CC Minutes 12-12-05 City Council Meeting - December 12, 2005 participate in the budget process if we can. To that end, staff would you present the Galpin Crossing proposal this evening. GALPIN CROSSING. NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAY 5 AND GALPIN BOULEVARD. APPLICANTS EPIC DEVELOPMENT & JOHN PRYZMUS. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR A 10 UNIT TWIN HOME PROJECT AND A 66.000 SQUARE FOOT OFFICE DEVELOPMENT. Public Present: Name Address Rich Ragatz Lance Erickson Kevin McShane Eden Prairie 7735 Vasserman Trail 180 South Shore Court Kate Aanenson: This is the subject site located on the comer of Galpin and Highway 5. West 78th bisects the property. It's currently zoned A2 and it's guided for low density residential. Most recently it had the golf course on it before West 78th, or driving range, excuse me. And then the miniature golf currently vacant. This is where the parking lot fits currently. Everything else has been removed from the site. There is a creek that runs along the north side of the subject property and on the north side they're proposing residential and the south side is the request for the office industrial. When this first appeared before the staff, to kind of talk about what the intended use was, the applicant wanted to do all retail on the site. If we go back to the Highway 5 corridor study, which is referenced in the document, the staff report excuse me, there was a concern at that time to have strip commercial and it's going to kind of segway into the discussion we're going to have later tonight to talk about the retail market analysis, but there was some concern about that. If you look at the 60,000 square feet, there's some comparable big uses down here. Byerly's. That's quite a significant amount of commercial in how it's being laid out so the direction from the staff was that we would support office. There's complimentary use there based on that, and looking at the multi-family. There's a couple different ways to look at the multi-family or the development of this site. One of the things we talked about was the overlay district which we did on the commercial on this side is we actually left all this as open space. Was an opportunity to kind of maximize it with the PUD, doing the density transfer and then leaving the other side open in ponding. And one of the conditions we did have in there was the suitability of development on that south side, and again this is a concept PUD and as stated in the staff report, approval of the concept does not obligate the city to approve any final plans. Or to rezone the property for the PUD, but rather we were just trying to give a general framework so in here we've indicated some direction that we would like the applicant to pursue and one of the things that we're kind of looking at too is we're conducting, make a policy adoption or implementation of the market study to see how that would relay into this. But we did put some uses in there that we thought would work. The Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on this item back on November 15th. They did recommend approval 6-0 for the PUD concept as outlined here for you tonight. So with that, we are recommending approval with some of those issues outlined in the staff report which kind of highlighted. One of the major ones here was the 7 8 .Sgwoq U!Ml glU gSoqJ.. :lP1UqlgD ppOJ.. 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ApmS :J!J1u1l r;ooz 'Z1 19qWg:Jga - iiunggw Ipuno;) AlD City Council Meeting - December 12, 2005 Kate Aanenson: Okay, so they'd be compatible. I'm sorry. These are a little bit different as far as these wouldn't be individual lots because they'd be a PUD. Councilman Lundquist: Right. Kate Aanenson: If it was an R-4. Councilman Lundquist: Looking at more for a usage of transition. Kate Aanenson: Yep, and the neighbors, there was some comments at the Planning Commission regarding the transitional use, which is another concern that, you know from the lights and if it's a restaurant, particularly different hours as you would compared to an office. Maybe later hours. I know those were some of the concerns that we had with that building footprint spread out like that, how do you mitigate that? And that was the second page of the report was a letter that was sent by, and I think that kind of summarizes a lot of the concern that the neighbors have. Councilman Lundquist: And my last question, maybe Todd or Roger, as reading through this. ApprovaI4/Sths. Is that 4/Sth of the councilor is that a ratio that you're looking for? Kate Aanenson: That's a good question which I got a legal interpretation on. Typically it does say PUD for rezoning but I'll let Roger answer the question. Roger Knutson: We're processing an amendment, to clarify this I believe. Kate Aanenson: It is a concept PUD, and because there is some residential, we determined that the 2/3 council present would address it. Roger Knutson: The short answer is, although this is concept approval and by statute you wouldn't have to have a simple majority, by your ordinance you do require as part of the rezoning process. And so you need 4 affirmative votes to pass. Councilman Lundquist: 4 affirmative or 2/3 of your quorum present? Roger Knutson: 4 affirmative votes. Todd Gerhardt: One of the options that you could do is wait for Mayor Furlong to come back. Go through your discussion on this item. Hold this item off until you have a 4 member board here. You can go ahead and approve it with the 3 members. However you are doing that in violation of your current ordinance and then you have some risk down the line if somebody would want to contest your approval of it. Kate Aanenson: Just a further note on that. This is a strange thing we have in our code which we are, the Planning Commission at their most recent modified that, has taken that out. It's kind of conflicts with most other city processes so, at your next City Council meeting that language will be actually struck from the ordinance. 9 OT 'uoos gUI~lAU1~ glgq1 U~ gu~og I13Ug~S 13 ggS 1,UOP I gUIn s~qll13 lnq A10ggl13::> lU13llUM 13 OlU~ lnd lqg~UI 113ql uon::>gSlglU~ 113ql ql!M pgl13~::>OSS13 sgnss~ 19q1O 10 SlUgpP::>13 lU13::>mUg~S S~ glgql lnO MOU SlUnO::> ::>!JJUll gqlJO SUIlgl U~ SA13M 13 glgqllno IInS S,l~ gmlnJ gq1 U~ pUV 'UO~pgSlglU~ 113qllU IBUg~S 13 10J SlUBUBM ou S~ glgq1 glBP 01 pUB OgB gI~qM 13 lBql uo A1UnO:J gql ql~M UO~113S1gAUO::> 13 gA13q p~p I 'glgql UO~pgSlglU~ lBqllV 'lgqUIgUI H::>uno::> nOA ){UBq.L :gUIqgO In13d l,MOU)[ gM op 'glmnJ gql u~ pgUUBId lIB 113 lBql sI l,uO~pgSlglU~ gqllB 1qgn d01S g{q~ssod uo gA~pgdSlgd s,gu~ggU~gUg gql S,lBqA\ :UOSlglgd UBUIH::>uno:J 'Ql8L lSgA\ gUOIB AIIB::>qpgdS Ugql pUB Sgu~PI~nq gql UggMlgq gq PInoM ){U~I gU~SS~UI AIUO gql AIIBgl OS 'sgsn gql UggMlgq og 01 pglUBM nOA J~ SSOl::>B uon::>gUuo::> S!ql g){BUI Ugql pUB 'lgg 01 gp~S s~q1 UO UMOqS S! 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UO IpMP AI~13SSg::>gU 01 SpggU gq ){U~qll,uop I 'SPgfOld gql uo pggds 01 dn S,lOA13UI gql ){U~ql I puu JjU1S JO Suonsgnb ql!M uo gnUnuo::> S,lgI IPA\ :UOSlglgd UUUIH::>uno:J '){::>uq l~ g){UUI 1,USgOP 10AUUI gql gsu::> u~ 'gU!lggUI lXgU gql Ollgn13UI S!ql gu~U.L 'SUO!ldo ql~M nOA Ugplnq OllUUM 1, uop I puu 'uondo 19q10uV :UOSlnU)llggO~ ~OOZ 'zTlgqUIg::>ga - gunggw H::>uno:J A1!J City Council Meeting - December 12,2005 Councilman Peterson: Okay. Kate, what's the footprint of some of the smaller buildings down towards Highway 5? Kate Aanenson: 3,000. So I mean those could be multi-tenant too. Make it you know, again this is really laid out in kind of a retail format so we expect to see something a little bit different. We were just kind of doing some comparisons of some other buildings in town. If you looked at Eckankar is the one new building they have. That's 60,000 square feet, which is approximately what this would be so that could be one building. If you looked at Mark Undestad's office parks, the Stone Creek Office Park, that's about 70,000 square feet. That was our first condo type that we've done so it just give you some comparisons. I mentioned Byerly's was 60,000 so you're kind of, there is a significant amount of square footage available there. Councilman Peterson: Okay. And then you haven't seen any of the architectural design on the residentials yet? Kate Aanenson: No, this is just preliminary. Again the goal is just to really get a read on the direction and then if the intent is to go with the industrial, we look at that study, how that weaves into this. Then we'd come back with some specific lists. The design standards and then the permitted uses and the intent of the district to actually develop that ordinance. And the district standards. Councilman Peterson: We see residentials requests for that property on the north side before and part of what some of the challenge was is that it was pushing pretty close to the road on a pretty high traffic road. That it was kind of oriented towards. Kate Aanenson: On this piece? Councilman Peterson: Yeah. Kate Aanenson: Yeah, yeah. I guess as a staff we felt that we didn't see the retail there but we certainly saw some, we've had requests for the office, maybe a larger building and multi-tenant, we anticipated that. We've had requests for churches, some of those kind of things that would be a single user. Some of those rim pieces that would want something of that scale, so that's kind of what we anticipated in looking at that. Councilman Peterson: Okay. Okay. Alright, any other questions of staff? I think what I'd like to do then is to table this, recommend tabling it until we get another member of council here and discuss that further at that point in time. Councilman Lundquist: Motion to table at this point to the end of the meeting. Councilman Peterson: Is there a second? Councilwoman Tjomhom: Second. 11 ZI "d;J A. :lS!nbpun'l uuwH:)uno;) ";JUO lq'a!1 ;Jql S! ;JA;J!pq ;JM ;JAnUUl;J1IU q:)!qM UO UO!p;Jl!P lq'aP ;Jql U! 'aU!O'a ;Jl,;JM ;JlnS ;J){UW pUU SlU;JWWO:) l!;JqllU;Jq OllUUM;JM.. "d;JA. :lplUql;Jf) PPO.L ";Jl;Jqllno S! JJnlS POo'a luql IIU pUU sduw ql!M IpM su luql ;J;JS UU:) noA. ";Jl!S q;JM S.lOQUW uo lno oSIu s.l! 'osIu ;Jl,A;Jq.L :lS!nbpun'l uuwH:)uno;) ";Jl;Jqllno ;JjU luql S;JAnUUl;J1IU lU;Jl;JJJ!P ;Jql uo UO!lUUllOJU! W;Jqll;J'a UU:) ;JM 'JI;JSAW 10 ;Jwq;JO Inud 10J ){SU puu IIuH A1D lU ;Jl;Jq l;Jqwnu IU1;JU;J'a ;Jql IIu:) lsnf A;Jql J! 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";Jl;Jq lOU 10AUW ;Jql ql!M lnoqu ){IUl UU:) ;JM lUqM lno ;Jln'a!J 01 All S .l;JI IP M.. :uOS1;Jl;Jd uuwIpuno;) .0 01 r JO alGA U ql!M AISnom!U1mn pap.Iu;J uonom aq1 puu .IOAUJ U! pa10A IIV .~unaam aq1 JO pua aq1 01 mal! S!q1 aIqu1 01 papuo;Jas moqu.Iof.L uumoMI!;JUnO;) 'paAom lS!nbpun'l uumI!;Juno;) (,UO!Ssms!p l;Jql1nJ AUV "p;Jpuo:);JS puu p;JAOW U;J;Jq s,n :uOS1;Jl;Jd uuwIpuno;) SOOZ 'n l;JqW;J:);JQ - 'aun;J;Jw H:)uno;) A1D City Council Meeting - December 12, 2005 staff. I want to thank the council for your direction and support in that and look forward to next year's process. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any other discussion? If not there's been a motion to adopt the budget and levy. It's been seconded. There's no other discussion we'll proceed with the vote. Resolution#2005-104: Councilman Lundquist moved, Councilman Peterson seconded to adopt the 2006 budget and levy certification to the Carver County Auditor, and Resolution#2005-105: to adopt the 2006-2010 CIP. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to o. CONTINUA TION OF THE GALPIN CROSSING APPLICATION. Mayor Furlong: Where are we on the agenda? Councilman Peterson: The point I left is the discussion of the vote for the Galpin Crossing. Mayor Furlong: Galpin Crossing, okay. So we'll bring that up now? Have we had a staff report and was it tabled? Councilman Peterson: Yes, it was tabled. Mayor Furlong: Alright. Has the applicant presented? Where are we in the process there? Just council discussions? Councilman Peterson: Council discussions and voting for or against. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Let's start with discussion then on the, by the council. Has that already taken place as well? Councilman Peterson: No, it hasn't. I'd be happy to go first Mr. Mayor. I think that I agree with staff's recommendations on housing on the north side and I think that their ideas of gathering, you know lowering the number of buildings on the south side I think would be prudent to do. I think you would provide some better pedestrian flow and better look and feel. I mean that's a pretty visible intersection for us and I think that that being said, I think a smaller number of buildings might be more appropriate and I think that as we move ahead with this concept, I'll voice my opinion that as I said earlier, that because this is a highly visible area of our city that I think, I certainly will and I hope the rest of the council will too, is, as we have in other areas of Highway 5 corridor, hold a pretty high standard for what goes in there. As far as architecture, as far as just general look and feel and functionality and needing that area so. I would certainly consider to move ahead with this and adhere to staff's recommendations. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Councilwoman Tjornhom. Councilwoman Tjornhom: I also am willing to go ahead with this. I look forward to seeing what the retail market study says about it. I'm hoping that it's the right thing so we can use of 23 17Z "alOA alll ql!M paa::>Old II.! 'auou ~upas l,UO!lOW aql uo UO!SSn::>S!P AUV 'papuo::>as pUU apuw :~uopnd 10AUW "puo::>as :woqwof.L UUWOMIpuno:J l,Puo::>as U alaql sI 'nOA )[uuq.L :~uopnd 10AUW 'llodal nUlS aql U! paqsnqnd sv 'tt q~nolql 1 suo!l!puo::> puu Ma!AallUawdoIaAap JO asuqd lxau aql JO llUd su sanss! ~U!MOIIOJ aql ~U!SSalppu Ol pafqns 'u!dIUD puu ~ AUMq~!H JO lawo::> lsaMqllou aqllu palu::>oI pafOld lUawdopAap a::>!JJo puu awoq U!Ml U 10J and lda::>uo:J saAolddu I!::>uno:J Al!:J lUql aAOW PInoM I :lS!nbpun1: uuwI!::>uno:J "ls!nbpun1: uuwI!::>uno:J l,uO!lOW U ~uaql SI :~uopnd 10AUW 'a:aud aql JO wonos: 'uo!low aql puV "6 a:aud uo llUlS suo!l!puo::> aq.L :uosuauuvaW)l l,S!ql uo SlUawwo::> Iuuo!l!PPU AUU alaql am 'aql saop a:aud luqA\ ]0 pnOld aq IIu II!M aM luqlluawdopAap u la:a AIIual Ol Al!I!qu aql sn SaA!:a luql )[U!ql I 'and aql JO l!puaq aql ql!M puu lda::>uo::> aql ql!M AIaluunllod 'llodal nUlS aql U! paU!Uluo::> asoql su IIaM su :aU!UaAa S!ql alaq pluaq aA.! luql SUo!lupuawwo::>al aql oll::>afqns UUId lda::>uo::> aql JO 10AUJ U! wu puu JJulS Aq papuawwo::>al su AlladOld S!qllOJ asn poo~ S! S!ql IIulaAo luql )[U!ql I 'passalppu alU asoqlluql amsua olladopAap aql ql!M )[lOM II!M JJUlS luql aIqulloJwO::> w.! os slaqwaw I!::>uno::> laqlo aql Aq paS!Ul uaaq ApualIu aAuq aw wa::>uo::> luql sanss! aql aIqulloJWO::> w.! uosualluqllOJ )[U!ql I puu 'llodal JJUlS aql puu :aU!UaAa S!ql alaq paluasald SUM lUqM uaaMlaq sa~uuq::> lUU::>!j!U:a!S AUU aq Olluaddu l,usaop l! I!::>uno::> aql Ul01J alaq pmaq aA.! luql sluawwo::> aql W01J puu slq~noql AW "nOA )[uuq.L ::aUOpnd 10AUW "l! uo luawdop~ap pOo:a u lnd s,laI OS lOds pooD 'lU!od poo:a u S,H 'ou lnq 'OS luql uuqllanaq q::>nw la:a l,UOP Aaq.L "MOU su~!s u:a!udwu::> 10J uO!lu::>oI u:a!s auo laqwnu V laqlouu PU!J Ol aAuq II,aM ssan~ I puu UO!lUUllOJU! JO l!q poo:a u aq PInoM luq.L 'IIaM su SAUS ApnlS la)[lUW I!ulalluqlluqM aas Ol )[001 OS[U II!M uaql puu amlnJ JO 10AUJ U! Alu!Ulla::> lnq l! uo op ollaA )[lOM JO lOr u s,alaql )[U!ql I os lSU!U:aU S!qllnd II!M luql splUpUUlS aql puu lU al,aM alaqM 10J alu[J 10 JaaJ u la:a nOA )[U!ql I 'S~U!ql asoql JO awos puu AllUno:J puu UMO.L aql 'sauo lUa::>al aqlJo awos q~nolql auo:a l,uaAuq aA\ "aUm au!] Ol S!ql q:anolql )[lOM nOA su nUlS puu aW)l uo A[allaAO "lda::>uo::> U! l! JO lloddns U! w.! luql oq::>3: :lS!nbpun1: uuwI!::>uno:J 'lS!nbpun1: uuwI!::>uno:J "nOA )[uuq.L :~uopnd 10AUW " " "PUU ApnlS ::>!JJUll aql :aU!MOIIU JO lloddns U! w,I os lda::>uo::> aIoqM aql ssn::>S!P Ol alaqlsnf al,aA\ 'lU!od S!qllu :aU!qlou s,luql ssan~ I MOU lq~m 'pnOld aq uu::> aM puu lno SpUUlS luql :aU!qlawos l! a)[uw laqlul Ol waql qsnd A[qUqOld Ol MOU)[ nOA dn luqllq:anOlq uoslalad UUW[!::>uno:J "uo!ssas )[lOM lno lU passn::>s!p aM luql spmpuuls asoql JO awos Oll! PIoq uu::> aM luql OOl ~u!doq w,I and u S,l! asnu::>aq puu ~ AUMq:a!H uO "l! 10J lOds poo:a u aq p ,l! 'alaqllq~!l dn a)[uw Ol paau aM luql PUU[ IU!llsnpU! a::>!JJo mo ~OOZ 'Zllaqwa::>aa - ~U!laaw I!::>uno:J AlD City Council Meeting - December 12, 2005 Councilman Lundquist moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded to approve the concept planned unit development for a twin home and office development project located at the northwest corner of Highway 5 and Galpin Boulevard, subject to addressing the following issues as part of the next phase of development review: 1. Development will require a land use amendment from residential to office for the southern eight acres, conditional use permit for development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District, preliminary Planned Unit Development, site plan review, and subdivision review with a variance for the private street. 2. The development needs to comply with the design standards for commercial, industrial and office institutional developments. Additional building detail needs to be provided to ascertain the quality of the proposed development. 3. Planned Unit Developments require that development design standards be developed for the project. 4. The following building and parking setbacks will be incorporated in the design standards: 70 feet from Highway 5,50 feet from West 78th Street and Galpin Boulevard, 25 feet from private streets, 30 feet from the western property line, 50 feet from Bluff Creek, 40 feet from the Bluff Creek Overlay district primary zone boundary and 40 feet from the wetland buffer edge. 5.... Reduce the number of building sites proposed on parcel B. 6. Verify that all buildings would comply with the proposed and required setbacks. 7. The goals set forth in the Bluff Creek Watershed Resources Management Plan (BCWNRMP) for the Lowlands Region are to be incorporated in the further development of the plan. 8. Drainage and utility easements shall be provided over all existing wetlands, wetland mitigation areas, buffer areas used as PVC and storm water ponds. 9. A preliminary grading plan must be prepared. 10. A preliminary utility plan must be prepared. 11. The applicant must provide storm water calculations for any proposed subdivision. The development will need to provide storm water ponding on site for treatment prior to discharge into the wetlands or creek. The development must meet pre-development runoff rates for the 10 year and 100 year storm. On site storm water ponding must be sufficient to meet all city water quality and quantity standards. 12. Erosion and sediment control measures will be required in accordance with Chanhassen City Code and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's (MPCA) National Pollutant Discharge 25 9Z ')[gglJ llnm: pUU pUUngM pUn01U lUgUlg:mU{.(Ug/UO!lUlOlSgllUl!quH 'S)[::mqlgS pUU gUOz A1UUl!ld )[gglJ nnm: MOqS V P::>lUd :gl!S S~U!SSOlJ U!dIUD gql Ol gIqU::>!IddU glU SgnSS! UO!lUAlgSgld ggll pUU gdu::>sPUUI ~U!MOnOl gqj. 'vZ 'IUAOUlgl ggll pgSOdOld su ngM SU g~UlgAO::> Adouu::> ~U!lS!Xg 10 UO!luInJIu::> U gp!AOld pUU gl!S gql uo SgglllUU::>mU~!S nU glU::>OI Ol pggU IHM 19dOIgAgp gqj. 'EZ 'lggllS l[l8L lSgA\. SU IPM SU ~ AUMq~!H ~UOIU pglU10rnO::>U! gq ~U!Ullgq pUU ~U!Uggl::>S gdu::>sPUUI lUU::>mU~!S luql SPUgUlUlo::>glllUlS 'UUId ~u!du::>sPUUI U gl!nbgl IHM lUgUldOPAgp gqj. 'ZZ 'UUId ~U!PU1~ gql uo pglU::>!PU! gq nuqs )[::>uqlgS pgl!nbgl gql pUU Alupunoq gUOZ AmUl!ld 10P!ll0::> )[gglJ nnm: gqj. 'IZ 'lOnno uu su pgpnpu! gq PInoqs gUOZ A1UUl!ld P!llS!a AU{lgAO )[gglJ lJnm: gql JO nv 'OZ 'SUUId gql uo pglUlOrnO::lU! gq Ol pggU IHM )[::luqlgS pUU 19JJnq pgl!nbgl pUU Alupunoq gUOZ A1UUl!ld lOP!llO::l )[gglJ JJnm: gqj. '61 ')[::luqps 19nnq pUUngM lOOJ 017 gql su ngM su SlUgUlgl!nbgl qlP!M 19nnq g~UlgAU UInUl!U!Ul gqllggUl Ol pgSOdOld SqlP!M 19nnq pUUngM Iunpu gql MOqS nuqs UUId IOllUO::l UO!SOlg pUU ~U!PU1~ gqj. 'lgJJnq pUUngM gql JO g~pg gql UlOll )[::luqlgS 100J 017 U U!UlU!UUl nuqs SglnpnJlS nv 'U~!S 19d OZ$ AlP gql Aud lsnUl pUU SU!~gq UO!PnJlSUO::l glOpq 'JJUlS AlP JO UO!l::lgl!P gqllgpUn 'SU~!S g~pg 19JJnq PUUIPM nUlSU! lSnUllUU::l!Iddu gqj. 'g::lUUU!P10 pUUngM S ,Al!::l gql ql!M g::lUUP10::l::lU U! pg)[UlS pUU pgAgAlnS 'pgAlgsgld gq nuqs SUglU 19JJnq pUUngA\. 'U!suq pUUngM gql pun01U pgU!UlU!UUl gq lsnUl qlP!M U! 199J ~'91 19nnq pUUngM V '81 'S)[IUMgP!S pUU S{!UlllUg::lufpu Ol gl!S gql Ul01J pUU s~u!p{!nq gql UggMlgq AnUUlglU! SUO!pgUUO::l UU!llsgpgd gp!AOld Ol pggU IHM lUU::l!Iddu gqj. 'L I 'g::lUUU!P10 Al!::l OllUUnslnd SggJ )[lud Aud Ol pgl!nbgl gq IHM lUU::l!Iddu gqj. '9 I 'UO!lUlSglOPl pgSOdOld pUU SUO!lUInJIU::l g~UlgAO::l AdOUU::l ql!M ~UOIU SpUUIPOOM pUU Sggll ~U!lS!Xg ~U!MOqS AgAlnS U l!Ulqns Ol pggU IHM lUU::l!Iddu gqj. '~I 'gl!S gql Ol SSg::l::lU 101 pgl!nbgl gq IHM l!Ullgd AlunOJ 19AmJ pUU j.oauw V 'vI 'Al!luunb 19lUM pUU Al!IUnb 19lUM 101 Sg~lUl[::l UO!pgUUO::l (dWA\.S) UUId lUgUlg~UUUW 19lUA\. g::lujlns olpgfqns gq IHM pgfOld S!qj. '0 'g~pg pUUngM pglUgU!Igp gqllu 'pgAlgSgld gq Ol S! .IglJnq ou 1! 10 19nnq SU pgAlgSgld gq Ol SUglU 'Sugm nu pUUngM nu OllUg::lufpu pgp!AOld gq nuqs g::lUgJ l{!S II gdAj. 'l!Ullgd UO!l::lnJlSUOJ II gsuqd (S3:GdN) UlglSAS UO!lUU!Ul!ItI ~OOZ 'ZI 19qUlg::lga - ~U!lggW {!::lunOJ Al!J City Council Meeting - December 12, 2005 Tree preservation calculations and landscape plan including reforestation and bufferyard plantings. Show existing trees outside of Primary Zone on landscape plan. Parcel B No overstory trees allowed under overhead utility lines. Show overhead utility lines on landscape plan. Tree preservation calculations and landscape plan including reforestation and bufferyard plantings. Meet parking lot landscape requirements. Meet bufferyard landscape requirements. Show existing boulevard trees along West 78th Street on landscape plan. 25. Galpin Crossing shall pay full park dedication fees at the rate in force upon final platting. 26. The commercial buildings are required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. 27. The plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 28. A demolition permit must be obtained before beginning demolition of any existing structures. 29. The location of property lines will have an impact on the code requirements for the proposed buildings, including but not limited to; allowable size and fire-resistive construction. The plans as submitted do not have the information necessary to determine compliance at this time. 30. The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss property line issues as well as plan review and permit procedures. 31. The developer shall have soil borings made to determine the suitability of the site for development. 32. A traffic study be completed for the proposed development." 33. The applicant shall not submit for preliminary review until the Retail Market Study has been completed by the City. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to O. CITY MANAGER'S PERFORMANCE REVIEW: ANNOUNCE RESULTS. Mayor Furlong: Item number 6 on the agenda refers to the City Manager's performance review. The City Council met in executive session on Monday, December 5th and again this evening discussing Mr. Gerhardt's performance and compensation as our city manager. Following is a summary of those discussions. Mr. Gerhardt has completed another excellent year of work. .. 27