Invoice 12-22-05 City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227-11 00 Invoice QUANTITY DESCRIPTION 8 Property Owners List within 500' of 7845 Ship To: emUF CllANllJSSEI To: Mr. Truman Howell Truman Howell Architects 17815 Hutchins Drive Minnetonka, MN 55345 SALESPERSON KTM DATE 12/22/05 TERMS upon receipt UNIT PRICE $3.00 AMOUNT $24.00 TOTAL DUE $24.00 :~\ ':,:.:6 .?;'f!~:.t,~:.; ,_ ~.~;.~.:;, NOTE: This invoice iJ'~ta~~9r(l':nce with the Development Review Application submitted to the City by the Addressee sh_g~m::~i,~bove (c'opy attached) and must be paid prior to the public hearina scheduled for Januarv 3. 2006. ~&/~Wf!j~y;i.<<~wP~j~:~r~~&:_, !6~:~:!-\:;... .' '. >: ., " ?:jlff!li~ Make all cti;e:eJ~$ P&~~:~le to: City of Chanhassen ,;~~!~~!t~~::;~:: ::::e::i~:~~:h:::iC::::~: ::5:~-:::::-::.' -.':::"/;',' ::<'; :.~ ~~:...: THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS!