05-11 Transmittal 2-21-06 '" west\NOOd Date: Re: To: From: Items: Purpose: TRANSMITTAL Westwood Professional Services 7699 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 February 20t 2006 MAIN 952.937.5150 FAX 952.937.5822 TOll FREE 1-888.937.5150 E ... A.l wpsOwestwoodps.com www.westwoodps.com Liberty on Bluff Creek File 20021024.0 I-AS ,'{'Jtt" .",' "',i\,'--"~"":_',~~~,'-::::'_~~_- _'~'("":".~~:,?"i ~K:atelfA.anensori.; ",.u~. ........ .~<,.,'''. _,',~.: .... .'" ~.,.;, '. ,..~,;".c.'-___" City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassent MN 55317 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED FEB 2 1 2006 CHANHASSEN PLANNING OEPT Chris Moehrl No Description full sets of the street and utility plans and landscape plans and colored elevations 1 copy of the macro drainage report and micro storm cales 1 application, feet and cover letter 1 Landscape Estimate and Engineer's Estimate 10 full copies of the final plat and 1 IIxI7 and one 200 scale Other (see remarks) 3 Remarks: Kate: Attached is the final plat submission package for the March 13 Council Meeting. Let me know if you need any additional information or need additional copies. Thanks, Chris CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED Delivery: Messenger - Urgent cc: FEB 2 1 2006 FileShawn Siders (1 full of all, 1 IIxI7) CHANHASSEN PLANNING OEPT EST.\BlISHED IN 1.972 TWIN CITIESIMETRO ST. CLOUD BRAINERD