ ~ l'lIeI _be dIIand by HTA prioi-1D siIow due aDd t""f.."..~ . 10. Conlnas .. A. The kmr. aDd Pwdraser are hereby advised CD oeelt Iepl advise COIICeI'1linr die meaninr and eiea of die prawisiom com:ained iD this caaazr. B. 80th parties will US& reasonaille elI'on to . and ~ c:oncaa: rD HTA illmedim!ly upaIIl1!CeiYinc contna. r r _______ J _ ._...wI. ........", rI..w-.. ..,;"'" ~ ;. M.o.med rD be YeI'ilicDon of an oni meemenc and ~W'VIIICe of -.11_ by l'urchaerand Artist.