Plans 11x17 2-3-06 02005 Westwood Prof.s.lonal ServIces, Inc. Construction for Preliminary Plat Submittal for Liberty at Creek Side Chanhassen, Minnesota Prepared for: TOWN&' OOONbRYHOMID3 .~~~.._.............~lt~~~"'r ..... ...... ... ...,>/./(t~h. 7615 Smetana Lane, Suite 180 Eden Praire, Minnesota 55344 Contact Kevin Clark Phone: (952) 253-0462 Fax: (952) 944-3437 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED FEB 0 3 2006 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Prepared by: '" Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagtilm Drive Eden Prairi.. MN 55344 Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 Project number: 20021071.00 Contoct: Chris Moehrl, P.E. VICINITY MAP NOr 10 SCALE Plans SHIlBT NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NO. DATE REVISION SHBBTS 02/03/06 Revisions Per City Comments All INDEX DIlSCRIPTION COVER EXISTING CONDITIONS PRELIMINARY PLAT PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN PRELIMINARY TREE INVENTORY PLAN PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN PRELIMINARY DETAILS PRELIMINARY STREET PROFILES Construction Plans for Preliminary PIat Submittal for Liberty at Creek Side Chanlwaen, MlDnesola Date: 06/f1 /05 Sheet 1 01 10 C-2 20021071CVP1.DWG c 2005 Westwood Professlonol Ser\;lces, Ine. ~ I A r- r- I / ~r :;L_ I I ~ I / 'f-dbo ~. -.'>6' C?s>.. "oj> .. ~" " " " I...est lin(l of thtt . " -t'/4 of the NW to' NOO008'59.W 742.J8 NOO008'59-W 704.91 B \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ \ 6. \ \ 9. -A \-gO \ \ I ~~ .. I , ,~~ , '\ ~" , / , (/ .-<' '\ ,,/ " / (/ 0' I'" J ....., ..,. ... ... ... _ ....... If _ . .... ., ... ........ -'... I _ ....,..... ~ -;?)~~..- ~ ~ rTl/03/06 ~ .... 23021 a.w. Oodoodo CWW DMwlz III --. 'DIr:tIr!.a ...J.tWa - Q2/03j\:l1 ........ ..... at)' earnn.nt. Prepued foe Westwood Professional Services, Inc. ~ TOWN &: C01JNIRY HOMES -a'.-;j"'?~ -, 7S99 Anos1am DrlYo Eden _ ~ 55344 PhoM:~-U7-S'sa Fo: t52-1J7-sa22 LEGEND . CCWIFCROUS 1Rff (.."".yed) In ElECTRIC lKmt * ocaouous 1Rff (.."".yed) CD ElECTRIC IIAN11a.E ..... IIE7LAND (l) SANITARY lIANHa.E . SIffi/ltOOO POST ~ CA Tal BASnI S1CN- T1WT1C;OTHER Cl FUoRCO END SEC710N IiiC IIA1LBOX e STCR1J IIANHa.E Q PERC r<sT ill TE1.EPHONE BOX e IJONITORING NfZ.L. ~ c...TE VAL~ ~ CABlE TV BOX <':> H'({)RANT m CAS lKmt 0 lIEU * S1RffT UTf: POWER O'IERHEAD GUY "RE FCNCE UNC 00' POWER POlE -v-v.r- ocaouous 1Rff I.INE m ElECTRIC BOX 0 DctnotN s.t Iron Monument . o..of. Found Iron Monument (!) Ihnot.. Co$t .ton MOI'HJf1Jent VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCAlE Legal Description 7h. Northwsf QuINter 01 the Northl/ffl$t Ouorter of Section 26, TOIfl'la'Ip 176.. Range 23 (refeTTed tQ horoln tn Troct A). ALSO: Commetlt:irg Qt the Southwn com. of Section 2~ Town$hp 176, ROfPg(1 2J; thMC#I z::~ :morths::~~ ~tJ c:;t ':t;U:~th~f -:::/ o~:oJd ;:~~ ~~ ~~ .:c::e"/ to .md Southrrat comer of .-old Section and plQCfI of Hginnlng. &/ng 0 three-cot"MAd pIoce In South.,.t corn.. of aokI S<<tion 23. TOfIInshlp 176, R~go 23- ALSO: Boginning Gt the tIOCJtheost com.. o( the NorlhNSt Quart.. of the North..t Quart... o( Section 26. TOImBh.p 116 North of Range 2J MWt; then~ ~th dong the quarter-quorttJr HCUon line distance of BOO fNt to CcvYer- County Rood No. 14; then~ east oJong the north line :~en~ C;;Ya!:'~: ::Ct~Is~V70:t {: (1~r;;;e:t':~:' ':r-..~t quorter-q<J<<'f.. HCtJon line of the Northwest Quart.. of ~d Section 26; thence West (1 dlstoncd of 26 feet to the quorler-quorl.. Metlon line; thence 60fJth (1 d/$tQflCfJ of 26 feet to place of beginning (~ to herein Off Tract 8.) EXCEPT: that port of Tract A which rHlfl Easterly of LiJe I dacrbed bek1rr. Lhe 1. Comrnencilg at the north quorler com.. of ~Id Section 26; thenCfJ nm west O'J azimuth of 271 degrHs 56 mlnutu ", NCOI'ItU along the north line of .,/d uction for 1S,U.2J feet to the point of beginning of Une 7 to lHJ ~ tMnce 01'1 O'J azimuth of 724 degrNs 59 minutu 47 IItICOnds for 366.71 felJt; thence 01'1 O'J azimuth of '79 degrees $' minutes 07 second$ for 478.28 fMt; th~ 01'1 Q'1 azimuth of 225 degteft 16 minutes 10 seconds for 201.7.J feet; thencfI on on ozImut/l of 2'8 degreu 08 mlnutn s.:s ftCOfId$ for 606.64 ke, to a point on the IIOUth line o( ~ Northwut Quarter of the Norlhwat Quarter and there ttlmlmtlng; ond EXCEPT that pat of Tract 8 which lies Norfhlllldterly and South~terly of Une 2 dtI$crIJed below: LiJe 2: CommetJCi'lg ot the point of tennlnatJon o( UJe I descrlHld abowr; thence I1J(J ftlSt on 0 azrnuth of 91 degrtlft 2.J minutes .u $e(;(IfId$ along tlta south line o( thd North half of the ::~~ =:::fd o::~:' o'r;fi6"~td; ::Uf:sin~9o'.::!,,~0!J:732~t:b:,.,ce on dn ozImuth o( 200 tiegreu 42 mlnutu 57 HCOfJds for ~97 feet; th~ on en azimuth of 105 ~ 08 mklutn 31 NCOnd$ for .J51.7S fedt; thence on on Qzmuth of 99 ~ 25 mimltes 54 seconds for 5'0.00 ,"t ond there terminotfng. Together with right of access retained i'I Quit Ooim Deed Document No. 310751 pur'!IUOfIt to Aecas Drivw'IKJY Permit doted 8-26-2002. Totd Site Arwa.,' 36.01 GentS ~~ I I I o' 100' 200' 300' C-2 ZOO21071EXP01.0WG Liberty at Creek Side Dote: 6/17/05 _ 2 OF 10 Existing Conditionsl Survey n.M\'h~ MJ:rmeeota o 2005 Weslwood Professional SenIle... Inc. '" I I ",' ~/ '" / I I , , ,"- , , , , , , , , , /' I I ~ "16 I --Q. l ~ \ \ , \ , , \ \ \ \', \ \ " ) " I ~ " IK' '" , ~ ' '...'\ \ / \ I \ ' \ I ,,' '" I ..,~ ~~ I ~ I '.I- ~ CO ~ o ~ I I I I --~ / / ...........J '" "'- ........... ........... +-' ( !..~~ .\< ~- o~t'V/ ~ ~ Development Data I I Total SIte Area &/sting Zoning Exl8tlng Gukh Pion Propoud Zoning Total PrtImItJr TotmIIotne8 Total Concord Tollnhonla 0wNaI/ Den6lty Outlot A Total &/sting IMrtlond6 Total IMrtlond Mlt. Area Total 30K Slopes Net Developoble Area Net Den6lty Total Impertfous Area Street, Roodwoys and DriIIes Local Public Street ROW Public Street - 60 ft. ROW Private Street Private Drives Buldlng s.tbacU (minimums) Public ROW Private Street Private Drive Abutting Property Wetland Buffer BU/7dlng to BuUding Minimum Drlvertoy Length Premier Majestic NUra 1. The Jot dimensions and art1Qs on this plan are approximate. Refer to the FInal Plat and supporting data for exact lot dimensions and areas. 2. All setbacks measured excluding stoops, patios. porche.s or decks. LlfI1IJlUlI'JlI Town and Country Homes 7615 Smetana Lone, Suite 180 E:den Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: (952) 25J-0462 Fax: (952) 944-34J7 Contact: Kevfn Clarlc Typical Premier Lot 10.0' - -10.0' ----~-- 1=;ll:l I \-------------- ~ ".----" '...... .",," ,.__",....)ttt.......cO/cuJqffil Flood Plain Un. (t>p.) ;; -; ;- ;; ;; ;'" ", I"T I ....,. ..., .. tWt .... _ ....... .,. _. __ .. .... ........ ... .. I .. . ..., --.. UNO IlJDDQI. ... .. .... .. .. .. .. ....... "'"'" CIoodooI> CW>oI ..... .. ..... DIawIM: ....~ Preparedfaz: - G2/0J/OlS .......... ,.. aty ~ Westwood Professional Services,lnc. 7599 AnagrIm 0rMl Eden PrairIe, ~ 55344 MIone: 152-117--5150 fu: ts1"'J7-$IU Calla W.""" 02Ill.1/116 2.11121 - \ \ \ \ Legend Concrete Curb It Gutter Concrete Sidewalk Liberty at Creek Side 36.01% ac. A-2. Agricultural Preservation Residential Medium Density (4-8 u/a) Residential Medium Density -PUD 98 units 48 units 4.05 un/ac. 0.4J acres 0.90 acres 2.77 acres 1.47 acres 30.44 acres 4.80 un/ac. 8.97 ac. (29X of Net) 2.44 ac. 31 ft. B-B 31 ft. B-B 20 ft. B-B 25 ft. w/walk lie 15 ft. w/aut walk 25 ft to back of curb 20 ft. to back af curb 50 ft. 40 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. (to curb or walk) 20 ft. (to curb or walk) l'LANNBIIIIlNGIVJI'JnR: Westwood Professional Services. Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive E:den Prairie. MN. 55344 Phone: (952) 937-5150 Fax: (952) 937-5822 Contact: Chris Moehrl Typical Concord Lot c ~ ~~ I o' I 100' 200' I 300' C-2 20021071PPF01.0WG Dote 6/17/05 - 3 OF 10 Preliminary Plat 02005 Westwood Professlonol ServIces, Ine. ---- I'" Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 -.... DriYo Eden ProI.... WI 55344 Phone: M2..sJJ..5t50 Fa: 952...,17-5122 -- CoIl 48 Houri before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Aree 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll free 1-800-252-1166 ---- ---- / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / I / ~ I / - /- - - - - - - -i- L - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ J ---- ~~ / , , , , , , , , \ \ , , , , , , \ \ \ , , , I I \ , " I , , I...... --... I I I I I L._._._._._._._._._._ I I ~ (, I I ) I I I L /' / I , ,," , \ ....~ ........ ........ < ...... ...... ...... X ..../ ------- ........-,," / ( / - - - r....., -,........... _.......,......., ... ...,...w.. .. .... I .. . ..., ...... INm8CIoPa AJaaIIC'f'" ... .... fill. .. .... ., --. l'l-epIred foe - ~/OS ~ hr 0t1 corm..n.. ----- ----- 1 ~ .:1 /. '. I 11 \ : I ,.1, ., I / )( / / / ,-1 I o' I 100' I 200' 300' C-2 20021071SPF01.0WG Liberty at Creek Side Dote 6/11/05 _ " 01' 10 ..... 00dI00I0 """ am.. _ .... nmwm. ...,.... ~ 1DWN"& CDUNTRYHOMES -~:zr::;:-'"'"' Site Plan -J.- """ lT1/03/06 ~ No. 1U54 rh....'h..... YlnDMota -" G / / / / ~ I~ I'" I ...., ..,. ... .... ... _ ........ ., .. . .... ., a.t....... .. ... I.. ...., ...... ~ a<<lINaI. __ ... .... " .. .... " ......... ~ TOWN&: OJUNIRYHOMES -au,,;Ji7l;:y;......~ Westwood Professional Services, Inc. ""-1_ aw: Pnpuedfor: - 02/'0.'/00 ~ fir at)' eam..nbl a..-. ClDI 'DInrD: AlII .... DIawtM h'''' 7599_ OrNe Eden ......... "'" 55344 Phone: '52..,37-51$0 Fax:: .S2..,U-5UZ CbrIo UoeIu:I. PJl. .- 112/03/06 40853 .- No. / CoIl 48 Hou.... before dIggIng: GOPHER STA 1E ONE CAlL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 EROSION CONTROL NOTES: . AU. SILT FDIa: AIQ OTtER EJtOSKlN CCIN1ROl FEATURES SHALL BE IN-PLACE PRIOR 10 NfY EXCAVA11ON/OONS1RUC11ON NC) SHAll. BE WMfTAINED UNlI.. \MaE 1URF OR CROI...H) CCM:R HAS BEEN ESTASJSHED. EXISTING 51..T f'EHa: ON-SIT[ SHALl. lIE MAINTAINED ANO CR _<MIl NlD SHALl. BE CO<SIIEIlED INOOENTA&. 10 11iE GRAI:lIHG CCHlRACT. IT IS OF EX1RO<<. ItalORTANCE 10 BE AWNIf: ~ QJRROlT fIEUl COIIlI1lONS lIllH RESPECT 10 EROSION CO<1Ra.. 1EMP<lRARY PONDlHC, llI<ES, HAY BALn, E1C., REQUIREI) IN _ Q1Y SHALl. BE lNOllOlTAl 10 _ _ CXlHTRACT. . AU. STREElS DlSlUWED OlIGNO WORKING HOJRS WUST BE ~ AT 1HE END (F EAOi ~ OA Y. A ROCK EN1RANCE TO 1HE SJ1[: WST BE PRO't1DED ~G to DETAILS to RIllUCE lRAO<IlG ~ DIRT ONTO P\IIIUC S1REETS. . PRCflOSED POhDS SHAU.. BE EXCAVA1ED F1RST . BE USED AS lEWPQRARY ~OING OURJNC CONSTRUCnON. PERf[RAlED ClU1l.ETS SHAU. BE PROVIDED. . THE SIlt MUST lIE STAllAU2ED MTH A _ SEID lIIX . nl'E I Ml.lDI ~ A.CCaWANCE NtH IH>OT 2'~ UN.ESS OlHfR.SE NOltD. . ALL lEWPORARY $TOCKPl.ES WST HA\t: 51.T FDa PLACED NlOUNO THEIl to tRAP S<DlIotENT. . THE SI1E SHALl BE STASAUZED .~ ~ HOURS (F F1NAL GRADE alIoIPU1ION. . AU. PERWANENT PONDS USED AS TDIPORARY SEDlUEHT B~S DURING CONS1RIJCTlCH SHAll. BE DREDGED NlER 1HE SllE HAS BEEN STABIJ2ED TO RESTORE TO TtE PROPOSED 8OT'TCI' D.EVAlION. . AU. DePOSED SOLS NOT TO BE GRADED FOR: 7 DA'rS (~3<1 SlOPES~ t. DA'rS (10:1 to 3<1~ OIl 21 DA'rS (,0:\ CR flATTER) SHALl. lIE SEEDED ANO ll\Jl.Cl€Il. GENERAL GRADING &. DRAINAGE NOlES' . AU. CONTOI.IRS AM) SPOT nEVAllONS ARE SHOWN TO FNStED st.ftfACf/WTT[R GRADES ltUSS OTHER'MSE HOlED. . REFER TO THE Silt. PlAH/RECORD PlAT FOR WOST CURREHT HORIZONTAl SITE 0IIliEHSKlNS AN:) LAYOUT. . THE CO<lRACTCR SHALl \fJlFY THE UlCA1\ON All) ELEVAllON ~ EXISTIfG UT1UlIES IK) TOPOGRAPHICAL FEAnJRES .-ni tHE ()'#lt4ERS N<<) Fn.D-YERfFY PAlCR to CONSlRUClION. THE CO<1RACl'OR SHAU. IIAlEDlAlaY NOTIFY THE ENGIEER ~ NfY ascREPANCIES OR VARlAlKlHS FROM PlAN. . ALL CONS1RUCllaf SHALL ~ TO I.OCAl Rl.l.ES.. . POSI1r.E DRAINAGE FROM THE SIlt MUST lIE PRO\lllED AT AU. 1lloIES. . ALL RETAtfINO WALLS TO BE DESlQNED IN ACOORDAHCE M1H NOlA STANONIDS . Ta'SOll. RCil'READ SHALl. BE o.i5' ON PADS All) D.lI' ON OlliER QlWl AREAS. . DRW't'EWAY CRAOES ARE TAKEN TO THE o.R8 . QIT1ER ~ PUBUC SlREETS MERE THERE IS NO SIOEWAU<. LBGBND: ~ DENOlES SOIL BORING DENOlES SILT FENCE DENOlES HEAVY DUlY SILT FENCE DENOlES EXlSnNG CONTOURS DENOlES PROPOSED CONTOURS DENOlES EXISTING STORM SEVttR DENOlES PROPOSED STORM SEVttR DENOlES EXlSnNG lREE UNE DENOlES APPROXlMA lE lREE REMOVAL UMITS DENOlES EXISTING SPOT ELEVA nON DENOlES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVAnON DENOlES EMERGENCY OVERflOW ELEVAnON DENOlES EROSION CONlROl BlANKET (MNDOT 3885, CATAGORY 3, WOOD nBER 2S.) ---- -980- -980_ o--~-o -..- ~ rY"YY"'Y"Y"\ lC 856.3 ,"""'1> E.O.f. ~ ~ )( 0' 100' JOO' 200' NOT FOR CONSTRUcnON C-2 20021071COP01.DWG Liberty at Creek Side Dote: 06/17 /OS _ 5 OIl 10 Preliminary Grading, Drainage &: Erosion Control Plan ~ Ml..- 02005 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. ';~ ~~~//I&Jn ~~~~ ~ "-., ---.......: --"""..::::- ":'~. -;r /' L'/,A ~ ~. S: ~ ~ --- .-~ ~ I I~'{\. f=d.. ~""~ o. ~ ~ n!---,,//e;\!/(J/B ~ ~J1 '1 .=- r- ~/ 'I O>.~ ~ ~ ~/ AO IJ mfl, ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ) ~\\~ - ~~ ;--- ~ ~ tfID1 ( ~ .!. ~~ lNi \--1 ( ~~~ Il.. ~ ;::: ~ "" ~~ \~' ~ :.:~ ~:"~~_ ~p' ~~ ~ / ~ ~ ~~~~r~ "-~~-~ =, - ~-" ~ ~ ~~~~\~ ~~~~~~ ~~ \ ~ '---:::::-~ ~ ~~ ~ X rl ~" c~" ~ ~ ~~, ~"'~ ~~, j,~~ '.(f ~'-~ ~ ~~. J ~~J~~~./ % ~~''(.'~ AF '/~~: ~ ~~" - ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ --- I;/Ii; 1', /: h ~ ~ ~ -/v'U~JS'1ff~ \\( . ~, ~":f'---~ ~~~'- (~ ~l!t: '/ L~~Wi ~'~~ r ~q,vl .. --- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "" ~ - J) :/ /! / /, % ' r ?! ,"\ ,'\. ~ V~ I' ,...-4 ~~ t \ '\ 't I ~~ ~ '-~fjJ)~ 'h ) (~'I ) ~ ~~~ ~1;')L\\{r-~~~' rl - ~ ~.,~ WA~II Z 1 ~ ~ t1? '\\\.\ ~~ / I -~~~~\\~ ~~~ fl:. II~/;/ ~r ~ ~ ~713 ~~ {I { /-" -----Iv.~~~ ~ ~ /:~ ~ ~-^ - .'1t~ I ~~\\ ~~~(\\ I '1 - \,...... ~'\.~ ~ ....... '/ I -- ~. \\~'\~~ ~ \.\ \ ~ =--- " \I:;%: ~~"" 0:: /' j '2JY- } ,,~~ '\ h-'~1)l" ~/ V l/i'" _ ;;V_ '\ ~ ........--3"\\ /\ ~_\ \, "'~\ \'\\)\ - '" ~ j/' /,-(.l~ct/ ~ V ~', tl \ "01\'\l)) 'i.~! ')/ 7 .~W/,J!/( ,\ --;b-,~-..J~/' ,,~-~--~~-_-": Evergreen Tree Detail Tree Detail ~ --.J ::~ ~~ :~ \ \ \ I \ \.\ ~ \ \ '--~rz -- I "\.. ........ '- \ ~ ~.\ :;::...~ ~ ..--~ ~ ~ 'V 1 >.. "- ~ "- "- " } ~ I ,.' ~ ~ h l*l ~ I rt- ( I) ~ ~ N 'JI . it o " \ Ol.Itfl'l~~ Leow. ...... ~tact Pl>uMcMm~btanctI-. ~leacNnIhtact antI~t.llptlaroat T.,........ft__~<-)..Iht---. ~.,.....S("""- w-..... ..... ... tit .. ...... ..... .. ,..,tw --...... "-;J",~"",,"eutIldIr1lOt..... ..... ... .. .... ... 1" ,." 1Ml~ .. ~40"""tlX''''", PICICl4I4.lkiptttoflfl<<:l1Wl'I'lUIdl_ plarItpb-""ot,..~trUIlk 8aGIdIII plantpn: with.,.,.... bol:MIlaI .............,.llCIIedfor:......" ~.... .-cI to fht llronctIM "-4...ttlrlf~llWIcIh_ .....tpb-...phagaNttrunlc Iack1II pMnt pit wttft lIpeOIIN boddII... ScIcI1f)I' .... end Mttorft ., "'" rw.rtoAmtr1eoln~far""""'StoCIk far m/ntlNm IMII ilia. F'_ r dMp watertIt... s.t RIoOt ball <Oft unchtwtMod ...... .. ~"l\'IOUI'IdmatcNrl,__ Mtwal .--. wtlh ftnWled . ... Scartfy....antlbottontotfwlle ~~~ .:.--c \lor ....., stook FCIITIlr..wot.rfn,...... s.trootbalon~~... awnpoeUd .. lftOUIld ~ '"- IMItwaIf"lWldlM"""~....... I'" J ..., ..., ..... .... .... _ ....... .,. _ _ __ ., ... ~ .. .. J _ . .., ..... I.ANI:8:APa AIICIIrDIt.T.......................", ........ - rn/22/f>> - ... I"Iant u.t: ond 8ufrw ~ - Mt tn/2&/aS - It1rtIMd tlu. tlIoak 0I'Id h10 """'" on plan - JWH 02/0J1OI - bAIIonII P. at}' eor.wn.,.. _ CEF Westwood Professional Services, Inc. ftJoI lIB "'" Prepered for: 7S99 Anagrlm Drive Eden PrIlrle, M'l 55344 Phone: ts2..137.s1SO Po:: ~J7.5122 IU54 -. . .,.... "..". ..... n...t.. ...!... IIdw 1- HoB: """ 112/03/06 .-.... Planting Notes Contractor aha!! provide one year guarantee of 011 plant materiale. The guarantee begin. on the date of the Landscape Arc:hlteet'. or Owner'. wrftten acceptance of the initial planting. Replacement plant material. ahalt oIto how o one year guarantee commencing upon planting. All plants tCl be specimen grade. Wlnnesota-vrown and/or hardy. Specimen grade .,011 adhere to. but Is not limited by, the following standards: All plant! aholl be free from disease, pesta, wound.. 1CGI'1I, ete. ~: =:~ :~: :: = =: ~~~~~ ::: ~:'~e:'- deform lUes. All plants shall hove heavy, healthy branching and l8(lflng. Coniferous trees aholl haye on establ[thed main leader OI"td a height to width ratio of no less thon 5; 3. Ph:Jnts to moot AmerfCQtl Stondard for Nursery Stock (ANSI 60.1-1990) roqulromenta for size and t)po ~lfled. Plant. to be Installed oa per standard ANSI planting pracUcea. Use minimum 12" loom planting lOiI on trees: and 6" on shn.iba (ald" and bottom of hole). Backfill lIOn to be oxlstlng top aoU from slle free of roots, rocks larger than one Inch, eubsoa debris. a1d lorge weeds. Contractor sholl verify locations with 011 utDitiea prior to msta/lotion of plants. Staking of trou optional; reposition, plumb ond stake If not plumb after one )00'. Ykap 011 .-nooth-barked trees - fOSlten top ond bottom. Removo by Apr) 1. ~: :;:;'f ::o~a~:. BB materlols; remove pot on potted p1anta; spflt and Pnme plants as necessary - per standard nuraOf)' practice and to eorred. poor branching. f'tants shan be lmmedlately planted upon arriwl at lite. Property heel-In materlols If neeeuary. tomporory only, All disturbed areas to be sodded unless otherwise noted: sod to be standard tlnneaota orown and hardy bluegrass mix. All sod areas lIkall bo prepared with .- of topsoil and raked to remoWl debrb ond ensure drainage. Slopes of 3:1 or greoter Iholl be staked. Four Inches of shredded hardwood bark mulch lIkotl be used around aU trees within turf areas. All shrub planting beds (withln sodded arecs) shall hove weod barrier fobrfc" 4- Of shredded bork mulch and Valley-VieW Bfock Diamond (or equat) poly edging. Th. edging shall be placed with emooth curves and at least Y from the eent.... of evergreen trees. Utntze curbs and aidewalka for edging where poaalble. ~ Contractor shall contact Gopher State -One Call- (651~OOO2 or 800-252-1166) to Yerlfy locations of all underground utnitiea. Actual location of plant materlal Is ..,bject to field and a1te conditions. No pfontln; wAI be Installed untn 011 grading and construction has been completed in the immediate area. Contractor .,011 provide necessary waterin; of plant materials until the plant le ~y ~~~ or iTlgatton s)'Stem Is operational. Owner will not pro't4de water Provtde Irrf~on to all planted oreas on site. Irrigat10n will be deslgn/bund by ~t:=:r ~=~ C:.::=otton about installation and acheduUng con be Repair, replace, or provide sod/seed Ot requred for ony roadwoy bolllevord oreos odjJcent to the alte disturbed during construction. Repair an damage to property from planting operaUons at no cost to own... No plant material substitutions wi' be accepted unless opprOYal Is requested of the Landscape Architect by the londseGpe Contractor prior to submission of the bId end/Of quotation. Shrub Detail ~OGrItGnw,_soImaRCW\ ~ sol fnCIUIId mGtdl"'t ftubI lWVaI ..-.-.. IIltII fin.,. .... '"* AIl"~MlaIflalNOlhol4"fIIf ..,cMed muIcfI end .... IlcmIr fain: =-':,,::=~.:= BodcIlI_tpltwfttt.....1MIddI;1OI ~ toWN&: eX)'U',NTRY fIOMES -a """._~':::-o.":,, Plant List COOE QTY. O'IERSTORY 179 COMNONjIlOTANICAL N....E Patmore Ash / Fraxlnus penns)4vonlca 'PatmClf"e' Green Nountaln Sugar Nople / Acer aaccorum 'Green Mountain' Red Oak / Quercus alba Sk)Une Hone)i'ocust / G1edltskJ trlacanthQl YQr. Inermls 'Sk)Wle' Redmond linden / 11110 amertcona 'Redmond' NorthwClOd Red Waple / Acer rubrum 'Northland' Bur Oak /Quercus macrocorpo ~ @ ORNAMENTAl 54 ~ ~ fMJ<GREEN 81 8> SHRUBS 7. . Prairie fire Crabapple / Walus x "Prairie Fire' Spring Snow Crabopple / WoIus X 'Spring Snow' Cockspur Hawthorn / Crotoegu. crus-galll Japanese Tree Lloe / S~In90 retlculota Autumn Brlfllonce ServIceberry / Amelonchler :II: grondlflora 'Autumn 8rUlIonce' Block HUls Spfyce/p1cea glouco densata Austrian Plne/plnus nigra Colorado Green Spruoe / Plce<J pungens Scotch Pine / Pinus s)4vcstrts Tectmy Arborvitae / lhuja ocddentalis 'Ted1ny lsanU Dogwood / Cornua slolonlfera ~sontl' Red Twigged DogWood/ Cornus eer1cea boRe)'!' Nonn~erry VIburnum Vlbumum lentogo Compact American Cronberr)bush Vlbumum / Vlbumum trIIobum 'Compacto' Dwarf Bush Hone)'BUckle / Dfervllla lonicero Dwarf WInged EUOfl)1llUS I Euon)'nUI Glatu, 'Compoctus' SIZE 1.S" -3.S" BB 1.S'-3.S" BB 1.5"-3.5" Be I.S"-3.S" BB I.S"-3.S" BB I.S"-3.S" BB I.S"-3.S" BB 1.5" 88 I.S" BB I.S' BB 1.S' BB 1.5" SB 6'-1!' BB 6'-8' BS 6'-8' BB 6'-B' BB 6'-B' 99 36" Pot 36" Pot 36" Pot 24- Pot 24- Pot 24" Pot 24" Pot NOTES: QUANllllES ON PLAN SUPERSEDE UST QUANllllES IN THE E\{NT 01' A DISCREPANCY. PLANT SYW80l.S ARE DRAv.N AT 75" NAlURITY lS'/3O' BUFFER REQUIROIENT TREE QUANllllES ARE REFlECTm IN THE PLANT UST AND ARE NOT SEPARATE QUANllllES. 15' Buffer Requirements Mediull) Density Adjacent to Rood Buffer Yard Requirement -S" (City Ordinance) 2.0 Canopy Tree. per 1 DO' LF of Buffer 4.0 Understory / Ornamental Trees per 100' LF of Buffer 6.0 Shrubs per 100' LF of Buffer Trees Required 707.31 LF 1100 LF = 7.07 7.07 x 2.0 = 14.14 <Morstory Trees 7.07 x 4.0 = 28.28 Understory I Omamental Trees 7.07 x 6.0 = 42.42 Shrubs Trees Provided 9 Overstory Trees 5 8' Evergreen Trees 17 Ornamental Trees 11 6' Evergreen Trees 42 Shrubs NOlES: 31~ 01' fMJ<OOEENS PRO\llDEO IN THIS IS' BuFFER ARE 8' TALL 69:1: 01' fMJ<GREENS PRO\llDEO IN THIS 1S' BUFFER ARE 6' TALL 30' Buffer Requirements MedIum Density Adjacent to Road Buffer Yard Requirement "B" (City Ordinance) 0.8 Canopy Trees per 100' LF of Buffer 1.6 Understory I Ornamental Trees per 100' LF of Buffer 2.4 Shrubs per 1 DO' LF of Buffer Trees Required 494.66 LF 1100 LF _ 4.95 4.95 x 0.8 = 3.96 Overstory Tree. 4.95 x 1.6 = 7.92 Understory I Ornamental Trees ., 4.95 x 2.4 - 11.88 Shrub. ". Trees Provided 4 Overetory Trees 9 8' Evergreen Trees 12 Understory Trees 9 6' Evergreen Trees 32 Shrub. NOTES: SO:l: 01' fMJ<GREENS PRO\llDED IN THIS 30' BUFFER ARE I!' TALL 50~ OF EVERGREENS PRO\llDEO IN THIS 30" BUFFER ARE 6' TALL I 0' I 100' 200' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I 300' Dote: 06/17 /OS _ 6 Of 10 C-2 20021071PLP01.DWG Liberty at Creek Side Preliminary Landscape Plan tl'tXf.::> X Tree Inventory List \ \ \ ~ \..- -:rz<~, "- '- 10. Soecles Saved/Removed CaI,ln. Not.. 7001 American Elm S....., 12 7002 Amerk:an Elm S....., 12 7007 American Elm s...... 20 7010 Boxelder s...... 13 7011 Mlite Oak S....., 15 7012 Aspen S....., 22 X 7013 American Elm Sa"'" 15 7014 American Elm s...... 13 7015 American Elm S....., 12 7016 Boxeider S....., 15 7017 Boxeidel'" Sa"'" 15 7018 Hackbenv S....., ,. 7019 Boxelder S....., 19 7020 Bur Oak S....., 26 7021 American Elm Sa"'" 16 7022 8ur 0aI< S....., 35 7023 Bur Oak Sa..ed 32 7026 American Elm S....., 12 7027 Boxelder S...ed 14 7026 American Ekn S"'"'" 12 7029 Bur Oak SlMd 25 7032 Boxe/del' S....., 12 7033 American Elm S....., 12 7034 Boxelder - 13 7035 American Elm S....., 12 7036 Boxelder S....., 14 7037 Soxe/del' Sa"'" 13 7040 Bur Oak S....., 29 7041 Sur Oak S....., 17 7042 Bur Oak S"'"'" 26 7043 Bur Oak S....., 26 7044 Bur Oak S....., 34 7055 Boxelder - 13 7056 Boxelder S....., 14 7057 Boxelder S....., 22 X 7058 Boxelder S....., 16 X 7059 Boxelder s...... 12 7060 Boxelder SlMd 13 7061 Boxekler S....., 13 7062 Sur Oak S....., 43 7063 Americm Elm S....., 12 7064 American Elm S"'"'" 13 7065 American Elm S_ 12 7066 Saxe/der SlMd 16 X 7067 Boxelder S....., 12 7068 Boxelder S....., 26 X 7069 Amer1can Elm S_ 22 X 7070 Boxelder Sa..ed 15 7071 GreenlWhite Ash S....., 12 Trees Off-Site 10. Species Saved/Removed Cal.ln. Not.. 3294 Sugar Maple S....., 6 7003 Black WillOW' S_ 12 7004 Cottonwood S....., 15 7005 Sur Oak: S....., 48 7006 Bur Oak S....., 31 7024 BlXOak S....., 32 7030 Bur Oak S_ 27 7031 BIS Oak S....., 26 7045 80xelder S_ 27 X 7046 American Elm S_ 12 7047 American Elm S....., 21 7046 Eastern Red Ceda" S....., 20 7049 Boxelder S....., 24 X 7050 80xelder s...... 26 X 7051 80xelder S....., 22 X 7052 Boxelder S_ 16 7064 Amerk:an Elm S....., 12 7085 Black wmow s...... 45 X 7066 American Elm S....., 21 X 7094 Gr&enf#hile Ash S_ 16 7176 Eastern Red Ceda" S....., 15 71n Eastern Red Cedar S_ 17 7178 8ox_ S....., 18 X 7179 Boxelder S....., 18 X 7160 Boxelder s...... 18 X 7181 Boxelder S","", 16 7162 Boxelder SlMd 20 X 7183 Boxelder S....., 12 Total T.... (C.1. In.) = 590 TotalCal.ln. RElfTlOI.ed 0 Total Col. ". s...... 590 10. SD8cltl Saved/Removed Cal.ln. N""'. 7072 Baxeldel' S...ed 15 7073 Boxelder S","", 12 7074 Boxek1er S...ed 29 X 7075 Bur Oak; S..... 48 7076 Boxeldel' S....., 12 70n Boxelder S...ed 12 7078 Boxelder S","", 36 X 7079 Boxelder S..... 27 7060 Boxe_ S""" 12 7061 Boxelder Sa"'" 12 7062 Boxelder S_ 14 7063 Boxelder S....., 12 7067 Boxe/de( S_ 20 X 7068 Boxelder S_ 20 X 7069 Bur Oak S."'" 25 7000 Boxelder S...ed 13 7081 Boxelder S."'" 16 7082 Boxelder S""" 16 X 7083 Black Willow S....., 31 X 7085 Bur Oak s...... 40 7096 8... Oak S....., 39 7087 Bur Oak S"'"'" 23 7096 Bur Oak Sawd 34 7089 Boxelder S....., 14 7100 Boxekier S....., 27 X 7101 GreenlVVhite Ash SlMd 12 7102 Boxelcler S....., 13 7103 Boxelder S....., 12 7104 Boxelder Rerno1oed 25 X 7105 Boxefder RemCNed 26 X 7106 Boxelder Rerno1oed 33 X 7107 Boxelder R_ 37 X 7106 Boxelder R_ 22 7108 Bur Oak R_ 16 7110 Boxelder Rem""'" 16 7111 Boxelder Remowd 13 7112 American Elm Rem""'" 12 X 7113 American Elm R_ 16 71'4 American Elm R_ 19 X 7115 Boxelder Rern<>.ed 21 7116 American Etm Remowd 14 7117 American Elm Rem<>ed 15 7118 GreenI'Mlite Mh Remowd 13 7119 AmeOcan Elm RemCNed 15 0 7120 8ox_ Rem<>ed 15 7121 Boxelder R_ 16 X 7123 Boxe_ S- 13 7124 Bur Oak Sawd 20 7125 Bur Oak s...... 21 10. S~cl.. Saved/Removed Cal.ln. Nole. 7126 Saxe/del" S_ 16 71V Boxelder S","", 12 7126 Boxelder S_ 13 7129 Boxelder S....., 12 7130 Boxelder S....., 17 7131 Boxelder S""" 14 7132 Boxelder S_ 19 7133 Boxelder S.... 16 7134 Boxelder S....., 15 ~;'" Boxelder RernCNed 14 7136 Boxelder RernCNed 36 7137 80xelder ~ 12 7138 Boxelder R_ 15 7139 Boxelder RemCNed 12 7140 America1 Elm S""" 14 7141 American Elm Remowd 21 7142 BurQak S..... 31 .7143 BlXOak S."'" 30 7144 Cottonwood S....., 30 7147 Blade Willow S....., 14 7148 Boxelder S""'" 20 7'49 American Elm S....., 22 7150 American Elm S....., 12 7151 American Elm S.... 13 7152 Boxelder S...ed 12 7153 Boxelder S....., 19 7154 American Elm S....., 12 7155 AmeOcan Elm S....., 13 7156 Sibet1an Elm S...ed 29 X 7157 Siberian Ekn S....., 16 7158 Arnencan Elm R_ 26 X 7158 Soxelder - 19 7160 80xelder S....., 19 7181 Boxelder S....., 30 X 7162 Boxelder S""" 12 7163 Bur Oak - 27 7164 8ox_ s...... 13 7165 80xelder S....., 21 X 7166 American Elm S_ 14 7167 American Elm S."'" 18 7166 Boxelder S""" 16 7169 BIKOak S_ 32 7170 Basswood Sawd 16 X 7171 Eastern Red Cedar S_ 15 7172 Cottonwood S....., 15 7174 Eastern Red Cedar S","", 20 7175 Sugar M e S....., 36 Total T.... (Col. In.)' 2662 Total Col. In. RernCNed 486 Total CaI. In. Sa\ed 2653 Legend * Tree to Remain ~ Tree to be Removed Tree Protection Detail Orange Mesh Construction Fence Location as Ihown on plan Stake evwy 6' maximum. .IlkmIlm Tree Preservation Data . Medium Deaaity ReacIontial lJID Gross Site Area Net Site Area (less wetland &: steep slopes) Gross Canopy Cover Net Canopy (less wetland. '" .teep slape.) BaseUne Canopy Cover (5.4 Ac / 30.87 Ac - 17.5ll) Required Canopy (2Dll) (30.87 X .20 - 6.2 Ac.) Canopy Needed (S.2 Ac - 5.4 Ac - 0.8 Ac.) Canopy Removed (1.01 Ac. to grading limit lin.) Replacement Required (0.8 Ac. X 1.2 Ac. - 0.96 Ac. Canopy Needed Above Exl.tlng Canopy) (1.D1 Ac X 1.2 Ac - 1.21 Ac. Canopy Removed) Total Replacement Required (0.9S Ac. + 1.21 Ac. = 2.17 Ac.) Required Trees (2.17 Ac. x 43,560 SF = 94,525 SF / 1089) Landscape Trees Provided ~ 36.01 + /- Ac. 30.87 Ac. 7.4 Ac. 5.4 Ac. 17.5:11: 6.2 Ac. 0.8 Ac. 1.01 Ac. I 0' Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 loin. Tall Free 1-800-252-1166 0.96 Ac. 1.21 Ac. 2.17 Ac. 87 Trees 260 Tree. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C-2 2oo21071TPP01.0WG MATCH LINE --- .... o 2005 Westwood Professional ServIce.. Inc. Nm 1. Pruning w/IJ be done by profuslonal. durin9 appropriate pruning 1e08On. 2. No atoroge of mat.erki.. operotlon of machinery, or- development of an)' 110ft .Ul occur within the fence-line wIthout approval In writing from the Oty. J. Site grading to b. done only ofter protective measurn hove been token. elt)' 1'10. opprowd fencing location.. and 011 contractors hove been briefed on tree preservation technJqun. J( I 100' I 200' I 300' Prepuecl for: lllalc 06/17 /OS _ 7 OF 10 Liberty at Creek Side Tree Inventory Plan I'" I ..., ...., ... ... .... _ ...... " _ _ __ ., .... ~ ..r .... I .. . ..., ..... I.\NIlEAPI .uaancr ..... ... .... ~ .. ....., ~ - 07/22~- ~ ~-JIlH 07m/fYS - ""'-' Cal. for Ttw '"""-. DetG - JIM1 (T1/28~ - ......... nu. 8todl - .... 02/O.l1OlS - ~ .,.. Oty Oanlmtnb - c:u Westwood Professional Services, Inc. -..-' ... CIIoodool 0..- .... n..tM _Jdd. 11II 1WH fB} TOWN &a:JlJNrRYl:IOMF1i ~a ;/..7$.:."";"'..... 7599_ 0.... Eden _ MN 65.... Phone: ts2..,U.S15D 'u: tS2.137.s&n -,.- .- aum/06 .- ... 1U54 C"'h.,.,"_~ o 2005 Westwood ProfesSf MH-17 RE-909.3 IE-897.3 -----x__ - --l'O----___x____ __)<___ -} -} -.- - -;- <rQlr- - - - -0- _ __ ........ 1 ........ I ------- ~/ / -------- / / / / ------- ~ I / / 0 0 0 b<{" ..... / <:y ..../o-}/-} 0 ~,. 0 I l / 1_'-'-~rF'-,- Cl-.-. L <::.............. ....; ~ /.-j- _-----.1------, '-~. ~ _ --.........--............... .........;:::; ~-...... '--- -- 7--........... >< ..." , .........."." / Ill' 1 ....., .., ... .... .... .. ...... " _ . ... ., ........... ..... I _ . ...,. ..... ~ INQHIIR ... .. Jaw. fII ... .... ., ae-a. - Q2JW:,I'Ot fteoAIloM .... aty ean.-w Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Prepaed for: ---.. ... AIIiI ....- aK _ ADI .... DlawI. _,... ~ TQWN& CDUNTR'l HOMES ._~..~..~ 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: t52.Q7.s1SO Fax: 152-t37..saz.z Oldo UoeII<I. fA ~ f12/C1J/06 40853 ~Mo. CoIl 48 Hour. before digging: GOPHER STAlE ONE CAlL Twin CIty Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll free 1-800-252-1166 General Utility Notes . THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIfY ALL EXlSllNG CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIfY THE O~ER Of ANY DIFFERENCES. . THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE THE NECESSARY PERMITS fOR ALL WORK OUTSIDE Of THE PROPERTY UMITs. . SEE ARCH. PlAN fOR EXACT BlDG. LOCATION. SEE SITE PLAN fOR LAYOUT DIMENSIONS. SERVICE ENTRY LOCATIONS TO BE COORDINATED \\lTH THE ARCHITECT. · VERIfY EXISTING INVERT LOC. " ELEV. PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. . THE WATER SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A MIN. Of 7.5 fT. Of COlIER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIfY THE CITY AS-BUIL T CONSTRUCTION PLANS TO CHECK LOCATION AND MA TERlAL TYPE. · THE CONTRACTOR sHALL CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALl" fOR fOR UTlUTY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO UTIUTY INSTALLATION. · UNLESS OTHER'MSE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS, CONST. TECHNIQUES AND TESTING SHALL CONfORM TO THE 1999 ED. Of THE "STANDARD UTlUTlES SPEClRCATlONS fOR WATER MAIN AND SERVICE UNE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY ~ AND STORM ~ INSTALLATION BY THE CITY ENGINEERING ASSOOA TlON Of MINN." AND TO THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATION fOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION" MINN. DEPT. Of TRANS., SEPTElABER 5, 2000 INCWDING THE CURRENT ADDENDUM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO fOLLOW ALL PROCEDURES AS OUTUNED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. . ALL WA TERllAlN PIPE TO BE PVC C-9oo. · ALL SANITARY MAlNUNE AT 0.4" MINIMUM GRADE. / Legend fXlSlltiG. SANITARY ~ WATER HYD. W/VALVE STORM ~ PROPOSED SANITARY ~ WATER HYD. W/VALVE STORlA SEWER -<1- -1- .~ - <1<1 - -.- -1- III -.,.- x o' 200' I 300' 100' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C-2 20021011UTP01.0WG Liberty at Creek Side Dote 06/17/05 _ 8 ()lI 10 Preliminary Utility Plan "-,,- ~ c 2005 Westwood Professlonol ServIces. Inc. Hot. SIt fetICe per WNOOT ipeCificGtianl,llU"Ce2000. modm. tliced WOWll'l rnonofiIanen~ 36*wide fost-.ed to oteoIT-PooIIwI1hJ(SClb)...... atrenllthplGStic~tinper T-POIl (WoctWle tIIeed) r.......... -- ER0S10N CONTROl F'ENCE _ TYPE 1 Note: T)p'2!11tfencalltbe~Qt)pelwlthhaybolesNtli1edOlperdetcil. T)Pt2tobtnedloprotectalwetlQl'lds. Zip nes _..._r_..... ..............---- Hor....____ ...---...................... rnOC;ION CONTROl FENCE" - TYPE 2 * CrTY OF CBAIBASSEI SILT FENCE 5300 1ID'IKDc,....,.I-02,HI..... 2-97 18'" MINIMUM CUT OfF BERM TO MINIMIZE RUNOf'f FROLl SI1E NOTE: fiLTER FABRIC SHALl. BE PLACED UNDER ROCK TO STOP IolUO MIGRAllON 11-lROUGH ROCK. * CrTY OF CBUBASSEI 2-97 ROCK CONSTR\JCTlON ENmANCE 5301 NOTE: snt fence p<< a..NDOT ep.-clfJcotlone. .ouree 200. mochine 81ilad wo"., monofilament, 36" wide fost.,M1 to It"' T -Poata with 3(5Clb) tensile Itronlilth plastic zip tiea per T-Po.t.(mochln, .nced) SECTION AA * CITY OF OFF ROAO CB CBAlBASSEI FILTER BARRIER 2-01 5302 TYPICAL LOCAL STREET SECTION (31' BACK TO BACK) PL REFER TO PLAN SHEET FOR DIMENSIONS & EXACT SIDEWALK LOCATION CL :L15.5' 30' ROW DRAINAGE " UllUTY EASEMENT 10' I". o o 0 . Westwood Professional Services,lnc. 7599 Anagram OM Eden _ M'l 55344 Phone: ISZ-l37-515O ,..:: l52..,n.s822 30i ROW 15.5' : '."': '.'-: :':.-: ......:..... I ....,. ,..." ... .. ..... ... ....... " _ _ ... .., ...................I-....,.~~ ~....... .... ., .. .... III....... CIodo Yoobd, 1'.11. .- ffl/03/06 .- No. 40853 3.0% SLOPE ", '.::.' "0.::: ....: :." :.", '. : ." .; : ," :: . 1-1/2' - MnOOT 2350 LV\\E3503OB YoEAR COURSE IInDOT SPEC. 2357 8111J111NOUS TAC< COAT 2' - llnOOT 2350 L...,.W3503OB BASE COURSE 12' - CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE, lDOX CRUSHED STONE 24' IlnOOT 3148.28 SELECT GRANuLAR BORROW COloIPAClED SUBGRAOE - O2IOJIWItNIloneP_Cf\1c.r-t11 PLAN \IIEW FOR SPECIflC SIDE FOR SIDEWALK -. . CIK ~ <Dl o..w. ADI ..... ~ awl... PL !"'.'. 6'-3A32 CONCRETE 4' CLASS 5 CClt.lPACTED SUBGRAOE ~gr -:"':' SUW;S mmt . . WATS/'BLANKETS .. .. .... .. .. .. SHOlAll BE . "" TAMP llIRT INSTALLDl OVDlIlAT VDl1lCAll Y BlANl<ET DOYoWSUlPE .. Coli 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CAlL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Iln. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I ~ _-' 1::_~:-::~-------1$ - - - - - - - - - - {;O.5' llIRECTlON Of FLOW ON STRfET CONCRETE WALKWAY NOlE: 1. SUlPE SURFACE SHALl BE FREE Of ROCKS, CLODS, STICI<S NIl) GRASS. IIATS/BlANKETS SHALl HA-.t: GOOD SOl. CONTACT 2. LAY BlANKETS LOOSElY AND STAKE OR STAPlE TO IIAlNTAlN DIRECT CONTACT WITH _ SQL. 00 NOT S1RETOl ~~ LOT IIEJlCHNO 10' DRAINAGE & UllUTY EASEMENT TYPICAL PRIVATE DRIVE SEcrION (24' BACK TO BACK) o o 0 . 112.~ 'I SLOPE VARIES...... SlOPE VARIES ~ .. " .. .~.' :', :,':~':..:~'~~': 1-1/2" II.OOT SPEc. ~ L~.:AR COURSE lInOOT SPEc. =7 IlTUWlNOUS TACK COAT 2" IlnDOT SPEc. ~ L_ BASE COURSE " IlnDOT SPEc. 2211 a.ASS 0. 10Dl1 aIUSHED STIH: _GATE BASE 24' IlnDOT SPEC. 3149.28 SEU:CT GRANUlAR SORROW COllPAClED SlJ9GRADE NOT FOR CONSTRUCIlON C-2 20021071DTP01.0WG PIepared for: .~ TOWN & COUNTRY ,IDMES '-a:::n~~ Liberty at Creek Side Dote: 06/17/05 _ 9 OF 10 Preliminary Grading Details rha"h_ MIDDeIota o 2005 Westwood Protesslonol ServIces, Inc. \PERTY UNE 0 37+62.42 - \ ..,. -"-... ---- ---- '--...... ---- ---- --.......... '--- LP. El.EV a 882.16 LP. STA - 42+21.78 Pili STA a 42+30 Pili El.EV - 882.00 A.D. a 1.46 K c 61.54 I 90' yc I .... "' 0> ~ N '" <'l .... <'l + + '" N '" :.;: '" ~ '" . . ~ . ~ :;: :;: W ~ l1. cl l1. A -=- ""---- ...._-... H.P. El.EV - 902.67 H.P. STA - 20+40.25 Pili STA - 20+40 Pili El.EV a 903.80 A.D. c -6.02 K - 24.91 150'VC Pili STA - 24+43.50 Pili El.EV - 891.69 A.D. - -2.00 K - 20.01 Pili STA - 24+83.50 Pili El.EV - 889.69 A.D. c 2.00 K - 20.00 I r--I ",,-''; .......-- ,,' , "' '" 0() "' 0() 0() <D 5 + 5 + ~ 0> N 0> . . ~ . ~ ~ " :;: l1. l1. :;J --"" '... - " " ,/ " (f:J'Io o.ftn' ,- /' "'..../".; / ............ ... ---- ---- --......- /' / ---- ----- :i~ ~~ ",:t:i on.... ":~ 0>.... 0.... -:~ --:8 q~ "'~ ....0 "':~ --:<D ....~ -:~ ....0 "'~ ~l:: ~~ --:~ "'.... 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STA - 50+17.15 Pili STA - 50+20 Pili ELEV - 888. 73 A.D. - - 2.00 K - 20.00 I I .... 0() 0 ,..: '" + .,; 0> S! '" . , > \" ~ ~ " 5' 5' l1. l1. 4O'VC ~ - ; ~ ~ ~ ,...' '-, ... \\. ,-, -..._- -.........." .......- o. " "....... ........ .1 IJATUM ELEV 885.00 0'" ;;;~ 0>0> ~~ ~~ "':~ --:: 0>: "': ~: --:!;1 O>~ <It;~ ~~ r-:~ o~ --:::l "'~ "'::l",: .", N~ ~r..: ~o:l ~ai _10 ~~ g:tf'i ::<-1 ~....: :!d <Do; ~S t:g ~~ ~a .... o8~ _<D -.... ~g en;; 0>_ 0>- 0>- -0 0>- 0>- 0>- 0>- 0>- 0>- 0>- 0>0> 0>", 0>", 0>", 0>",'" '" 0> '" '" '" '" 0> 0> 0> '" 0> 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 I '\' ----- 781_..... --....... ~ 152-137-11. "'" -.... TOU.FIiEI t.-.u7-5150 westwood STREET C I....,...."............~.,. ____... .... ......... -' ... I .. . ..., ..-.. ~ II<<OINIII. ... .. .... fill .. .... " ...... CIlIlo WoeIuI, P.Il. .- 02/aJ/06 ~ .... 40853 IJATUM ELEV 875.00 "' ....co ~Gi "'~ "'.... ....0 "?::l ...'" ~~ ~Cii"'"": 10 ..... .N .<0 g:& . 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