1k Approve Change Order to SWMP Update CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us it MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator JA/ February 27,2006 06:z;,. DA TE: SUBJ: Approve Change Order No.1 for Surface Water Management Plan Update REQUESTED ACTION: Simple Majority Vote Required Staff recommends the City Council approve a change order in the amount of $20,000.00 for the Surface Water Management Plan Update. DISCUSSION This change order is due to additional structures and wetlands located in conjunction with the infrastructure inventory and inspection portion of the Surface Water Management Plan Update. City staff originally estimated the number of structures to be inventoried and inspected would be approximately 4,500. The actual number of structures inventoried and inspected is in excess of 6,000. The original estimated number of wetlands was 400; the actual number was 516. The City attorney has reviewed both the contract and the change order request and considers the change order to be justified. This work is necessary in order to have a comprehensive surface water management plan and to remain in compliance with the requirements of the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit; therefore, staff recommends approval of the change order. The additional cost will be funded through the Surface Water Management Fund (Fund 720). The 2006 budget for the Surface Water Management Fund allocates $600,000 to fees for services. ATTACHMENT: 1. Change Order No.1 c: Ron Leaf, Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. G:\ENG\Lori\SWMP\2006 SWMP Update\022706 Approve Change Order. doc The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. ~ ~[E~ February 7, 2006 RE: City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Surface Water Management Plan Update Budget Modification No. 1 SEH No. A-CHANH0409.00 SP Ms. Lori Haak Water Resources Coordinator City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Dear Ms. Haak: This Letter Agreement, Budget Modification No.1, serves to document services you requested beyond the original scope of professional services between the City of Chanhassen (City) and Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH) and relating to your Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) Update project. This Letter Agreement is the basis of our agreed upon modifications in the scope of work and the associated fees for this additional work. Modifications to the scope described in this letter are to be compensated on a lump sum basis of $20,000, as agreed upon during our February 6, 2006, meeting. This fee will be added to the previously approved contract amount of $300,300 for a revised contract limit of $320,300. Additional background and justification of these items is documented in the following pages. MODIFICATIONS TO THE ORIGINAL SCOPE The following paragraphs summarize our original scope, additional work and the basis for each of the tasks for which services beyond the original scope have been approved and delivered. 1. Technical Review Team Meeting Attendance. We have agreed that this meeting was not covered in our original scope, but that our participation would provide a more efficient approach to complete the plan. As we have discussed with you, Erin Krueger attended the initial meeting of this group. There is no additional fee requested for this modification. 2. Replace One Council/Committee Meeting with Task Force Meeting No.7. This modification replaces one meeting from Task 2.4-2.5 with an additional meeting under Task 2.1-2.2. As we discussed on December 14t\ 2005, we will lead and attend a seventh meeting of the Task Force and the initial meetings with the Planning Commission and Council will be combined into a joint meeting. There is no adjustment to the fees for this modification. 3. Storm Water System Structure Inventory/Survey. This modification represents collection of additional structure data beyond the original estimate of 4,500 structure/points and the input of these data into a database. To date we have collected field data for a total of 6,082 structures/points. This represents 1,582 additional data points relative to the original scope. This number may increase or decrease slightly as the data are combined in a single database. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc., 3535 Vadnais Center Drive, St. Paul, MN 55110-5196 SEH is an equal opportunity employer I www.sehinc.com I 651.490.2000 I 800.325.2055 I 651.490.2150 fax Ms. Lori Haak February 7, 2006 Page 2 Supplemental Agreement No. 1 A-CHANH0409.00 Our original estimate and scope of work assumed that the 4,500 structure/points were entirely on City-owned property. This proposed approach was consistent with the NPDES permit program in that the City is required to map only storm system within their direct operational control. We discussed this issue with City staff during our initial meeting with field survey staff at which time we were requested to collect storm structure data on non-City owned property including: private property, MnDOT and County roads and rail road property. Based on this initial survey team meeting and upon the initiation of field work in December 2004, we informed the City that these additional areas would be more difficult (i.e., take more staff time) to access and also discussed that the total number of structures would likely be more than 4500. Because our original estimate was based on City-owned land and we did not have data for collecting structures on private land or MnDOT/County ROWs, our initial estimate was that the additional structures would take roughly 50 percent more effort than the City-owned structures. Our first estimate of the total number of structures that would be surveyed was on the order of 5,000, which was discussed at our April 28, 2005, project update meeting. A refined estimate of 5,877 was provided during our July 19, 2005, project update meeting, along with an estimate of how many were on City-owned, versus non-City properties. A further refined estimate of 6,000 to 6,700 was provided at our November 2, 2005, project update meeting and the scope changes and need for a budget modification were discussed at our meeting on November 16, 2005. The City's decision to collect data on private properties and on non-City Right-of-Way (ROW) will clearly improve the City's database and overall effectiveness in managing their storm water program. As we discussed at the field work kick-off meeting, collecting these data from non-City ROWand private property requires additional efforts (time/costs) on the part of our field crews and in establishing the database system. The following items contribute to this additional staff time and cost per structure/point: A. The time per structure on private property adds 50 percent (or more) to the cost per structure/point established in our original estimate. This relates to additional time needed to locate structures without the aid of City mapping and lor City staff and the need for our crews to visit many of these properties outside of normal business hours so that vehicles in parking lots (for example) would not restrict the collection of data. Additional equipment expenses were also incurred due to the increase in field time. B. MnDOT and railroad ROW coordination efforts required additional effort for our staff to ensure compliance with their specific safety standards and permit requirements and as described above, to locate structures without the aid of accurate mapping of their systems. In many cases, the distance between structures in the RR and ROW corridors is a greater distance between, creating more travel time per structure. We also did not have readily available as-builts to follow for these systems which was a critical assumption in our original estimate for City-owned structures. C. Our original scope assumed that the City would have as-builts (printed maps) available for the 4,500 estimated structures that would guide us to the locations of these structures. At the outset of the field effort, City and SEH staff realized that the extent of these as-builts covered less than about 50% of the structures. The overall quality of the mapping available was also less than we specified in our scope of work. As a result of initial discussions with City staff on this matter, City public works staff was mobilized to assist our field crews in locating structures. This resulted in time savings having City staff assistance, however, not all of the mapped structures were easily identified in the process and SEH survey crews expended substantially more time than we scoped to collect data on structures that were not easily located. Some of the structures were also not readily accessible to our survey crews and were accessed for GPS data acquisition only through our wetland field staff as part of the wetland Ms. Lori Haak February 7, 2006 Page 3 Supplemental Agreement No. 1 A-CHANH0409.00 mapping. Our original scope assumed that we would not search for buried or paved-over structures, although our crews (survey and wetland staff) erred on the side of getting more complete data for the City, both on City-owned and private properties. 4. Wetland and Ponds System MappinglMnRAM. Additional wetland MnRAM and wetland/pond basin boundary data was collected beyond our original scope/estimate of 400 basins as well as wetland related services for three miscellaneous tasks. These efforts are collectively part of Task 5. A. Our original estimate of 400 basins was based the request of the City in an addendum to the Request for Proposals. We have completed this task with fmal number totaling 516; 116 more than assumed. This total includes the following breakdown and our requested fee amendment: Additional costs we have incurred relate to a per-basin cost for each of the additional features mapped, including mapping of the additional 41 waterway segments after confirmation of the City's request for us to collect these data. The 10 hours is based on 4 hours in the office mapping and 6 hours in the field visiting waterways including Bluff Creek, Riley Creek, grassed swales between storm pond and wetlands and other similar features. A few additional notes on the quality of data collected are listed below for which we are not requesting any additional fees. 1. Our field staff expended significantly more time in the field talking to residents than we assumed would occur. These efforts increase our costs and improve the public relations, but do not have an impact on the quality of the data. Weare not requesting any adjustment for these efforts. 11. The quality of existing data/mapping was much less than we assumed in our original scope. We estimate that over the course of the work, we expended an additional 4 days for 2 person crew, or 64 hours of work beyond our original scope. This represents approximately 10 percent of the original estimated cost of the water feature field mapping effort. We respectfully submit this modification for your review and are available to discuss at your convenience. If you are in agreement with the modifications described herein, please sign both originals and return one original to our offices. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 651.765.2998. Sincerely, CITY OF CHANHASSEN By: Name Ronald B. Leaf, PE Proj ect Manager Title: rb1 Accepted this _ day of , 2006 c: Mike Foertsch, Client Service Manager x:\ae\chanh\040900\adrnin - proj mgmt\invoice cover letters\2006-1-31 supplemental agreement no I.doc