CC Minutes 1-23-06 City Council Meeting - January 23, 2006 6. The applicant shall enter into the attached Development Contract and Special Assessment Agreement. 7. Standard drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated to the city as described in the UTILITIES section of the staff report. 8. The plans must be revised to show the exact location of the existing utilities (watermain and sanitary sewer) and easements. Additional easements may be required as described in the UTILITIES section of the staff report. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to O. JACOB'S TAVERN. LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 5 AND CENTURY BOULEVARD. APPLICANT. TRUMAN HOWELL ARCHITECTS: REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR A 6.808 SQ. FT. RESTAURANT BUILDING ON 2.02 ACRES. Kate Aanenson: Thank you. This request is for site plan approval, variance free. It's a request for approximately 6,800 square feet of restaurant located at the comer of Highway 5 and Century Boulevard. This site has been identified as a restaurant and was put into place when we actually put the, oops move in a little bit on that. So this would be Highway 5 and Century Boulevard. This is where the Holiday Inn sits. When Holiday Inn went in we actually anticipated and they rough graded for that site and always anticipated a restaurant so we're pleased to bring one forward for you tonight. Just wanted to give you a couple other background issues that were some points of discussion and looking at the picture of this property, again I mentioned the rough grading that when this project came in, the staff actually, the engineering department actually undertook the curb cut issue on Century Boulevard. There is a little bit of a concern about that but I know we did adequate, this piece has always topographically separated from the rest of this. This is our natural area that we preserved. It's beautiful views looking out the hotel side and the restaurant seating. We believe it's a really nice asset that really gets the best use of circulation we provided for a curb cut in there. If you go down to Corporate Place, that is actually would be how you would get to Lifetime Fitness, so they're not on the same road access wise but eventually they may get on Century Boulevard. So if you look at in the staff report there is some discussion regarding the conditions of approval that we're monitoring that and that's one of the items we're actually going to do some traffic counts and bring back to the Planning Commission to see what the actual traffic modeling for that is fulfilling that after the restaurant would be built and kind of see how that's functioning. Again that was a big issue. So with that back drop, talk a little bit specifically about the site itself. It's a unique... It's unique in the fact that there's that larger berm in front so what the developer or the architect actually made a more vertical roof line on the site to actually provide for the berm that's in front. Has some interesting orientation. This would be the, if you can see that, maybe you can just zoom in... This would be the drop off area or the drive through for the Holiday Inn. So there's easy sidewalk access to get to that. There's also additional sidewalks to get to the back of the building. There is a trail... that trail was put in place... which is again a really nice asset for people staying in that area. The restaurant itself has a nice fire pit on the outside, and then also has nice seating around the perimeter. So there is some shared parking that was set up in place between the two pieces at the Holiday Inn and the 46 City Council Meeting - January 23,2006 restaurant itself. We believe again that will be successful. So I'll just take a few minutes to talk a little bit about architecture itself of this particular building. The Planning Commission did... the big issue then, I talked about is the very vertical building... with outdoor seating. The silo. Kind of similar to some other things that we have on the other end of town.. . the culture of that area. So I think all and all, looking at the, based on the sight lines...is pretty limited but what you can see is the top of this first. It's low key as far as the signage in itself. The one issue that did come up was the canvas awning on the top of the silo itself. We're looking at making a recommendation of changing that, the roof and the canvas. I think there was concern about, I know another material would be more expensive but just the long term maintenance.. . and the height of that, that we wanted something more durable. So again... which is consistent under the PUD itself. I did mention the street, talking about how we get access to this via the Century Boulevard cut through and shared parking with the Holiday Inn. That shows on the other drawing it was massed graded so there's minimal grading that needs to be done with this. So all in all it's a pretty clean site plan...most of the work will be in the building itself. So with that we are, I also wanted to talk to you a little bit more about that, but I think I won't steal Truman's thunder. Let him go into a little bit more detail about the material itself. But the Planning Commission did recommend approval with the conditions in the staff report and there were a couple modifications... With that I'd be happy to answer any questions that you have. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Questions for staff. Councilman Peterson: Kate if you would, just to highlight the two views that we have there. They are from what direction? Kate Aanenson: This is...south and then this is...this side, and this side is which you see right here. And this is the outdoor fire pit. Mayor Furlong: Is the silo on the northwest comer of the building? Does that answer your question? Councilman Peterson: Not, so the silo is in the northwest. Mayor Furlong: Toward the intersection. Kate Aanenson: Correct. And again that's the part to get the visibility, right. So there was some discussion, quite a bit of discussion actually at the Planning Commission regarding, changing that roof line but they're actually at the end of the discussion... Councilman Peterson: What's the discussion of signage so far? Kate Aanenson: Essentially pretty well.. .they are allowed a monument sign that does say, the plans itself show a monument sign along, I believe it's, they're looking at somewhere over in here for the, which would be the entrance. Applicant: At the comer of 5 and Century. 47 City Council Meeting - January 23,2006 Kate Aanenson: I was told that that was going to be the spot where you wanted to put it so, apologize for that. It shows a monument sign but at the Planning Commission that was, so. But the building itself is actually pretty, it's shown on this...it would be allowed. Two wall signage and then the monument sign would be additional. Mayor Furlong: And a follow up to Councilman Peterson's question, is there any signage allowed on the roof line itself or it looks like right here it's on the wall. Kate Aanenson: Right, because architecturally if they were to do something different, it would have to be integrated into the building and I think at this point we'd want to say that that would be no. To have it come back and try to put something artificial into it. Right now I believe it's a more softer signage and that would be actually the silo. Mayor Furlong: It's on the building as well as the monument sign? Kate Aanenson: Correct. And there's...where they put the monument sign...put in the staff report. We've actually showed 2 locations. We didn't put it in on the south side, but again I think the silo's going to be what catches your eye. Because right now it's hard to see the Holiday Inn on certain perspectives, which is... Mayor Furlong: Other questions? Councilman Lundquist: Kate question on how this is or isn't impacted by the retail market study we just... Because we've always looked at a restaurant on that spot, a restaurant next to a hotel, and I mean that makes sense as well, any reservations or hesitations at all? Kate Aanenson: That's a good question. Actually this area, when we put together this PUD we actually allowed for some ancillary support use. We always anticipated a hotel and a restaurant at this site, so it is consistent and doesn't require rezoning. Anyone that's looking at rezoning... Mayor Furlong: Other questions? Ms. Aanenson, real quick. You had mentioned in your report, your verbal report and it was also mentioned in the report about the materials for the top of this, canvas versus some other recommendation. Is that a condition in here? Kate Aanenson: Yes. Mayor Furlong: I've been. Kate Aanenson: I hope it is. There should be a strike out in there. Mayor Furlong: There was a strike out on number 4 which, that was the roof line and looks and gables and stuff. Kate Aanenson: If it's not we need to, I think we're willing to look if there's something more durable. You know we talked about metal standing seam, so I think we're willing to work with them on that but I think what we want to have is something beyond canvas. 48 City Council Meeting - January 23, 2006 Mayor Furlong: Okay, but is there something right now in there or does that need to be discussed? Kate Aanenson: I think it needs to be added. Mayor Furlong: Maybe you could propose some wording and... Kate Aanenson: Number 32. We'll put something together. Mayor Furlong: Any other questions? At this point. The applicant's here. Good evening. Would you like to come forward? If there's anything you'd like to add for the council? Truman Howell: Well I'm Truman Howell, Truman Howell Architects. Good evening Mr. Mayor and council people. Any questions we could answer, we'd be happy to. The client came to me and asked for something of a vernacular in what would typify a Midwestern feel. Obviously if you go to the farming identity but what we've done is kind of stretched some of the basic forms and tried to do something more interesting than is common. The silo's and the cupola's on the building are actually wire frame as opposed to being solid. The silo actually identifies 3 large fireplaces that you find in the, on the ground. One for the outdoor area, and one for the waiting area on the inside and one for the bar area. So they're all three there and the silo basically caps those off. They're large timber trusses on the inside which will identify the space and the, will be a very, it's going to be a very comfortable and exciting interior. If there's any questions I'd be more than happy to answer those. Mayor Furlong: Questions. Councilwoman Tjornhom: When is this expected to be completed? Truman Howell: I think as soon as they can. They're making, putting together the project as we speak and they've been quite successful so. Mayor Furlong: Mr. Howell, the question that came up with staff's recommendation with regard to material for the top of the silo. Is that something that working together with them. Truman Howell: We will work with them, yes. We had.. .of course we'll work with them. Our initial idea was that it would be a fabric. Cloth of course, but then it came back with yeah, but you're going to have to change that stuff and so we had some discussions and I think standing seam's a good and expensive a bit much. We may try talking about something that, we'll work together to make that happen. Mayor Furlong: That'd be great, thank you. Any other questions at this point? Okay, very good. Thank you sir. Truman Howell: Thank you. 49 City Council Meeting - January 23,2006 Mayor Furlong: Are there any follow up questions for staff? If not, I don't know that this changed much coming from Planning Commission. I know they spent quite a bit of time and had the public hearing there so I don't know if there's anybody wishing to make public comment but they'd be welcome at this point if they do. No? Okay. With that, I'll open up council discussion then. On this project. Thoughts, comments. Councilman Peterson: I'm one probably that raising the flag on architectural interest and expressing the need for that and I guess I say that with a grin because this clearly has that. I commend the applicant for pushing the window and that's what I've been espousing over the years and it was enough of a push where I had to look at it twice and go do I like that? But then I said to myself, it's not necessarily my opinion. It brings a distinctiveness.. .and I think we've accomplished that and I think that, everybody involved should be commended for that so I think it will be a nice asset to the community. Mayor Furlong: Thank you for those comments. Other thoughts? Councilwoman Tjomhom. Councilwoman Tjomhom: I'm just happy they're coming. I think it's a long time coming for a new restaurant in Chanhassen so welcome and look forward to eating in your establishment. Mayor Furlong: Councilman Lundquist. Councilman Lundquist: I would echo. We need more restaurants. Glad to have something new and different and I look forward to eating there as well. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Mr. Labatt. Councilman Labatt: I would echo it. I would change the word from different to unique. I like it very much. Mayor Furlong: It's not a brown, beige box. Councilman Labatt: No. Mayor Furlong: Which is good. It's going to work well along that. It looks great and I think it's definitely going to be an asset. It's a great location and looking forward to seeing it come together so, I would, Kate do you have some recommended language there for 32? Kate Aanenson: Yes. The silo shall be durable material similar to a metal, working with staff. Mayor Furlong: How about the applicant works with staff to identify a durable material? Kate Aanenson: That's fine. Okay, is that, okay. Mayor Furlong: Is that okay? Kate Aanenson: That's fine. And they're... 50 City Council Meeting - January 23,2006 Mayor Furlong: This is going to have to come back for. Kate Aanenson: No. Mayor Furlong: This is it? Okay. So we've got to make sure that, do you want to make it acceptable to staff then? Kate Aanenson: Yeah. Well at it's clear that your intentions is that it's not canvas. More durable material. Roger Knutson: You might as well say durable material which does not include canvas. Kate Aanenson: That's what I would say, right. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Sounds like we've got some, we can work on something. It sounded like, I just want to make sure we're good. Okay, so the idea is staff proposed condition 32. Councilman Peterson: It's actually 31 because we're deleting number 4. Mayor Furlong: Okay, so we'd add that as 32 and we delete 4 as shown on the staff report. Conditions 1 through 32. Okay, is there a motion to that effect? Councilman Peterson: Mr. Mayor I'd move that City Council approves Site Plan Case 05-40 as presented by staff this evening with conditions 1 through 32, with the addition of 32 as noted earlier. Councilman Labatt: Second. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any discussion on that? Hearing none we'll proceed with the vote. Councilman Peterson moved, Councilman Labatt seconded that the City Council approves Site Plan Planning Case #05-40, plans prepared by Schoell & Madsen, Inc., dated November 10, 2005, for a 6,808 square-foot restaurant on Lot 1, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 6th Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the City and provide the necessary security to guarantee erosion control, site restoration and landscaping. 2. A recorded parking easement for the benefit of Lot 1, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 6th Addition for the use of nine stalls on the Holiday Inn Express site (Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 6th Addition) is required as part of the site plan. 3. The developer shall install site furnishings including benches, bicycle racks, and tables. 4. All signs shall require a separate sign permit. 51 City Council Meeting - January 23,2006 5. Mechanical equipment, either roof-mounted or at grade, must be screened. 6. The building must be protected with an automatic fire sprinkler system. 7. The building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 8. The building owner and or their representatives shall meet with the Inspections Division to discuss plan review and permit procedures. 9. Pedestrian ramps shall be provided in all locations where the sidewalk ends at a curb. 10. The full access driveway onto Century Boulevard is allowed. However, should the driveway cease to operate in a safe manner in the opinion of the property owners of Lots 1 or 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 6th Addition, or Lots 1,2 or 3, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 4th Addition, or if any of the following conditions are met, the property owners of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 6th Addition and Lots 1,2 and 3, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 4th Addition shall be assessed 100% of the costs incurred to correct the conditions in a fashion acceptable to the City of Chanhassen: a. Level of service "P" at the intersection during peak AM and PM times. b. Level of service "D" or below at the intersection during non-peak times. c. Significant accidents that are attributed to the configuration of the intersection occur that indicate a mutually recognized safety concern at the intersection. 11. The slope located along the southern property line shall be seeded with a native grass mix and left natural. The applicant will be allowed to mow along the parking lot and trail if necessary. 12. Storm water calculations shall be submitted to ensure the existing downstream storm water infrastructure is sized adequately for the proposed development. 13. Two details for silt fence are included on the detail sheet. The old detail for silt fence (Detail 5300 last revised January of 2003) should be removed from the detail sheet. The plans should be revised to show inlet protection around all storm sewer inlets. 14. Wimco-type inlet controls should be specified for inlet protection. Inlet protection shall be provided for existing catch basins immediately adjacent to the project. 15. During installation of the proposed storm sewer infrastructure to the existing storm sewer, temporary caps or plugs should be provided until the installation of the pipes and inlets are complete. 16. A temporary cover of mulch and seed is needed within 14 days of final grade for any exposed soils or if any exposed soils are not actively worked within a 14-day time period. 52 City Council Meeting - January 23, 2006 17. Any sediment tracked upon paved surfaces must be scraped and swept within 24 hours. 18. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (NPDES Phase II Construction Site Permit), Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (for dewatering), Minnesota Department of Transportation, Minnesota Department of Health) and comply with their conditions of approval. 19. A professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota must sign all plans. 20. The applicant will be required to submit storm sewer sizing design data for a lO-year, 24- hour storm event with storm sewer drainage map prior to building permit issuance. 21. The applicant should be aware that any off-site grading will require an easement from the appropriate property owner. 22. Installation of the private utilities for the site will require permits and inspections through the City's Building Department. 23. Add the latest City Detail Plate Nos. 1004, 5214, 5300 and 5302. 24. The site will be subject to City sanitary sewer and water hookup charges at the time of building permit issuance. The 2006 trunk utility hookup charges are $1,575.00 per unit for sanitary sewer and $4,078.00 per unit for water. 25. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies must be obtained, including but not limited to the MPCA, Department of Health, Watershed District, MnDOT, etc. 26. On the utility plan show all the existing utility sewer type, size, slope and class. 27. Cross-access easements for the shared driveway access must be obtained and recorded against the lots. 28. A lO-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e., street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, Qwest, cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance #9-1. 29. Yellow curbing and "No Parking Fire Lane" signs will be required. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location of yellow curbing and location of signs to be installed. 30. Builder must comply with the following Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policies. a. #1-1990 regarding fire alarm systems, 53 City Council Meeting - January 23,2006 b. #4-1991 regarding notes to be included on all site plans, c. #7-1991 regarding pre-fire drawings, d. #29-1992 regarding premise identification, e. #34-1993 regarding water service installation, f. #36-1994 regarding proper water line sizing, g. #40-1995 regarding fire protection systems." 31. The applicant will work with staff to identify a durable material for the top of the silo which does not include canvas. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to O. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Furlong: Any council presentations? Okay. There was, Mr. Gerhardt and I did attend, a week ago Saturday Carver County, the Emergency Preparedness Meeting was put on by Carver County. It was very well attended. It was nice to see from across the county, including cities, townships, school districts, and I think the flavor that I took away from that is we're well prepared as a county and we have a good emergency operations plan in place. We put part of it to use when the President visited just over a year ago, in terms of the emergency operation center and there seems to be good coordination between the different levels of government in this area. That meeting itself I think demonstrated that we had for example, which was very nice to see. Our city is served by two school districts, both 112 and 276, Minnetonka and Chaska school districts and there were representatives from both school districts there at that meeting, which was I think from most school districts across the county as well so, it was a good meeting and, there continues to be different levels of government working together from an emergency preparedness standpoint so. Other discussions or council presentations? Seeing none, administrative reports Mr. Gerhardt. ADMINISTRA TIVE PRESENT A TIONS: Todd Gerhardt: Just want to update the council, the storm water study is done. We'll be having ajoint meeting with the Planning Commission at our work session on February 13th so we'll update you on the progress and final draft of the study. Update on the water treatment plant. This coming Wednesday all the foundation walls will be up. They will then in the next couple weeks be capped off. Little bit of utility work to be done so we're out of the ground and that's a good thing. Paul's promised me he won't find any other surprises out there. Councilman Labatt: How many did you find? Todd Gerhardt: Oh, quite a few. But that project's moving along. The mild winter we have, they continue to work every day. If you noticed the boom truck pouring cement, so it's been nice. We already talked about the depth at Lake Ann. We're looking at 9 to 11 inches of ice out there. We will not be allowing people to drive out onto the lake, but 9 to 11 inches is more than enough to handle the crowds that we usually attend the February Festival. And then you have a park commission meeting tomorrow night and so Todd Hoffman will be there. Staff as usual and 54