Letter to Jay Whitaker 7-14-05 " CITY OF CIIANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site \\yt:".:..ch3nh2s~e~. ~~.~s f3JO ~. ?c... "S- - (L July 14,2005 Mr. Jay Whitaker Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. 3535 Vadnais Center Drive St. Paul, MN 55110-5196 Re: Plan review for Chanhassen East Water Treatment Plant, 201 West 79th Street Mr. Whitaker, The plan review for the Chanhassen East Water Treatment Plant has been completed to the extent possible. The plans, including Addendum # 1 and Addendum # 2, have been reviewed by the Inspection Division, Fire Marshal, Planning Department and Engineering Department. The plans were reviewed for conformance to the 2003 Minnesota State Building Code which adopts the 2000 International Building Code by reference. Below are conunents and corrections related to the plan review. Inspections Division - Building 1. Submit a permit application. 2. Submit a SAC letter from the Metropolitan Council. 3. Submit one copy each ofille property survey with the signature oftM registered land surveyor. 4. Submit two copies of plans for the, retaining walls signed by an engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota. 5. Submit one copy of the engineered structural steel, steel truss and pre-cast concrete shop drawings approved by the structural engineer of record. 6, Submit frrestop system designs for all types of penetrations of fire-resistive assemblies. 7. Submit the exterior envelope energy calculations in compliance with the Minnesota Energy Code. 8. Submi: r.'1;: Special Inspection and Testing Sched1.1le signed by the architect, engineer, owner and designated testing firms. Also provide a list of the inspectors who will be working on the project and their qualifications. 9. Provide two full size copies of sheets GAl, 01-A2, 01-A4 and 01-A24 as revised by Addendum # 1 and provide an additional copy of Addendum # 1 and # 2. The City 01 Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downlown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. MrJay Whitaker Re: Chanhassen East Water Treatment Plant July 14, 2005 Page 2 10. Please clarify the intent of Addendum # 1, item # 40. It appears the scale is 1" = 20' . 11. Sheet CC8. The accessible parking stall, access aisle and curb ramp must match the layout on sheet 01-A23. Also provide details ofthe required signage. Submit revised plans. 12. Sheet GSl. Provide design criteria information and complete structural specifications and notes. Submit revised plans. 13. Sheet GAL Provide two full size copies of this sheet as revised by addendum # 1. 14. Sheets Ol-A4. Secondary drains or overflow scuppers are required at grids G & D/5.4. Also have the structural engineer verify that the overflow scuppers are sized to prevent ponding of water which would exceed the roof design. Submit revised plans. mc 1503.4.3. 15. Sheet 0l-A5, Detail 3. Verify that a clear floor area of 3' - 6" will be provided from the edge of the lav to the center of the stool. Submit revised plans as necessary. 16. Sheets Ol-A6 & Ol-A2. The openings indicated on the west wall of the generator room are not indicated on the floor plan sheet 01-A2. Please clarify. Submit revised plans as necessary. 17. Sheet Ol-AIO, Detail 1. The west wall of the generator room is required to be of one- hour fire-resistive construction. Revise the wall type and submit revised plans. 18. Sheet 0l-A15, Room Opening Schedule. The following items must be addressed: A. Specify the hardware types for doors #101 & 112. B. Doors # 114A, 114B, 115A, 115B, 116, 117 & 118 are required to have fire exit (panic) hardware. mc 1003.3.1.9. C. Indicate the locations of required safety glazing and note that window type 6 is required to be safety glazed because of its proximity to door # 100. D. Where are window types 13 & 14 located? Submit revised plans. 19. Sheet Ol-A19, Detail 3. Provide a fire-resistive design for the framed wall above the CMU wall and indic-...re cL"ywal! on the interior side if requiJ"o....d. Submit revised plans. MrJay Whitaker Re: Chanhassen East Water Treatment Plant July 14, 2005 Page 3 Inspection Division - Mechanical. contact Randy Debner at 952-227-1192. The mechanical plans were reviewed for compliance with the 2003 Minnesota State Plumbing Code and the 2000 International Mechanical Code (IMC) as adopted by The State of Minnesota. Plumbin2: 20. Note required testing: A 5 PSI air test is required on all sanitary sewers including the 8" sanitary sewer service from the building to the manhole. A 5 PSI air test is required on all roof drainage piping including all storm sewers within 10 feet of the building. 21. Pressure vacuum breakers are preferred over R.p.z's, check with the mechanical inspector before installing any R.P.Z's. 22. Sheet Ol-Ml. Provide a vent on the waste line between the trench drains and the sump basket # SPU 1. Submit revised plans. HVAC 23. Submit the ventilation rates for the control room, meeting room, break room and lab. See IMC Section 403.3 that references ASHRAE 62-2001. 24. Sheet Ol-M6. Wall intake louver # WL-8 shall be interlocked with the boiler. Submit revised plans. Fire Marshal. contact Mark Littfin at 952-227-1151. 25. Submit the fIre sprinkler plans for review. A permit must be obtained from the Fire Marshal prior to the installation of the fIre sprinkler system. 26. Provide a hazardous materials report and code review which classifIes the hazardous chemicals and identifIes how the requirements of the building code and fIre code will be achieved including but not limited to protection, spill control and containment, monitoring, ventilation, sprinkler systems and emergency power. 27. A lO-foot clear space must be maintained around fIre hydrants, i.e. street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, NSP, US West, cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fIre hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by fIrefIghters. Chanhassen City Ordinance 9-1. 28. A Fire Department lock box will be required for the building by the main entrance. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location and ordering information. ..' MrJay Whitaker Re: Chanhassen East Water Treatment Plant July 14, 2005 Page 4 29. A fire "Pre-Plan" must be submitted prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, comply with City of Chanhassen Fire Department Policy #07-1991, copy enclosed. 30. Fire lanes must be identified with signage and yellow striping. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact curbing to be painted and location of "No Parking Fire Lane" SIgnS. 31. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained, throughout construction, to support the imposed loads offrre apparatus in all weather conditions. Minimum 7- ton road design required. MSFC 503.2.3. 32. Water supplies for frre protection shall be installed and made serviceable during construction. Fire extinguishers shall be installed in the building during construction. MSFC 501.4 & 1414.1. 33. Doors to the mechanical room, electrical room and hazardous material rooms must be labeled. Reference Chanhassen Fife Department Policy #49-2004, copy enclosed. 34. Reference the enclosed New Construction Pre-Final Checklist for requirements associated with testing and final inspection approval. 35. Sheet GC2. A PN is required on the fire sprinkler water service. Submit revised plans. 36. Sheets 01-E4, E5 & E6. Indicate the locations of the exit and emergency lighting. Submit revised plans. Planninf! Department. contact Bob Generous at 952-227-1131 37. Sheet Ll. Revise the note for the landscape area on the north side ofthe building from "no mow seed mix" to "Sod". Submit revised plans. Enf!ineerinf! Department. contact Paul Ohme at 952-227-1169. The engineerinf departIneDt has approved the plans that were submitted for a building permit. MrJay Whitaker Re: Chanhassen East Water Treatment Plant July 14, 2005 Page 5 Items # 4, 5, 6, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 29 are approved as deferred submittals. These items cannot be installed, nor can associated permits be issued, until these items are submitted as requested and approved in accordance with MSBC 1300.0130 Subp. 9B. Other items must be completed or addressed as requested before a building permit can be issued. Changes to the plans made by issuing revised plan sheets must have the revision clouded and the revision date shown. Submit three copies of only these sheets being revised; one sheet must have the signature of the design professional. Changes to the plans made by Addenda, Change Orders or other methods must be submitted in a similar fashion. Be advised that other corrections may be necessary upon field inspections. Please call me at 952-227-1199, if you have any questions. Sincerely, 7#/Xt{ Steven B. Torell Building Official pc: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Paul Ohme, City Engineer Doug Hoese, Project Building fuspector Jeff Debner, Project Mechanical Inspector Mark Littfin, Fire Marshal Ed Coppersmith, Fire Inspector Bob Generous, Senior Planner Mr. Duane Day, Architect, Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. Mr. Scott Drake, Structural Engineer, Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. Mr. Jim Norton, Engineer, Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. Mr. Jason Sprague, Civil Engineer, Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. Mr. Bob Kost, Landscape Architect, Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. Mr. Dan Sieben, Mechanical Engineer, Wentz and Associates, Inc. Mr. Greg Johnson, Process Engineer, Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. Mr. Sheldon Sorensen, Electrical Engineer, Kaeding and Associates, Inc. Bldg. File, 201 West 79fr1 Street Enclosures: Fire Department Policies #07-1991 and 49-2004 Fire Department New Construction Pre-Final Checklist g:\safety\insp\bld-rew/201 West -~~ s::-~