Application Planning Case No. (j<'Cy-O<1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN. 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 22?-1,100 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED ''.'DEVELOPMENT REVIEW.APPLICATION FEB 0 3 2006 ;, .,1 I. PLEASE PRINT Applicaht-Name and Address: b./!, !trf,:rt'Iv', /Il/?' ,- /ttl// /rrt:$I."YrA 2cYbp /(C/l//J/!.,/)t--'c ~)t/Il." S..tlre /VtJ i-/Jj(CVli-l-C I fUN .s-Stp/-L/ Contact: /(r /'./ M tu..t..t.-,V/J/fc.,,;-I Phone:'l:r2.-1~V5-:'?%.2'7 Fax: 1$"2-9%:j--74~?o Email: r'tJYlt.l-II~~1 bt":.-c 4 @? e.JrJ,ert~h1 i[~)JV1 CHANHASSEN PLANNING OEPT Owner Name and Address: Af~r5~i1 J/l~?U~j-~r/V'\ /SC;PO r1lji;'Uj C.Cf?U,-! /Jr. p( ~ 11 f/t';'.. r-, ~,. /)1 N S!; :J 1-/ i-f - Contact: :JPhn Cil~;'L,&/ic..I<' Phone:9j'2-g5-3--2~"73 Fax: f?6f.~ ?3c.f- 362/ Email: roc, sle y- /'e Co e. a~ I"-LC~ , -. NOTE: Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, includin'g review of development plans X Comprehensive Plan Amendment 1i~t'c!!.t- o 00 Conditional Use Permit (CUP) :P 1'25" - Temporary Sales Permit )( Interim Use Permit (IUP) x X Non-conform ing Use Perm it Planned Unit Development* Zoning Appeal x Rezoning 1 i-i,{.> ~ Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Perm its X. . Notification Sign ~i) (City to install and re ove) Sign Plan Review X EScrow~ Filing Fee~~ost** - Site Plan Review (SPR)* , - $50 UBlSPRN AC/~.A_ _I I~M_ etes & Bounds , .' . . - $450 mar SUB-:j; "S=O' )( Subdivision" t" e' C't- (Ii ..-;( g:1.) =.1'1 fJ3cf TOTAL FEE $ 4, I 'I t' ~ ~'L~\c\ \0 z.. 1 ~y, Anad(jitional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing~otification area will be invoicedto the applicant prior to the public hearing. . . *Sixteen (16) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8%" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a diaital copy in TIFF-Group 4 (*.tif) format. **Escrow will be required for other applications through the develop'ment contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. PROJECT NAME: t ,rrel'~ClN /t~tl fJ e f!- ''''1 .J LOCATION: //1-'/2:,,-/ cP !JIP""ctf/l... rt~JJ- ANI] EIl-I'r (IF /ftoj t?!3t11) ~/.?()I]~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: '1HE .si"u'TlI iVE~'T"l(ulI~"rel!. tr'll'lEl'/ji/J.:n-l,lt't:sr t<u/J/LTE/L t?F ..sE~'l1orv! ")ji!j #'/'"",>;-o/' lit /vP/'-'n.J, /!1l.Vt:'/E 2.3 IVCSTj AN/) if/If EA~"r HI1t-F /lr 71115 l'/vt..:niell!ST .tl()A4're~ TOTAL ACREAGE: /~ tI. 74 II ?IU3,S '1'':; SIZe-nON 27, '1/JwlIISitlf' III; P'P/!:IJ/, /llllolh323 .ve-slj c;/lf.vC i!. l.f;U III I ~ /J11f.!'V J;Sf,7TA , WETLANDS PRESENT: X YES NO PRESENT l'ONING:' . A 2 I 1l~-/-:iC.tt /.-..Tll Ult.. e?/Il- ore REQUESTED ZONING: Aiml t?eSiOGI.lrJ/IL' '-iJt:'~, ,tJ/v'O 1i1eIJJI"/i'1/Jt:-~/./::;llll lJi.s'TIZI~1 PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION:tJFF/~/.; /ltI/J.!S'Tf-II1J-.., 1l6S'I06f1h7!1L MCOit/:ff1/JpN;;j-r'j cJ-lf)ftJ s'X~& . REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION:. /?t:S'I013A/'TlII~ ltJt:.l neAls iT'-1 {stlvtf./-c FAJ}111-Y 11 {le/l ClIVi- Y) REASON FOR REQUEST: S'.tl!Jl')iV'/5J VAl PF 22 S/'N'6-l,6 r/JIVliI-Y /-&',.5 This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with' all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application arid the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of t~is application. I further understand that additional' fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any" authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~_Mwu~.-Jl Ignature of Applicant .,' . p"l- -02.. - Ole. Date S E. c; {\ tfl'\C-ii e- D Signature of Fee Owner Date G:\pLAN\forms\Development Review Application.DOC Rev. 12/05 FEB-01-2006 16:18 CONSULTING MGMT CONST 7635099154 P.03/03 . -- -- ---- --.--.... -..-----... -- --r' .....- .-..... F e b, 1. 2006 11: 37 AM No, 3777 p, 3 PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: II,IJ:TH ,p /Ji~3If/J. 71/.I1~ AND iJJ.11" .~ F \ A~d 0 ~" IbM IJ. :~i:* ;!~\i.,~.;f LEGAL DESCRIPTION: /H~ $,tl"tN iY.'e$'r _ifi:I~1"61!. ~ i~ ;;iif4''NIil.11:i:i'i.lf'$~'' ~w"~14 ,~,. .$i!~"AJ rzjI, ~~~H; fJ III" /Jp/J..TH, AAIJti.iE 2.3 W4'$-rJ" MfJ 1N1 eA~ ;f1t"F 'P THe IIPRH11ASi" .~ClA-~~~.: ~ L'J , ..,,:,/. .~ A , ~ ~'flI'! ., ~ ~ tr'I~ ~ 7, ~wN$i1IP Ill? IIPA.!!NI ~1-6 23. "",i!'sh, A TOTAL ACREAGE: ,,..' ,.~ ." "''''toU' ". r ,... ... , X' ~/ffJl'e~ G(;~ "14JfJJV~$#71f.. wer~DS. P~ENT.; . . YES , NO I ..... .. " "';:,' A 2 AF~/eu/,..1ltI.A/;' IJrS17tTt: PRESENT ZONINeJ. I . ,. , . REQ~~Te;Z~NI'N~:.""lil.ml',Jt~$j06#'~IAL':'UP' I1N{) lI1.elJitt/~ ~(Je/tl~'rrv 1J,:sn.~r .' .~""~. PRESENT LAND USEDESiGNATJON: 'FFiii;/;;~~,.~, 'AUID6)}n~L M6/JiVN Aihsift1 do ~::2s ~QU~ED~'U~.~9~S.I~lJO.t'!:. Ris/~~Ir:.l!,v~~AlI,!" ~ilt-ut.: ~1J-'1 A~e~ (I(,II-~) REASON FOR ReOUEST: G',;I~tJiv.'.J'e'N ,p 12 .r/Nt;.~ ,.-AMI",! /JJr~ ..: iGm#tJiAI' l~pl'e~T'( ., '~.~I ~:~'., i '.\, I . ,I . ~ . \ .:~.. . i';;~ >'~ :i";;;~~' .:: , . '~ ' "!'~:," , .. ", " I ,..... ..-. ,. '" I. ~JV ,r. . '~:'I:.,I .,. . I' ,1.1' . ~ - This appUcatlon must be completec( fn fun and be typewritten 'or clocrty printad ~nd must. be accompanIed byali information and ~Jans required by appJJcabJe City' OrdJnanoe provrslons. Before filIng this application. you should confer with the Planning Depa'tment to determine the speclffo ordinance and proceduraJ requirements ap.plicable to your application. . , , A determrnatlon of comple:tene5s of th~ epplication ahall be made wIthin 15 busrness days of application IUbmittal~ A wrftfen notice cf applJcatJcn deflclencles shell be mailed to.the applicant within 15 business days of appllcalJon. I . " I" r. . . '.' . . , I . ThiS is to certify that I am making appllcatfon for the d8scr1bed action by tha City and that J am responsible for complying VJith. all City requirements wittuegard. to thIs request. ~ This appllcatlqn should be processed In my name Bnd I am the party whom .ti1el~ should contad. regardIng any matter pertainfng to this application. I have attached . copy qf pro~f of ownership '(either copy of Owner'a Dupflcate Certffic;ate otTatie, Absirad of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorfzad person to make thIs applfcatlon and the fee owner has also signed thfs apprJcatfon. .. : n..."' fll .",-. ..:: ,,,:.."'i :..... . , : ,.; .': . Will k~D m~eIf, informed..of the deadlines for submis~ion of material and. the progress of this application. J further undl;itWi~:tf18t addltfonat'1Se's"may bEi"~ fOr'-consiJltlng fees;"'feaslb,rit}i"stlJdfei.":erc. \Nftli;"an es6r1:1~bt:prlOF iO- any' authoozatlon tp proceed wlth the study. The documents and infonnation I hlW8 submitted are tnJe- and;" cXiiiect'to f~ Sest Of.: my knowledge. , . ] =.: .:' -. "0 ..: i' u, . 1..1 , : . _.~ .' . . ". I ,. ..... . . "', .. ~ I ~. ~ ..I I"! '. - '0" .' 7' ~. ." ..r..~ : I. I " ! ~. ~. i '4.'"' . . ;. ~ .7. :":"~ '. ..... I . . ,_.' "t' ~ .:~.~ . "!II . I ,I, r.,.: _ . ( :t: ,'" ... .... . . Dat8-' \.- ',I , I, ,'.: . " Signature of Applicant .l' . ()4. (~~ .~~~~~~er.. ','.. :~ t:- Jkr (+Ie~~ ! . )" ~C't;;-~fV7 . ;2~o 6 ~ O' " :..., .:. : . I ~ I I I ", I ' ..~ ~ TOTAL P.03