Resolution 2006-08 r CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MlNNESOTA DATE: January 23. 2006 RESOLUTION NO: 2006-08 MOTION BY: Peterson SECONDED BY: LundQuist A RESOLUTION APPROVING A METES AND BOUNDS SUBDIVISION CREATING TWO LOTS WHEREAS, Paul T. and Andrea S. Eidsness have requested a metes and bounds subdivision of land located north of Big Woods Boulevard, west of Carver Beach Road and east of Lotus Lake into two lots of 41,222 square feet (0.9 acres) and 53,611 square feet(1.2 acres); and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision complies with all requirements of the Chanhassen City Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves a metes and bounds subdivision creating two lots as shown on the plans dated "Received January 5,2006", as described in Planning Case 06-02, subject to the following conditions: 1. Detailed grading drainage, erosion control, and tree removal plans are to be submitted to the City for review and approval with the building permit application for Parcel B, or with the s~bdivision application if Parcel B is incorporated into a future development proposal, whichever comes first. 2. Park dedication dollars will be required in lieu of land dedication for one new lot (1 lot x $4,000 per lot = $4,000). 3. The sewer and water hookup charges for Parcel B will be assessed with the building permit application. 4. The survey must be revised to dedicate a 30-foot wide roadway, drainage and utility easement over the east half of Carver Beach Road, measured from the centerline of Carver Beach Road. 5. Parcel B will be specially assessed $10,000.00 for the street. The assessment will be deferred without interest until the street is constructed. When the deferment ends, the assessment shall be paid over a five-year period at 8% interest. ,. 6. The applicant shall enter into the attached Development Contract and Special Assessment Agreement. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 23rd day of January, 2006. ATTEST: ~14 LJJA- ~ ~ ~~ YES NO AB Furlong Labatt Lundquist Peterson Tjornhom None None