Transmittal from HGA 2-2-06 ~. Architecture I Engineering 'I Planning To: Kate Aanenson Community Develpment Director City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 From: Erik Hansen Phone: 612-758-4275 We forward the following: 10 sets of Civil Site Drawings 1 set of Storm Water Management Cales. Remarks: Kate, Please find the enclosed per your request. CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED FEB 0 3 2006 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Transm Date: Project: t t a I February 2, 2006 Emerson Process Management Office Addition 1192-041-00 Commission No.: Via: o First Class Mail o Direct Courier o I-Hour Courier o 2-Hour Courier [!( 3-Hour Courier o OvernighUExpress o Other o Fax - Pages to follow: Fax phone number: Copy To: o Correspondence File o Contract File o Shop Drawing File Also Fax To: o o o cc: Others o o o o cc: HGA o Bill Peters o Linda Pederson o o s:\ 1100\ 1192\041-00\communications\transmittal\eah001s.doc Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. HGA Architects and Engineers, LLC HGA Architects and Engineers, LLP 701 Washington Avenue North. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA 55401-1180 Telephone 612.758.4000 Facsimile 612.758.4199 Visit our Website: www.hga.com