Letter from B Wozney 12-9-05 December 9, 2005 Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District C/o Mr. Bob Obermeyer, District Engineer Barr Engineering Company 4700 W. nth Street Minneapolis, MN 55435-4803 RE: Potential Wetland Impacts for the Lake Susan/Rice Marsh Lake Water Quality Improvement Projects Dear Mr. Obermeyer: This letter serves as BWSR's official determination ofwetJand impacts related to the Lake Susan and Rice Marsh Lake Water Quality Improvement Projects. According to draft project plans presented by Mark Wilson and Bob Obermeyer of Barr Engineering, the District is proposing to treat stormwater runoff by increasing dead storage via bemls and excavation within wetlands. The Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) Rules Chapter 8420.0105 "Scope" section, states"... This chapter regulates excavation...in all wetland types if excavation includes filling or draining or results in conversion to nonwetland." In addition, according to the WCA definition of "project", "...A project may not be split into components or phases for the sole purpose of gaining additional exemptions." Therefore this project as proposed on the attached sheets would require sequencing and full 2:1 mitigation for all combined fill and excavation activities within the wetland boundary above the Ordinary High Water Mark (or for combined activities in their entirety if DNR categorically waives jurisdiction to WCA). Please feel free to contact me with additional questions. r Brad W zn y BWSR Board Conservationist Attachments - Six proposed site plans Cc: Dan Girolamo, BWSR Lynda Peterson, BWSR Joe Vanta, USCOE Julie Ekman, DNR B,'''''~.~i Brilli,,,,,{ D"!,,t!, h".'7"" h"l~ Af.,rs"."! N"II' LI!", R"d,.,!>!.'" 05,,,"1 P.,,,! n17 IlcllIidji .\vcnuc N 217 S 71h Slreet 39.1 S lakc /\vcnuc IOU.' Frunlier Drivc I.IUU E Lyon Sln'cl 261 Highway 15 S 2300 Silm Creek 520 lafayclle Road N IlcllIidji. ,.IN 56601 Snlle 202 RIIII1lI403 Fcrgus Falls. MN 56537 lJox 267 Ncll' Ulm MN 56073 Rllad N E Saini Paul. MN 55155 phonc (2111) 755-.1235 IJraincrd. MN 5[1401 Dnlulh. ~IN 55802 phonc (218) 736.5.U5 Marshall. MN 56258 phonc (507) 359.6074 Rochester. MN 5590lj phonc (651) 296.3767 fax (218) 755..1201 plumc (218) 828-2383 phonc (218) 723.4752 fax (218) 736.7215 phonc (507) 5376060 fax (507) 359-6018 phonc (507) 280-2874 fax (651) 297-%15 fas (2111) 1128-61136 fax (2111) 723.479.1 fas (507) 537.6368 fax (507) 285.7144 Web: www bwsrstate mil us TTY: (800) 627.3529 An equal opportunity employer @ Printed on recycled paper