CIP Excerpt for SWMP-014 . Capital Improvement Program City ofChonhossen, MN 2006 thru 2010 . Project # SWMP-014 Projed Name . Property Acquisition Account # 1 720-0000-4701 Account # 3 Account #2 Description r The City will acquire property in accordance with its Comprehensive and Surface Water Management PlanS. Contact Unassigned Deparbiient Surface Water Management Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Category SWMP Priority nla Total Project Cost $600,000 Justiflcatlon I Properties within the City must be acquired in order to achieve the goals set forth in the Comprehensive and Surface Water Management Plans. 2007 . Expenditures Land AcqulslUon 2006. 2008 100,000 100,000 2009 100,000 100,000 200,000 Total 200,000 Funding Sources Surface Water Utility Fund Total 2006 200,000 200,000 .2007 2008 100,000 100,000 2009 100,000 100;000 OperotiolUllbnpi1ct/Other I Citywide. No map. 2010 200,060 200,000 Total 600,000 600,000 2010 200,000 200,000 Total 600;000 600,000 127